93.1% RE: Eragon (Indefinite Hiatus) / Chapter 27: Chapter 27

章 27: Chapter 27

Thank you all for your wonderful ideas! Your suggestions made me realize something that I could have done from the beginning of the novel. (though I refuse to rewrite it for a third time.)

Words that are Italicized like this are being spoken in the ancient language. This lets me say the spells without having the limitations of using a language that Mr Paolini never fully finished. 

And with an overwhelming majority, we will be keeping the magic system as 'canon-like' as possible. What this means is that wild magic is just the base form of magic that relies solely on thought and imagination, LOTR magic is mostly chant based and is really only used by wizards and elves, beings like Sauron and Malkor would have access to wild magic, and the ancient language is its own magic system that only exists in Alagaesia. Again, thank you all for your wonderful feedback. Happy reading!!! 


To say that Rhunon was happy to have a new type of metal to play with is an understatement. When Eragon was starting to fall asleep, having been helping her forge an assortment of tools out of bainite steel, she walked up to him as he leaned against the wall with his eyes drooping and placed her hand against his forehead. 


A jolt of energy transfers from her body into his, startling Eragon awake. He looks around in confusion before remembering where he is and rubbing his temples and glaring at her. 

"Did you have to do that? It's not like you need me here, I already told you how to make it."

Rhunon just continues to stare at him, a scowl on her face. "It's not that I need you, it's that if you are going to sleep find some place that isn't in my forge. You can come back here another day and forge your new sword."

Eragon sighs. "Fine, I will come back another day then. Don't have too much fun and forget to eat or sleep."

Rhunon gives him the stink eye, even as her lips show a satisfied smirk. "You are far too young to be saying such things to me. Now scram!"

Eragon shakes his head before leaving Rhunon's forge and heading home. He finds Saphira laying down and her head facing him, her eyes looking over his soot covered clothing. 

"Having a lot of fun with an older woman were we? You have so many life partners to choose from…"

Eragon groans out loud. "I would say 'it's not like that' but I know you are just messing with me."

Saphira chuckles. "You know me so well… Come on then, get yourself cleaned up and under my wing already."

Eragon sticks his tongue out at her before taking a quick shower and laying down with his back against Saphira's chest, her slow, steady breaths making him feel very tired. He yawns and smacks his lips, his mind adrift in a sea of random thoughts. 

'Why would I need a life partner when I have you…'

Eragon slowly closes his eyes, not realizing that he was projecting his thoughts to Saphira. The scales on her face where her cheeks would be have somehow changed color, developing a rosy hue. 


Eragon wakes up the next morning shivering from a cool breeze. He sits up and realizes that Saphira is gone and the opening to the balcony is wide open, letting in the cold morning air. 

He groans while stretching his arms over his head before taking a warm shower and heading to the crags of Tel'naeir, the home of Oromis and Glaedr. There he finds Oromis waiting for him while seated in a lotus position. 

"Good morning, Eragon. I heard that you uncovered some Brightsteel from beneath the Menoa Tree."

Eragon yawns while performing the first stage of the Rimgar. "Yea, I kind of got side tracked by my training and forgot that a soothsayer told me to look for it there."

Oromis raises an eyebrow. "A soothsayer you say… What was their name and what did they tell you specifically?"

"Her name is Angela, and she told me that if I was looking for a weapon that I was to look under the roots of the Menoa Tree. She also said that if my power is insufficient I should find the rock of Kuthian and speak my name to open the vault of souls."

Oromis turns away from Eragon and looks over the cliff, deep in thought. "Curious… Peering into the future is no easy task. The few who have tried perished during their attempts. I would heed her advice but not follow it blindly." Oromis scratches his chin. "The rock of Kuthian… It sounds familiar but the knowledge eludes me."

Eragon shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know where this place is either, though I do feel like I am forgetting something…"

Oromis turns back to face him. "Well let us not dwell on it. I am sure the answer will reveal itself in time. For now, I would like to discuss the Agaeti Blodhren which will be held a week from now."

Eragon sits in a lotus position next to Oromis. 

"The blood oath celebration? I have to make a gift to commemorate the occasion right? Has it really been almost a month since I started training here?"

Oromis smiles. "It truly astounds me that you have come so far in such a short amount of time. The techniques that I have taught you normally take years to learn yet you mastered them in weeks. With a few more years of training, I believe that you will have a fighting chance against Galbatorix."

Eragon scoffs, a hard look in his eyes. "I don't have years. The Varden are mobilizing as we speak. I will be needed on the front lines, wading through Galbatorix troops. I will not leave them to fend for themselves until I am fully prepared. In fact, I already have a few tricks up my sleeve if the betrayer shows his face before me..."

Now it's Oromis's turn to look at him with hard eyes. "If you aren't fully prepared to fight him, you will perish. The few lives you might save by leaving early are not worth the risk of you losing to him. For if you fall, we all fall."

Oromis stands up, his body seemingly harder for him to move. "I can no longer fight at my full strength. Both me and Glaedr have been crippled, our bodies and magic do not function correctly anymore."

Eragon hops to his feet. "I have asked you this before but I will say it again. Let me try to heal you. There's no harm in letting me try. Brom didn't think for a second that I could heal Arya when she was poisoned but I did it within minutes. Just let me try… Please… "

Oromis looks into Eragon's eyes, the fire he sees within them chiseling away at his reluctance. After a few moments he looks down in defeat. 

"Trying to win an argument with a youth is an impossible endeavor… If you are so hell bent on trying this then at the very least promise me that you will not hurt yourself during the attempt."

Eragon places his hand on Oromis's shoulder. "I swear that, in my attempts to cure you of your affliction, I will prioritize my wellbeing before your own. There, happy?"

"That is all that I ask…"

Eragon kneels down next to him and begins poking and prodding Oromis's body with both hands and magic, searching for the source of his masters ailment. 

Surprisingly, he finds it quite quickly. Eragon had spent a good deal of time developing a spell that could make a 3D image of Oromis's brain, similar to the image one would see from an MRI machine. By simply saying "scan" and willing his magic to provide the effect he desires, he can see the image that the spell puts into his head, identifying a large lump in Oromis's head that is obviously not supposed to be there. 

Now Eragon isn't a neurosurgeon. He has an above average amount of info about medical practice from his previous world, said knowledge giving him a decisive edge in this world. But in no way shape or form is he confident in removing what is most likely a tumor of some kind. 

While Eragon could, in theory, just poof it away with magic, it would be very risky as there is no telling how his body would react to the sudden removal. 

Eragon lowers his arms and just sits still for a moment, his head looking towards the ground as he contemplates what he can do and the feasibility of each scenario, trying to determine the best solution that has the highest success rate. 

Oromis, surprisingly growing impatient, looks over at Eragon. "You seem to have found something…"

Eragon shakes his head and looks back up at him. "There is a large lump nestled inside your brain that isn't supposed to be there. While I could just remove the lump, it has damaged your brain somewhat and I have to find a solution to that issue before I can confidently remove it. I can't have you being cured but losing your Intellect of personality…"

Oromis's eyes widen considerably as he looks at Eragon with shock. "You really found out what is ailing me so quickly!? I have been checked by many elves over the years and none of them could figure out what was wrong."

Eragon fights to not roll his eyes. 'Of course no one could find it. They don't have the years of medical advancements that my previous world had'. 

Eragon clears his throat. "What can I say? I just have a knack for this kind of stuff… Anyway, I think I have a solution. The lump has to be removed, and there is nothing stopping me from forcefully regrowing the missing parts of your brain afterwards. I would suggest that you have Glaedr nearby to help keep you conscious and to supply your body with energy if you need it."

"You won't have to wait long, he was listening in on our conversation and is heading back now with Saphira in tow."

Eragon nods before sitting quietly and going over his plan over and over to make sure that nothing goes wrong. Soon enough, Glaedr and Saphira fly down and land in the clearing, Glaedr's massive bulk taking up residence directly behind Oromis. 

Eragon feels Glaedr extend his mind so that they may converse. "Eragon. Thank you for trying to cure Oromis. I have wanted him to be rid of this disability for so long yet I lacked the strength to do it myself."

Eragon looks at Glaedr's missing leg. "Don't think you're being left out. When I finish with Oromis, you are next." 

Glaedr huffs indignantly, his head turning up and away from him. "You needn't concern yourself with me. Focus on Oromis."

Eragon links his mind with Saphira. "Bit of a tsundere ain't he?"

Saphira stifles a laugh. "Just focus on what you are doing, Mr. medical practitioner."

Eragon smirks at her before reverting to his more serious face. He spends a good hour double and triple checking his wording as he doesn't want any complications to arise. With a confident air about him, Eragon holds out his hand with the Gedwey insignia on his palm and begins.

"May the malignance within your brain be used to necessitate your rejuvenation."

Eragon's face scrunches as he feels his energy seeping out of his body at a rapid pace to fuel the spell. Oromis feels a tingling sensation in his head and his eyes roll back but Glaedr's presence within his mind keeps him conscious. Even with Eragon's massive pool of energy, he ends up drawing upon Saphira's reserves as well before his spell finally completes, leaving him gasping for breath. 

After a few minutes of his body twitching randomly, Oromis's body stills and his eyes open, a look of contemplation on his face. He slowly sits up and looks about as if he is seeing the world in a new light. 

"May water appear before me and form a sphere." Casually, he flicks his hand and speaks in the ancient language, a ball of water forming above his hand. He stares into it for a moment before his mouth twists into a rapturous smile. 

"It's gone! I no longer feel that blockage that has hindered me for so long." Oromis looks between Glaedr and Eragon, Glaedr using his giant head to rub Oromis's back as a deep almost purr sound resonates from his chest.

Eragon and Saphira smile brightly as they watch the heartfelt moment in front of them. Saphira nudges Eragon with her snout, a strange feeling that Eragon can't identify traversing their mental link. Saphira seems to snap out of whatever trance she was in and shakes her head, the feeling vanishing as quickly as it appeared. 

Eragon looks at her with a questioning gaze but is interrupted by Oromis grabbing his hand. He looks at him and sees his master shedding tears with a dazzling smile on his face.

"I can never thank you enough for this, Eragon. I had long since given up hope of a cure. Now if you truly can restore Glaedr's missing limb, We will march with the elves when the horns of war echo throughout the land. That, I promise you."

Eragon shakes his head, placing his other hand on top of Oromis's. "You have done so much for me, this is the least I can do. Once I have rested for a few hours, I should be able to heal Glaedr as well."

Oromis nods his head as he stands up and stretches, a liberating feeling of freedom he had long forgotten filling him with vigor and purpose. He leaves Eragon to rest for a moment with Glaedr in tow and starts practicing his magic, his confidence and happiness increasing with each spell he slings successfully. 

On the other hand, Eragon leans against Saphira as he closes his eyes and drifts off to dreamland. Saphira looks at his sleeping face, feelings of longing running rampant in her mind, her claws flexing and her muscles tensing as she fights to push down her rampant emotions. 

She can't help it… Ever since he said those words last night she no longer sees Glaedr as a life partner. Her heart only has eyes for Eragon now, even though they are two different races and therefore unable to reproduce together.

Saphira whines softly as she laments her fate, her desire to be with him only getting stronger and stronger. Eventually she starts to get overwhelmed by the feeling, her inherent affinity for wild magic that all dragons have being triggered by her desire to mate with her rider.

Saphira's eyes start to glow a deep blue similar to Eragon's when he was fighting Varaug, an unmistakable aura of power radiating from her body as a bright light envelops her. Eragon goes to open his eyes but immediately shuts them as the blinding light sears his retina.

When the light fades, Eragon hesitantly opens his eyes and sees a humanoid dragon staring down at him, her glowing blue eyes looking at him with barely hidden lust.

Saphira has underwent a startling transformation, her new body being over two feet taller then Eragon's with the added features of blue scales on her back that dazzle in the morning light and pale white skin on her front, her plump and juicy thighs that Eragon's head is currently resting on, a smooth, thin waist with a six pack that could easily be used as a cheese grater, a long tail that juts out of her lower back, and a human face with scales around the edges and the standard double lenses of a dragon.

(Humanoid Saphira image here)

Eragon stutters as he gazes upon Saphira's new form. "S-Saphira!!! What…? How…?"

Saphira puts a finger to Eragon's lips as she speaks out loud for the first time. "Now is not the time for questioning. You're coming with me whether you like it or not. It's your own fault for making me feel like this…"

Without any warning, Eragon is picked up like a child and slung over her shoulder, Saphira starting to walk towards their house with long, purposeful strides. Oromis and Glaedr watch her walk away before looking at each other.

"Oromis… Did Saphira just…"

"Oromis chuckles. "It appears so… It might be a few days before you get your leg back…"

Glaedr looks back at the retreating figure of the humanoid Saphira. "With how she was acting during our training… It might be weeks."


This censored intimate moment was sponsored by… 

Just kidding!!! It might take me a bit to write a lemon but I will try. If I don't like it, I will just briefly talk about the interaction. No promises!!!!!

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C27
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


