100% Redemption - The Prince Rising / Chapter 18: The Reuniting

章 18: The Reuniting

The next two weeks were busy for Severus after his meeting with the Director of Salem Academy. He had made appointments with various departments and divisions within the Magical Congress of the United States of America, also known as the MACUSA. His days were filled with sleeping in a magical hotel and visiting the Woolworth Building on 223 Broadway of Manhattan.

He also paid a visit to the American Wizardry Bank & Trusts to open a series of accounts, while also beginning to expand his investments into promising assets. Clawlock had also been informed of these dealings. By the end of the second week, he had already established some roots within the American Wizarding World and was on his way of creating an influence within the magical government.

But he's plans didn't stop with legal activities.

Doing his research, Severus made sure to build the infrastructure of his network very carefully. Knowing who ran the smuggling business in Eastern American and had an alliance with Ian Shaw, he recruited Kane Miles with ease. He also, off-paper, bought a series of abandoned warehouses and apartments from a local wizarding estate.

Needing a home in Salem as well, he also made sure to buy a vacation home, one that had a great view of the water but also well hidden.

With little time to enjoy where he was, Severus put all of his focus and dedication to what he was doing. But by the end of his second week in America, everything was falling into place. His new life was starting off on the right foot, and his plans were fulfilled.

But the final phase of his plan was yet to come. A plan that he felt fear in his heart for.

Even since arriving in New York, he had been keeping an eye on the Irons Family from afar. His room was in the exact same hotel as they were in. But through the two weeks of being in New York, he kept his distance and made sure not to be spotted. There were a few close calls, having almost been seen by David Irons once.

The man seemed to always have a sense of his surroundings, which didn't surprise Severus, considering that he had been on the run for decades.

But he knew that he needed to make his presence known and reveal himself. If he was to truly make a change and get to know the one part of his lost family that he has left, he needed to act before his 6th year started.

On the morning of the start of his third week in America, Severus Prince boarded a ship for the Statue of Liberty. But not for the sightseeing or for the statue itself.


David and Felicity smiled as they watched Nora and Ben staring up in awe at the Statue of Liberty, their arms intertwined.

"Remember the first time we saw the Statue when arriving in America?" she asked, lost in memory.

David smiled, "Yes, but it was your reaction that made the visit worth it."

Felicity playfully slapped him on the shoulder, "You're just saying that to make me smile."

"But it's true. In fact, I remember you telling me that we should settle down here with Nora."

Felicity's smile faded as she lowered her head.

Noticing this David used his fingers to lift her chin up, "Hey, what's wrong?"

Hints of tears were visible on her eyes as she turned to look at her daughter, "It's Nora. What are going to do about her? Her final year is coming up and we're experiencing her final summer vacation as a teenager. I sometimes wonder how the years went by so fast."

He nodded sadly, "She'll still be our little girl. And we'll be there for her, no matter what she decides to do."

"I'm not worried about what she'll do when she graduates, I'm worried about what happens when she begs the truth from us. You know that we'll have to tell her everything. And I do mean... everything."

David nodded again, a touch of fear deep within his eyes, "I know. We both knew that the truth would come out eventually. And as much as I wish it could last until Ben graduates... it may come quicker than we would want." He paused, sighing in defeat. "We should talk to them tonight, promise to tell them the truth, as long as they're willing to wait until the end of the next school year. That way we can make sure how to tell B-"

Suddenly, David's head turned, his eyes narrowing at the crowd. His free hand moved into his pocket and touched his wand, ready to use it if necessary. Controlling his heart and senses, he continued to study his surroundings.

Sensing and feeling her husband's disturbance, Felicity reached for her wand too, carefully searching for any threats.

"What's wrong?" she whispered.

"I don't know. But I get the feeling we're being followed."

Relaxing, Felicity rolled her eyes and smiled, "Not this again. For the past two weeks, you've been paranoid."

"For good reason," he refused to give up his search.

"Your father can't find us, and he never will."

"He's not the type to give up so easily."

A look of fear appeared on Felicity's expression as she casted a quick look at her children, lingering a bit on Ben before turning back to her husband, "Even if your suspicions are true, why hasn't this person informed your father yet?"

"Most likely to confirm who I am."

"Would such a person risk two weeks just to do so? I think anyone would have made a move quickly. Don't let him live rent free in your head, David. We've been through so much and come too far for him to take it all away."

Taking her words to heart, he sighed and calmed himself, letting go of his hidden wand. Turning to his wife, he offered a small smile and leaned forward, his forehead touching hers. With her arms around his neck, and his own around her waist, the two of them closed their eyes and basked in their intimate moment, smiling.

Hearing the ship signal for docking, they looked forward to the Statue of Liberty, unaware of the hidden figure that watched them from the crowds.


Severus berated himself for almost getting caught again, though he praised Mr. Irons' ability to sense him.

Once the ship had docked on the island of the Statue of Liberty, he kept a good distance from them, hoping he could remain hidden. When they began climbing the stairs of the Statue, he followed as well.

For almost half an hour, he watched them and began to feel a sense of envy towards the family. He began to wonder how life would have turned out if he only had been able to live like that. But he also sneered at himself for thinking like a naïve child.

Through the whole time, he had his attention on the teenage boy, studying him from head to toe. There was a part of him that didn't know how to feel, considering the circumstances. It felt so surreal to now know that he had a someone he was so closely related to, only an entire ocean away.

Hating the emotions that kept circling in him, he finally made the decision on the next phase of his plan. Waiting for his chance to catch the couple alone, he followed them back down the stairs and found the perfect opportunity.

Hearing the two kids beg their parents to let them visit the shops for some sweets, he waited until the two were gone and began to walk towards the Irons couple, struggling to control his heart as he got closer. Each step felt like an eternity, a journey to an uncertain fate.

His eyes were on the man the whole time, studying him carefully with a stern face.

The couple sensed his approach and turned to look at him, their expressions hardening. He could see their hands reaching for their hidden wands.

"Can we help you, sir?" Mr. Irons asked, his eyes glaring at him.

Severus came to stop, putting some space between them, and bowed, "Actually, you can. David Irons, I presume."

He kept his face stern, studying him over as he replied, "You presume correctly. But if this is about my position in Potions, I do not talk about my work while on vacation."

"This has nothing to do with Potions, Mr. Irons. I'm here to talk to you about Eileen Snape."

The name forced Mr. Irons' eyes to betray himself as worry and fear covered his facial expression. Within a split of a second, both he and Felicity had their wands out but hidden by their side.

"I'm afraid I don't know anyone by that name."

"Then maybe you would recognize her by her maiden name... Eileen Prince. After all, you were her brother, Maximillian."

Both Mr. and Mrs. Irons drew their wands and pointed them directly at Severus, their eyes full of anger.

"You made a mistake in revealing your knowledge of me, boy!" Mr. Irons hissed.

"Why can't you people just leave us alone!" Mrs. Irons spat with hatred.

Severus frowned, "Cornelius can't hurt you anymore."

"And why is that?" Mr. Irons demanded.

"Because he died ten years ago. I am now the Lord of the Prince Dynasty, by right and law."

The couple's expressions softened with confusions as they turned towards one another with uncertainty.

Regaining control, Mr. Irons asked, "How did... he die..."

Severus took a moment, "Poisoned. Killed by Rebekka."

Lowering his wand, Mr. Irons nodded and closed his eyes, a sense of confliction surrounding him.

"How do you know this?"

"Because Crashwell told me everything. After Helena was killed, Rebekka believed Cornelius responsible and had him poisoned."

"And... my mother?"

Severus studied him, struggling to find the right words and how exactly to break the news. He quickly came to the conclusion that nothing would make it better.

"She died of heart break not long after."

Mr. Irons' face darkened, and tears filling his eyes as they fell from his skin. His body began to shake, making him take a couple steps backward. He almost fell, only to find support by his wife, who struggled to hold him up.

"David... breath... just breath..." she was struggling to hold back her tears of her own, unable to contain the sadness of the combined news or her husband's reaction to it.

Severus allowed for everything to sink in, knowing that his words would be useless.

After a small moment of silence between them, Mr. Irons began regathering himself and found the strength to bring his attention back to Severus, allowing the tears to be seen.

"You said you have news about... my sister..."

Severus closed his eyes, knowing that this would hurt as well, including to himself.

"She passed almost a month ago," he turned away from them.

David gasped, clutching his chest as if his heart was about to go out. Felicity held onto him, whispering soft, comforting words to him as she too began to slightly sob.

"Damn it!" he heard Mr. Irons whisper. "Why didn't she come with us? You both should have!"

"Agreed," Severus replied, opening his eyes to face the weeping couple before him. "But none of that matters now."

Both Mr. and Mrs. Irons were deep in an embrace, holding one another tightly as tears fell from their cheeks. Breaking apart, but still holding hands, they turned to face him and smiled softly.

"It's good to see you again, Eric. Although, I wish it were under better circumstances."

Severus nodded, "It's an honor to finally meet you. Eileen... helped me know more about you two, to some extent. Also, it's Severus Prince now."

"Not Snape?" David asked.

"Not anymore."

"It's so good to meet you at long last, Eric," Felicity smiled and quickly approached him, giving him a bear hug that caught him off guard. Though he felt extremely uncomfortable, he controlled himself not to do or say anything mean. "David told me about Eileen keeping you after what happened to Helena. I wish she had agreed to come."

Once she had let go of him, Severus felt a sense of relief as he nodded, "Me as well."

"How long have you been here?" David asked.

"Two weeks. I've been taking care of business since arriving."

"So, it was you who was following us all this time. I was actually starting to believe I was going mad from paranoia."

"Day is still young," Felicity teased.

Hearing laughter, they turned to see both their children, Nora and Ben, making their way back with sweets from the store they were at.

"I'll take my leave now. I'm assuming that h- they do not know about me."

David nodded, "No... not even…" He paused, his eyes falling on Ben.

Severus nodded, as he turned to the young boy next to Nora, causing him to pause. Swallowing, he continued, "You were right not to have told them anything. I would have done the same."

"Why don't you stay?" Felicity asked. "Let them meet you."

"Not now," he shook his head. "But I would like for us to meet again tonight, without worry of others interrupting or overhearing us. My room is at the same hotel as you. Number three, zero, four. What time would work best for you?"

"Eight o'clock in the afternoon," replied David, who reached out his hand towards him. "We'll see you then. And I expect answers."

Severus nodded, looking directly at his hand before shaking it. Realizing that Nora and Ben were drawing near, he turned and left the couple quickly, making his way to catch the next ship back for the city.


As both David and Felicity watched him go, they were greeted by Nora and Ben.

"Hey, guys," Nora smiled. "Who was that guy you were talking to?"

"And why did it look like you were both crying?" Ben raised an eyebrow.

Looking towards each other, the two sent a knowing stare at one another before turning back to them.

"Just someone we know," replied David.

"Well, your father knows him," Felicity quickly added.

"Really?" Nora looked towards the figure in the distance before disappearing around the corner. "Maybe I can get some answers out of him about you two."

"You will do no such thing!" David raised his voice. "Me and your mother will be visiting him later, and if we decide so, you can meet him as well. But you are forbidden to ask him any questions until then."

Nora moaned, rolling her eyes, "Fine!"


"Not making any promises."

Sighing to himself, David approached his children and looked into their eyes, letting them know he was being serious, "I know you both want to know things about us, and as much as you may hate it when I say this-"

"Which doesn't make it any else annoying to hear."

"-we will tell you everything one day. But not today."

Looking towards his wife, she nodded with a sad smile.

"So, we decided that we will make a deal with you both."

Sending a knowing glance at each other, both Nora and Ben leaned to listen.

"If you refrain from asking any questions about us and anything having to do with us, for an entire year, me and your mother will sit down with you both to tell you everything. I promise that by next summer, you will have your answers. But only if you can wait till then. Deal?"

Nora and Ben smiled and replied at the same time, "Deal!"

David sighed, feeling his wife's hand on his shoulder for comfort, "Alright, now, who's ready to eat."

"What do you think we've been doing right now?" Ben teased.

"Candy isn't dinner," Felicity raised an eyebrow. "And because you're eating desert before dinner, you both need to eat twice as many vegetables tonight."

"Oh, mom!" both kids moaned.

"No whining! Now, let's go eat. I'm starving."

After dinning at the restaurant on the small island, they boarded the next furry for New York. While on their way back to the hotel, both David and Felicity were in a deep conversation about their upcoming meeting with Severus, discussing details on what was going to happen next. The two sharing their worries about what his arrival and presence meant for them.

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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