27.17% Reincarnated With Erotica System / Chapter 23: First Fight [Edited]

章 23: First Fight [Edited]

In the bustling pick-up area, carriages of all shapes and sizes were parked in an orderly fashion. Students from the Rivenhall Institute were flooding out of the school gates, chattering and laughing in their groups. Suddenly, a loud banging noise echoed through the air, causing everyone to pause and turn toward the source.


A hulking man with lanky arms was pounding his fists into a dashing fellow's body. The handsome man had his arms crossed defensively over his chest, grimacing in shock and pain as he was launched into the air.

The impact was so fierce that Lucien soared for what felt like an eternity before finally crashing onto the pavement. For a few seconds, the world spun around him as he struggled to regain his footing. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, leaving his heart pounding and his senses heightened.

'Holy fucking shit! What kind of insane power was that? Just one punch and it's already got me flying and staggering? If I hadn't pumped up my STR stat, I'd be a goner!' Lucien cursed under his breath, feeling the dull ache spreading through his arms. He flung them in frustration, hoping to ease the discomfort.

"Davion! What the hell are you doing!?" Charlotte cried out in panic, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief. In one moment, Charlotte was standing next to Lucien, but the next moment, she witnessed him being flung into the air like a rag doll, propelled by the sheer force of Davion's punch.

Even from her position to the side, she could feel the forceful gust of wind that erupted from Davion's punch. She couldn't believe the sheer power that Davion possessed. If she hadn't seen Lucien stand up, she would have assumed that he was dead or seriously injured.

From what she heard, Davion was a rising star at the Academy of Knights despite being only a freshman. While others were still at the beginning of their journey to awaken their bloodline power, Davion, born into a prestigious family, had a head start and had already unlocked his bloodline abilities. His bloodline power not only gave him a formidable physique but also granted him unparalleled strength. And with his bloodline being berserker-related, it was obvious that his attacks were as fierce as a raging beast.

Charlotte's voice boomed across the area as she reprimanded Davion. "Have you gone mad?" she exclaimed. "Do you want to get kicked out of the School of Knights for abusing your power and beating up a civilian?"

She was livid with Davion. As a knight, he was supposed to defend the weak and the helpless. But he had the audacity to attack a harmless civilian, which was beyond her expectations.

As she hurried towards Lucien to help him, the latter surprisingly refused her assistance. "Stay back," he warned. "He's gone berserk."

Just as Lucien cautioned her, she looked over at Davion and saw something alarming - his pupils had turned pure white. He appeared to have lost his mind, unfazed by the chaos he had caused and hell-bent on attacking Lucien once more.

"Then, I'll lend you a hand. Although I just become a mage, I'm stronger than him." Charlotte offered but was denied once again by Lucien. "No, let me handle this one."

"Y-you!" Charlotte looks furious. She couldn't wrap her head around Lucien's confident attitude. Did he really think he was some sort of skilled martial artist?

But then again, Despite having been punched by Davion, Lucien managed to stand on his feet by himself. Charlotte couldn't help but acknowledge his resilience, but it was clear as day that he was still at a disadvantage against Davion's berserker force.

Yet, as the unwavering resolve gleamed in Lucien's eyes, Charlotte couldn't bring herself to intervene. She let out a weary sigh and shot him a piercing glare, silently expressing her exasperation.

"Then go seek death yourself," Charlotte snapped. Despite her harsh words, her gaze remained fixed on Lucien with concern. Her hands were silently clenching, ready to cast a spell in case something went wrong.

"Rest easy, I've got no intentions of meeting the grim reaper today. There's still an unfinished endeavor between us." Lucien quipped, a playful glint in his eye as he gave Charlotte a knowing wink.

Charlotte felt an intense urge to deliver a swift kick to his shin for still daring to joke around, but she hesitated, fearing that she might worsen his injuries. In the end, she settled for a disdainful snort and promptly retreated, putting some distance between them.

Though skepticism lingered in her mind, Charlotte had no choice but to place her trust in Lucien for the time being.


Perhaps because he was such a nerd and introvert who never went on adventures or tried anything that ignited adrenaline, Lucien's heart swelled with pure exhilaration at the mere prospect of his upcoming brawl.

'Who would've thought my first battle would be in Eldridia?'

Being an orphan, Lucien had always been the epitome of a well-mannered gentleman, the kind of guy who would find himself stuck in the dreaded friend zone due to his excessively kind nature. He had never engaged in a fight, nor had he ever dabbled in mischief.

Yet today, for the very first time, he found himself committing a series of misdeeds. From being expelled from class to engaging in passionate outdoor kisses and indulging in passionate moments with a girl he barely knew, and now, joining a brawl, each of these transgressions fueled him with a heady mix of exhilaration and liberation.

With a sly grin stretching across his face, Lucien maintained a stoic silence, swiftly activating his ability the moment Davion lunged toward him.

"Revenge aura," Lucien whispered under his breath.

In an instant, an electric surge coursed through Lucien's body, his muscles tensing and his skin tightening. The air thickened around him, suffused with an almost suffocating pressure, while a faint, dark-red aura enveloped his form, barely perceptible to the naked eye.

As Davion closed the distance between them in a matter of seconds, Lucien assumed a sturdy stance, his mind roaring in anticipation. "Come!" he bellowed within the recesses of his thoughts.

Fully prepared for the impending clash, Lucien could have easily evaded Davion's punch. Yet, the allure of testing his newfound power, the 'Revenge Aura,' proved irresistible. He braced himself as their fists collided, the resulting impact detonating with a thunderous boom, setting the air ablaze. A violent tremor reverberated through Lucien's body, leaving him feeling disconcerted and off-kilter, as though he had been struck by an iron hammer.

Despite the initial shock, Lucien swiftly regained his composure, a triumphant exclamation bursting from his lips. "Bravo!" he proclaimed, channeling a surge of power into his Revenge Aura, reflecting a staggering 40% of Davion's attack.

Before Davion could launch another assault, an unseen force seized him mid-motion, propelling him several meters backward.

Revenge Aura's aspect, Reflection!

Lucien's Avenger ability, though boasting a mere 40% damage reflection rate, proved instrumental in catching his opponent off guard. It was a potent tool, especially against fighters like Davion, whose clouded mind prevented them from recognizing the danger and instead drove them to continue their relentless assault.

Davion, consumed by a primal fury, operated purely on instinct. His senses dulled, his thoughts obscured, he became a vessel for unbridled rage. Unfazed by Lucien's peculiar ability, he charged forward once more, his determination unwavering as he sought to crush his opponent.

"Want more, huh?! Fine, ape, let's see who stands till the bitter end!" Lucien's excitement surged through his veins as he squared off against Davion, meeting his adversary's fist head-on.


The second clash!

Their fists collided with a bone-jarring impact, causing Lucien's body to tremble under the sheer force. A metallic, rusty sensation tinged his throat, yet the exhilaration coursing through his veins drowned out any discomfort. Once more, his Revenge Aura flared to life, deflecting the brunt of Davion's attack.

This time, however, something was different. Davion's pupils dilated, a sign that consciousness was gradually returning. Yet, the feral fury still held him in its grip, and he unleashed a deafening roar, driven by an almost uncontrollable urge to pummel Lucien into submission.

Davion's furious roar reverberated through the air, his clenched fist propelled forward with an intensity that mirrored the untamed fire burning within him. "I've known her since we were children!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with an indescribable emotion.

In a stunning display of power, Lucien felt his physique surge with newfound strength, courtesy of his temporary enhancement, 'Vengeful Retribution.' No longer plagued by the intense tremors of their earlier clashes, he seized the opportunity to respond to Davion's emotional outburst. "What are you talking about?" he asked, his confusion evident.

Undeterred, Davion halted briefly before launching another punch, his voice dripping with resentment. "I have watched over her since we were children," he growled, his words oozing with possessiveness. "I cared for her, nurtured her as if she were my own wife. I never dared to even hold her delicate hand, fearing that I might cause her harm. And yet, a random scoundrel dares to slap her ass, and she acts as if it means nothing?!"

"It should have been me! It should have been me!" Davion's madman-like roar pierced the air, reverberating with his distorted desires. Charlotte, observing the unfolding spectacle from the sidelines, experienced a mixture of horror and rage. She had never fathomed that Davion harbored such twisted thoughts about her for so long. However, this revelation exposed his true nature, and she was relieved that she had discovered it early on.

"You're delusional," Lucien retorted, his voice laced with disdain.




With each passing moment, the battle between the two fighters escalated in intensity. Davion's punches grew weaker as the fight wore on, while Lucien seemed to draw strength from each blow he absorbed. Additionally, his Bloodthirst ability enabled him to heal the injuries inflicted upon him.

Bloodthirst, Vengeful Retribution, Revenge Aura—the full extent of Lucien's formidable arsenal was pushed to its absolute limits.

Their fists collided, producing a resounding echo of flesh meeting flesh that reverberated throughout the surrounding area. Charlotte watched with bated breath, caught in the tension of uncertainty. In that moment, time itself seemed to slow, the world fading away to leave only the two combatants locked in their desperate struggle.

Though seemingly outmatched, Davion refused to yield, launching his attacks with an intensity bordering on madness. Lucien, ever composed and collected, effortlessly evaded and countered with surgical precision.

As the fight raged on, it became increasingly evident that Lucien held the upper hand. His strikes grew more potent, and he seemed to anticipate Davion's every move. Yet, despite the mounting odds, Davion remained resolute, his determination unyielding, his thirst for victory unwavering.

The clash reached its zenith as both warriors unleashed their full potential. Lucien, his physical capabilities pushed to their very limits, propelled his fist forward with blistering speed, tearing through the air and leaving a trail of shredded flesh in its wake.

The impact landed squarely on Davion's abdomen, propelling him through the air like a human projectile. The sheer force of the blow generated a shockwave that reverberated across the battlefield, eliciting gasps of both awe and terror from the mesmerized onlookers.

Without missing a beat, Lucien seized the opportunity to deliver the finishing blow, preparing to strike Davion's chin with a final, decisive blow. But before his leg could complete its trajectory, a sudden rush of wind caught his attention. He turned his head, only to find a broad palm slamming against his shoulder, forcefully halting his intended action. The abrupt interruption startled Lucien, his eyes widening as he gazed at the unexpected intruder.

"Hey, ease up a bit, will ya? The poor dude's already out cold. What more do you want?" a deep, resonant voice spoke, dripping with authority and an air of enigmatic wisdom.

next chapter
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    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
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    • 世界の背景

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    Stone -- 推薦チケット
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