1.44% Reasons Why I Don’t Want To Marry A Prince / Chapter 3: Reason #3: it’s dreadful to be a noble

章 3: Reason #3: it’s dreadful to be a noble

It's been two months since I woke up in this world.

I was in denial at first, but now I've accepted the fact that I've reincarnated into this romantic web novel. Now the best course of action is to survive.

I've decided to be friends with the male lead Prince Leon Lambert.

Though he didn't make it easy for us to be friends, I manage to buy his friendship with a sandwich ...hohoho (^^)v

The Prince comes by the duke mansion often to train.

While he trains, I like to keep him company and, at the same time, enjoy my picnic by the shade.

(Author: Ivy's main intention was to laze around, and before she reincarnated, her favorite pastimes were reading novels under the shade. So it is a lie that she wanted to keep the prince company.)

After the Prince's training, we would have lunch together and play.

The Prince is currently nine years old. Although he is slightly taller, his height is still somewhat similar to mine.

The Prince is a very cheeky and naughty boy. He often likes to tease me by scaring me with wriggling worms that he finds.

Apart from his charming smile and beautiful handsome face, he is like any other normal young boy.

I'm getting used to his smile now. Although sometimes, his smile was so bright that I could feel as if it was like a pheromone attack combo.

Still, after some time, I've too increased my level of resistance against it.

I've also learned that the Prince did not have many friends.

Perhaps, maybe even none because he always tries to change the topic whenever I ask about it.

I can see that he is very lonely, especially whenever he goes home at the end of the day.

He always showed a sad expression, and I know he wasn't very close to his father (the emperor).

I could imagine how quiet his home was. Rather than a warm home, it's more like returning to a cold cage.

I remembered one day, as I entered the library to get my books for reading, I heard small sniffling sounds coming from somewhere around the bookshelves.

Then as I looked around, I found the Prince hiding behind a dark corner, sitting by himself.

<Isn't this his training time? Why is he here?> I thought

So I slowly approached the Prince, and I could tell that he was crying because of the sniffling sounds.

He covered his face by hugging himself with his knees, then I said to

him in a quiet voice

"Your highness, are you ok?"

He heard my voice but continued to cry and shy away from me.

"Are you hurt? Or sick?"

I asked while I tried to check his condition.

Then as he lifted his head, I saw his eyes were red and puffy while his left cheek was bruised slightly.

"Your highness, who did this to you? Your cheek is swollen."

"My father hit me today."

"His majesty did this? Why?"

"I lost a sword fight with the neighbouring Prince, and he was a lot bigger than me. Father said I put him to shame. I've been practising my sword skills really hard from Master, but I still turn out to be a disappointment to him. I'm a useless tool, just like Father said."

Hearing this child calling himself a useless tool broke my heart. His father is clearly an imbecile. How could he say that to his son! If I recall correctly, the Prince only started sword training a month ago, and he is only nine years old, for goodness sake. Doesn't he know that his words can traumatize a child for life!

It's no wonder that he works so hard at swinging the sword, and he constantly showed a desperate face.

But as I saw the Prince continue to whimper and shiver like a cute abandoned puppy, I hugged and gently stroked his hair to comfort him.

"There there... you had a bad day, but it's over now. It's ok to cry and let all the bad things out. Keeping the bad things inside you is not good for your body. The bad things can't let the good things in. So you can cry, your highness. It is natural to cry."

Prince Leon let go of his knees and started hugging me instead. Then the tears that he tried to hold back fell freely. He cried as much as he could, as if he had lots of bad things buried deep within.

As he cried, I patted his back like a mother would with a crying baby.

"From now on, many good things will come to your highness. You will smile every day, and you will meet someone who will love you for who you are. That someone will not care if you are useful or useless, nor will she ever be disappointed in you because she will love you wholeheartedly. She will never see you as a tool but as a family. I promise you, wait a little longer because there will be a bright and happy future waiting for you."

After a while, we sat together at the corner, sleeping while holding in each other arms. At that moment, I decided that I would also take on the Prince's mother's role. I will not let him be sad or lonely again.


That day as the two children doze off in the library, the whole mansion was frantically looking for the two children.

The duchess then found them at the corner of the library, hugging each other while sleeping.

"Oh my, these two may be a lot closer than I thought ... hehe. My daughter may soon be wed a lot earlier. They look so cute together. I better not let James see this. If not, he'll probably be regretting about the betrothed arrangement right now."


Ever since that day from the library, I've accompanied the Prince whenever he comes by the mansion.

Even though the plan was to be his friend and support him when he meets his true love so that he won't kill me, I thought if I care for him like a mother, I'm sure when the time comes, not only that he won't throw the death flag at me, he might also give me a huge annulment pension.

Being a 21st-century independent woman, I feel bad relying on my parent's wealth, and I don't want to marry anybody in this story because usually, the nobles from the novel are stuck up arrogant idiots with mistresses on the side. Sooner or later, I need to find a way to be financially independent of my parents and part ways from the life of nobility.

<Since mother was the daughter of a prosperous merchant, I probably should pay a visit to grandfather soon and see if there is any possibility of setting a future retirement plan there. >

But before that, I have to find more friends for my baby to play with.

(Author: ivy has now claimed the Prince as her child, so she will always call prince Leon - my baby in her heart.) ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ


Prince Leon POV

This morning was the sword fight with Prince Edgard from the western kingdom.

Father was a very proud man and disliked showing his weakness to others. As his son, my performance also reflects upon his.

He and the king from the western empire will always fight to see who is better, leading to the sword match between both country's princes.

"Don't disappoint me."

Those were the last words he said to me before I went and trained with Master. So I train every single day as hard as I can. Even though Prince Edgard and I were the same age, I know for a fact that he is bigger in size as their country is well known to be the descendants of strong Vikings that ruled over a century ago.

Master was against the idea of me taking part in this at first as it was impossible for me to be ready in a month for a sword fight, but I went along with Father's wishes as I felt I should act like the son that he would be proud of.

And so I trained until my hands were full of blisters. Every day was tiring and painful. My arms felt so heavy and painful to lift, but even so, I didn't quit swinging my sword.

On the day of the swordfight, I lost. Prince Edgard was big and a lot stronger. My sword flew away with just a single slash from him, and it was difficult for me to grip it tightly as my hands were still injured with blisters.

After the match ended, Father walked towards me and gave me a hard slap on the face.

"You brought shame to me, you useless tool... take my son away to his chambers."

And just like that, he left while the servants carried me back to my room.

When I was left alone in my bedroom, I could taste the blood in my mouth, but it didn't hurt. Even the pain from the blisters on my hands that I felt painful earlier turned numb. I suddenly felt no pain; I felt nothing.

I got scared, and I wanted to see Master.

"Something must be wrong with my body. Master will know what's wrong."

So I ask the butler to escort me to Duke's mansion, claiming that I'm late for his prearranged training.

When I arrived at the mansion, Master was preoccupied with a meeting, so I went straight to the training ground instead. While I waited for him, I saw the wooden sword that I usually held. That sword was frightening, and the training ground reminded me of the match this morning. My heart pounded, and I started to sweat.

I need to leave this place, but I don't want to return to the palace. So I ran back into the mansion and hideaway in the library instead. I remembered the mansion's library was a very quiet place. Ivy always brought me over here whenever she wanted to do some silent reading.

I just need to hide away for a while quietly. So I sat in a dark corner, and my eyes began to weep for no reason. My body was out of control; I was scared because I no longer had any control over my body. I don't feel pain even though I bleed; my eyes were dripping with tears even though I have no grief.

< stop, please just stop crying>

"Your highness, are you ok?"

<oh no, it's ivy. I can't let her see me like this. I can't let a little girl like her look at me. I look pathetic. She will laugh at me>

"Are you hurt? Or sick?"

When she touched me, I felt her warmth. So I slowly looked up and saw her face.

She looked concerned. She was worried about me. Apart from Mother, nobody ever cared about me before.

When she asked me what happened, the words naturally came out of my mouth even though I didn't want to tell anyone. I didn't want anyone to know how shameful and useless I was. But I lost control of my body, and I lost control when I saw her.

After I told her everything, I thought she would look down on me like Father did.

< worthless, useless, disappointment>

These words made me shudder with fear.

But she held me in her arms, and she asked me to cry.

She said there are all the bad things inside my body right now, and I need to cry to let it out.

When I heard her saying this, it sounded ridiculous, but she smelled nice, and her body was soft and warm. I haven't been held in someone's arm for so long, ever since Mother passed away.

When I thought of Mother, I cried.

I cried a lot that day as if I've cried out years worth of tears, and her voice was comforting to hear, just like listening to a soothing melody.

We slept together side by side. Even though I've stopped crying, I didn't want to let go of her.

I want to be by her side forever.


What are your thoughts if this novel were to adapt into a comic? Would you support it? Comment your support to let me know!

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    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

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    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
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