37.5% Rebirth in Jujutsu Kaisen / Chapter 2: Chapter 1

章 2: Chapter 1

Pov: unknown

Speechless, that's all I was. This kid really just destroyed his universe trying to summon an elder God.


'Guess it's time to summon his soul.'

Pov: Arthur

'Where am I?'

Hmm, it seems I can't speak

"Hello their puny soul." Spoke a booming yet feminine voice that reverberated throughout my very soul. It felt like I can be erased from existence itself if this creatures breath blew upon me.

'Wait hold the fuckin phone are you the elder God I summoned?'

"No you brat, I'm much more of a higher existence than a simple elder God." Replied that soothing yet destructive voice that makes me feel small.

'Uhh then who might you be.' I questioned the owner of that voice, it went silent before briefly replying.

"I am the system that governs over all of my lords creation, I am Ankan Zenime." when I heard that name I felt my very soul glitch, like a programming with an error in it.

"Sorry about that I had to stabilize your soul or just hearing my true name would cause your souls eradication" after 'it' said that their was a tense silence as I realized I'm facing a being akin to a God and I simply have no control over my life or death if said being wishes to end it.

" Calm down mortal I will bring you no harm" as it said that I felt a calming aura rush over me, causing me to feel as if I were in the warm embrace of my mother. After calming done I proceeded to converse with the system that governs all creation.

'So... is their a reason you brought me here?' As I thought that the system read my mind and responded. "Yes I brought you here after you doomed your universe by trying to summon an elder god and if I'm honest that's the minor problem here. You see my master the origin of creation wishes to be entertained and I chose you out of infinite lifeforms of infinite dimensions to please my master, so what do you say? choose a world of your own volition or be condemned."

'Oi oi oi! you're not giving me much of a choice here, and to hell with that, as if I'll give up on the chance of getting isekaid, its the whole reason I tried to summon an eldritch god.' as I finished my thought 'it' laughed out loud as if 'it' just heard the funniest thing.

"I'm kidding mortal, I'm not that bad as to erase you"

'bullshit you just said yo-' before I can even finish my thought 'it' interrupted me.

"that's just your imagination" hey you're sounding awfully familiar he-

"that's just your imagination" once again I was interrupted and didn't even bother to correct 'it' anymore.

"So where would you like to go? I already know your answer but its better to ask still." now that I think about it where should I go? I wanted to summon an elder god and hopefully get transmigrated like a certain bookstore owner in another world but now that I'm given the option, what world should I go to?

Maybe I should go to War hammer 40k or maybe even SCP Foundation... but to go their I'd have to be really op or I wouldn't even know how I died, but if I'm too op I wouldn't be able to have a good fight with someone or have a rival. If I were to go into my new life like that I wouldn't find any meaning in it if I were so strong, I want a challenge and to have a rival.

"It seems you've finally come to a conclusion." Yes I have, and I'm sure you already know it.

'I'd like to go to Jujutsu Kaisen please.' As I said that the black void that I was in vanished and I appeared in a completely different space, It looked truly dazzling, but what I saw next dwarfed even the very cosmos I was just infatuated with. what I saw was a woman, no a girl, that looked no older than 17-18 with Lucious silver platinum hair, succulent red lips with jade skin and a small face that looks so beautiful yet so fragile that it can break with but a touch, and dazzling red eyes that felt like you can get lost in them if you stared at them too long.

'What a beautiful being.' I couldn't help thinking, but when I saw the smirk on 'its' face I immediately stared blushing, metaphorically of course, cause I'm just a soul at the moment.

"No need to be that sh-" but before 'it' was able to finish speaking I swiftly cut 'it' off and said.

'that's just your imagination.' with that we descended into an almost scary silence, I'm pretty sure if I still had my body I'd have pissed myself or worse...

After 3 minutes I broke that silence 'anyway shouldn't we be finishing up here?' and with that the tense atmosphere vanished as if it wasn't their to begin with.

"Yes I suppose we should, but thanks to that little remark of yours you only get three limited wishes."

And that readers is when I knew I fucked up...






"So what your saying is you wish to be reborn into the Inumaki clan as Toge Inumaki's elder twin brother with immense cursed energy, and you wish for your cursed technique to be 'words of reality' which allows you to freely change/alter reality as you see fit?"

'Yup pretty much.' was all I said as I'm basically floating around in my soul form.

"Alright with that out of the way you shou-" as she was saying that I briefly cut her off.

'what do you mean? being born into the Inumaki clan as Toge's twin brother is one wish whilst the other is my CT words of reality, so in short I have 1 last wish.'

'Tsk' was all I heard before making my last wish.

hmm what should I get I don't want anything to op so maybe a weapon, I've decided.

'For my last wish, I want Ichigo's katana. Make it a special cursed tool that the Inumaki clan forged in the Heian era.

"Fine it's nothing too demanding so I'll go along with it." yes! now I'm all set to kick ass in jujutsu Kaisen.

'well I guess I'll be reincarnating now, so this is goodbye from my end, and thank you for granting my life's ultimate dream...'

"Ciel." huh? was all I thought as I tilted my head questioningly

"It's what my master calls me, I'll grant you the supreme honor of calling me that."

'Wait a minute that name sounds famili-' before I was able to finish a portal appeared beside me and I was hit with a sudden sense of sadness and nostalgia as I fell unconscious and hurdled towards to portal.





POV: unknown

'hmm it seems she's finally finished with his reincarnation.' I thought as I made my way outside of my reality and into the Alpha-verse to meet Ciel.

"So Ciel how is everything going?" the unknown being asked as he faced Ciel.

"Master Rimuru, everything is going swimmingly."

"Hmm is that so, well I just hope he can entertain us within his lifetime." the unknown being now identified as Rimuru said.

"I'm sure he will be able to, after all he is a clone of you my lord."

"That is true, but you did remove his potential right?"

"Yes I removed 99.99999999% of his potential, if I didn't he would have become a Multiversal level being within a year or 2 like you master, and if he did, watching him wouldn't have been any fun now would it."

"Of course, that's my Ciel." Rimuru said as he tenderly pat Ciel's head, as they were the same height though it was a bit weird. "but you don't seem so happy, is it because he's gone?" asked Rimuru, to which she nodded. "Well don't worry we'll be seeing him soon, and he's just a clone theirs no need to feel that sad." but when he said that she tensed up, and Rimuru's Spidey senses started tingling.

With quite the serious face Rimuru asked the question that was on all the readers mind.

"Ciel dear, he's just a clone right?" Rimuru asked once more to which Ciel cleverly backed the fuck up and replied "w-well, master you see he's actually a parallel existence of yours." when she finished speaking you could have sworn a piece of glass just broke as Rimuru's lip continuously twitched.


"You know what, I don't even want to know, cause my instincts are telling me I'm better off not knowing" with that Rimuru left the Alpha-verse and went back to the cardinal world to start watching his new series "The adventures if Arthur."




POV: Arthur

"Its been nine months since I got sucked into that portal, and fuck am I bored." after getting sucked into that portal and losing consciousness I woke up here. After what was maybe an hour I realized this was the womb and I'm inside my mother... you know what I mean.

Since it's been about 9 months I can feel my birth coming soon, and since I'm now a twin inside here with Toge it's pretty goddamn cramped, so I'm just anxiously waiting till my mother, whoever she is, goes into labor and pops me out, until then, I'll just sleep.

And that was the last thought I had before drowsiness took me to sleeping heaven.






{Author note: hello everyone not much is known about the Inumaki clan other than them being a shaman clan along with the Zenin and Gojo clans, so I'll just use some bullshit-no-jutsu to make this story make sense so just go along with it.}

For all those wondering what Ciel's name Ankan Zenime means, it's just "governor of God."

Taste_The_Rainbow_8941 Taste_The_Rainbow_8941

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


