In a grand four-story building nestled within the bustling heart of Darwood City. Its exterior proudly displays an ornate sign proclaiming its identity as the "Rose Chamber of Commerce," marking it as the eminent headquarters of a mid-sized chamber of commerce. Stepping beyond the intricately carved entrance, in a meeting room. The atmosphere here is imbued with an air of luxury, further enhanced by the warm illumination cast by an intricately crafted magical lantern suspended from the ceiling.
Around the table, four figures occupy sturdy wooden chairs, their presence commanding attention within the room's dimly lit ambience. Positioned at the far end of the table is Emilia Feron, a middle-aged woman of refined countenance. Known for her unwavering commitment to immaculate organization, Emilia is the current head of the goods distribution department. Next to her sits Gareth Molius, a portly man whose robust figure betrays his fervent affinity for fine dining. While his insatiable appetite knows no bounds, his dedication to accumulating wealth and treasures remains his dominant focus. Gareth fulfills the role of treasurer within the chamber, overseeing its financial intricacies.
On the opposite side of the table, Borin Heath occupies a seat. His rugged appearance, a testament to his days as a seasoned mercenary, lends an air of authority to his presence. Borin now stands as the guardian of the chamber, entrusted with its security operations. His Tier 2 True Knight prowess is a shield that safeguards the chamber's interests. Positioned at the head of the table is Harold Accuraid, a man whose journey from the humble origins of a butcher's son to the President and Owner of the Rose Chamber of Commerce, has propelled him to the pinnacle of success within Darwood City. Despite his considerable accomplishments and burgeoning wealth, an unmistakable furrow of concern mars Harold's visage.
The room's ambiance is fraught with palpable tension, each occupant fully aware of the somber discourse that is about to unfold. The magical lantern above bathes the room in a soft, enchanting light, casting elongated shadows that dance upon the walls like flickering spirits.
Amid this atmospheric backdrop, Harold turns his gaze towards Gareth, who promptly began a recounting of the harrowing losses recently incurred due to the relentless bandit attacks.
"Currently there is a total cumulative of approximately 20,000 gold out of the 100,000 gold profit for this month lost over three audacious raids on our caravans." The room's occupants share a collective gasp at the sheer magnitude of the losses, a stark reminder of the fragility that even established institutions like the Rose Chamber of Commerce face. With a pensive expression, Harold's attention shifts to Borin, his gaze probing for insight into the relentless onslaught from these audacious bandits.
"These aren't run-of-the-mill brigands; each assault is spearheaded by a Tier 1 knight of considerable might. If that wasn't enough when I lead the caravan myself or the two peak Tier 1 knights from the security division taking the reins, the bandits remain dormant I suspect we have an informant in our payroll. I swear if a catch the bitch that's running that operation I'll skin him alive, we lost 2 beginner tier1 knights and 12 squires in those raids." Borin explained the grim nature of the events that had happened, his sorrow and pain mixed withing anger.
Leaning back with an audible sigh, Harold contemplates the implications of this dire situation. His gaze turns back to Borin,
"I hope the families have been well compensated". To which Borin nodded in affirmation.
"Let's move to move positive matters are their member in the security division ready to breakthrough, since it apparent we need to bolster our ranks?" In response, Borin presents a meticulously prepared sheet of parchment, detailing the imminent breakthroughs within his security ranks as if he had expected this very question. The room collectively inhales a breath of anticipation as Borin's voice resonates with renewed determination.
"Currently ten squires poised at the pinnacle of their current tier, seven beginner Tier 1 knights teetering on to Mid-tier, five mid-tier knights on the cusp of High-tier, two high-tier knights reaching peak-tier, and one peak Tier 1 knight on the threshold of attaining Tier 2 status. "
This announcement injects a sliver of optimism into the hushed chamber, momentarily lifting the weight of despair. With a nod of affirmation, Harold turns to Emilia before instructing her to gather the necessary materials needed to ensure a smooth, efficient and quick advancement for those mentioned and to refurbish the armaments of the valiant security contingent. Later the trio exits the room, leaving Harold alone in contemplation, the chamber itself seems to resonate with an unspoken understanding of the monumental challenges that lie ahead.
Alone with his thoughts, Harold revisits the substantial losses incurred, a specter that refuses to be ignored. The tendrils of his ruminations inevitably reach his son, Seth, who has become a beacon of promise within their family. The financial strain of sending Seth to the esteemed mage institution weighed heavily on their resources, a staggering thirty Magical gems as the yearly tuition. One had to understand that Magical gems and crystal were the standard high currency in the continent aside from the rumored Orbs used by the peak powers. With one crystal equivalent to one hundred gems and one gem equal to 10,000 gold. This brought the thirty gems to 300,000 gold as tuition. However, it was a decision rooted in unwavering faith in their son's potential despite the complete refusal from his wife and Seth's stepmother. Despite the challenges, Harold takes solace in Seth's accomplishments based on his recent communication over the mirror orb he was in a project earning him an impressive two gem that's being 20,000 gold each month through tireless dedication and innovation. Amidst the trials of business and life, Harold's heart aches with a longing to reunite with his son.
Tibids of Information
1 Crystal - 100 Gems
1 Gem - 10,000 Gold
1 Gold - 100 Silver
1 Silver - 100 Bronze