(Time Skip 1 year)
It's weird to think that I've been in this world for only 3 years and managed to get this far. It's been a year since the attack squad and I raided the goblins near us. Lots have changed, but to keep it simple, I'll tell you some of the most important things that happened. A little after our raid, female and male goblins sought refuge with us. The male goblins didn't have any deformities and would be considered even handsome, while other male goblins were simply femboys. The femboys were unusually feminine, to point where the exuded a smell of a female, it made almost impossible for me to not try and impregnate one.
With so many goblins flocking here, the workload has decreased on the goblins as work is now more evenly dispersed through the goblins. Number-wise, we were around 250, but now we're looking at anywhere from 325 to 435 goblins occupying my territory. For the goblin girls, most, if not all, have evolved into greater goblins, and some of the more talented began to evolve into hobgoblins. I evolved into a greater hobgoblin, which increased my height to 5'4, and massively increased my strength and speed.
My children have grown into very strong goblins and attractive ones. Most of my children are female, and a small percentage are femboys.
Femboy goblin(s) reference ->
Me and my tribe have grown in many ways, but we need to expand our territory because our little area is cramped. My people need space if they are to grow properly. We haven't even taken over fraction of this forest. And that's an issue I'll correct soon. With our constant advancements, my strength stagnated, so I plan on going solo for a few months.
(Juri's POV, day of departure)
I woke up in the early morning with a very long yawn. I went outside the cave and took a very relieving piss before stripping and bathing myself in our makeshift bath. When I was done, I returned to my quarters and started packing the few essentials I may need. I brought a few medicinal items for emergencies and a bedroll made of bear to stay warm. I brought a small but sharp knife with me to ensure I could prepare food correctly. Afterward, I headed to the cave's center and stomped the ground with all my might. This made a loud enough sound for everyone to wake weapons ready to kill.
"Good, at least you're ready in case of attack, but it could be better. Anyways, I'll be leaving the tribe for a month," I said nonchalantly as I grabbed my bag of essentials. However, after only a moment, the entire tribe started throwing a fit, asking why I would suddenly leave. This, for some reason, pissed me off that they would question my intentions.
"SILENCE!!!" I yelled in a very commanding tone. This caused everyone to fall silent as they shrunk in submissiveness at my outburst. I let out a long breath of frustration I had no reason to have. "I apologize for my sudden outburst; I am leaving to grow more powerful. You don't have a say in this, and if you are killed while I'm gone, you'll have no one to blame but yourselves. I trained you all to be warriors who can overcome any challenges you may face, and I must leave to hold the strength capable of being called the leader of this tribe I hold so dearly to my heart. I cherish you all, especially my many lovers and children, but I can not hold your hand to guide you through this world; you must have the strength to do that on your own." I said as I kneeled and faced the tribe I built.
"Grow strong, do not only survive but thrive while I am gone, and make a seat truly worthy of leader you should follow," I said this as I walked to Maria and planted a passionate kiss on her lips while giving a smile to my bloodline as I left the cave I call home.
It's been about 3 hours since I left my territory, and now exploring the unknown lands of the majestic forest. Nothing of real interest happened besides me picking up certain medicinal herbs and plants. I want to spend 3 days wandering deeper into the forest before I start getting stronger than I already am.
The forest around me was magical in appearance; in reality, it was much more magical as I went deeper into the forest. The way the forest works is the deeper you go, the more dangerous the creatures you will face, like dragons, werewolves, ghouls, wraiths, and so on. Now, it just so happens that this forest is around 2 times bigger than the Sakha Republic from Russia. I know all this because a few of the humans were wives to adventurers, not anymore with how many of my children they gave birth to. They told me everything about the forest and even a few monsters. Now, this world is strange in many ways, one being a race can't truly ever go instinct. For example, if all goblins were exterminated, the world would intervene and make more goblins slightly stronger. This world makes dungeons at random, as there are even some cases where 2 dungeons were combined into one.
A few years ago, there was also an event when more than 20 dungeons appeared right next to each other. Now, dungeons come in many shapes and sizes; some can be repeated infinitely, and some are one-and-done. Also, from what Ranni told me, these dungeons can have many different missions—for example, surviving for a set amount of time, exterminating, or even killing your squad mates. Some more perverted ones can make you have sex with someone or, in rare cases, something like monsters and even animals. Those kinds of dungeons are rarely seen and are much less used.
Enough about dungeons, so for the goblins, we live very close to the outskirts of the forest since we're very weak, but not as close as the slimes as they're weaker than us, well, most of them. Occasionally, You would find slime variants that are just as strong, if not far stronger, than us goblins.
Anyway, the sun was beginning to set, so I set up camp in a small opening near a river. I was starting to feel hungry, so I took in and began to search my area; finding prey wasn't hard since I could be up to 2 miles away. I saw a boar 500 meters away from me. I immediately jumped into the trees and began jumping from branch to branch quickly and quietly. The boar I spotted was much bigger than your average boar. It is about as tall as your average adult male and as big as a bear. The Boar had tusks that appeared to be made from steel or something similar, and the boar had pitch-black hair along with silver hair trailing down its spine.
The Boar was feasting on what seemed to be a deer, which was also unusual in appearance. Despite how massive the boar is, it's still just boar with the same weak spots. I was about to lunge at the beast until I realized I didn't have my daggers, as a memory of my daggers being left on a shelf back at home. I sighed in frustration, but I would back down just because I didn't have a weapon.
I took a deep breath and stole my will to fight as I leaped high from a tree branch. I spun in the air with my feet pointing directly at the boar's spin. As my fall picked up speed, I flexed the muscles in my legs and readied my claws. The Boar could sense me falling from the sky, but in its moment of confusion, I landed directly on the spine, my feet together, my knees bent in a crouching position.
The impact of my attack sent a shockwave of pain coursing throughout the boar's body, especially its spine and skeletal system. I wasn't done, though; while on its back, I grabbed one of the boar's tusks, and with my claws, I jammed my right hand straight into the eye of the boar.
The boar screamed in agony and began trying to throw me off of its back, which he succeeded as my grip was that strong. I flung myself into a tree with immense force. It almost knocked the wind out of me. Suddenly, my instincts told me to dodge, but I was too late as the boar charged at me, slamming me through the tree and causing it to fall over. They continued changing and slamming me through many trees. I wasn't some fucking toy for this boar to play, I thought. I gripped the boar's tusks tightly and roughly planted my feet.
My action immediately halted the boar's charge. I had a sadistic smile as the veins in my legs and arms began building immensely as I began pushing back the boar with all my strength. The boar tried to resist, but I was too strong for it; after pushing it back 10 meters, I judo-threw it onto its side. I wouldn't give it a chance to recover as I plunged my hand into its abdomen with my claws and ripped out its heart.
The boar's body lay limply on the ground as I sighed and put my hand over my rib. "Shit, I think it broke a rib... no, the fucker broke two..." I winced in pain, but it wasn't anything I wasn't used to. I grabbed the by-it tusk and slowly and painfully dragged its fat ass back to my camp.
When I returned, I skinned the boar's hide and removed its organs. Afterward, I started a fire and began cooking it. I rested against a tree as I put my hand back on my ribs. I felt my body slowly putting them back into place and repairing them. I should be recovered in a few days at this rate, which, by normal human standards, is insane. Then again, Jasmine, the youngest human girl, had a unique talent for healing her wounds in a few days to a week.
When the boar was down cooking, I ripped the leg off of the cooked boar and began eating it. I felt its strength and memories coursing into my body. When I was done, I realized how much of a dumbass I was for thinking going 3 days into this forest was a good idea. See, the boar that almost packed my shit is one of the weakest creatures in this forest. A mere few hours deep into the forest, I was about to get my shit recked. The board knows what a day deep into the forest looks like, and it's fucking bad; it ran into adventures, and they had to be in a party of Rank 1 Class D's just to survive. Now D ranks may sound weak, but from the boar's memories, the squad could've easily beat the shit out of it.
I need much more information about this world before thinking I'm hot shit. Anyway, I gained a skill from the boar called {Charge}.
{Charge - Use every drop of strength in your body, including a bit of mana, to charge at unnatural speeds and strength at your target. Visually, your legs will flex their muscles to the limit, and your body will unconsciously get into the perfect charge position for your body type.}
This was all the information given to me about the skill as I continued eating the boar. When I was done, I felt my strength and durability had a massive increase with little to no increase in anything else. I decided to rest and begin my hunting in the morning. I have to get a lot stronger if I'm going to adventure deeper into this forest.
As I was sleeping, my instincts told me to jump, and when I did, I saw a humongous snake shoot out of the ground. I was so shocked by this when I landed I fell on my ass. What the hell is wrong with this place? I thought as I got up and dashed to the snake. I was suddenly stopped in my tracks at the gaze of the snake. I was stuck; my body was shivering and sweating; I felt like prey as the snake peered into my eyes. I knew what it was; I felt it before; it was bloodlust. Bloodlust was a skill anyone could get if they killed enough or if they were experienced enough.
Bloodlust is only truly effective when the target is weaker than the user. Yeah, it was stronger by a long shot, more durable than me due to its scales, and more flexible and faster than me, not to mention based on the liquid that fell from its mouth and burned the ground under it. It's most likely poisonous or, even worse, corrosive. I snap myself out of the bloodlust trance by blurring my claws in my hands, causing them to bleed. I smacked my face to prepare to face my opponent. They continued staring at me before leaving me alone and returning to wherever it came from.
This stunned me, but more than anything, it pissed me off. "This fucker thinks I'm so weak that I'm not even worth the fucking!?!?" I yell out in rage. I was pissed off, really pissed off, to the point where I threw my hand back and shattered the tree behind me. I let out a long breath and calm my nerves. When the hell have I ever let my emotions run so rampant? I must keep myself under control. I was too tired for this shit, so I fell and slept.
(Time skip 3 weeks)
After my wounds healed, I started hunting beasts and feasting upon their corpses. I ran into a few more of the silver-hair boars, and after the first boar I killed, killing these boars became child's play. But after eating a few more, I stopped gaining strength from them. So I had to move on to bigger prey; I would eventually run into humongous poison lizards near a pond around my camp. Unlike the boar, these lizards possessed immense speed and reflexes, and it didn't help that they hunted in groups. These Lizards had indigo-colored scales for a layer of protection, 3 meters in length and 1.5 meters in width. The lizards' eyes were as black as the night sky and had venom powerful enough to melt flesh. Safe to see these creatures aren't ones to fuck around with. I always hunted the lizards from the shadows to ensure they never saw me.
With my skills and adaptability, I could easily lure, trap, and kill these lizards. All creatures are intelligent here but don't have the same complexity as humans or goblins. However, they can use tools to aid them.
Let's go to smaller things like hygiene; I made hygiene necessary at the tribe. Most make sure to bath a few times a week, you know, just to keep the musk down.
However, I noticed a few scales developing on my skin, and my tongue became more flexible and fluid. My claws and canines began to exude a poison that would cause minor paralysis and immense pain. However, things became problematic, and I learned something valuable about my innate skill. First, when I eat a creature for the first time, I'll immediately gain all its stats, skills, and memories; the second time, I'll only gain half of the stats, but I'll still get any new skills and memories. This greatly confused me because it's the first I notice the drop in gains. What make my skill decide whether to reduce my gain or not? Why does it do the things it does? and lastly why was it given to me. These thoughts were flood my mind for days on end.
(Unknown time later)
As the weeks pasted I slowly started to think about myself, this world, and the people around me. It feels like there's something missing... I can't abandon my people, but I lack the knowledge to advance them to greater heights. I more thought flood through my mind as I lay by the crackling fire. 'There are too many unknown variables with my life...' I think to myself. I also think about my actions and whether they were right call or not, like was it okay to impregnate my own mother.
'I let myself get carried away... again...' i think to myself as I end my on self-reflection. 'I must be better...' I say as stand and see another deadly creature with glowing red eyes. 'I must be smarter... with my choices' I think to myself as I jump 30 in the air, dodging the beast's charge. "I must be stronger..." I say with a whisper as I dive towards the beast with my fist clenched.
The moment a humongous crater is formed under my feet and I am surround by blood and guts are falling from the sky. I look up and let the blood rain on my face "I must change..." I say to my soul.
Just finished this chapter, tell me if ya like or not... is what it is honestly :/
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