100% Red Knight

Chapter Two

The desk was pushed and the rolling chair took some distance from the microscope and toward a desk that contained chemistry equipment.

"Quite Peculiar..."

The mutter left his mouth as he rolled to the computer, but instead of typing something, he picked up a notebook and pen that was next to the keyboard.

After extracting the venom from the spider, he started research. But all that research was for nothing If he didn't know what this did to human blood... Now if only he could get fresh human blood.

Reaching for the drawer, he pulled it out and took out one of the scalpels from inside. Cutting his palm, he rolled back to the venom and allowed his blood to drip into the venom.

Humming, Peter looked into the microscope again and a grin broke out on his face. The effect was instantaneous, The venom cells latched onto his blood, changing them fundamentally, now, he needed to run some tests on this.

Before he could do anything, he heard a knock on the basement door and it was not a calm one.

Humming curiously, he stood up and walked upstairs, opening the door to see Gwen who was smiling, though it seemed a little strained.

"Hey, Pete! Can I talk to you for a moment, it's about the chemistry assignment."

She grabbed my shoulders, painfully, and turned me around. Frowning at the strength that she didn't have nineteen hours ago, Peter let himself be dragged down the basement again with the door being shut abruptly.

"Peter I need your help, something weird is happening to me!"

She whispered shouted in his ear as they both entered the lab.

Raising an eyebrow, he looked at his only friend, unimpressed. It could be the spider bite, but that wasn't fun, now was it?

"Listen, Gwen, just because your period is-"

She slapped him upside the head.

"Ow, shit, what the hell, you weren't this strong yesterday."

She threw her hands in the air in a "What did I just tell you?" manner, and looked at me with exasperation.

"I told you something weird was happening! You're smart, that's why I came to you!"

Peter narrowed his eyes at her and sat down in his rolling chair, waiting for her to explain.

She took a breath and jumped. Now, the roof was by no means low, it was high enough for neither her nor him to reach with a jump... She did though, and stuck to the roof like she was doing a handstand.

Peter put a hand on his chin and hummed.

"Come down here and give me your hand."

He rolled over to the same drawer and took out another scalpel. Gwen was apprehensive, but just sighed and dropped from the ceiling and walked over, outstretching her palm.

Grabbing it, he made a cut, grabbed the microscope's blank glass slide, and allowed the blood drop to drip onto it. Looking at her palm, he slid his thumb over what was supposed to be a wound, only to see it healed.

"... Enhanced healing factor, it's not magic, so probably enhanced metabolism too."

He muttered and turned around in his chair.

Looking at his blood mixed with the venom first, he observed it for a few seconds before switching out the slides.

A few seconds later, he hummed.

"What is it?"

Leaning back in his chair, he grabbed a paper that it was open to and dropped it off, crumpling it and tossing it behind him.

Enhanced strength.

Sticking to walls (Research later.).

Enhanced metabolism?

Enhanced healing.

Enhanced vision?

Enhanced Reflexes?

Turning around, he noticed that Gwen was looking at the crumpled paper that landed behind her with a frown.

"What is it?"

The teen asked, standing up and taking a step closer.

"I... I felt that coming..."

She muttered and Peter marked the Enhanced senses as positive.

"Alright, I have some good news, some bad news, and some maybe news."

Gwen blinked and looked at him with confusion.

"Maybe news?"

Peter took that as a queue to start with the maybe news.

"Well, maybe news is that whoever the spider bites will get the same powers as you."

He shrugged at her unimpressed look, he didn't know why she was annoyed, she chose the maybe news.

"Okay, give me the bad news."

Peter thinned his lips, he hoped she didn't pick the bad news first.

"Well... As of now, I don't know if the poison is lethal or not, you may or may not die tomorrow, a week, a month, or a year..."

She blinked... Took a step back and started hyperventilating.

Well... shit, he didn't know how to fix this situation. Sighing, Peter bragged Gwens shaking hands, and brought her into a hug. He remembered his uncle doing this when he was little, most of the time, he was crying... and he saw it in the movies, so...

"I-I don't want to die, Peter..."

Okay, this might have been a bad way to put it...

"It's okay, I'm figuring out a way to cure it in case the cells start to die, You will be fine. You know me, I will have it down in two days, twenty hours, tops."

She took a deep breath and released a shuddering sigh while the teen rubbed her back to calm her down.

"Tell me the good news."

She didn't ask, she demanded, She needed to hear something good about the situation, and Peter would provide it in an attempt to soothe her worries.

"You got superpowers."

He failed spectacularly.

"You're the worst."

Despite that, she hugged him tighter while Peter wanted to groan in pain. Superhuman strength indeed.

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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


