94.82% Reincarnated in Naruto, Yeah Naruto / Chapter 55: Insane Progress

章 55: Insane Progress

[1 More Week Has Passed.]

It's been about two weeks since I started my non-stop training. In those two weeks, I developed a Fuinjutsu seal that's a stand-in for weights. I thought that my physical routine was not intense anymore compared to when I first transmigrated here

But now, these seals can make my physical training a bit more exciting. I put one seal on each of the wrists and ankles

These weight seals that I made have levels on the amount of weight you intend to add. For example, if you pour chakra amount that of a Genin, the seal gives the signal to you, and this will continue up until you reach the level of a Kage level person's chakra

The development of these seals was easy since I have real weights as a basis for this one. The real weights are good sure, but this one is better because you can control the amount of weight that you want, simply by pouring chakra into it to increase it, or decrease it by getting some chakra back

And another positive discovery about the seals is that I think the amount of weight you can add is infinite. After the level of Kage, you could just freely add more chakra to it and increase your weight. Of course, you need to be strong enough to be able to be comfortable with the seals ever-increasing weight and I'm confident about my skills

And also, it seems that this is a one-of-a-kind seal that Jiraiya said he never thought would see. Is a Fuinjutsu seal capable of storing infinite amounts of chakra? It seems absurd to him, especially since I made it, a kid 'Thinking about it, it is quite hard to disagree with Jiraiya on that one. These seals are quite a creation for a beginner Fuinjutsu. Maybe there's some illogical thing going on here in this world, or is it just me... ' I thought, as a weird feeling passed through my veins for some odd reason. Like it felt... True

That said, the amount of chakra on each of my seals is around the level of the one tail. The one tail is very capable of matching a kage-level person, so this amount of chakra on each of my seals is insanely crazy since I manage to put that amount of chakra into every 4 seals. And still, end up having my chakra full again 'I can finally feel the weights on my body, this will certainly make things more fun for me.' I thought. Though I could still move very fast even with this crazy amount of weight on my body, like really fast

The next thing is about my Sage Body. With the help of Jugo's Bloodline, I was able to store more Nature Chakra in my body, and Nature Chakra had some very favorable effects on me as it increased my chakra volume, as well as its potency. The same goes for Nature Chakra as well. And with two weeks of basically 24/7 meditating with Nature Chakra, my Sage Body has gotten to the point that even Jiraiya forced himself to be in awe of me and my drive to train 'My body feels so relaxed and calm. Is this what Hashirama felt? It truly feels like you're one with nature. It's quite a sensation, maybe even more pleasant than an orgasm, though I don't know about that comparison' I thought

And it's not just my chakra being increased in amount, density, and potency. The Sage Body has given me insane durability and regeneration, and this will keep increasing as I can now able to passively concentrate Nature Chakra into my body, and spread it throughout every cell and molecule in my entire body. It is truly a one-of-a-kind thing to have. And it also increases my Sensory Perception, making me, an already dangerous sensor, more dangerous. This also increases power the way the other two traits were mentioned earlier

Kurama has succumbed to force himself to respect my training. Watching as I increased my strength so much within such a short time was hard to ignore 'This brat... There's something wrong with him. He wasn't this strong before, now even I am forced to give my respects to him' Kurama thought, thinking that I was progressing at an insane amount. No, insane is not enough to describe it. It's too abnormal for any human to have this kind of level up so fast

Jiraiya on the other hand was more surprised this time than last week. What kind of kid did Minato impregnate on Kushina? I mean, Jiraiya knows that being an Uzumaki and Namikaze has its traits, but he didn't think it would be this much! Either that or Naruto was born a monster in the first place. In a good, and just shocking way 'This kid... Am I witnessing the potential next 'Ninja God'? Just, what is this... Well, I certainly will not be left behind. If Naruto makes a name for himself, I will be part of his story! The Legendary Sannin, Jiraiya! The Master of Naruto Uzumaki!' At this rate, it's unknown for Jiraiya to pinpoint how strong will Naruto be once they return to Konoha. It's too hard to guess, but he knows he will be damn strong

And also there's my Bo Staff. I've recently discovered that my Bo Staff is chakra based. Or, in other words, can be infused with chakra. Meaning a more variety of ways to train with my Bo Staff! And since mastering all of the techniques of this weapon from Hiruzen's scrolls, this will be another step up for me that's for sure

For my Ninjutsu, I've mastered the 5 basic elements. Which are Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, and Lighting. From what I could tell, Earth is mostly for defense purposes, water is versatile in any situation, and fire does best mainly being an offensive element. Wind and lightning seem to suit me better. The wind element has even more versatile potential than water, in my opinion. Very deadly in close combat, and long-range! Can be used to defend as well

While lightning can give me a speed boost! It will make me faster in every possible way, and it also provides very dangerous offensive jutsu to work with. So these two are my main elements to use out of the rest. And with my other element, Swift release, combining my lightning element with my still developing Swift release. My speed would be increased yet again!

My Adamantine Chains is pretty much mastered. The only thing I'm not that good at right now is some Genjutsu, though with the help of my Byakusharingan, wouldn't be too much of a hassle to apply genjutsu. It's just that I don't know many genjutsu techniques, though the Itachi one with the crows would be enough for me. But who knows 'Maybe after I return to Konoha. If my Genjutsu skills are still quite low. I might look for Kurenai for help but until then. I'll leave genjutsu aside for now. But that said, I can easily break out of a genjutsu with the help of my eyes. That's a plus'

The only thing I haven't trained until we arrived here in the Land of Waves is my Byakusharingan. Both of my eyes possess Kamui, and I have Amaterasu on my left eye. This is already insane 'Though I feel like there are more abilities in my eye. I just haven't discovered it yet' I thought. I know I have Kamui and Amaterasu, as well as my Susanno. Though I am also curious if I have gained other abilities as well. Such as the Tsukuyomi, Izanami, Izanagi, and maybe even Kotoamatsukami

Izanagi and Izanami I can say that I have. Tsukuyomi and Kotoamatsukami are a bit rough to estimate. I still have to explore with my eyes to find out. And since I can't go blind using my eyes, I can freely use my eyes without anything holding me back. And also, my eyes can be upgraded to the next level, the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan!

It's only a matter of time now before that happens. The way you usually get the EMS is to have a pair of Mangekyo Sharingan and replaced them with someone who also has the Mangekyo Sharingan. This in turn the person replacing their eyes with the other person's sharingan, will be upgraded into the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. Though this probably could only work if you are an Uchiha with Uchiha blood

But my case is different. I wished for my eyes to be upgraded into the basics of the Sharingan, up until the Rinnegan! Regardless of the heritage! Just as I said, it's only a matter of time before that happens

"All of this progress in basically two weeks. This unused potential is simply bonkers to me"

I said. And it's true. All of this unused potential simply bothered me. Naruto could've been more if somebody, anybody, realized his true potential. And also if he was smart. This is so insane that I love it

"This power... So much, and still more to gain in the future. Oh god, don't be power-hungry now. But who wouldn't resist such power? I won't let it go to waste that's for sure"

I mumbled to myself as my eyes filled with this newfound, unforeseeable determination. More than last week that's for sure

There's also the matter of my beautiful, Hinata. I received a letter from her just yesterday. Jiraiya just looked at me with those pervert thoughts running down his mind

The letter was adorable. She expressed how she missed me so much for the past weeks. But what I found surprising is that she mentioned her training. I was quite surprised to learn that Hinata is now under the tutelage of Tsunade, and is now learning Medical Ninjutsu, as well as learning Genjutsu from Kurenai, and also still active in his Taijutsu and Byakugan training 'Wow, since when did this all happen? No offense to my babe, but I never thought she would partake in all of this. Good for her. When I'm back, she'll be all grown up, and I like me a strong woman that's for sure' I thought happily


[One day.]

"Shh! I think I see something!"

"What is it?"


The person pointed his finger forward toward a camp near the river

"You think someone is here with us?"

"I can still see fire there. Someone must be here but is away from their camp. Come on, let's hide near the forest, we will plan an ambush"

The person said as his companion nodded. Both sneakily made their way to the forest

As the two strangers were in position on top of a tree just below the camp, they waited for anyone to come back, and ambush them! Taking everything afterward that they have and stealing the camp for themselves

"This is going to be an easy take! Whoever owns this camp, I feel bad for you. Right?"

The strange man looked to his right to see his companion as he nodded. Agreeing with the person's statements


And just then, his buddy suddenly stopped in his place. Before his body was sliced in half. His body fell down the tree with his body split into two

The other person could only look in horror at the close-up experience that he just saw with his very own eyes

"W-what the hell... "

His voice stuttered in shock and horror as he started to shake with fright. Seeing the blood forming around his poor friend wasn't something he thought he would see today

"You should've never come here"

Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him as he turned around fast! Though he did not see anyone. This made him even more scared

"What's happening?!"

He started to panic. He stayed at the tree and prayed for the love of god that he will come out alive of this predicament


He heard a voice again as he turned to his right, but only to be met by a set of blue eyes. Those eyes penetrated him right to his poor soul, but he later came to his senses as he was about to jump down the tree and run for his life! Only to be met with a kunai piercing his chest, killing him in an instant as he fell down the tree. Landing next to his buddy

"This is like the third time this happened"

I said, jumping down from the tree as I looked at the dead bodies of the intruders

"Yeah, though they don't put up a fight. These are probably just bandits who happened to cross here in the Land of Waves. Though it is quite strange for them to start appearing more and more here"

Jiraiya came out as well and observed the bodies with me

"I understand the choice of going here. The Land of Waves hasn't exactly recovered to the fullest. Unfortunately for them, they ran into us"

I said, ransacking their bodies, and yup. No interesting stuff to take. I quickly made two clones as they took care of the mess

"Now that that's out of the way. I'm thinking about starting my training on my Dojutsu"

I said to Jiraiya who looked at me with very tiring eyes

"Well, I did say that our time here in the Land of Waves would be spent training and mastering techniques that you already know before we go into different territory. So sure, I don't mind. I won't stop you. But don't cause too much ruckus"

Jiraiya said as he sat back down and continued working on his novel. I just nodded at his words as I had a few ideas on how to start my Dojutsu training

"And Pervy Sage. Do you have any intel on the Akatsuki?"

"So you noticed huh"

Jiraiya again was surprised by my analysis

"Well, with you being here all the time. There's no way you're keeping tabs on the Akatsuki unless you have clones or something doing the scouting for you while you are here with me"

"Bingo kid. Though as far as you're concerned, there are no signs of the Akatsuki here in the Land of Waves. We are safe from their appearance"

I nodded at Jiraiya's statement. Going near the river to start my Dojutsu training. The Forest was occupied by my other clones, so the river would do. And besides, I don't mind showing a bit of my power in front of Jiraiya


"Eight Trigrams... "

Hinata concentrated. Maneuvering herself so gracefully into her stance

"... One hundred twenty-eight palms!"

With that, her Byakugan activated as she immediately appeared in front of Neji 'What the?!' Neji thought, surprised at the speed of Hinata as he barely dodged her surprise attack

"How did Hinata-sama appear to have the eight trigrams one hundred twenty-eight palm under control? We've only been training for a week"

Neji muttered under his breath. Just last week, Hinata asked him if he would train her. Neji was surprised about the fact that Hinata asked him to train her. But in the end, he accepted her request

And now here they are. The present-day and she has managed to complete the training that Neji sought her to do 'Her development is very good' Neji thought as he retaliated as well, but only managed to launch eight trigrams sixty-four palms. Though in terms of experience and just overall physical strength, Neji beats her out on this. But that doesn't matter since she learned the eight trigrams one hundred twenty-eight palms! In only a week!

This feat alone hasn't been obtained by Neji yet, which surprises him. And it gave him a new look into Hinata 'When did she acquire this determination?... Perhaps because of Naruto?' Neji thought while both of them clashed. Eight trigrams of sixty-four palms vs one hundred twenty-eight palms. Both looked like they wanted to know the result of this

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

The clash between the two hyugas was fierce. Both aimed to topple the other as their Byakugans menacingly met while they clashed


Both Neji and Hinata outputted so much into their clash that a shockwave was created. Breaking the clash and knocking both of them away

Neji staggered back, his breathing was at a constant pace with a bit of bruise and scars from the clash. But ultimately, he was fine

On the other side of the smoke was Hinata, who had similar injuries to Neji, though he immediately noticed that her chakra was very low. Her heavy breathing indicated that she was utterly exhausted. Her hands clutching her chest, trying to calm her breathing down


Neji immediately went to Hinata's side as she could only let out a smile at him

"I'm a-alright Neji-nii-san"

She muttered as Neji wasn't buying it

"Come on Hinata-sama. You need to rest, you already learned the technique. You have progressed far"

Neji said as he aided Hinata back to her home

Once they were at the Hyuga Manor, Neji dropped her off and said goodbye to her before leaving to do other things

Hinata sat in her room, looking up at the ceiling with a smile still plastered on her face

"Thanks to Neji-nii-san. I was now able to improve my Taijutsu... Naruto-kun. Oh I hope my letter already found its way to you"

Hinata said. Her love for Naruto was pretty much known to the Konoha 12 and their senseis. This was no more of a surprise to them. But for Hinata, it was so much more than love. There's something about the handsome blue-eyed jinchuriki that Hinata just can't get over with 'I will be a different girl when you come back Naruto-kun. Just you wait'.

[Give me ideas! Whether I should change something about the chapter, the story of the future and the MC's powers, etc. It would be amazing to hear all of your thoughts.]

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C55
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


