64.82% Reincarnated in my own Douluo Dalu Fanfiction?! / Chapter 198: It's called cheating!

章 198: It's called cheating!

Looking at the rewards Xuan Yan's heart brimmed with delight, and an immense smile spread across his face. He held onto Long Yeyue's waist as she stumbled into his arms, tightening his embrace with excitement."Yue'errrrr!!!"

Caught off guard by his sudden enthusiasm, Long Yeyue's brows lifted in surprise. "Husband?" Ah! Before she could react, he effortlessly lifted her off and began to spin "Haha!"

The sight of his infectious laughter caused Long Yeyue's own lips to curl into a fond smile. She chuckled and her hands found themselves around his neck. She doesn't know what happened, but her husband looks so happy.

[Master, you seem so happy! *chuckle*] Ciel also chuckled seeing her Master's sudden outburst of emotions.

'I fucking love you Ciel!'

[Ahhhhh! Master, I love fucking you too. I mean, I fucking love you too...Hehe. But I will love being fucked by you.]

Xuan Yan continued laughing hearing the pervert Ciel's naughty and dirty words.

Moments later their mirthful dance transformed, their gazes locked in an intimate exchange. His lips were sealed by Long Yeyue and he stopped spinning as he kissed her back. His fingers traced her neckline as if seeking to draw her closer.

Long Yeyue was also submerged in the passion as her tongue grazed into his mouth. Xuan Yan sucked on her tongue as Long Yeyue tasted his sweet saliva eliciting a soft, shared sound. *slurp*

*haah* Long Yeyue pulled back her lips and again looked at Xuan Yan's devilish face with a burning gaze. She bit her lips as she rubbed her body against him "Husband, hold me tighter!"

Xuan Yan smiled and his hands grabbed her ass as his fingers sank into those supple softness and began to fondle them spreading those ass cheeks.

"Haangh~! Y-Yes...Husband..." Long Yeyue whined in his arms. Seeing the lust bursting in her eyes, Xuan Yan leaned in and whispered "Wife, not now, Be ready tonight. I will fuck your mind off."

He hummed and licked her ear. Hearing the devil's whisper and his wet tongue grazing her ear, she shriveled and nodded "Yes, my lord!"

Long Yeyue sensed two people coming near them and smiled. Xuan Yan's hair and eye color also changed. She gently placed her lips against Xuan Yan's lips.


"Litt- huh? Bo Saixi was shocked to see a woman kissing Xuan Yan. She still can't see his face as he is showing his back to her.

But more importantly, her gaze frowned deeply looking at the woman who is closing her eyes and kissing him. She is the one I felt the presence of?

She can actually feel it. The level 99 Limit Douluo cultivation. But what is this feeling? Why does she look more powerful than me, even though we are in the same cultivation realm?

It was true that she didn't come to the mainland in many years. But she still would get some information regarding the mainland.

And such a terrifying woman has appeared. Why she doesn't know about this? And the woman looks so younger than herself and much more powerful.

Seeing them kissing, she was sure that she was his woman. Just who is he? First, this red-haired woman, who has reached level 97 at this age, and now this purple-blue-haired woman. Did she also appear out of nowhere just like this red-haired woman?

*shreik* Her body suddenly shook as Long Yeyue retracted the kiss and opened her eyes. Feeling the piercing gaze of the heterochromia eyes, Bo Saixi was startled. Did she see through my disguise?

Long Yeyue's eyebrows frowned glancing at the brown haired woman "Husband, She is the one you are talking about?" Xuan Yan already said that he was searching for Dark Spirit Masters with a woman.

Xuan Yan raised his hand and a mask appeared in his hand. he placed it on his face and turned back. "Yeah, she is the one!"

Ma Xiaotao smiled "Sister Yue, you are also here?" Long Yeyue smiled back and nodded her head.

Bo Saixi's stiffened body relaxed. It seems like she didn't find out. Safe! her eyes fell on the ring on her finger. This is really a great artifact.

Xuan Yan looked at Ma Xiaotao "Sister Tao, have you killed them?" Ma Xiaotao nodded her head "Yes, Brother Lord, but this woman ran towards here saying you are in danger."

Actually, Bo Saixi was protected by Ma Xiaotao and she was killing all the Dark Spirit Masters. In the meantime, Bo Saixi kept her eyes on the center of the forest where Xuan Yan is headed.

Even though she can't clearly see through because of the dense mist, she can still sense the energy fluctuations in the area.

At first, everything was going alright as Xuan Yan slayed all those Dark Spirit Masters. A little later she sensed huge Dark energy power and at that time she was terrified that Xuan Yan might be in danger because of the Super Douluo and thought of rushing to help him.

But in the next instant, she felt the powerful dark energy suddenly disappear. But at the same time, she felt another presence, a power greater than Super Douluo. A limit Douluo of level 99.

So she hastily rushed here with Ma Xiaotao. But seeing the situation, she was...totally dumbfounded.


Xuan Yan glimpsed at Bo Saixi and chuckled "It seems like you are so worried about me."

Bo Saixi let out a wry sigh "Of course, I am worried. But still, kissing among all these corpses is..." Xuan Yan and Long Yeyue chuckled upon hearing this.

Ma Xiaotao flicked her finger and the reddish-golden flames began to burn all the bodies and they evaporated into nothingness.

Bo Saixi's gaze fell on the huge altar at the back "What is that altar?" Xuan Yan turned back "The Dark Spirit Masters are sacrificing the spirit beast's blood and human blood for this altar."

Bo Saixi frowned as she felt a different kind of energy fluctuation in the altar. What is this energy?

Long Yeyue who is already familiar with the energy because of Xuan Yan asked "Space element?"

Xuan Yan gave a nod "Yes, wife!" Bo Saixi walked forward "Space element? What is their plan?"

Xuan Yan sighed hearing this "Who knows? But one thing is sure, this is getting problematic." Now is not the time to deal with that continent.

He said and eyed Long Yeyue. She nodded and clasped her palm *crack* *boom* the altar blasted into million pieces.

Xuan Yan stretched his hand "Now it's over I guess! Hah!" then he glanced at the others "Shall we leave?"

The others gave a nod and soon they began to walk out of the forest. As they walked away, a white flame burned the spirit beasts' corpses and dried the blood.

I need to talk about some things with Dong'er. Xuan Yan thought as he walked along with Long Yeyue and Ma Xiaotao.

At the same time, Bo Saixi was also consumed in her thought making some decisions as she looked at Long Yeyue and Ma Xiaortao happily chatting with Xuan Yan.

There are so many things going on in her mind. Xuan Yan is already a genius himself and beside him, he has two powerful women. And one of them is Limit Douluo...a dangerous entity.

He has seen and spent time with him. So she knew he has a good character...in the future if he ever decided to world domination. It is over! That woman, she is...scary.

She can fight and win against Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen at the same time if it was at Sea. But she was not sure she can do that against this woman.

*sigh* She sighed heavily in her conflicting emotions. Her eyes then fell on Xuan Yan chuckling and teasing his wives.

It felt kinda weird as she looked at the other two beautiful women walking alongside him. He is always with her these past months and always paid attention to her.

But now he is not looking at her, it is bugging her and it feels...strange. What is this feeling?

She looked at her hand, 'He held my hand when we entered the forest for my protection. But now...'

*grab* "Ah! I forgot you are a weak woman, I have to hold your hand, or else you would get lost."

She was surprised seeing this "Little Yan?" and she saw his other women who are unbothered by this. A chuckle left her lips hearing his teasing "I am not weak, you rogue!"

Long Yeyue and Ma Xiaotao laughed as they felt a similar dynamic they felt with him with Liu Erlong.


Bo Saixi is sitting on a bench in the park near the hotel they are staying in *tap* "What are you doing here at night?"

She turned her head with a smile "Little Yan...I was here to catch some fresh air." Xuan Yan sat beside her and chuckled "Have you caught it?"

Bo Saixi giggled "Where are your two wives?" Xuan Yan spoke, "They are in my room." Bo Saixi nodded and looked deep into his eyes "Little Yan why are you not showing me your face?"

"Are you curious?" Xuan Yan asked and Bo Saixi nodded "I am very curious!"

"I was just afraid that you might fall in love with me if I showed you my face." Xuan Yan said teasingly.

"Bah, Narcisstic!" This brought a smile to Bo Saixi's lips. Xuan Yan looked at her black eyes "Have you loved anyone in your life?"

The question surprised Bo Saixi "Hm? Me? well yeah..." she answered. "Oh? I wonder who he is and where is he right now?"

Bo Saixi vehemently sighed upon hearing this "He loved me too. But because of my words, he left."

"I told him a 'thing', but he took it as a challenge and said that he would only see my face after he accomplished it."

Xuan Yan smiled "You are hiding what you said, huh? well, do you know what he is doing right now?"

Bo Saixi lightly shook her head "It's been so many years since I last heard about him. And now he is missing."

Xuan Yan smirked in his mind and asked a twisted question "Do you still think he is thinking about you and waiting for you?"

Bo Saixi showed a gentle smile "Yeah and I am waiting for him too."

"It's been so many years you say and you haven't seen him. How are you so sure that he never saw any other woman and had kids with her? He might have already moved on."

Bo Saixi frowned hearing this "What are yo-*gasp* her eyes widened in huge shock realising a thing. It was true that Tang Chen married another woman from his clan.

He had two sons and even two grandsons. Tang Xiao and Tang Hao. She also heard that one of his grandsons Tang Hao became the youngest Titled Douluo at that time.

Bo Saixi trembled in her seat "H-He married another woman and had k-kids with her."

Xuan Yan was surprised "Eh? Really? Then he must have told you about her, right?"

Bo Saixi shook her head "N-No, he never told me. I gained information from other sources."

Xuan Yan was hella surprised "It is not bad to have many women. Even I have many women but each one of them know that I have many wives and they are fine with it."

"It is not wrong to have many women. But when you have a wife and you are loving another woman without telling her, that's called an affair."

"It's like loving another woman behind the back. It's cheating!"


I hope you guys like this chapter!


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C198
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


