39.65% Reincarnated in Naruto, Yeah Naruto / Chapter 23: Back to Konoha with an Unexpected Gift

章 23: Back to Konoha with an Unexpected Gift

We finally arrived at Konoha, We encountered some Bandits here and there but they were easy to work.

Naruto: "Ahhh, Village sweet village," I said as I saw Konoha for the first time in about a week and a half

Kakashi: "Ma ma Naruto, You got to get used to being away from the village when you're on missions, That includes you two," Kakashi said as Sakura and Sasuke nodded

After a couple of minutes of walking, We finally arrived at the main gate as we were about to enter but the guards who were patrolling the gate stopped us as I remember those two 'Come to think of it...Nevermind' I thought as Kotetsu if I'm correct came in front of us

Kotetsu: "Kakashi-san, Hokage needs you," He said as Kakashi nodded as he turned to us

Kakashi: "Well you three can go home now, I'll do the reporting stuff," He said as I was about to leave via Body Flicker but not before Kotetsu spoke again

Kotetsu: "Wait, That includes your students as well Kakashi-san," He said as Kakashi was confused

Kakashi: "What does the Hokage want with all of us?" He said as he just shrugged 'Weird, What that old monkey want? A banana?' I thought

Kakashi: "You heard him guys Follow me," He said as me, Sasuke and Sakura followed him to the Hokage office.

After arriving at the office I saw that grin of that monkey that didn't go unnoticed by the others as well 'Why is he grinning like that, I think he's up to something and I don't like it' I thought

Third Hokage: "Ahh team 7 your back, Was the mission successful?" He said

Kakashi: "Yes Hokage-sama, The mission was a success," Kakashi said as Hiruzen nodded

Third Hokage: "Very well, Oh and also Kurenai invited all of you at Yakiniku Q for a bite," Sarutobi said as we were surprised 'Wait how did they know that we were arriving today?' I thought as Kakashi accepted the offer and we went there

Naruto: "Now that I think about it, I could use some food," I said as Sakura and Sasuke nodded

After a while, We arrived at the restaurant as we saw team 10 with Ino, Choji, Shikamaru, And Asuma as they noticed us Ino greeted me and Talked to Sakura as they were fighting about Sasuke like always

Shikamaru: "Oy Naruto," Shika said as Choji also greeted me

Naruto: "What's up Ino, Shika, Choji, and Asuma sensei," I said as we continued to talk

Kakashi: "You were invited as well?" Asked Kakashi as Asuma nodded

Kakashi: "Let's go inside then, They're probably waiting for us" Kakashi as team 10 nodded as we went inside the restaurant as we saw team 8

Kurenai: "Here guys!" She said as team 10 found a spot as they got settled in as we were about to as well but not before.

Hinata: "Naruto-Kun!" Said Hinata as she ran up to me and hug me hard as I fell on the floor butt first as Hinata still hugging ms was crying as I caressed her hair to try to calm her down as all of them looked at us but I didn't care in the slightest

Naruto: "There there," I said as I continue to stroke her smooth, Silky blue hair as she calmed but still sobbing a bit as she still hugged me

Meanwhile with the others

Ino: "Why's Hinata crying? Why did she hug Naruto?" She said as Sakura nodded

Kurenai: "Well when we haven't seen you in a few days Hinata got worried so we asked the Hokage about it and he told us your situation as Hinata cried worried for Naruto," She said as Team 10 and 7 listened as they turned their attention back to the two lovebirds as Sakura and Ino giggled seeing me stroking her hair and calming her down

Sakura: "They're so cute together" Sakura giggled as Ino agreed

After a while of trying to get Hinata to stop crying, She calmed down a bit but after not before she fell

asleep on my shoulders as she got tired of crying

'I told you that I am a good boyfriend!' I thought as Kurama just *puffed* at me. :|

Naruto: "Why's she crying," I asked for some answers as Kurenai told me the truth 'I am truly a bad boyfriend, I made her cry :[' I thought as Kurama just chuckled as I stood up carrying Hinata bridal- style as I found a spot to seat as I got there still carrying Hinata as I laid her in my lap as her head was resting peacefully at my shoulders as all of us ordered.

By the time the meal arrived, Hinata woke up as she remembered that he hugged me as she blushed

Naruto: "Your awake Hinata-chan," I said as she yelps in surprise as she turned her head towards me as she was trembling with embarrassment as she was sitting in my lap

Naruto: "Pls don't faint on me now Hinata-chan, I missed your pretty face" I reassured her as she blushed and nodded as the food arrived

Naruto: "Here, I'll feed you," I said as I picked up my chopstick and got a nice portion of food

Naruto: "Come on Hinata-chan say ahh," I said as everyone laughed at my actions and Hinata was hiding her face to them as she blushed

Naruto: "You don't have to hide your face Hinata-chan, I'm here," I said as she turned her head slightly to come face to face with me as I fed her and she accepted and everyone just giggled 'Ahh being a good boyfriend feels good' I thought as I kept feeding Hinata as everyone was enjoying theirs as well

After we've finished eating team 10 were the first to leave for reasons that I don't know, Now it's only me, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, and team 8

Kakashi: "It's getting pretty late and my cute little students were still tired from the mission so we got to go if you don't mind," Kakashi said as Kurenai understood as I stood up and let Hinata sit as I was about to leave when she tackled me from behind

Naruto: "Hinata-chan? What's wrong" I said as she didn't even listen as she just hugged me behind as she put her legs over my stomach to let her cling herself to me

Sakura: "They're that close Kurenai-sensei?" Said Sakura as Kurenai nodded

Kurenai: "Way back we're those two were still in the academy," She said

Kakashi: "I guess we'll leave Naruto and Hinata for now," He said to Kurenai as she nodded

Kurenai: "Come on Kiba and Shino," She said to them as Shino oblige but Kiba complained but not before Kurenai glared at him as he nodded and they went outside

Naruto: "Hey!" I called out to them as they ignored me 'Wait did they set this up?' I thought as Hinata was still hugging me from behind

Naruto: "Hey Hinata-chan wanna come to my apartment?" I said as she blushed a crimson red 'Me and Naruto-Kun all alone in his apartment..' Thought Hinata as she nodded

After a while, we arrived at my apartment 'Hopefully she doesn't think that we're doing it...for now' I thought as I entered my apartment

Naruto: "Hinata-chan could you please let me shower," I said as she complained but nodded as I placed her in my bed 'Shit why did I put her in the bed, Now she thinks we're gonna do it' I thought as I made my to the shower

With Hinata

Hinata: "Naruto-kuns bed," She said softly as she laid down on my bed sniffing every inch of it

Hinata: "So heavenly" Muttered Hinata as he enjoyed my scent as she continued to relax on my bed

Back with Naruto

After I finished a nice cold shower I got my towel and put it on my waist to cover Hinata's desire as I exited the shower as I saw Hinata laying on my bed 'I knew it' I thought as I approached her

Naruto: "Hey Hinata-chan" I whispered as I heard an 'eep' as she turned her head to me as she blushed at I was shirtless as her eyes explored everything in my body 'Gahhh! I'm not ready yet, Hey Kyuubi got any advice?' I asked him as he just said do it with her 'No, Not yet' I thought

Naruto: "Can you um maybe leave for a moment I have to get dressed" I said as she was still looking at my buffed but not too buffed body as I think I saw her drooling

Hinata: "P-pls let m-me stay Naruto-kun, I d-don't want to l-leave yet, I-i p-promise i-i'll cover m-my eyes," She said 'I Just know she'll use Byakugan' I thought

Naruto: "Well if that's what you want Hinata~chan" I teased her as she blushed harder as I went to my closet as I was about to let the towel fall of my waist 'This is such a bad idea, I hope she doesn't break anytime soon, Damn you Kyuubi!' I thought as I dropped the towel as I heard a gasp as I turned around facing Hinata as I heard her yelp

Naruto: "Hinata? What's wrong" I said 'Kyuubi stop playing with my hormones!' I thought as I was naked in front of Hinata as she closed her eyes, At least I hope

Hinata: "Y-yes i-im o-okay!" She said

Naruto: "Okay then," I said as I went back to my closet

Meanwhile with Hinata

Hinata: 'No don't look at him Hinata! Control yourself! This is not the time to be doing that!' She thought as she continued to watch me with her Byakugan.

After some time I finished

Naruto: "I'm finished Hinata-chan," I said as she removed her hands from her face as I saw her blush

Naruto: "It's getting late, Come on I'll walk you home," I said as she nodded as we went outside with silence

As we arrived at the front gate of the Hyuga I said to her

Naruto: "Here we are, Sorry if I worried you, I'll try to inform you when we are going out of the Village for a mission," I said with a smile as Hinata can't take it anymore as she kissed me in the lips which shocked me as her hands were wrapped at my neck

Kurama: "Sorry brat but this is what you get," Kurama said as he messed with my sexual hormones 'I'll get you back for this' i thought as I wrapped my arms around her waist as I kissed her back as Hinata was expecting this so she deepened the kiss as I slipped my tongue inside as she moaned in my mouth as Hinata accepted it as my tongue entered her mouth as I played with it Fortunately, No one was watching

After a while of inexperienced make-out-session, We broke the kiss as we were out of breathed as I looked at her

Naruto: "You planned all of this right Hinata-chan?" I said as she nodded as I let go of her as I whispered into her ear

Naruto: "Maybe next time, I'll give something bigger than this" I whispered seductively as I looked at her

Naruto: "Now go on home, Your father is probably worried," I said as I kissed her one last time as she ran

Naruto: "Now time for your punishment Kyuubi" I muttered angrily as he just chuckled

Kurama: "HAHAHA YOU THINK YOU CAN DO IT AGAIN TO ME? HAHA I WAS PREPARED FOR THIS" He said with a hint of confidence

Naruto: "Hehehe we shall see," I said as I made it back to my apartment

[P.O.V Hinata]

After I was inside the compound I could help but squeal

Hinata: "I couldn't believe it, I kissed Naruto-kun and he kissed me back!" I squealed again 'But I want more than that' I thought as I made it back to our home as I went to my room thinking about Naruto-Kun's big shaft as I fell asleep.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


