/ History / Reincarnated as Selim III
Danish was reincarnated as Sultan Selim III of the Ottoman Empire. Regardless, when most significant event during that time were focused on european theater, this time we delve into another perspective as Ottoman empire right now faces several problems. From the efforts of modernizing the army through New Order or Nizam I-Cedid initiative, the conflict in the balkans, and the political conflicts from the Janissary factions itself. Armed with knowledge from his former life, Danish seeks to restore the empire to its former golden age—or surpass it. But can he overcome the empire's internal strife and foreign interference to reshape its destiny?
レビューを書くA história está interesante com capitulo grandes algo que acho excelente, mas estou achando bem devagar o ritmo dela, sei que está desenvolvendo o personagem e ele é uma criança e logo sem autoridade ou poder político para mudar algo, mas poderia acelerar um pouco a história pra chegar na parte onde ele pode alterar algo no imperio. Apenas opinião pessoal sem querer oferecer o autor.
Hello everyone. Its me Valerian07. First of all, I would like to thanked all readers who read my novel and thank you for the power stones. And for your comments and reviews, I really appreciate that. Of course, I gave myself a credit for being a writer despite having other jobs haha. And the ideas you all gave me. Its a lit, not gonna lie.
作者 Valerian07
I want to say frankly that the story looks pretty good. In the future I would like to see the Ottoman Empire participate in the Napoleonic Wars. Also the Qajar dynasty would be a good choice as an ally against Russia, after all they fought twice.