Reborn as the savior of Manchester United Reborn as the savior of Manchester United original

Reborn as the savior of Manchester United

作者: TheGreekMythosGuru

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Era's Can Come To An End...

As I tried to open my eyes, I felt a strange weight dragging them down, almost like I had two dumbbells tied to the end of my eyelids. Each attempt to force them open only resulted in a sharp, migraine-inducing pain that shot through my skull. Despite the discomfort, I was determined to figure out what was happening around me. I mustered all my strength and peeled my eyelids apart, only to be greeted by the sun's blinding light. The brightness was overwhelming, and my eyes instinctively shut again as if seeking refuge from the harsh glare. The throbbing in my head grew stronger, reminding me something was wrong.

My body felt like it had been put through a wringer. Every muscle ached like I had just gone through days of hardcore working out. I couldn't help but groan as I tried to sit up and assess what was wrong. To make matters worse, a fierce sweat had broken out across my skin, making me feel sticky and uncomfortable. As I tried to shake off the feeling, a sense of ice-cold dread settled in my gut, adding to my discomfort. 

I wanted nothing more than to fall back in bed and sleep whatever sickness this was away, but as if compelled by some higher purpose, I forced myself to my feet only to be shocked by what I saw...

This was not my room; everything from the wallpaper to the decor was different. The walls were adorned with pictures of people I did not recognize - their faces seemed unfamiliar, yet somehow familiar at the same time. Even though I could have sworn that I had never met them, their names appeared at the forefront of my mind as if I had. 

In a dazed and confused state, I stumbled into a dimly lit room and caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror that didn't belong to me. As I looked closer, I found myself reeling in shock and horror at the stranger who stared back at me. My skin was lined with deep creases and wrinkles, a testament to the harshness of time and the wear and tear of life. Once vibrant and full of life, my eyes were now dull and lifeless brown. My beard and hair, once a rich black hue, were now peppered with streaks of stark grey, a reminder that youth was now a distant memory. The reflection that stared back at me was that of a stranger, an old and weathered version of myself that I no longer recognized. The shock of the image was almost too much to bear, and I felt myself nearly fainting at the sight.

As I stood there, frozen in shock, I couldn't help but feel a sudden rush of memories flooding my mind. It was as if every moment of this body's life had been unlocked and playing before my eyes. It was overwhelming. At that moment, time seemed to stand still as I relived every experience this body had ever encountered. The memories were so vivid and lifelike that I had lived this life myself. Although it only lasted a few seconds, it felt like hours. But amidst all the chaos, I kept my composure and didn't collapse on the floor.

I sat on the end of the bed to spare my legs the effort of keeping me standing, knowing I'd need every bit of energy available to cipher through these new memories. 

This particular version of myself had a past as a footballer. I used to play for Manchester United's youth academy. Still, unfortunately, I wasn't able to showcase my skills to the fullest extent and ended up playing only a handful of matches for the main team. I was then sold to the championship, where I spent the rest of my career. However, my journey as a footballer was cut short when I suffered a severe ACL injury at the age of thirty, which forced me to retire early. This was a difficult time for me as I struggled to find a purpose outside of football. But then, a ray of hope shone upon me when legendary Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson invited me back to help me complete my coaching badges. 

During my time as a Manchester United coach, I was fortunate enough to spend two years with the legendary manager, widely considered one of the best in the sport's history. Despite his retirement, I remained loyal to the club. I continued to work with all the managers who followed him, turning down numerous job offers in the championship and even some newly promoted Premier League sides to stay with my boyhood club. 

As I look back at all the memorable experiences I've had so far, I can't help but feel like this new life is almost too good to be true. It's every football fan's dream to work in the industry, and to land a job at the club you've supported all your life is nothing short of a miracle. So, of course, the universe had to tip the scales somehow.

This, of course, came in the form of being named Manchester United's new interim coach ahead of the up-and-coming 2022/23 season; in my timeline, Erik Ten Hag would get the job after fierce competition with Mauricio Pochettino, so you'd assume when ETH would turn down the job in the last minute that they call up Pochettino and offer him the job but no the Glazers had only alienated Pochettino by offering him the job and then withdrawing it due to a shift in fan opinion so when ETH did turn down the job it left the Glazers in a bit of a conudrum as, as it stood there would be no manager at Manchester United in the coming season.

As the season rapidly approached, the pressure was on for a team to find a new coach. Unfortunately, both of their top choices declined the offer, leaving the team with no option but to appoint an interim coach. Ultimately, they decided to go with a long-serving coach who had been with the team for many years. Despite lacking managerial experience, the team believed that having someone on the touchline was better than having no one. 

As I was transmigrated into my alternate self, I realized I had landed in a precarious situation. My previous self had been announced as the new Manchester United manager, and as I glanced at my phone, I saw countless pundits and fans already writing me off as a failure. It seemed I was just another mistake in the club's managerial history. 

While I wouldn't say I liked being underestimated and looked down upon, I had to admit that I was out of my depth. Even with my previous self's memories, I knew that I couldn't suddenly transform into a football genius like Klopp or Pep. 

As I felt myself on the verge of having a meltdown, a loud, jarring bing sound reverberated through my mind. Just as I was about to lose it, a text box materialized before my eyes, startling me even further. 

[Footballing managerial System Activated]

I looked around and realized that the walls of my room were gradually disappearing, revealing a whole new world waiting to be explored. To my surprise, I found myself standing in a grand, modern, and organized library. It was unlike any library I had ever seen, with rows of neatly arranged books and an impressive collection of art and sculptures decorating the space.

As I stepped forward, I couldn't help but notice the intricate statues that adorned the room, depicting various famous managers such as Fergie, Jose, and Pep. The sculptures were so lifelike that they almost seemed alive, each exuding a unique personality and aura. I stood there in awe, taking in the room's beauty and the art surrounding me.

[Congratulations, Matt Smith, you have unlocked the footballing library, filled with the knowledge that some of the greatest managers in history have found. From tactics to lessons in man-management, use this library to the best of its ability, and you will stand on the top of the footballing world.]

I stood frozen for an eternity, my mind racing with possibilities and opportunities. The chance that had just been presented before me was almost too good to be true. A wide grin spread across my face as I realized that this wouldn't transform me into the best manager in the world overnight, but it was certainly a start. With this newfound aid and my unwavering determination to succeed, driven by my desire to see Manchester United thrive more than anything, I knew that success was within my grasp. I was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead and push myself to be the best I could be for the team.

So, with a determined gait, I delved into the library shelves, determined to succeed...

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


