/ Eastern / Reincarnated as a Whale

Reincarnated as a Whale オリジナル

Reincarnated as a Whale

Eastern 1 章 13.5K ビュー
作者: SimpleCarrot


詳細 目次


Lu Shin, a boy from earth, dies and meets the will of the universe. From there, he learns that he’s going to get reincarnated with a system, simply because he was lucky.

What he wasn’t told was that he was going to be reincarnated as a whale.

This is his journey as he evolves from a simple whale, and goes from realm to realm, striving to become the strongest.


(A/N: This is not a harem, I can promise you that. There will be romance, though it will be slow. The fl will stick with the mc as he gets stronger, which is another thing that I can promise you. My grammer should be good, as even though this is my first time writing I am a native English speaker.

The first chapter is kinda cliche, in the part that he’s reincarnated and learns that there is multiple realms. He does start from the lowerst realm, other than the mortal realm which he is born in. I do try to give a good reason for it though. Other than the whole realm setting which is cliche, I’ll try my best for the world building to be good and for there to be a minimal amount of cliches. Be warned! There will be young masters, though they will be mostly comedic relief and most people that fit the criteria of young master or mistress I will make smart, so they don’t needlessly offend everyone like a lot of novels. I’ll try to make everyone smart, and not give everyone an iq of 5 to make the mc seems like a genius.

Lastly, MC will not immediately gain a human form! It will take time and effort. Also MC will not needlessly offend people, nor will he hide his talent (i can promise he will at no point during this novel be a cripple) though he will have some trump cards, and if he has some cheat that can really get him in trouble he will keep it to himself. He also won’t share his system with anyone. That’s it, if you have any pointers please do say them, and enjoy reading “reincarnated as a whale”




作者 SimpleCarrot