7.69% Reincarnated in Hajime No Ippo / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Hope
Reincarnated in Hajime No Ippo Reincarnated in Hajime No Ippo original

Reincarnated in Hajime No Ippo

作者: TruckkunJr

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1 - Hope

My name is Kenta Tachibana, 28 years old and I'm just a normal guy... Yeah, nothing really to say but I'm average in every way. You would expect me to be at least good-looking or have some sort of talent for being a fanfic protagonist but no, like I said. I'm just an ordinary person.

For example, If I was in a crowd full of people you wouldn't even know I was there because I would blend in with them. That is how average and normal I was. I didn't have nothing that could catch any wondering eyes coming to me. Probably why I never had a girlfriend Hahahaha....

Anyways, currently I'm stand in a dome of darkness with a blinding yellow light opposite me. You might ask how I came to be in this situation? Well I died... And before anyone comments "Truck-kun Striked once again!" or something. Sadly, I died from slipping by water and hitting my head on the counter... I know, kind of horrible that I didn't get killed by something cliché like Truck-kun or his off-springs like his well-known son, TruckkunJr.

Also don't act like you wasn't going to type that instantly that I said it. I could already hear the tapping, clicking of people texting or typing on their Phones, PC or tablets.

???: "Ahem! Young man, I'm speaking here!"Interuppting my inner monologue, the yellow ball vibrated in anger.

Kenta: "Sorry, I was speaking to myself. Carry on." Shaking it off, gestured him to proceed with what he was saying.

???: "*Sigh* Such an ungrateful Youth... Why can't I just snap him out of existence like the rest of them. " uttering under his breath with demise. I heard again from him.

???: "The quicker we get over this, the faster I can go back to sleeping peacefully. So I'll give you the summary. I'm God and I've seen your life and have decided that I shall bestow you two wishes. Also a separate one wish about what world you want to go to, Appearance and voice." Impatiently speaking these words. I couldn't but be left with a mouth open with shock.

Calming my nerve. Not wanting to waste time, I thought for a couple of minutes and finally came up with my decision.

Kenta: "Before I do my wishes I want to go to the Hajime no Ippo world, Appearance to be very handsome with Blonde hair and Emerald eyes, also can't forget the main topic, an 8 inch dong with 3 inch girth. As for my voice, I would love to have Levi's voice from Attack on titan." Barely holding back my excitement, The Yellow light God nodded his head.

Kenta: "Now for the wishes... First wish I would like a System around boxing and as for my Second wish, i want to be Reincarnated Two year's before Canon to be prepared." Again nodding to my request, the yellow light God voiced again to my delight.

Yellow Light God: "If that is all I wish you the best of luck on your journey young man."

As he said this, he vibrated more strongly than before and suddenly, my sight flashed a blinding light, covering my none existent eyes, it stopped soon after 20 seconds.

Kenta: "He could of warned me before he did that." Groaning, I shaked my head in pain from the flash of light.

Opening my eyes, my vision met a ceiling. A very bland one at that. Moving to sit up, I was on the edge of the bed scanning around the room I was in. From the layout, I can tell it was an apartment. A kitchen near the door on the left hand side and probably the bathroom on the right side. Double bed is on the right facing the sliding glass door to a balcony. TV in corner and desk on the side with cabinet.

Kenta: "Guess I'm on my own from the seems of things again. *sigh*" Standing up, I inspected the room somewhat sad from having no family like in my past life and while I did, their was a note on bedside table.

- Hope you enjoy your new life. And, to get access to your new system just say Status. -

- Sincerely, God.

Reading the note, I thanked the yellow light god in my mind. Scrunching up the paper and throwing it in the trash bin near my TV in the corner. I said with expectation.

Kenta: " Status." Straight away saying this, a Blue box caught me by surprise.

[Welcome Host to The Boxing System]

[Transferring Memories To Host]

Seeing this immediately, a mind boggling amount of memories hurried through my brain. Clutching my mind, I groaned for almost 10 minutes straight before it went away slowly.

Taking my hand away from my head, I regained my senses and looked through my past memories.

Kenta: "Well that's something. Hahahaha!" Laughing at what I saw, I understood why the past me did what he did.

Losing his parents from the young age of 6, The Past Kenta took it very emotional and grew up to become a rebel for the sole reason that he was trying to run away from the reality of his parents dying by a car crash. And because of their absence and being Half-American and Half-Japenese. The unfortunate Kenta was put in the orphanage where he was bullied ever single because of his heritage. In the end, he went into the world of crime. Stealing and even getting a tattoo at the age of 14, illegally. At the moment Kenta was transferred to Shiritsu Zoshirushi High school where Ippo

Putting my hand threw my hair, I went to the bathroom. Opening the door and looking at myself in the mirror, I touched my face with a shit-eating grin.

(Image will be here if you want to see what he looks like)

In the refection of the mirror was a tall, decently long blonde hair and emerald eye male. With his top off, you can see some muscle which was clearly shown by his four pack on show and slight chiseled chest.

Kenta: "Not bad. I'm looking kinda bad, won't lie." Speaking egotistical with the right to remind you. I opened my shorts and if someone could see, my already wide smile became even bigger and wider almost animatedly.

Kenta: "I can see why women prefer bigger men." Putting my trousers back where it was, I said again. "Status."


Name: Kenta Tachibana

Age: 14

Affiliations: None

Titles: None

Style: None

Ranking (Boxing) -

5-10 (Middle Schooler)

10-15 (High Schooler)

15-20 (Adult)

20-30 (Training)

30-40 (Amateur Boxer)

40-50 (Experienced Boxer)

50-60 (Professional Boxer)

60-65 (All-Star Boxer)

65-75 (Superstar Boxer)

75-90 (Hall of Fame Boxer)

90-100 (???)

{This doesn't apply for Charisma. Charisma is out of 50 because it's all about Leadership similar to being a trainer, Looks and how you come across.}

Charisma ranking -

0-10(Below Average)


20-30 (Above Average)

30-40 (Very Charismatic)

40-50 (God-Level Charisma)

{Need help with Charisma ranking.}

Strength: 23 (Training)

Speed: 21 (Adult)

Stamina: 16 (Adult)

Durability: 21 (Training)

Intelligence: 12 (High Schooler)

Charisma: 45 (God-Level Charisma)

Talent: 20 (Max)

Talent Ranking -

1-5 (Common)

5-10 (Rare)

10-15 (Epic)

15-19 (Legendary)

20 (Max)

Skills - Currently None


Kenta: "Sounds about right for a delinquent and thug." Nodding my head, I went to the TV and turned it.

Kenta: "9:23am, Perfect! Let's see what I can do." Grabbing some clothes. I picked out a Black sleeveless t-shirt, Jacket, red sport shoes, loose black trousers and even though I don't have no sentimental value to the necklace. I wore a Necklace with a cross on it which the past Kenta was given from his mother at a young age.

(Third Person)

Locking the door, Kenta walked out of the apartment block onto the streets. Breathing a lungful of air, Kenta face turned into a relaxed smile while walking down the road to the nearest park. Putting his hand on his chin, Kenta began to think out loud.

Kenta: "If I want to keep up with Talents such Miyata, Ippo, Mashida, Sendo and Volg. I've gotta practice until I feel my muscle scream with agony even if I have talent on par with them maybe higher." Stopping to a halt, Kenta gripped his fish Infront of his face with dedication. He didn't want everything to be the same lack before.

People like Date, Ricardo in Kenta opinion are like the final bosses for the belts. So at this point, he wasn't focused on them. He wanted to partake in the Rookie King tournament than when he wins, the All Rookie King Tournament. To him, if you didn't have the utmost confidence with yourself as a boxer than why be a boxer when you have a bad opinion of your skills.

Nevermind this, Kenta finally arrived at the park and everything he needed was their. Monkey bars, posts and trees which can be used as a practice bag.

Kenta: "Let's get this party on the road, why don't we." Cracking his neck, he took off his jacket and put it on the floor.

Jogging on the spot for an hour straight, Kenta after 30 minutes could already feel the pain but that didn't stop him but did the opposite. Ramped up the difficulty and started to run for that last 30 minutes.

Kneeling down on the ground, Kenta was breathing deeply while struggling to even get some in because of his burning lungs. Taking a minutes of painful breathing, Kenta went into a plank position.

Kenta: "I'm....Hah...Not.... Giving up..Hah...Yet..." Trying to squeeze out these words, Kenta proceed to barely last 10 minutes in the Plank position.

Getting it over with, Kenta fell face first on the ground. Groaning, Kenta rested for another break but this time, 2 minutes. When it came, Kenta's body shook in agony while getting up but in the end his will power drove him to stand up and continue onwards.

Grabbing the monkey bars, Kenta pulled himself up and back down. His plan was for him to do 50 Pull-ups and than go onwards to do sit ups than press-ups.

Luckily, Kenta was able to do the 50 Pull-ups after 10 minutes off a agonizing moderate pace. After this, Kenta went onto do his 50 press ups and sit ups in 25 minutes.

Laying their after his press ups and sit ups. Kenta sat up groggily and rested for 5 minutes until he went back on his feet but this time to do shadow boxing. So standing up, right leg Infront slightly and left at the back, Kenta was in his usual Southpaw stance.

*fwoosh* *fwoosh* *fwoosh*

Sound of his jabs going threw the air entered in his ear and after a couple of jabs, an all too familiar box appeared.

[Jabs - 1/100 (0/40xp)]

{A/N: Ranked in the same way as the stats}

Seeing this, Kenta jabbed once and notice it going up by 2 at a time. Carrying this on, Kenta decided to put in some combos with hooks, uppercuts and straights. And just like as the Jab, the uppercut and Hook popped up as a notification.

[Hook - 1/100 (0/40xp)]

[Uppercut - 1/100 (0/40xp)]

[Straight - 1/100 (0/40xp)]

Adjusting his stance after his new skills was at level 4, Kenta stayed in his usual Southpaw stance but this time, loosened up his muscles and gave slight hops. What Kenta was planning to add was the Southpaw stance while also including out-boxing. In the end, time went past but Kenta got the hang of it and like he wanted, the stance was fabulous for his style.

*fwoosh* *fwoosh*

Jabbing with his left hand with some speed, Kenta carried on with a straight creating a louder sound from the air. Changing the straight with a hook or uppercut. Kenta went along with shadow boxing for an hour.

When the hour came, Kenta for the rest of the day did some shadow boxing and exercises until it went dark. Sitting on the park bench, Kenta was drenched in sweat and without no top. Head looking at the stars, Kenta's chest was moving fast to show that he was breathing in a lot of air.

Gazing at the stars with a relaxed expression, he stayed their looking at the night sky until he was interuppted by a cough.

???: "Ahem."

Cranking his head forward, Kenta saw a girl around his age with long onyx locks to her chest and black eyes. Kenta raised an eyebrow and asked her.

Kenta: "Sorry? But did you want something?" Calming his breathing somewhat, he ask the girl politely.

Shaking her head, she sat down next to him and had a bottle of water in her hand gesturing to him to take.

???: "No, I just saw you was shadow boxing and doing some exercises. So, I thought you needed something to refresh yourself. Here." Tilting her head to him cutely. Kenta took the bottle of water and smiled at her slightly.

Kenta: "Thanks. I really needed it." Gulping the water down, The girl looked at Kenta drink with a small blush from his thanks and smile.

Breathing out a content sigh, Kenta and the dark haired girl was in silence. Becoming quite awkward after time, Kenta looked at her and asked curiously.

Kenta: "You seem to know a lot about boxing. Only someone that has saw training would know what shadow boxing is." Caught by surprised, the girl twirled her index finger with her black locks.

???: "My family has a long history of boxing. My dad was a professional boxer and my brother is currently undergoing training to become one just like him. So these kind of things come along with the family." Giggling at the end, she looked at him again with a tender smile.

Hearing the sound of her giggles, Kenta found it very cute and adorable. Both turning back to loo upon the stars, Kenta took sometime to finally acknowledge what she had said. Brother? And father, Boxers? It sound very suspicious like an all too familiar black haired Counter boxer. But Kenta though he didn't have any siblings.

???: "This time let me ask you a question. I see you training to become a boxer. Why is that?" Looking into his eyes like she was trying to find the smallest detail. Kenta laughed which caused her to raise an eyebrow.

Kenta: "You could say an ordinary life wasn't for me really. Since my parents died 8 years ago, I turned into a delinquent and commited crime after crime to slowly escape these impending emotions. Why do you think I have this bad boy on my arm." Expressing his in a saddening tone, the girls eyes softened and apologized to him in a low tone.

???: "I'm sorry. I didn't know it would bring back bad memories." seeing her mood become depression because of his emotional words, Kenta patted her head tenderly and successfully did the job because she had a small blush on her cheeks and took glances at his face which had a charming smile.

Kenta: "Nah, it's fine. At least I still have this on me." Gripping the cross, Kenta carried on. "End of the day, I've did some stupid things and I want to change it. What then making a career of something I like, you know?." Nodding meekly at his words with understanding. The girl then realised something and stood abruptly.

???: "Sorry but I have to go! Before I do, my name is Nyoko Ichiro. Can I know your's?" Bowing slightly, she looked at him hopefully.

{A/N: Is Miyata's last name Ichiro or Miyata? I don't have a clue.}

Just like that, hearing her last name. Kenta's mind went into lock mode with complete shock. Regaining his clarity some seconds later, he stood up and wrote his home telephone number on a piece of power that was magically in his pocket and gave it to her and said.

Kenta: "My name is Kenta Tachibana. And here, if you want to ever hang out or talk, I'm always available." Giving her the paper with his number, she acpected excitedly and ran off waving her arm while shouting.

Nyoko: "Thank you! See you later!" Waving back to her, Kenta had a smile on his face but when she left the corner, he fell straight on bench in shock.

Kenta: "She is definitely Miyata's sister. She has clearly visible features as him for example hair and eye colour including her slim face like him." Shaking his head in shock, Kenta soon after got his jacket on and headed back to his apartment.

(PoV Change: Nyoko Miyata)

Running back home, a young girl rushed inside her house excitedly while holding a piece of paper to her heart dearly. Going past the kitchen, she saw her mother at the table looking directly at her.

Mother: "Where have you been darling? It's pretty late." Smiling at her daughter, Nyoko gulping nervously and taking of her shoes while placing her bag down near the stairs. She said to her mother.

Nyoko: "Well.... I met a new friend at the park." Saying this, her father, Miyata Senior. A gray haired old man came from out of nowhere and asked.

Miyata Senior: "Is it a boy?" Sitting beside his wife, he kept his gaze on his daughter like an interrogation.

Nyoko: "No! I mean.... No, it isn't a boy. It's a girl." Wavering her hands around nervously, her parents rolled their eyes at their daughter. She was evidently a bad liar.

???: "Sister, did you know that your a bad liar." Coming from behind her, Nyoko jumped from her spot and glared at her brother.

Nyoko: "Ichiro! Shut up! No one asked you!" The now identified Rival of Ippo looked back at his sister and dead panned at her.

Miyata: "Your not helping the situation, did you also know that?" Smirking at her, Nyoko balled up her fists, hmphed and ran up the stairs in anger.

Miyata: "See, she isn't a very good liar." Commenting, Miyata went to the kitchen to get some water leaving his parents that on looked the whole situation.

Mother: "I thought twins were supposed to be close with one another not at each others necks?" She said which Miyata Senior shrugged and changed the topic while putting his hands together.

Miyata Senior: "They've always been like that... I'm just curious why all of a sudden she started to have a boy friend. Before this situation arrived, all the boy's that asked her out were dropped coldly without a care... Interesting." Nodding with her husband, Both parents though of different ways they could meet this certain boy.


That's all, hope you like the Fanfic and please look at the tags before you continue on with this. I don't anyone moaning about what will come in the future. Bye! 👋👋👋

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


