Red Knight Red Knight original

Red Knight

作者: Silent_Dancer

© WebNovel

Chapter One

Being normal was boring.

Normal was overrated, but when you are smart, being with normal gets irritating.

Oh, how he wanted to leave school, but unfortunately, his guarding, being his uncle and aunt, would not allow it.

One Peter Parker, a muscular boy with brown hair and green eyes was looking around the exhibit, observing everything with disinterest. It was laughable, really, most of the things on display were technology, which was analysed, processed, and discarded as useless.

"Hey, Peter, look over at this."

The boy glanced toward the voice, noticing a short haired, blonde girl and the device that she was looking at with great interest.

And this was also one of the annoyances that he tolerated in his miserable life. Gwen Stacy, his classmate, and neighbor just would not leave him alone since they were little...

Walking over, the boy looked down at the device on display and raised an eyebrow at the mediocre thing.

"Wonder what it does?"

Peter rolled his eyes, glancing at the blonde like she was dumb.

"It's a prototype of a vital component for the equipment that is used for gene splicing and modifying DNA..."

He noticed Gwen blinking at him and he raised an eyebrow.

"You figured that out just by looking at it?"

Yes. Instead of responding verbally, the teen just pointed at the sign that said everything he was going to say. Gwen looked over, read the first few lines, and deadpanned, sending him an unimpressed look.

Peter shrugged, not his fault she wasn't paying attention.

As the group of high school students moved throughout the Oscorp company, a small batch of scientists walked out of one of the "Staff Only" rooms, dressed in hazmat suits.

This gained Peter's attention, maybe something interesting would happen sometime soon, but unfortunately for him, it also gained the attention of the guide, who walked over to one of them and decided to ask what was going on.

Hearing a sharp intake of breath behind him, and the sound of flesh hitting flesh caused the teen to turn around to look at Gwen curiously. The said girl was rubbing a spot on the back of her hand and frowning.

Raising an eyebrow, Peter walked over to her and gave her a curious look which she understood perfectly.

"Something bit me."

Peter hummed looking at Gwen's hand with narrowed eyes. Hazmat suits came out searching for something and then someone gets bit.

"Alright everyone, there is no need to worry, some spiders escaped from containment and they are working on recovering them. No need to worry."

...I looked down at the ground, noticing one of the spiders, that had most probably bit Gwen scurrying off... Now, the responsible thing would be to report this and let it get captured...

But since when was he responsible?

Placing a foot in front of the spider, Peter waited for it to crawl up, which the spider did, after a pause to process what happened.

Letting it crawl up to his thigh, he placed a finger in its way and the spider stuck to it. Without wasting any time, he put the spider in his hoodie pocket and zipped up the pocket zipper.

There, that wasn't very hard.

Peter glanced at Gwen, finding that she was still rubbing her palm and frowning as she looked at the people who were searching the area worriedly.

Noticing that she was paler than before, he walked closer as she staggered and lost her balance. Noticing this, he reached out, grabbing her shoulder to try and keep her upright. Unexpectedly, instead of adjusting her footing, she fell into his arms as he crouched to compensate for the sudden impact and weight increase.

Looking at her pale face, Peter frowned, something was wrong. Putting the back of his palm on her forehead, he noticed her temperature increase, along with her breathing becoming heavier as she broke out in cold sweat.

This was abnormal, the human condition should not have changed so suddenly, was it the spider?

Could be, but that wasn't the main point, it must have been poisonous, or the genetically modified spider venom was having a weird reaction with her blood.

"What happened?"

The guide, noticing that one of the students in her care was unconscious, ran over and kneeled down next to the unconscious body of the blonde.

Giving her a look that said "Are you an idiot" Peter shifted Gwen's body so that her elbow wouldn't dig into his stomach and answered the woman in a sarcastic tone.

"As you can see, everything is fine, she just wanted a nap."

The sarcasm was impossible to miss, so the guide decided to be a good samaritan all of a sudden and point out the obvious.

"Can't you see she's fainted?"

The brown-haired teen sucked in a deep breath, trying to fight off the annoyance building up inside him but evidently, idiots had a way of bringing out the worst in him.

"If you see that why don't you stop asking stupid questions and start being useful?! Bring me some cold water and some cloth while I call her father!"

It's like these people have never seen people faint, honestly.

laying her down on the ground, Peter checked her pulse scowling at the sped-up heartbeat.

No venom works this fast, a spider bite should not cause this condition no matter how modified it is in a few seconds.

Sighing deeply, the boy took out his phone and called the unconscious girl's father.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


