42.1% Reasons to Love Me / Chapter 8: It Happened Here

章 8: It Happened Here

Danny Phantom isn't my creation, it belongs to Butch Hartman.

It was a windy day in the ghost Zone, Skulker had put his cigarette down, he was laying beside a tree, he looked a photo of Ember and Danny, with a small Lucia at their side, he had clipped it from a news paper that showed them in a park. Looks like the Ghost Paparazzi took more photos of them, but they didn't seem aware of it. Skulker glared at the photo angrily, that was supposed to be him. He wanted to be in his position, but he isn't, due to his abuse and superiority complex towards Ember, he had always thought of her as a dumb Rockstar bimbo that couldn't sing worth shit, which wasn't true of course.

Ember wanted to take over the world and lead a Revolution at one point, but that all changed the moment she and Danny got together. Which infuriated him, it was a humbling experience which he fucking hated. Ember blocked all contact with him for the past couple years after they broke up.

He was always too demanding of her, always telling her what to do and trying to impose his will on him, but things went wrong before that. She felt like she was just another trophy to him so he could brag to his mates about bagging the most beautiful women in the Ghost Zone, but the most ironic thing is that Ember never let Skulker touch her. Even after they were dating for several months and even after he persisted. Ember would shake off all his advances, she felt like he was always too boring.

And then here comes Danny, a detested figure of this damn place, suddenly swoop in and grab her, the thoughts of rejected advances and being humiliated by him swirled in Skulker's head, it made him angry. He suddenly got up and screamed at the top of his lungs, he ripped the photo and shot it several times, vaporizing it to ash.

After a few moments, he calmed down and let reality set it. He was planning to do this for a while now, but he debated with himself, did he really want to do this act. Was he truly a monster with no feelings, but then he remembered how his mates would always talk on about Danny making him less of a man since he didn't do the one thing that he did several times, even impregnating her with that bastard child.

He growled, there was no going back after this, the repercussions of this will be immense, he looked at his belt and the weapons he had, his machete, his blaster, and his poison pills.

He looked straight into the sky, and looked down on the ground, smirking. He was broken.

"I'll show you what happens to hypocrites."

It was morning time in the McClain Household, after he was punched in the back for not proposing to Ember sooner by Spectra. He wanted to devise a plan to do it, but how?

Now was not the time to think, he was carrying Lucia, who was babbling on to his chest.

"Uh... why is my shirt so wet?" Danny groaned. He looked down and noticed Lucia's eyes staring directing into his own, and her small nose was poking up as well. Looking with indifference, and it was resting over a gracious wet spot.

"It looks like Lucia has been drooling a lot" Ember giggled.

"A little" Danny scowled as he lifted Lucia up. The girl made some happy noises, and Danny groaned when she saw just how wet his shirt was. "Ugh, man."

"You better get used to it mister" Ember said cutely wagging her finger. "Babies are not very clean, are they sunshine?" She addressed Lucia with that final part, causing her to smile and coo to reach for her hand, squeaking softly as Danny lowered her back down.

"Watch Lucia for a minute," Danny asked as he nestled the girl in Ember's free arms.

"Why?" Ember asked, looking curiously at him.

"Because I need to get a new shirt, and uh also go out to get some new diapers for Lucia." Danny said.

"Oh, well just don't take too long and leave me with all the work in taking care of her." Ember warned, she didn't like it when Danny left her side, she always felt like something back was going to happen to her. But she always shrugged those thoughts off.

Afterall, Danny could fight anything in the Ghost Zone, so no one messed with them.

After Danny was done changing into a new shirt, he walked right up to her and Lucia.

"I promise I'll be back really quickly. Okay?"

"Hmmmm." Ember blinked showing a bored but worried expression, as soon as Danny kissed her and Lucia. She felt calmer.

"Okay..." She blushed in a lovestruck tone.

As soon as Danny was about to open the door, he bumped into Spectra.

Making both of them shriek, "Oh hey Danny, we really need to stop bumping into each other like this." She smirked.

"What are you doing here?" Danny hissed.

"I texted her to come in case I need help." Ember stated, shrugging.

"Rather rude of you to be mean to me after all the gifts me and Kitty gave Lucia." Spectra made a small sigh, Danny felt a little bad after hearing that, escpaillly the dressing down she gave him yesterday.

"Sorry, come in." Danny simply said.

"That's better." Spectra smiled, Ember laughed and turned around to put Lucia in her crib. As soon as she saw that, Spectra grabbed Danny by the ears, causing him to wince.

"You better go through with that I said." Spectra muttered in his ear.

"I'm going to." Danny reassured her.

And with that, he left.

Danny floated towards the ghost jewelry shop that was kind of in the outskirts of the ghost zone, he made sure that he ignored other ghosts who tried to seek his attention, and there were also a few ghost kids who recognized him and tried to tell him him how cool he was that he was a human ghost hybrid. Danny appreciated the comments, but he didn't come out to see others gloat for him, he wanted to buy a wedding ring for both of them. Danny had enough money saved up since he and Ember liked to live humbly and didn't feel like having a mansion, Ember made enough money from her concerts in the ghost zone, and she was kind enough to split money with him, he was really grateful for that.

Danny opened the front of the jewelry store and walked in, he was greeted by an older ghost woman at the counter,

she wore glasses on her face, she was holding onto an old fashioned black book. She looked up at Danny as he approached her. "Can I help you with something?" She said smiling widely at him.

"Yes, I am looking for a wedding ring," he replied with a grin.

She looked at him deeply, white hair, that skin color, his green eyes.

"Ohhh, you're the ghost that everyone is talking about, you're with Ember McClain."

Danny winced, he was waiting for her to chase him out or something. "How wonderful. I never thought you would come here, you're going to marry Ember?" She questioned, beaming at him.

Danny sighed with relief, "Yes, I'm surprised I hadn't done it sooner." Danny said a little guilty.

"Its okay, at least you're doing it." The old woman said, her bright blue eyes piercing right through him. "Also, I'm sorry that so many ghosts came into the human realm, I apologize on their behalf, sometimes many of us can get crazy and disturb many of their humans there." She said, a little remorseful. She had always felt bad about what Danny had to go through, keeping ghosts at bay, including Ember, and the news papers would always demonize him as the true villas. Danny shrugged.

"Its no biggie." He said.

"So, any ring you're interested in. I have a whole collection of them." She stated, pointing at the display. Danny looked down, he already had his pick of three rings, two were gold bands, one was gold chains and the third was a blue and grey platinum band with diamonds, the diamond chain was actually one of his favorite rings. It was the only piece of jewelry that didn't look tarnished and cracked, he felt like it was perfect for both of them, he liked the color convince.

"That one looks really nice." Danny pointed out the third one. The old woman examined the ring. Her eyes lit up, she knew exactly what he was getting.

"I was hoping you would get it." She stated, she took it out and showed it to him, "Imagine if she saw you give it to her on one knee. She would blush so heavily and she might die. Ironic since we're kind of dead." The older woman stated.

"So uh how much." Danny asked, reaching for his wallet.

"Just take it." She replied grabbing his arm gently before placing it over the old woman then reached for the rings again, pulling them out and placed them over Danny's palm. "Here you go." She said nodded accepting the box and placing it into his pockets before putting his wallet away again.

"T-thanks so much." He said, a little flabbergasted, both of the rings looked so beautiful.

"Its the least I can do for some of the trouble ghosts have caused in the past." She stated, "Good luck."

Danny nodded and headed off, that felt too easy for him.

Ember was gently bouncing Lucia on her lap, patiently waiting for Danny to come back, it had been thirty minutes, Spectra was warming some milk for Lucia.

"Ugh, where is he?" Ember complained, it wasn't right for him.

"Relax, he's coming back." Spectra tried to reassure her.

"Its been all day?!" She grumbled.

"Its only been a half an hour." Spectra giggled, amused by Ember's reaction, she knew it was hard for her to let her guard down at times.

Ember rolled her eyes, "Stupid dipstick, leaving me to do all the work with Lucia, he better watch out, or I might poision his food, so he can get a taste of my wrath. And not in a good way." She huffed evilly, Lucia noticed her evil look and started to cry loudly, causing Ember to snap her neck down to her, startled by her crying.

"Oh, sorry Lucia. There there." Ember cooed, saddened that she made her cry, she wanted to keep her happy. After several minutes, Danny came into to the door.

"Yooo." He stated, trying to lighten up the mood, but at that moment, Ember threw a pillow at him.

"Its about time you got here!" She glared at him, pouting at him slightly. The redhead chuckled slightly as she took the diapers away from him.

"S-sorry, there was a long line at the convince store." Danny stated, trying to get her to believe him, he had the two rings in the back of his pocket, he prayed that the rings didn't jingle in the black boxes.

"Don't scare me like that." Ember growled. The Ghost Human hybrid shrugged innocently, Ember gave him an 'are you serious' look.

Spectra was behind Ember, she jerked her head down at the female Rockstar.

"You need to take her on a date, now!" She mouthed silently.

"W-why don't I take you out as a way to apologize." Danny stated.

"And leave Lucia!" She grunted, glaring daggers at Danny.

"I promise we'll come back quickly, for Lucia." Danny floated towards her, poking Lucia's cheeks, Lucia babbled and held her arms toward Danny. He grabbed her and kissed her cheeks. Convincing Ember to go on this date with him.

"Fine, both I'm still angry at you."

Ember floated towards Spectra and handed Lucia towards her, Lucia looked at both of them go upstaris to get dressed. She didn't understand where they were going.

Skulker looked from his zooming goggles as Danny and Ember left her zone towards their date destination where she was following him, he chuckled to himself.

This was his most brutal plan ever, he had made up his mind that Ember needed to pay for him emasculating him, he wouldn't forgive himself unless she got punished for it. And what better way to do this then to kidnap Lucia, tranquillize Spectra and to hold her hostage.

Skulker looked at his belt, surveying his items, "Hm, should've taken some extra pills, maybe I could use some more." he muttered under his put down his goggles.

"Its time." Skulker stated, "I'm going to destroy their happy little paradise."

"So where are we going?" Ember asked as they were both flying towards the outskirts of the ghost zone, in the southern part, which was much more tropical then the place they reside in.

"I told you where we're going." Danny replied. "Remember when you told me during your pregnancy that you still wanted time some private time together after you give birth. Well let's d-do it right now, lets go to the place where we kind of had our first date inside the zone." Danny figured, Ember sighed.

"Oh the cliff near the beach, where we sat down and we kind of got to know each other more." Ember blushed. She remembered their first date, their faces were both red, and there was a lot of awkward silence in between their conversations, besides that she really loved how they both recanted the many times they battled with each other, and how she would always flirt with him, causing him to blush. She always used to female charms to woo him, espcially since she was the only girl that was really interested in him. Danny on the other hand, would sometimes tease Ember for failing to take over the world, she just used that as an excuse for her to get closer to him.

They remembered one incident when they were battling each other, and out of nowhere, as they threw projectiles and flew closer to each other, they both smashed their lips towards each other. Causing both of them to shriek, they would laugh remembering that moment, because after that, they kind of developed a connection, they started seeing one another more frequently, but also began sharing secret kisses every chance they get. They were both so embarrassed but secretly liked being so close, even though they would never admit it.

Every moment when they were fighting, both their hearts were beating fast due to love and trying to act like enemies.

Ember's cheeks turned red as they sat on top of the cliff overseeing the sea and the beach, there was several ghosts there, mostly kids who lived in the southern shores with their parents.

"We could have brought a picnic" Ember said, "I'm a little hungry."

"Yeah, my bad. I shouldn't have rushed this." Danny said, they both sat down near the edge of the cliff, Ember looked at him.

"No need to apologize, I'm kind of glad you that you wanted to go. Everyone deserves a break once in a while." Ember stated, although Lucia was never the one to cry a lot. Ember believed that a healthy couple should always have time for themselves to get reorganized and think about their future.

"Y-yeah, and one more thing." Danny stated, gulping, his face turning red. "I'm sorry that I was kind of pervy towards you, you know touching you and kind of treating you like a sex toy and-" He was cut off by Ember kissing him on the lips, which he returned, smiling as he pulled away, looking into her blue leaned in closer and brushed her nose against his.

Then all of a sudden she laughed uncontrollably, "Why would you apologize, we're both a couple. And I'm flattered that you want me so much. I am drop dead gorgeous." She winked at him, narrowing her eyes romantically, she really liked when he always did that, because it still turned her on. But she understood what he meant.

Danny smiled and nodded, "Yeah, you're right. Its healthy." Danny stated, "And I also have something to tell you." Danny whispered, Ember looked at him, heeding his important words.

"Y-yeah?" Ember whispered back, he grabbed her hand and they both stood up. Danny grabbed the blue and grey engagement ring from his back pocket and opened it. Ember shrieked when she noticed what was happening.

"I should have kicked my own ass by not doing this soon enough the moment I met you, even though we were enemies. I wanted to take you on this date later tonight, but not too late because of Lucia, but this feels right, I had to do this right now, if I didn't I would never forgive myself." Danny then grabbed Ember's right hand, holding them tightly, Ember began to shed tears of happiness, then he drew in a deep breath and looked up at his Ghost Princess.

"Ember McClain, will you marry me?"

She blinked twice, her eyes fixed on his face, feeling his hands gripping her fingers, waiting for her response.

"Oh god..." Ember gasped, her face was swamped with redness as her chest was hardened.

"Ember?" His eyes grew concerned as his eyebrows furrowed. He peered closely at her face.

Then reality sets in, it finally happened. Danny proposed to her, he asked her to marry him, "Dipstick, yes... yesss."

"Yes?" Danny's eyebrows shot up, like he had maybe actually doubted her answer. Finally the happiness overwhelmed everything else, Danny wanted to marry Ember.

"YES! YES Dipstick! YES!" She launched herself to him, throwing her arms around his neck. She was crying and laughing uncontrollably.

"Of course I'll marry you!" Ember shouted, kissing him in the process. He grabbed her hand again and placed the ring on her finger.

Such a breath taking design. She didn't even consider marriage herself, but she was glad this all happened.

"Its so beautiful Danny,"

He looked up at Ember, his smile lighting up his face as she adjusted the ring onto her finger.

"My wife," he said softly, clearing delighted at the idea. Danny owed Spectra so much.

Danny still held her hand, sliding her arm around his waist, drawing herself up against the length of him.

"Take me home Danny. I want to show Lucia my ring."

"On one condition, I want to take your name. Deal." He said.

Ember smiled, "Deal."

Then without a word he leaned down and scooped her up in his arms, flying back to their home, with his ring on his hand.

"I can't believe we're engaged now!" Ember said, still on Danny's arms. They were almost close to their zone.

"Yeah, that went a lot better than I expected." Danny stated, kissing her neck, they landed right in their zone.

And when they opened up, a horror unfolded, their whole zone was smashed. It looked like a scene of hellish carnage. The floor was muddled with large footsteps, the wall was torn down, the Flat Screen TV was smashed, and the chairs were scattered around the house. The kitchen looked like a hurricane had hit it, with the drawers and fridge being destroyed.

And worse of all Spectra's and Kitty who came in after they left, their bodies was on the center of the living room, laying flat on their backs, both of their faces had black eyes, their clothes ripped. Danny blinked for a second, Ember did nothing but scream when she couldn't find Lucia anywhere.

Her heart started racing, Lucia was her everything, she couldn't believe this happened, she started to sob uncontrollably. What happened, Danny was standing there in disbelief, the same thought ran through both of their heads.

"Who did this?!"

Ember ran to her crib with wobbled feet. She then saw a note.

I have returned.

She knew that handwriting, she recognized it instantly. It was Skulker, the bounty hunter. That bastard had Lucia in his slimy hands. Ember's eyes began to turn red. Danny ran towards her and read the note. He was in a murderous rage. What was supposed to be their best day ever has turned into a nightmare of complete insanity. something no parents could ever hope for.

Spectra rustled on the ground, they both looked at her as Ember ran and kneeled beside her.

"S-spectra?!" Ember was in shock at the state of her friend, Spectra shed a tear.

"I'm s-sorry, we tried to fight him, b-but..." She then seeped back to an uncious state.

"That bastard will be vaporized!" Danny screamed. "Ember, we need to go quickly to his realm before its too late."

"Lucia..." Ember stated, a fear of dread came over her. Why would Skulker do something like this, to an innocent child no less. When Ember gets his hands on him, she's going to wish he had never existed. She was hoping that nothing like this would have ever happened, but unfortunately it did. They both made jetted their way out the exit and towards the depth of Skulker's lair.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


