54.47% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 215: The Battle Against Norscan Raiders Final Part: First Victory in Old World

章 215: The Battle Against Norscan Raiders Final Part: First Victory in Old World

(General POV)

Location the Chaos Waster/Battlefield near the Fortress of the Damned-Chaos Undivided vs. Norscan Raiders

Ixion/Dark Gods of the Warp, were slaughtering all that stood on their way.

The last amongst his foes was slashed through the left shoulder, as they drove their blade deeper cleaving through the bones and flesh of the marauder.

Khorne was loving the brutality and bloodshed, especially since it done by his hands...technically...as the pull the greatsword out and with a execution that would make For Honor, nod in approval they spun the blade around driving the guard through the Norscan's helmet and skull, using their inhuman strength they crushed the helmet, head, skull and all as they killed their last opponent...for now...

Khorne was praising his brother for such a gruesome kill, even asked where he came up with it, all he said, "It was inspiration from a certain knight..." this amused and intrigued the Blood God.

But before he could ask his older brother to elaborate for him, the sensed my victims coming towards them, clinking their Hellbane on the right shoulder a couple of time before they charged back into battle.

Speaking of said battle, it was clear which side was winning and which was being massacred.

The Norscans stubbornness was the only reason they still remain alive against the combined forces of Laharl, Khorne and Nurgle.

All throughout the battle, many northmen were being ruthlessly slaughtered, either by the hellblades of the bloodletters or the various weapons of the mortifinis, some of the tribesmen tried to strike down the sawdisk wielding finis, and the multi-eyed brown skinned elves only to result in a gorery death, by countless ice needles used as arrows, or sawed to pieces by high-speed flying saws, thrown by the Finis placed to defend the Crystal Wraiths.

The ice warriors were unstoppable, just like the daemons of Nurgle, the infectors were spreading like a pandemic, those that didn't become hosts were infected with Nurgle's latest viral concoction resulting in many of the former tribesmen to fall into the service of Papa Nurgle, which was making Nurgle very happy not only for the decay his children were wroughting but also the infection they were also spreading.

Those that were torn apart by the shadow hunters and their commanding dark wendigo, along with their new beast the Norscan Ice Wolves now under their control, the shadow hunter were massacrering everything in the name of the Void Lord!!!

The Norscan kept on their futile struggle against the forces of Ixion Daemonhart.

They even tried an all-out offensive against the pair of infernals crushing and burning everyone in their sight, a force of greataxe marauders, warhounds and the shaman sorcerer rushed at the infernals in their feeble attempt to kill the daemon constructs.

But in reality it will take plasma blasts, or a gauss blast to take down with physical force, in the way of psyker or in this case magic...it would take the levels of Balthasar Gelt or Kairos Fateweaver to bring down...the difference in power scales between Warhammer and Warcraft.

Those Norscans tried to attack/distract the infernals, while their shaman prepare a spell from the lore of fire, he was casting a great [Fireball] strengthening the said spell above it's limits, while his "guards" were being slaughter under the fists and feet of the two daemonic constructs, but they served their purpose as the shaman sorcerer was ready to unleash his magical might upon his enemies.

The massive fireball soared across the corrupted landscape heading straight at the target, the two massive golems (Infernals).

The Dark Gods of the Warp sensed the surge of magic and turned their avatar toward the source of this disturbance, they saw the human sorcerer unleash his psyker power or as their brother Laharl clarified magic.

Of course Khorne was disgusted with such cowardly form of combat, Nurgle while interested but despises fire and flames seeing them as a threat to his children and beautiful garden, Laharl mentally commented that he now understood why Tzeentch has so much fire spells and fire based sorcerer in Old World, but after that he spoke through Ixion, "Infernals catch that sorcerer in the name of God of Darkness!!!".

Khorne and Nurgle were shocked by their older brother's command, and ask him, "why waste his time, with such weak/vile sorcery?" Laharl sighed as he explained to his magic hating brother and fire hating brother why he is doing this, "Knowledge and power brothers. In this world there are countless sources of magic, one of the most common is pyromancy, also our future sibling Tzeentch is known for his overuse of fire type magic/psyker sorcery. So by obtaining these so called "lores" of magic from this world we'll be able to counter if not use them against our enemies. And no Khorne you don't have to use it just understand it...remember "A wise warrior learns and adapts to win and survive, a foolish warrior relies on strength and fortune which will end in a foolish death." don't you agree?"

Khorne grumbled before he yelled out, "FINE!!! BUT KNOW THAT NEITHER I OR MY LEGIONS NEED USE OF MAGIC!!!! I'LL PROVE IT BY SLAUGHTERING ALL SORCERERS WITHOUT RELYING ON SORCERY!!!!!" with Khorne's approval, they can finally obtain their first source of magic from Old World.

As they wanted or more like Laharl and Nurgle wanted to watch the Infernal bulldoze through the marauders and catch the shaman, when they heard someone call their avatar, turning towards the source of this call.

They saw as a large force of Norsca came towards him, lead by the chieftain himself, Ud'ghar Baine.

Ixion/Dark Gods of the Warp, knew this was basically a final stand, so they'll adblish in this suicide, rising their daemonic greatsword with the exception of the Infernals which were occupied with carrying out their dark master's order, they called in all their forces to their side to finally end this battle and feast on the collected soul, while few compared to their usual hulls in their homeworld it will still serve as an appetizer for what Old World has to offer.

As the two "small" forces of Chaos, were gathering and preparing for the final clash between them.

Ud'ghar step forward commanding all his warriors to stop as he pointed his heavy axe at Ixion and said, "Warrior of Chaos!!! Under they eyes of our Gods, I challenge you to a duel to the death!!!! By the will, of the Dark Gods, the winner shall be the most favored, and strongest champion, worthy of commanding both armies as one!!!!"

A duel already the Dark One, knows Khorne would accept on the principal of his divinities of [Honor, Pride, Marial Honor, & Combat], Nurgle only saw it as a delightful struggle against despair and death that he was more than happy to bestow on the mortal...

Laharl also wanted to fight and duel as this reminded him of the duel stages of Mark of Chaos Game, and since they all agreed they spoke through Ixion, "Brave fool...do you truly believe you can match me? Fine. I'll shall grant you, your ohh so coveted death."

Ixion commanded his forces to form a half circle behind him, to symbolize the edge of their ring, and seeing them do this Ud'ghar Baine did the same with his...200 remaining warriors, the Dark Gods inside Ixion saw that they might prove useful in the future once they slaughter, this deluded fool.

The two warriors and respected lord of opposite force started to make their way to the center of the corrupted field that will serve as their ring.

Once they walked some distance closer to one another, they started to run straight at the other with Ud'ghar having his shield guarding his chest, and his heavy axe risen high, while Ixion had their Hellbane in a low, wide grip as they got into the other's range and swung!

Ud'ghar with a downward chop, and Ixion with a upward cross swing causing their respected weapon clash and cause sparks to fly!

Ixion's swordstrike was powerful, something that Ud'ghar never expected he felt himself being pushed back with ease by the blow alone, he barely was able to willstand Ixion's attack as they locked in a deathlock which was clear that his opponent has all the advantages, so like raiders aka vikings, Ud'ghar struck with a brutal helmed headbutt against Ixion's head.

Being a avatar, created and piloted by three Chaos Gods, which apart from Khorne could only say, "...Seriously?" Khorne on the other hand though it amusing so he made the avatar respond in kind.

Ixion unshaken by Ud'ghar's weak headbutt, in reality it rund Ud'ghar more as he was suffering the affects of his previous desperation attack, he didn't see Ixion bring back his head slightly and launch forward with his own vicious headbutt, upon impact the helmet of Ud'ghar dented hard as he crushed the chieftain's face, causing blood to drip down from the Norscan's helmet opening.

This blow broke the weak deathlock, between them as the Dark Gods they pressed the attack, by using [Chaos Strike] once again their left arm/gauntlet was covered in a meager portion of their powers, as the chaotic energies of Rage, Void and Decay coated the avatar's left arm.

They struck straight at the center of Ud'ghar's body blasting all three ruinous power into him, as they felt the bones crack and break under their fist, once the attack was done they lunged Ud'ghar away as he smashed against the grey ground a couple of times until he finally stopped.

Ixion/Dark Gods of the Warp, watched as they "opponent" coughed, weezed, and spit up blood, they were actually impressed that the Norscan survived their blow, soo much so they said to him, "My, my. You managed to survive an attack, that killed several of your men...seems your not just wannabe warlord...just a warrior with meager abilities." Ud'ghar Baine tried to yell at them to "shut up" but the pain and blood wouldn't let him.

As they watch him struggle, Khorne took over Ixion mouth speaking in a impatient and aggravated tone, "Get up. GET UP!!! We're not done crushing you!!" slowly Ud'ghar Baine, stood back up.

Trembling, and bleeding Laharl and Nurgle, told their brother to enjoy himself since this was getting tedious...and practically boring for their taste...

Khorne thanked them, but upon him taking sole operation of Ixion it changed to its Khorne state, the avatar turned red and brass, becoming thicker and heavier resembling a Khorne Champion.

With the helmet losing its former horns and gaining the symbol of Khorne connected on the top.

Lastly the Hellbane completely changed turning scarlet and brass, with the blade transforming into a khornate hellblade.

This sudden transformation did not only shock the Norscans witnessing this battle, but the four Chaos Gods, not understanding how a mortal could transform between an unaligned warrior, to a servent of the Blood God in a moment.

Ixion/Khorne rised his arms up, and roared with such force and rage that OW-Khorne was very please but also confused in what has occurred to Ixion Daemonhart, and the Blood God wasn't the only one that felt the same.

This would have been bad for the Warp Gods, but before they completely transferred their consciousness and essences to their avatar Laharl told them what to say, in a way that is true just omitted so even Khorne could say it, since he never lies...

Ixion/Khorne said to the confused Ud'ghar, "Poor fool...I am one of several souls within this body. We are brothers from another realm, sharing the same body and mind, we make Ixion Daemonhart. Now stand as I add your skull to the throne."

Pretty bage but truthful, as all reacted to Ixion/Khorne's statement especially the four Chaos Gods, a mortal with multiple souls and identities within him...them, siblings of various alligances working together...this made Ixion even more desirable to the four Chaos Gods, especially since he mentioned he originates from another world, such potential and opportunities, it was clear that these Ixion Daemonhart, is becoming a more valuable champion...maybe becoming the truest form of an Everchosen, surpassing Archeon.

Ud'ghar didn't believe it and rush forward yelling, making Ixion/Khorne scoff out, "pathetic" as he easily deflected all Ud'ghar's wild swings.

Until Ixion/Khorne, struck back slashing Ud'ghar Baine through the belly making the Norscan Chieftain back off.

But Khorne didn't relent as he commanded the avatar to rush in, and start wailing on the Norscan Chieftain without mercy or relent, despite Ud'ghar's best effort to guard against Ixion, he was swarmed in attacks.

Until Khorne shoulder rushed him, knocking away Ud'ghar's shield and leaving him open for a brutal stab, trusting the Hellbane through the Norscan's side, he forced the daemonic greatsword further in as he grabbed Ud'ghar's head and started wailing headbutts onto the Norscan Chieftain.

He continued his onslaught, until he felt Ud'ghar started to go limp in Ixion's grasp, scoffing Khorne mentally commented, "Disappointing, he could entertain me more." Ixion/Khorne brutally pulled out the blade from his victim, as Ud'ghar was falling unconsciously to his knees, Khorne made the avatar perform a right spin beheading Ud'ghar claiming his skull for his own!!!

Along with all Ud'ghar's forces now belongings to them!!!

With their victory and OW-Khorne being pleased at the brutality, also since this was one of several souls within Ixion he was eager to turn them all into his servents.

And like he swore to himself, should he or as the Blood God should now address them, as "they" he rewarded their victory.

The storm started to strike and surge thunder, as a red lightning bolt struck at Ud'ghar's headless body completely disintegrating it and leaving behind a khornate axe, the Norscans yelled at Ixion/Khorne that it was blessing and gift from the Hound aka his Old World counterpart.

Khorne saw the axe as a useful weapon...once he finish adjusting it to his scale of power, and lethality, walking towards the red razor-sharp axe and picking it up, claiming it for himself, pleasing OW-Khorne believing that he has started making his claim to these warriors, unknown to the Blood God of the Old World is nothing to the Blood God of the Warp.

This mark the first Chaos artifact/weapon claimed by the Warp Gods, as Khorne was soon joined by his brothers making Khorne's new "Axe of Rage" enter within the khornate state of Ixion.

Transforming back to their Undivided state, they looked at the beaten and captured shaman in the grip of one of the infernals.

Laharl made the avatar walked towards the cowarding sorcerer who could sense his life was in danger.

He pleaded and swore to serve them the Chosen of the Gods, faithfully should they spare him as Laharl spoke through Ixion, "We don't need your service. We only need your soul." before the shaman could annoy them any longer, they placed their left hand on his head and channeling their dark powers through the avatar as they pulled out the soul and knowledge of the human into themselves, along with his magical powers of the Lore of Fire, leaving a pale husk they made a head gesture for the Infernal to toss away the body, grunting it did as they command, tossing the husk far away and once it struck the ground it pop like balloon, leaving the legs intact but the rest was a gorery mess.

With that settle and Laharl feeling the magic of fire now within his very essence, he lifted Ixion's left hand and channeling a bit of his new magical power...since Khorne and Nurgle didn't want only the understanding of it...causing Ixion's hand to burst in flames...magical flames.

This intrigued all but one Chaos Gods, especially Tzeentch a method to fully take the magical power, alignment, and knowledge of a mortal into one self...he must have as he by instinct tried to read the minds of Ixion Daemonhart resulting in Iron Maiden 666 activating and attacking him again...another painful migraine as he had to rest the intense agony he's suffering again...

Ixion/Warp Gods address their entire force, now numbering 753 strong, telling them they serve them now and that under them the rewards and glory will be bountiful.

Making the Norscan cheer the name of the avatar, as he was commanding them all to prepare to march they're heading straight to the...probably...abandoned fortress, over the horizon, rising their Hellbane into the air they yell out, "For Chaos!!!" and their forces responded in kind.

As they start to march, their warriors and daemons started following the "Chosen of the Gods" as they made they way to their next target.

While marching Laharl suggested to his younger brothers to check their stats and small changes they might have gained, since they had nothing else to do until they arrive at the fortress they agreed with him.

Calling Aillia that was more than happy to assist her Lord...and in turn the other two inside the avatar as she made the blue transparent screen, not appear in front of Ixion, but within it so the three could see without issue or annoyances.

Name: Ixion Daemonhart

Operators: Laharl, Khorne, Nurgle

Weapon Type: Great Chaos-sword, Khorne Heavy Axe.

Weapon Name: Hellbane, The Axe of Rage [Khorne Exclusive].

Gear-Undivide: None.

Laharl: None.

Khorne: None.

Nurgle: None.

Army Size-Total: 753

1.Frost Eldars-200=Ice Warriors 100, Cryowitches 50, Shadow Hunters 24, Dark Wendigo 1, Crystal Wraiths-Archers 25.




5.Infectors-93=Hostless Maggots 31, Marauder Hosts 36, Warhound Hosts 26.

6.Plague Norscan 32=Berserker Marauders 10, Great-Axe Marauders 12, Axe-throwers 10.Norscan Raiders 200=Berserker Marauders 85, Spearmen 15, Great-Axe Marauders 25, Fimir 25, Axe-throwers 50.

11.Norscan Ice Wolves 50.

Avatar Stats-Chaos Undivided











Magic Lores-1.Lore of Laharl Lv-1

2.Lore of Nurgle Lv-1

3.Lore of Fire Lv-1

Spell List-Laharl: Dark Bolt.

Nurgle: Stench of Nurgle.

Fire: Fireball.

Avatar Stats-Khorne


WEAPONS-1.Hellbane Hellfire.

2.The Axe of Rage.







MAG/PSY-0: Refuses magic...


Skill List

1.Chaos Corruption Spreader Lv-7

Undivided Corruption 27%

Carnage Corruption 12%

Blood Corruption 12%

Plague Corruption 12%

2.Physical Empowerment Lv-7

Power + 7%

Endurance + 7%

3.Chaos Strike Lv-3

4.Daemon Cleave Lv-2

Ability List

Undivided Abilities

1.Operator Switch.

2.Chosen of the God 3/7

3.Unholy Presence.

4.Soul Collector.

Khorne Abilities

1.Blood Rage.

2.Magic Resistance.

Nurgle Abilities

1.Vile Miasma.

2.Sickness Immunity.

As they watched their changed stats, they saw that in one simple raise of level, they become stronger and that's without using the few souls they've collected to increase a few things...

But they all agreed to use those souls, once they had a substantial amount as they continue marching towards the Fortress of the Damned, claiming it as their temporary base, and plan they next move with much more care, Laharl and Nurgle thanked Aillia as they know their brother wouldn't say anything stating it "should be her honor, to serve the Blood God" as they carried on...

...But in truth be told both Laharl and Khorne were concerned over their wives states, Nurgle actually comfort them, telling them once they set up within the Fortress, Laharl can create something that would link them directly to the Warp, because in truth he too was concern for his realm as well, especially with time working well chaotically in the Warp.

This did calm the Dark One and the Blood God, as they are now focused on claiming the Fortress of the Damned, as they made their avatar swing the Hellbane forward, and yell out "Faster!!!" yelling on confirmation to them as they hasten their speed as a army of Norscan Raiders, Shi'lanorai, and Chaos Daemons of Blood, Plague, and Carnage make their mark on the Old World.

This was the first of many victories as the "Dark Legion of the Damned" has officially join these Immortal Empires.

[Author: You can consider the first battle in any new campaign in TTW. Quick and easy. Now I ask you which should I choose the Faction should the three 40k Chaos Gods go up against next or you guys choose? Remember their in Chaos Wastes currently so choose factions close to the area to make sense have a good new years.]

next chapter
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