15.88% Reasons Why I Don’t Want To Marry A Prince / Chapter 43: Reason #25: it would be the beginning to my doom (5)

章 43: Reason #25: it would be the beginning to my doom (5)

The Sudden Guest Arrival

Not What I've Expected

That night, upon the sudden arrival of the Southern King, what was supposed to be a peaceful night, suddenly became chaotic.

While everyone was running around completing the last-minute preparations for the royal guest's arrival, Ivy, on the other hand, stood silently at the palace entrance, thinking to herself about the plot's novel.

Inside her mind, she thought.

How can this be?!

The story says that the prince and princess would only meet and fall in love at the ball.

Not here, not now, not this early. So what's going on?

Is this still part of the story? Or

Is the story changing?

According to what I know, if they had come tomorrow as plan, Princess Sophia wouldn't have the chance to meet the Prince this early because he would be preoccupied with the ceremonies until the Royal Ball.

So what is exactly happening here?

While she was deep in her thoughts, the royal guards suddenly shout.

"The royal fleet has arrived!"

"Quickly roll out the red carpets!"

Sir Gregory yelled while the servants immediately followed his orders.

When the sight of the royal carriage began to grow closer, her heart gradually began to beat louder.

Slowly she felt her whole body shaking.

She thought that she was mentally well prepared for this very day, but when it was finally happening in front of her, her heart could just burst open at any second.

<Stay Calm, Ivy. You need to stay calm.>

She gently patted her heart.

<Regardless of however it happened, it is happening now, and this is it.

This is the moment you've been waiting for.

This is the moment that you've been training all your life for. When the moment their eyes meet, it will be the moment they fall in love and...>

She paused her thoughts while she stole a few more glances at the Prince standing next to her

<and this will be the moment that you, the villainess, should peacefully exit according to plan.>

Even though she had made up her mind, she unconsciously showed a sorrowful expression, and when the Prince saw her making such a face, he gently held her hand and said

"Don't worry. I'll be right next to you."

Hearing his words pricked her heart even more, but when she saw his smile, she kept her composure and smiled back and said

"I'm Fine. Thank you, Leon."

She said it like how she does every time, and she buried all those emotions deep inside her heart as she chants her magic words

- Emotions are unnecessary. Feelings are unnecessary,

be calm, cool, and collected.-

Then they walk down the stairs, hand in hand, and greeted the royal guest together.

Once the royal carriage pulled over at the front entrance, the attendants started to play the horns, and the messenger yells.

"Welcoming the arrival of King Trevor Haynes, the divine ruler of the southern kingdoms and her highness, Princess Sophia."

The moment the announcement of their arrival ends, the carriage door suddenly burst open with a man jumping out, instantly hugging her and said

"Ah, you're here. I've finally found you, my dear."


Ivy just stood there, stunned, and she didn't have time to react until the Prince grabs the man's shoulders and said

"What is the meaning of this? King Haynes"

<King Haynes?> she thought

<This is that ruthless king from the south?>

While she tried her best to push the man away, he kept his hands locked around her and then slowly raises his head to see her face.

When their eyes meet, the first thing she notices was his ruby-red eyes.

His eyes were enchanting, and it sparkled just like real red jewels.

At a glance, the king was undeniably handsome. He is a young man with silky purple hair, a well-built physique, and his whole body was dress in black clothing.

He was like any other handsome royal she has seen in this world, who has the same alluring aura as the Prince and the exact type that many fair maidens would fall for.

If she must point out, the only difference is if the prince was known as the bright and charming, then he would be the dark and cool version of it.

(Author: Still, regardless of how handsome both of them were, they are still not her type. (^_^;) )

While the king continued to ignore the prince, he flips open Ivy's hairpin to look at her hidden scar.

"No, wait!" She tried to stop him, but it was too late as he laid his fingers on her scar and said, "What a pity to hide away such a beautiful mark of yours. I would have gladly look at it every day."

Then he gently held her cheeks and gaze at her with his tender eyes.

"As promised, I've come for you, my one and only witch."


Though she was baffled with his remark before she could ask any further, the Prince's patience was reaching its limit, and he began squeezing the King's arm tightly and said

"King Haynes, I would advice you to take your hands off my fiancée right now... or else."

The Prince warned him with his merciless eyes and was ready to break the King's arm off if he doesn't comply.

But his threats did not affect the King as the king remains unfazed.

The King just smirks back with a wicked smile, then waves his finger and says, "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. The incompetents never learn, do they."

The Prince's expression immediately changed.

"you're the..."

Before the prince could finish his sentence, the King took his chance, and with just showing the palm of his hand, he pushed the Prince far away like magic.

Leon!!!" Ivy screamed as she tries to struggle her way out from the King's arms.

The Prince, on the one hand, manages to defend himself and land safely on his feet.

"Your highness!"x2

Gregory and Jacob ran towards the Prince's side while they pulled out their sword and points at the Southern King.

"Be careful. He is using magic. He must have a stone somewhere on him."

Slowly the guards from each side started to gather, and they began to stand in their fighting position.

The whole palace suddenly became an uproar when everyone saw the sight of magic.

While everyone was on high alert, only the King remained calm as he said,

"My, my. Isn't this the Crown Prince?"

He gave a sarcastic smile while he continues to locks his arms tightly around the girl.

"My humble apologies. I was feeling a little confused after a long journey from the south.

Suddenly touching me like that can be quite dangerous after all."

The King tried to provoke the Prince, but the Prince just stayed calm.

He simply stood up, brushed off his shoulders, and then took out his sword.

Then in a split of a second, the prince disappeared into thin air and suddenly reappeared in front of King.

Before the king could react, the prince already had his sword stabbing towards the King's face, causing the king to involuntary lean back and loosen his grip.

And the moment the King let go of his arm, the Prince immediately snatched Ivy away.

*Swish!* & *Swoosh!*

Everything happened in just a blink of an eye.

Before Ivy could even catch her breath, she realized that she was already in the Prince's arms, and they were standing together behind the line of palace guards.

This was Ivy's first experience of being a damsel in distress.

Although she had been saved before, she lost her consciousness every time, so she hasn't had the privilege to realize how it felt being saved.

In her brain, she thought.

<Hmph! What a cliche scenario—a hero rescuing a weak maiden from an evil man's clutches. This is a typical damsel in distress stage act. I knew the author had no originality what so ever, but...>

When she held her head up and peeks at her heroic prince's handsome face, her cheeks immediately turn so red that she could feel steam coming out from her head.

In the past, she had read this sort of a cliche scenario thousands of times, and as a fellow Fantasy X Romance book fan, she was on the side that believes that these are the 101 cliches that really needs to die.

She even thought how stupid the girls were for falling head over heels for such a boring scene.

All of this, of course, she knows it very well in her brain,

<And yet! And yet!!>

she kept yelling on the inside,

<Why is my heart still beating so fast for such a cliche scene!>

"Huhu..." The southern king sneered, "I see you're not called the second-best swordsman for nothing."

"Hmph." The Prince smirks back, "Then I guess you are less than that then, King Haynes."

"Please, please. I wouldn't dare. Who would, in their right mind, ever be so bold to win against the great empire's crown prince. That would be an act of treason towards the empire."

"Then, if you would kindly care to explain the actions you made towards my fiancee earlier."

"Oh, pardon me, I did not know that she was your fiancee. She just very much closely resembles someone I know. However..."


"Correct me if I'm wrong, but when I just ascend to the throne, I've learned that the crown prince's engagement hadn't been officially determined yet, and the current arrangement with the Duke's daughter is not an official one."

The Prince gritted his teeth and asked.

"Where did you hear about that?"

"huhu..." the king smiled cunningly. "Seeing your face like that, so I'm right then. Aren't you happy that you are not completely tied down to only one woman?

How envy I am of you since all the eligible Princesses across the kingdom will be lining up just to matchmake with the ever so popular crown prince."

While King Haynes let out a sneer, the Prince was clenching his fist, trying to hold back his anger.

"Is that true, Leon?" Ivy just curiously asked as she had not known about this at all.

"Ivy, I..."

Before the Prince could say another word, King Haynes interrupted him again and said

"Well, it's only just a matter of time till they announce it. A crown prince can only choose his official bride-to-be when he reaches adulthood, and I heard the announcement would be during the Prince's royal ball. So technically speaking, you have no official authority over Ms.Ivy over there, do you? Crown Prince."

While Ivy could feel Prince Leon's rage exploding, she did not know what to say to him as she, herself, was also having mixed feelings when she learns about this news.

But before the situation could grow any worse, someone yelled out.

"What is all this commotion about?"


Ivy called out when she saw the Emperor standing at the top of the stairs along with her father, Duke Augustine, at the side.

The moment the emperor came out, everyone immediately kneeled and shout.

"Greetings, Emperor Conandas Lambert!"

While everyone was down on their knees, the King just calmly walked towards the emperor and kneeled. He just acted as if nothing has happened.

"Your Majesty, I'm King Trevor Haynes, son of the late King Drussel Haynes and current ruler of the southern kingdom.

It is my honor to greet your majesty for the first time. May the lord eternally shines on your majesty's glory."

"King Haynes, as you've just recently claimed your title, I would like to remind you to follow the empire's rule during your stay here."

"My humble apologies, your majesty. Please forgive me, for I still have a lot to learn before I could be as great as my father."

"I will overlook it this time, but..."

The emperor's voice slowly deepens as he glared at him and said, "I will not take it lightly the next time if this were ever to happen again."

"I will remember your majesty's words and keep it dearly in my heart. If I may, I would also like to respectfully request your majesty to give me the title of King Trevor so that I may start my legacy based on my effort and not by my father's name."

"Then, from here forth, you shall be called King Trevor, Ruler of the southern kingdom."

"Thank you, your majesty. It will be my greatest honor to accept this title. I, too, hope that my stay here could deepen our ties further between two kingdoms."

"Of course, and I can see that you've made your acquaintance with the crown prince."

"Yes, we have, but it seems that I may have caused some misunderstanding between the crown prince and I. Perhaps a proper introduction would be in order."

The emperor then summoned the Prince to his side and ordered him to introduce himself to make amends between them.

"Greetings, King Trevor, my name is Prince Leonardo Lambert, Crown prince, and Son of the Emperor Conandas Lambert. I apologize for the rudeness that I may have acted towards you. King Trevor."

"and I apologies as well, Prince Leon. I, too, have some fault to share since I first startled the Duke's daughter. If the Duke allows it, please do give me the chance to give her my sincerest apologies for my sudden abrupt actions."

Though the Duke was extremely reluctant, he called out to Ivy and summoned her to his side.

Soon after, Ivy also went along and greeted the King.

"Greetings, your highness, my name is Ivy Augustine, Daughter of Duke Augustine, and also the ceremonial co-host for the Crown Prince."

"I know exactly who you are, Ms. Ivy."

He then took her hand and kissed it.

"Please do forgive me for my sudden outburst, for I couldn't keep my excitement any longer when I saw you."

"Forgive me, your highness, but I do not recall that we have ever been acquainted before this."

Ivy asked while she tried her best to pull her hand away but couldn't as he continued to hold on tightly to it.

"Ah, it won't matter. We will have plenty of time to get acquainted from now on."

Then the king suddenly pulled her hand towards him, and when she got close enough, he whispered to her face and smiled.

"Not long now, my fated one. You'll be mine soon enough."

"What?" Ivy quickly distances herself away from him while she felt even more puzzled by his words.

"That's enough, King Trevor."

The Duke stared at the King while he emits a powerful, menacing aura towards him.

"If you would kindly let go of my daughter now."

"Oops..." King Trevor immediately let go of Ivy and said, "Forgive me, Duke Augustine, I sometimes let my enthusiasm go over my head. It was wonderful meeting your lovely daughter."

"Then King Trevor, I will pray, for the sake of your well being, that you will always remember not to be casually touching my daughter."

"huhu, it seems the rumors about the Duke being an overly protective father is right after all. I shall keep it in mind then if I don't want to lose a limb or two."

"Well then, King Trevor, now that all of you have been properly acquainted, I hope that both nations can continue to maintain a good relationship with each other. I'm sure you are feeling tired from your journey. Let us escort you to your room then."

As King Trevor was about to leave, Ivy notices that Princess Sophia was not around and so she asked,

"Your highness, we did not see Princess Sophia coming out from the carriage. Is she not here with you?"

The King turned back and smiled.

"Ah, she is still on her way here. I just couldn't wait, so I went ahead of her first. She will probably reach here tomorrow as planned. I hope we could meet again tomorrow as well, Ms. Ivy."

While King Trevor tried to have a few more glances at Ivy, the Prince steps in between them and gave the King a deathly glare.

King Trevor, however, was not at all afraid of the Prince's warning. Instead, before he left, he showed an eerie smile as if he was having fun playing with them.

Later that night, before Ivy and the Prince send the Duke home, the Duke asked her whether she would like to return home after experiencing such a disturbing event with the King.

"I'm fine, father. I would like to stay until the end of his highness's ceremonies."

While the Duke agreed to let her stay, he insisted that they increase security around the palace and that she must always be escorted with a guard.

"The both of you be careful of King Trevor. He is not one to take lightly with. I will see both of you in the arena then. Please take care of my daughter, Leon."

The Prince grabbed hold of her hands and bowed, "I will Master, with all my life."

After that, the night became quiet, and the two of them remained silent while they held hands and walk back to their rooms together.

While Ivy thought she would be relieved that the Princess did not show up in the end because of King Trevor, now she has so many new questions in her mind that the Princess suddenly became the least of her worries now.

- Who exactly is this King Trevor character?

- How did he know about her scar?

- Why did he call her a witch? And why did he say all those things to her?

- and finally, What King Trevor said about the Prince and her engagement, is it true that it is unconfirmed? Does that mean they were never betrothed, to begin with? And all the Princesses are coming over to matchmake with the Prince?

<Urgh... my head hurts... Is it too much that I asked for just one peaceful night? Dear all-mighty Author!>

While Ivy was crying on the inside, Prince Leon was also internally struggling by himself.

All he could think about now is, "How does she feel? Now that she learns that we are not engaged?"


next chapter
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    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C43
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    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

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    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
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