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作者: Phanaphyrum_Tep

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Home » The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts TDDH » Vol 2 Chapter 121: Repent, Chris!

The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts Vol 2 Chapter 121: Repent, Chris!

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Tom admitted that he was a little impulsive.

According to the original plan, he was supposed to control Chris, go through his memory, find his incriminating evidence and make it public.

The first step was done well, but there was a slight flaw in the second step: Tom broke the defense while scrolling through Chris's memory. He couldn't help imposing a palace sentence on Chris.

Tom knew that the British society was deformed. The royal family, aristocrats, and wealthy businessmen who accounted for less than 1% of the population accounted for far more wealth than their population, but what Chris did still made him unacceptable.

As a male, Chris occupies too many heterosexual and homosexual resources.

Suffice it to say, when Tom went to buy a cup of coffee, he met seven girls, most of whom were under the age of fourteen, who had been **** by Chris.

For this kind of right and wrong, Tom's attitude is to remove the root.

The pain freed Chris from Tom's terrifying thoughts, and he let out a wailing like a dying dingo. I have to say that the sound insulation of the hotel he chose was very good, and such a shrill cry did not attract his agent and bodyguard.

Tom calmed down as he looked at the **** sheets, "Okay, I was a little reckless."

There is a saying that digging a hole is easy and planting a tree is difficult. For Muggles, whether it's a big tree or a small tree, it's hard to take it back when it's pulled out, but wizards have the magic to heal such injuries.

But Tom was too lazy to use the spell on him. He first poured a few drops of fresh white essence on Chris's wound to stop the gushing blood, then pulled out his wand and cleaned the blood on the bed.

Baixian essence is a kind of special treatment medicine, which can make the trauma caused by physical reasons heal immediately. After Tom put the white fresh essence on, billowing green smoke rose from the wound, the smoke dissipated, Chris' blood had stopped, the wound was recovering well, and the exposed flesh was covered with a new layer of skin - even the British Even the best surgeons can't get it.

As the wound healed, Chris stopped screaming and slumped on the bed panting. His screams seemed to startle the dazed girl next to her, but she didn't wake up, she just murmured a few times and fell asleep again.

Tom sat next to Chris and pulled out Veritaserum.

"Are you sent by the prince?" Chris gave up resistance as if resigned, and asked weakly while lying on the bed.

"Prince?" Tom faintly felt as if he had eaten some big melon.

"You're not the prince's person?" Chris seemed to be suddenly hit with blood. He thought that the person who came was sent by His Royal Highness to silence him, because Tom, like the person he saw that day, had a small wooden stick in his hand, and could use it to perform various magical operations.

To be fair, Chris's appearance is not bad, he is personable, and has an elegant temperament, so he is attracted by a prince of the royal family and has always maintained an ambiguous relationship with him. But with more contact, Chris naturally discovered some secrets of the prince: the prince has been making deals with some strange people.

Most of those people wore robes and held a small wooden stick in their hands, which could perform many magical operations. Chris has seen people who can make wine bottles automatically pour wine into glasses, and people who can make a fire turn green, and people who step into it will disappear without being burned...

If the prince's group wanted to kill him, he would have no way out. But the young man in front of him doesn't seem to belong to the prince! Then there is still a chance.

He began to ramble about his worth, and he assured Tom that if he cooperated with him, there would be endless benefits.

"You can get everything in the world!" Chris gave a flattering smile.

"Do you remember the Grossmans?"

"Who?" Chris was stunned for a moment. From his expression, Tom could see that he really forgot.

Tom sighed. He didn't expect that Chris didn't even remember Peggy's names.

As for the prince he mentioned, Tom did not find it strange. The Ministry of Magic has always been in contact with the highest echelons of Britain, so it is normal for certain wizarding families to secretly communicate with British aristocrats. In the Middle Ages, this phenomenon was extremely common and normal. Large numbers of wizards work under the Muggle monarch.

From the death anniversary dinner hosted by the almost headless Nick, you can get a glimpse of it: Nick's friends almost have a title of lord and knight. How did these titles come from? It can't be all family heirlooms, can it?

A staunch fan of pure-bloodism, the wealthy and influential Malfoy family has historically been associated with high-born Muggle classes such as William the Conqueror and Queen Elizabeth I. They attach great importance to the value of pure blood, and firmly believe that the status of wizards is higher than that of Muggles, but they have always strictly separated Muggle commoners from nobles.

After the "International Confederation of Wizards Secrecy Law" was promulgated and implemented, this phenomenon was curbed, but it still existed in secret and was difficult to stop.

Tom silently set up a camera and poured Chris the Veritaserum.

"Repent, Chris."

Next, in front of the camera, Chris honestly explained his crimes.

"Aren't you afraid of being punished for committing such a crime?" Even though he has seen it several times and has sufficient psychological construction, the crime confessed by Chris is still challenging Tom's three views.

"Don't be afraid. I won't be punished." The effect of Veritaserum did not pass, Chris answered honestly.

Tom ended the video directly and looked at the tape in his hand. He sighed again. What can he do to Chris? Even if he made Chris' crimes public, he couldn't let Chris get the punishment he deserved: the death penalty has been de facto abolished in Britain now!

In 1965, the United Kingdom put a moratorium on executions. The last execution in the UK was in 1964 - when Voldemort was still alive! By 1999, the United Kingdom will ratify the sixth protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights and the second protocol of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which marks that the United Kingdom has completely abolished the death penalty in the form of an international treaty.

If someone like Chris can't be killed, what is the punishment? And when he enters the prison, there is a high probability that he will not enjoy the rumored operation of the prisoners to the rapists. He should get a single room that is more tidy and luxurious than the bedrooms of 99% of the people in the world. He can read and read newspapers freely every day, and he can also go out every day to relax, and he eats more food than most white-collar workers.

As long as he keeps his mouth shut and doesn't slack like his back door, the probability of surviving is not small.

But what about the girls?

He put away the tape.

"Repent, Chris." He raised his wand—


"Restore as usual!"

The wand spit out the spell again and again, leaving horrific wounds and scars on Chris.

Tom's "recovery" wasn't meant to heal Chris' wounds. In fact, repair spells can only be used on inanimate objects. The use of living objects is completely prohibited. Severe scarring can result if an attempt is made to heal a human or animal wound with a healing spell. No less than an alternative form of torture.

If you really want to heal people's wounds, you still need to use Bai Xian or recovery spells and recovery spells.

But the spell is used here just fine.

After a while, Chris was lying on the hotel floor like a skinned rabbit, red and swollen.

Tom opened the door of the suite, and the sudden opening of the door attracted the attention of the agents, assistants and bodyguards outside. They were surprised to see a strange boy walking out of their boss's bedroom. What made them even more puzzling was that the little boy was holding a small wooden stick in his hand.

Before they could react, a few ropes suddenly sprang out of the wooden stick, tying them up and unable to move.

Then, one of the little boy's eyes turned into a yellow snake pupil. The moment they saw the snake pupil, they were as if they were being stared at by a predator, unable to move.


Tom wiped the blood from the corners of his eyes. Tonight, he can be said to be overloaded with the use of Intimidating Mind, which makes his right eye temporarily unable to see things clearly.

He looked at the group of people in the room with his left eye.

To them, Tom has only one comment: worms!

This group of worms are all dead and innocent.

How could Chris' behavior be personal behavior? His team is also inseparable.

Tom looked at everyone in the room. At this time, the luxury suite was brightly lit, and everyone except Tom had their hands and feet tied, facing him in a semi-circle, shivering.

Although the man in front of them looked like a boy and was not tall, when they saw him, they could not help trembling like a wild animal with a natural enemy.

Anger burned in Tom's heart.

"You, everyone's involved, so—" Tom's voice turned cold, his wand slashing from the air again and again...

Tom ripped a few copies of the videotape and sent it to major media - not only in the UK, he also sent the news to the French, and the French media would be happy to let the whole world know about it .

Having done this, he dragged his tired body back to Hogwarts.

The Sun Also Rises.

Although they discussed in the common room and dormitory all night yesterday, the little wizards' conversations did not drop in the slightest, and they still tirelessly recounted everything that happened last night.

Of course, they also discovered a detail: Hermione was able to fight back and forth with Professor Snape! Although she was defeated and captured in the end, there was nothing disgraceful—she was only in the second year!

But after thinking about it carefully, the little wizards were relieved. Hermione was able to compete with Snape, not because she was strong - certainly not because Professor Snape was weak. Even the students who hated Snape the most wouldn't think the youngest headmaster in Hogwarts history was a piece of shit. Instead, Hermione is gold!

This battle is the pvp of the krypton gold boss and the operation strange

A little wizard was surprised to find in the review that, in addition to Professor Lockhart's alchemy doll, Hermione used magic props including but not limited to the following: a bracelet that can repeatedly release iron armor, dung eggs, portable swamp, Slay Fireworks...

With so many magic items, it was normal to be able to deal with Snape for a while.

The little wizards, including Hermione, were looking forward to seeing Professor Lockhart at breakfast, but he didn't show up. It wasn't that Tom slept in, but he was hosting a special guest.

In the reconstructed Ravenclaw common room, Tom meets Helena Ravenclaw, the ghost of Ravenclaw House.

He put the charred Ravenclaw diadem full of tiny cracks in front of her. This Ravenclaw relic, this once gem-encrusted, gleaming crown has become scrap.

Helena Ravenclaw looked at the crown with a very complicated look.

"Thank you." After a while of silence, she thanked Tom very seriously.

"It's all destiny," she looked a little emotional. "The lost crown, sent back by the ring's heir, is also a providence..."

"Ring?" Tom knew she was talking about the Boggart Soul Ring in his hand.

Helena showed a mysterious smile and didn't answer. Her eyes were fixed on the crown, and after being stunned for a while, she suddenly said, "It would be a pity if this item was destroyed like this."

She floated to the Ravenclaw statue.

The previous fire destroyed almost all the decorations in the lounge, and only this statue was well preserved. The Rowena Ravenclaw on the statue has a beautiful face, but her expression is extremely stern, and she even looks like she is facing Professor McGonagall. She has long hair, her eyes are looking straight ahead, and she seems to have a panoramic view of the entire lounge.

"I've been avoiding the question why I've been staying in this castle," Helena murmured, looking at the statue of her mother, "Maybe it's because of her here~www.mtlnovel.com ~Unbelievable, the powerful and omnipotent four giants will also die..." Helena felt a little emotional, her mother, uncle, and aunt who were more powerful than her have all left this world, but she is still here. Gou "live" is also amazing.

Perhaps it is precisely because they are the Big Four that they completely bid farewell to this world. It is very easy for them to survive in this world. The easiest way is to be a Horcrux.

But they did not choose this path.

"The crown." Helena motioned Tom to bring the crown to the statue of his mother.

The statues of Helena, the crown, and Ravenclaw appear together, and the three just form a triangle. Ravenclaw statues have changed a bit: statues that were originally dead have come to life.

Helena showed such an expression as she expected.

At this time, the stone crown on top of the statue's head shattered, forming a little starlight, which merged into the remains of the crown in Tom's hand. The starlight gradually healed the cracks in the crown, erasing the scorch marks at the same time.

Finally, a gleaming crown appeared in Tom's hands.

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Home » The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts TDDH » Vol 2 Chapter 122: Crown of Ravenclaw

The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts Vol 2 Chapter 122: Crown of Ravenclaw

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"Lord Mother counts everything." Helena sighed. She had always had a hunch that when she appeared in front of this statue with the crown, something special would happen.


Now, the magic left by my mother takes effect.


She repaired the crown and removed the curse attached to it. Tom, who was holding the crown, only felt a gentle warm wind blowing through his body, and his mental and physical fatigue was swept away.


"Mother..." Helena also felt her mother's heart, but it's a pity that now she is a ghost and can no longer experience this kind of warmth.


[Ravenclaw Crown (Five Stars): The crown left by Rowena Ravenclaw, wearing it to learn can achieve twice the result with half the effort, provided that it can withstand the knowledge instillation from Ravenclaw Biography]


"Knowledge indoctrination?" Tom was a little curious. Could it be that there is knowledge that Ravenclaw has collected throughout his life? That is truly a priceless treasure!


"You'll know when you put it on." Helena showed an inexplicable smile.


Tom felt that there was some fraud, but at best it was a prank, and it wouldn't cause any harm to himself, so he put on the Ravenclaw crown.


After wearing it, Tom felt like he was in a noisy auditorium, with countless voices in his ears:


"There are ten types of pure-blooded fire dragons in total, and they occasionally mate with each other to produce rare hybrids."


"The trick to the Floating Charm is the subtle movement of the hand."


"A spell is a spell that adds specific attributes to an object or creature. To successfully cast a spell, you need to concentrate, wave your wand correctly, and recite the spell accurately."



In just a few seconds, the sound gradually became louder, as if he accidentally pressed the volume button after putting on headphones. Tom groaned, feeling a little distracted, as if he had been watching the bus for a while. Same as cell phone. Tom felt an abnormal tightness in his chest, and he didn't know what it would become if he listened again.


He quickly took off the crown, but the dizziness didn't go away until he walked to the window and let the cold wind blow.


"Not bad." Helena floated to Tom's side, looking at him with a hint of praise in her eyes.


"This is the characteristic of the crown, it will frantically instill knowledge into your mind. Your performance is one of the best among the people I have ever met. Back then, my mother would occasionally lend the crown to her students, and then fainted immediately after wearing it. There are people from the past."


"Why do you have to do this..." Tom felt that he didn't want to vomit so much, and turned around and complained to Helena.


"If you want to acquire knowledge, you have to pay a price." Helena said of course, "Back then, mother's class was a wonderful thing - many students want to learn more advanced knowledge, they have to pay some price in theory, even if these costs are different from Knowledge is not equal. It seems that the rule that the professor's signature is required in the restricted area of ​​the Hogwarts library stems from the mother's teaching method."


Tom: …


Well, it can only be said that it is worthy of being "the claw of the raven", treating knowledge like treasure.


"I think it's time for you to go to class." Helena changed the subject and pointed to the wall clock on the wall, reminding Tom that it was almost time for class. Tom hurriedly put away his crown and ran towards the door.

Looking at Tom's back, Helena sighed and whispered inaudibly, "Is it a coincidence...or fate?"


This section of Defense Against the Dark Arts is like answering a reporter's question at a press conference. The little wizards' curiosity about Tom's experience did not subside overnight, but intensified.


"Okay," Tom, who couldn't help being entangled by the students, could only admit it, and selectively told his experience to the little wizards in the audience, but he certainly couldn't mention the Horcrux - otherwise Dumbledore would be afraid Will come to the door to invite him for tea.


Because the concept of Horcrux is too evil, the wizarding world keeps it secret, and even books involving black magic are only a passing mention. For example, the book "Toxic Magic" contains a lot of advanced black magic content, but still does not give an in-depth introduction to Horcrux.


"About Horcruxes, the most evil magical invention, will not be discussed or guided here" are the original words in the book. The author's attitude is also very obvious: Horcruxes are too evil even for dark wizards.


The definition of black magic in the magical world has always been somewhat vague, but black magic is generally the magic that can cause irreversible damage. Among them, magic for the soul is basically included.


Of all black magic, Horcruxes are the most evil. The reason is that it can ask to split the soul. After the wizard who made the Horcrux is destroyed and all the Horcruxes die, he will not be able to become a ghost or reincarnate. He can only be trapped in a blurred illusion and suffer forever. This is almost impossible for wizards to accept.


Wizards can become ghosts, but most wizards don't choose. If everyone does not choose, there must be a reason not to choose. Just like reporting to a major, it is not without reason to persuade biochemical environmental materials to retire! If you have to go upstream, there is a high probability that you will be pitted to the point of crying without tears. If you want to do the opposite, some schools have set up biomaterials environmental science, UU reading www.uukanshu.com recommends people who have this idea to study - just fill up the debuff.


Paid such a huge price to make a Horcrux, what did you get in return?


It is the existence of "the most humble wandering soul" after the death of the main body.


That is to say, Horcrux can't make you "return like lightning" like wearing resurrection armor after death, it can only guarantee you "undead", and you need a series of procedures to be fully resurrected. Without Peter Pettigrew, Voldemort would have been a mouse in the Albanian forest for a long time.


The excessively painful price and this form of "immortality" also discouraged the dark wizards, calling Horcrux the most evil magical invention.


Because wizards are very secretive about Horcruxes, only a very small number of people in the magic world know about Horcruxes, and most others know the name. At Dumbledore's request, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry banned all research related to Horcruxes and removed all material detailing Horcruxes. It was kept by Dumbledore himself.


For immature little wizards, it's best not to even know this term. Mainly because the properties of the Horcrux are very tempting - it's immortal! How can young people understand the price of not dying? Knowing the Horcrux may breed curiosity and want to try it.


This is not good.


To be on the safe side, Tom didn't even dare to mention the term "horcrux" to the little wizards. He replaced the concept of Horcruxes with "evil spirits".

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Home » The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts TDDH » Vol 2 Chapter 123: Christmas for 1 person?

The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts Vol 2 Chapter 123: Christmas for 1 person?

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"In the end, the two evil spirits were purified by me, and Hogwarts became quiet again." Tom made great efforts to delete and artistically process his own experience, and finally made it "harmonious" a lot, so that he would not be dismissed from get out of class. Was invited to Dumbledore's office for tea.


"So Professor, did you burn down the Ravenclaw common room?" a Ravenclaw student suddenly raised his hand and asked.


Tom: ...


It's over, this matter can't be hidden!


Although Flitwick and Professor Dumbledore together restored the lounge to its original state, the little wizards are not stupid. Can the decorations be restored, and can various other items be restored? What's more, the restored items are not necessarily in the original place...


Professor Lockhart just said that he was "fishing" at Ravenclaw College, and he also said that he used flames to purify two evil spirits.


Combining that a little, it is not difficult to infer the conclusion that "Professor Lockhart burned the lounge".


Tom thought for a while, and chose to lie down and give up: Anyway, I set fire to my house for a just cause, which is called "for the greater good." To put it 10,000 steps back, it was Lockhart who burned the lounge, shut me down. What's the matter with Tom Yodell?


I was in the hospital at that time!


Tom admitted his actions.


He thought that Ravenclaw's little wizard might be a little upset: he burned their lounge!


In the end, it took two days for him to realize that he was thinking too much! According to statistics, in that fire, Ravenclaw's little wizards suffered heavy losses, and almost all their homework was burned!


Tom, who was madly accused of being blamed, was also speechless. After all, Yingyuan is a scholar who loves to learn? How can one by one be such a thief on this kind of thing! It seems that a dislike of homework is a common problem for all students.


In this way, Headmaster Dumbledore has gained a peaceful Hogwarts, Tom has gained prestige, and the little wizards of Ravenclaw have gained the privilege of delaying homework for a week-don't think about exempting homework, St. Neple would rather eat up the food at the death anniversary party himself than spare the students their homework. The students of the other three colleges succeeded in eating melons and harvested happiness. Only Professor Flitwick burned down the common room of his college...


Everyone is happy!


The secret room, the Horcrux, the indiscriminate attack... These turmoil finally passed, and when everyone's interest had not dissipated, Christmas came quietly. The school seemed to be empty in an instant, and even though the school was safe, a large number of students returned to their homes as originally planned.


Naturally, Hermione would not stay at school. She packed her luggage early in the morning and left the school on the Hogwarts Express. Tom, on the other hand, stayed at Hogwarts alone.


He has nowhere to go!


Tom had some doubts. It was because he didn't take Hermione to London that night. Miss Granger had been cold to herself in recent days, and she didn't even ask herself where she was going for Christmas.


I was really embarrassed to ask her! Christmas at the Grangers, what are you doing with your yordle? It was a bit shameful to take the initiative to speak, so in the end, Hermione was on the train and I was too embarrassed to say it...


As a result, Tom had nowhere to go for Christmas.


Fortunately, the four deans of the school and Headmaster Dumbledore were in the same situation as him. While several people may have their own place to go, they must stay in school because there are several students who did not leave. There are students in the school, and both the dean and the principal stay.


The night sky on Christmas Eve is beautiful. There are not a few clouds in the sky, the moon is dim, and the stars are bright. Hundreds of billions of stars converged into a sea of ​​stars in the black brocade-like sky. The moonlight did not steal their limelight, but just sprinkled a touch of pale yellow on this ocean.


The vastness of the universe and the insignificance of human beings are balanced in an extreme way at this moment.


Tom is very small, even the earth under his feet is as small as a speck of dust in front of this sea of ​​stars. Every bright spot in the sea of ​​​​stars is a star like the sun, or a star much larger than the sun. The light of these stars comes from hundreds or thousands of light years away. Maybe by the time Tom saw them, they were gone.


But at this time, these stars, or the proof that the stars existed, came together to form this sea of ​​stars, and Tom seemed to be able to touch them just by tiptoeing.


Tom looked at it and thought: Are those who enjoy the good time of reunion with their families also watching this sea of ​​stars?


Tom stood alone in the Astronomy Tower at Hogwarts and counted the stars. The night wind was blowing, and the cold December wind was a bit biting, and Tom tightened his robe a little.


"Don't know what Hermione is doing?" Tom's mind couldn't help but the figure of that girl appeared in Tom's mind. Will she be pushing open the door with a bag of garbage like the first time she saw her?




"My name is not Hi, my name is Tom, Tom Yodel." The tone was so familiar that Tom subconsciously reported his real name and the words in his mind~www.mtlnovel.com ~ But he immediately realized the problem, and he turned around, ready to use the Oblivion Charm to solve the problem.


But when he saw that familiar figure, he relaxed.


Tom had no idea that it was Hermione who came.


Hermione let her hair loose over her shoulders, and it looked like she had used magic again to tame her unruly hair and let them fall snugly over her shoulders. Today, instead of wearing the wizard robe she usually wears, she chose a black tunic trench coat with a belt hanging behind her slender waist. The trench coat went well with her brown, slightly curly hair.


She replaced her lower body with black stockings. The velvet stockings outlined her slender legs. The stockings looked extremely delicate, like milk mousse. Velvet stockings are not as transparent as nylon and core-spun silk, they look hazy, and a touch of flesh can be vaguely seen on the black stockings. She wore a pair of black lambskin boots on her feet, and the boots stretched softly on her calf without showing any excess.


Hermione looked very foreign in this outfit. The velvet socks have a gentle and lazy nature, and they are paired with lambskin boots, just like a little wild cat. She raised her hand and stroked her hair that had been ruffled by the wind, revealing a lady's mechanical watch with a slightly larger dial, showing a more refined feeling.


"Why are you freezing outside on such a cold day? My professor." Hermione said with a smile as she bathed in the stars.

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Home » The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts TDDH » Vol 2 Chapter 124: Tom, my legs are so cold

The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts Vol 2 Chapter 124: Tom, my legs are so cold

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Tom was a little surprised when he saw Hermione appearing in the Astronomy Tower, "Hermione, why... didn't you take the train home?"


He didn't like talking to Hermione with other people's faces.


"I changed my mind before the train left." Hermione tilted her head and put her hands behind her back. She put her left foot behind her right calf, and tapped the ground with her toes.


"It's a bit of a surprise, isn't it?"


Tom nodded.


Hermione lowered her head, her body trembled slightly, she stopped talking to Tom, and just rubbed her toes on the ground from left to right.


"Aren't you... cold?" Tom's downed brain finally reacted, but he said something that made Hermione dumbfounded.


On December nights, even velvet, the warmest stocking material, cannot withstand the cold winds of the Scottish Highlands. Although it is said that "fresh milk should be kept warm and ham should be refrigerated", the weather is still too cold.


"Cold!" She raised her head and said pitifully, "It's really cold today!"


Tom ran into the astronomy classroom in two steps, closed the door leading to the rooftop, and set the fireplace on fire. He and Hermione sat down with their backs against the fire.


"Tom, my legs are cold!" Hermione put her seat very close to Tom and rubbed Tom lightly with her calf.


After saying these words, a flush of red appeared on her face, and Tom also lowered his head, not knowing how to answer.


Time seemed to stop at this moment. The distance between the two was very close, and Tom could smell an icy aroma. It was Hermione's smell mixed with the cold winter wind. I don't know how long she had been standing outside. He looked at the delicate velvet, at the vague flesh color under the rounded curve, and he was sure that it would feel good to touch it.






"I... I, I can give you a cold spell on your socks, so it won't be cold." Tom hesitated, some words that came to his mouth changed subtly, and finally became this sentence .


"Well, thank you for your hard work."


Tom gently tapped the wand on Hermione's thigh. When the tip of the wand touched her, Hermione trembled slightly, but soon recovered her calmness, letting Tom's wand swipe around her leg.


The moment the rune was carved, Tom breathed a sigh of relief: This time, I was always distracted and hard to concentrate.


Tom conjured up a ribbon, which consisted of hollowed-out squares and inlaid with a white rose made of magic silver.


He wrapped the ribbon around Hermione's leg to make a leg loop, which formed a whole with the rune on the stockings. The moment the leg loops were connected end to end, Hermione felt a warm current flow from the leg loops, along the thighs, to the calves and toes, and to the crotch, spreading to the other leg.


Hermione's legs were warm, as if the autumn sun was shining on them, and as if a lover's hand was caressing them.


She laughed.


"It's so warm," she changed position on the chair, "it's so beautiful."


"Yeah, it's so beautiful." Tom echoed.


"Come on, let's go back to London together."


"it is good."


As for how to get back, that's not difficult for Tom.


Tom got up from his chair, ready to go to London with Hermione. Tom took a step, Hermione took a step, Tom took a step, Hermione took a step, followed. Tom stopped and hooked Hermione's hand, her fingertips were cold and wet.

Slender, thin, and cold.


The two clasped their hands and stood together on the roof of the Astronomical Tower, feeling the strong wind blowing towards them.


"In this weather, riding a broom is a kind of torture." Tom opened his mouth and was greeted with cold wind.


"There's that kind of broom with a spell to keep out the wind and rain!" Hermione shouted loudly, lest the sound be blown into the wind.


"But I still choose the phoenix." A golden flame rose from Tom's body, and he turned into a beautiful golden-red bird. After confirming that Hermione had grabbed his tail, Tom took off into the air and flew to London. .


In cold weather, Floo and Phoenix are the best options for long-distance travel. The fireworks of the furnace and the phoenix can effectively dispel the cold and isolate the cold wind. In theory, though, the only fireplace at Hogwarts that connects to the Floo network is in the headmaster's office...


Although Tom felt that he would not meet Dumbledore if he went to the headmaster's office now, he still did not go there to use the Floo network - Tom's hunch was correct, the headmaster's office is now empty and no one knows Dumbledore where to go.


Phoenix flew to an empty alley outside London. After landing smoothly, Tom recovered his prototype, held Hermione's hand, and walked down the street.


Walked the streets of London with Hermione until all the lights went out.


Hermione grabbed Tom's sleeve and Tom put his hand in his trouser pocket until he walked to the end of the road.




The closer he got to Hermione's house, the more nervous Tom became.


Hermione saw Tom's mood, and held Tom's hand a little harder. Feeling the strength that came from the hand, Tom looked at Hermione.


"Don't worry, they've been looking forward to your coming back. Mom said, this is your home forever~www.mtlnovel.com~ Hermione said with a smile," Dad also said that instead of inviting other wizarding children Come on, I'd rather ask Tom, everyone's habits are similar and familiar - he's not used to dealing with wizards. "


Hearing Hermione say that, Tom's mood eased a little.


Tom returned to the familiar street, the familiar fence, and the familiar house. But it's a little strange that on the night of the lights, Hermione's house turned off the lights.


The note on the door answered Tom's doubts.


"Seeing a doctor?" Hermione was stunned, "It's Christmas Eve today, why did Mom and Dad go to the emergency room?"


Hermione's parents are dentists and they have their own clinic. It stands to reason that things like overtime on Christmas are not their responsibility. But unfortunately, an old friend of theirs had a problem with his teeth today - a toothache is not a disease, it hurts really badly, and the old friend couldn't stand the pain, so he had no choice but to ask the Grangers to visit his teeth.


Mr. Granger and the friend were young and had a very close relationship. Naturally, he would not refuse if his friend was in trouble, so he went with his wife and left Hermione this note and a sumptuous Halloween dinner before leaving.




[White Rose Leg Ring (One Star): A strange and inexplicable invention that can make the legs no longer cold when worn. But why only one? Does everything have to pursue asymmetry? And when it's cold, you should wear long pants, **** it! Yodel, if you use your talent to make weird things like this, you're going to be guaranteed a bottom line, bastard! ]

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Home » The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts TDDH » Vol 2 Chapter 125: Turn your head away!

The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts Vol 2 Chapter 125: Turn your head away!

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Hermione shrugged and had to accept the reality.


She grabbed Tom who was in a daze outside the door, but Tom stood still and didn't move.


"Hermione, Mr. Granger, they're not here..."


Hermione glanced at him, "Do you still want to do weird things?"


Tom: !


"Come in," Hermione dragged Tom, who was hesitant outside the door, in. "It's so pitiful to be homeless on Christmas Eve."


A porch was also built between the Granger's door and the living room. The entrance refers to the space between the main entrance and the main hall. It is a buffer between the outside and the inside of the house. The Granger family has placed a shoe cabinet and a clothes rack here.


"You can wear these." Hermione took out a pair of slippers for Tom from the shoe cabinet and placed them in front of Tom. "It's specially prepared for guests, brand new."




Hermione casually hung the trench coat on the hanger, revealing the black tulle top inside.


She leaned against the wall with one hand, raised one foot, put her right hand into the shaft of the boot, took off the boot a little, and when the boot was loose, she grabbed the heel, brushed it, and with the sound of leather and velvet rubbing, The whole boot was taken off by her. The boot shaft, which lost the support of the calf, collapsed at once, turned outward, revealing the leopard-print lining inside, with a trace of residual warmth. Hermione put the boots she had just replaced on the ground and moved her sore feet.


She looked up and saw Tom's black eyes.


"You—" Hermione raised her right hand and turned Tom's face to one side, "Turn your head away!"


"Tom, bad!"


Tom: (?_?)


After making sure Tom lost his vision, Hermione leaned against the wall and took off her other boot. I took out a pair of dog-head slippers from the shoe cabinet, which were slightly different from the ones I wore at Hogwarts. The dog's head at Hogwarts was a Shiba Inu, and the one at home was a Husky.


Hermione put her feet in the dog-head slippers and said, "You can turn your head around."


Tom couldn't help saying after seeing it: "Dogs have very smart noses, you will smoke them..."


Hermione's eyes flashed a dangerous light, and she made a severing gesture to threaten: "If you talk more, I will turn you into a shoehorn and stuff it into the shoe cabinet."


Hermione: o(`ω′*)o?╰ひ╯


Tom: ( ̄ω ̄;)


The two walked through the living room together and entered the dining room.


The Grangers left a very hearty dinner. Although it was a little cold, it was still delicious when warmed. Mrs. Granger's cooking was so good, it made the Granger's table not so "English".


After Tom and Hermione warmed up the food on the table together, they gathered around the table to enjoy the sumptuous Christmas dinner.


"I really didn't expect Mom and Dad to work on Christmas Eve, but considering it's Uncle Hal, that's understandable." Hermione poured herself a bowl of French fish soup and chatted. The whereabouts of my parents tonight.


"Uncle Hal?" This was the first time Tom heard the name.


"My father's good friends, they have been very good friends since childhood. Uncle Hal has a problem with his teeth. Dad will definitely go to treat him." Hermione remembered that she had never told Tom about this ha Uncle Er, so he began to introduce him to this uncle who has a legendary experience.


"He was a very famous adventurer. He went on adventures around the world with his younger brother Roger when he was young. He later obtained a doctorate in archaeology from Oxford University and is now teaching at the Department of Archaeology at the University of Sheffield."

"He's been to many places: Africa, Antarctica, North Pole, Amazon, South China Sea..." Hermione counted the places Hal Hunt had been to with her fingers crossed.


"From the Amazon to the Pacific, from New Guinea to the Himalayas, from volcanoes to the bottom of the ocean, they went to the sky. They tracked jungle pythons, subdued tropical monitor lizards, captured African white elephants, tracked down killer lions, confronted cannibal tribes, and countless poachers. ..." Hermione's eyes flashed with adventure, "he used to tell me stories of their youth adventures when I was a kid."


"Cool!" Tom was also fascinated, and understood why a girl as smart as Hermione was classified into Gryffindor. The seeds of adventure are sown from childhood.


Hermione rubbed her toes against Tom under the table, "How are you going to spend Christmas?"


Tom: ...


"Actually... I'm going to grade the students' papers for Christmas..."


Tears flowed out.


Tom decided to quit his job this school year because of the work pressure.


Hermione couldn't stop laughing while covering her stomach.


"Actually, your thesis also has a few problems..." Tom said slowly, cutting the steak gracefully with a knife and fork in his hand.


Hermione: !


Now she couldn't laugh anymore. Although she knew that Tom was probably teasing him, she was still a little panicked instinctively.


"what is the problem?"


"You'll know then."


"What's the time!" Hermione kicked Tom. Not to be outdone, Tom fought back, and the two frolicked again...




Life at the Granger family was pleasant. Of course, when the Grangers came back on the first day, Tom was still a little embarrassed, and even wanted to fly away as a phoenix, but he finally stayed behind.


Fortunately, Mr. Granger was very close to him, and during the time he stayed at his home, there was even a feeling that George Joestar took in Dio Brando-Tom became "someone's child", This is also a very rare experience for Hermione:


"Hermione~www.mtlnovel.com~You're in bed again-"


"Hermione, look at Tom, he's studying when he wakes up early..."


Hermione: (((;???;)))


Seeing Hermione's expression, Tom felt that there was a high probability that he would not be invited next year.


The days went by like this, and the Christmas holidays disappeared all of a sudden, as if the holidays never existed. After the Christmas break, the calendar jumped to 1993.


Four months have passed since the battle in the lounge, and life at Hogwarts is back on track. In March, the mandrakes that Professor Sprout had cultivated for nearly half a year held a lively, noisy and dangerous dance party in the third greenhouse.


These mandrakes are nearing maturity, and their cry is deadly.


By the time they want to move to other mandrakes' pots, they are fully mature. At that time, the petrified "Tom" in the ward will be rescued.


With April comes Easter.


There are two major holidays in the Hogwarts school year: Christmas and Easter. Easter is an important festival in the western world. It falls on the first Sunday after the full moon of the vernal equinox every year. Since the day of the vernal equinox is not fixed every year, the specific date of Easter is also uncertain every year.


Easter in 1993 was on April 11, which happened to be a Sunday.

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Home » The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts TDDH » Vol 2 Chapter 126: Granger's Holiday

The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts Vol 2 Chapter 126: Granger's Holiday

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(There is a modification at the end of the last chapter, book friends who read it before 2 am suggest to refresh and read the previous chapter again)


Unlike the common wooden house structure in the United States, the walls of Granger's house are made of high-quality masonry. Wooden houses may have some advantages, but there must be a disadvantage: poor sound insulation. I wish the hostess on the first floor would applaud Ai, and the hostess on the third floor could hear it. However, the house with brick walls does not have this disadvantage. Her house's sound insulation is very good. Hermione is taking a shower diagonally opposite, and Tom can't hear any noise.

It's a good thing for him. If you can clearly hear the sound of the water, the rubbing of the body wash and the skin, and the moaning because of the comfort, but you can't do anything, it's like the company's wine party that the social animals have to attend after get off work. torture. The only difference is that one wants to go in and one wants to go out.

Hermione took a refreshing bath, put on a bathrobe with bare feet, and left the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head. After Hermione finished washing, Tom also walked into the misty bathroom - he also had the habit of bathing every day.

The bathroom was wet, with a strong scent of shower gel, and there were still a few bubbles and a few long brown hairs left in the bathtub. Tom also took off his clothes, and just as he was about to hang it on the hanger, he froze...

Hermione jumped up from the bed and threw the tiger doll she had just held in her arms to the ground. She rushed to the door of her bedroom, but suddenly slowed down and opened the door with the lightest movement, making sure that Tom was already there. After leaving the bathroom, she rushed into the bathroom vigorously like a cat.

After entering, her eyes locked on the hanger all of a sudden, and then she breathed a sigh of relief: they were all still there, nothing changed except that they were a little wet. She picked up those cuties like a thief and slipped back to her bedroom, when nothing happened.

The next morning, Tom woke up suddenly, and he felt that something was about to happen. He ran to the window, looked out, and sure enough, a beautiful car was slowly driving into the Grangers' garage - the Grangers are home!

Tom became flustered, and the parents went home from overtime, only to find that their daughter brought her classmates home...

He was already considering whether to hide in the closet and pretend to be a plumber repairing faucets, or would it be a good choice to turn into a phoenix and fly away? There is no way to enter the earth, but there is a way to heaven!

At this moment his door was pushed open.

Hermione came in and told Tom, "Mom and dad are back, get dressed, if you dare to turn into something like a phoenix and run away, then you'll be dead."

Hermione: ヽ(●-`Д′-)ノ

"I told my dad before that you will come this year."

Tom: ┗(0﹏0)┛ surrender

So when the Grangers came home, they met their daughter and her daughter's classmate in the living room: Tom Yodell.

Tom: cute.jpg

"Yordle!" Mrs Granger exclaimed, running over and hugging Tom, "It's really, really long time no see!"

Mr. Granger smiled and nodded, saying hello to Tom.

After a few simple greetings, Mr. Granger showed a hint of fatigue: he operated on his old friend until late at night yesterday, and finally stayed at his old friend's house. This morning, he came back after confirming that he was fine. , can now be said to be physically and mentally exhausted.

"Old Hal is still so impatient. He actually asked me to pull out four wisdom teeth and one bad tooth at a time. He will be eating liquid food for the next few weeks." Mr. Granger briefly talked about the condition of his old friend. I went upstairs to sleep with my wife. Before leaving, she also told Hermione that if they were bored, they could go out for a walk, and if they chose to watch TV at home, they should remember to turn down the volume.

The footsteps of the Grangers disappeared overhead, Tom and Hermione glanced at each other and made a decision: it would be watching TV, of course! There are no shops open outside Christmas! Should Tom and Hermione run off for Chinese food or Kebab?

Christmas is equivalent to the Spring Festival in the West, and most shops will be closed. Most of the shops that are still open at Christmas are restaurants, which are mainly Chinese and Central Asian dishes-because Chinese and Turkish immigrants do not have the custom of Christmas holidays.

Tom turned on the TV, and there appeared a man who was talking. He was wearing glasses and was being bombarded by the host. He looked extremely embarrassed.

Tom recognized the man.

"Oh, Jim Huck!" Hermione also recognized the man on the screen.

Tom: ?

"Jim Harker, Minister of Administrative Affairs, has just been elected Party Chairman (PC Hermione thought Tom didn't know him, so she gave Tom a brief introduction, "He used to be the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, I I remember that I had written correspondence with my father before, and later he quit his job as editor-in-chief to pursue politics, but I didn't expect to sit in this position all the way."


"Why does your dad know everyone?" He couldn't help but want to complain.

"My dad is the dentist that counts in London, so he knows a lot of people!" Hermione looked proud, akimbo proudly, and raised her head, "But it's quite surprising, I didn't expect that Jim Huck Being able to become a PC, my father still thinks he is very unsuitable for politics~www.mtlnovel.com~ Tom:  …

Just then the doorbell rang and the Grangers got a letter - a Christmas card from Huck! Although it was full of clichés, it still shocked Tom.

The host on the TV screen talked eloquently: "So your attitude towards the European sausage standardization plan proposed by Mr. Morris of the European Community is that you have no attitude?"

Huck: "I..."

"Even if next year we have to call our own sausages 'emulsified high-fat haggis'? God, come to think of it, we're going to bring in all those European junk sausages - chorizo, German sausages, English sausages probably disappeared from the market!"

Huck would like to say: an item cannot compete with competing products, it must be because its quality is not good enough! He had seen reports that said regular British sausages contained 32.5% fat, 6.5% pork rind, 20% water, 10% rusks, 5% seasoning, colouring, preservatives and 26% meat - cartilage, Head, leftovers, mechanically deboned meat dregs

What the heck, who could eat this ingredient list? It's almost as fast as Russian black bread.

But if he dared to say so, the minister's career would be over, and he could only explain dryly: "I have a responsibility to carry out the European Community policy..."

"So you swallowed it?"

"Ah, I did eat a sausage this morning!" The host's swallowing pun meant both swallowing the sausage and passing the proposal. Huck played a word game and diverted the topic.

Hermione changed the station, it didn't matter to her, she didn't eat British sausages anyway. The day of the draw at Hogwarts https://

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The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts Vol 2 Chapter 127: Return to Hogwarts

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On another channel, the Minister of Finance's speech was being played. Hermione was about to change channels, but was stopped by Tom: Tom felt familiar with the person just now, and after thinking about it carefully, Tom found that he had appeared in Chris' memory. !


Tom's eyes became dangerous when he saw Eric, the Minister of Finance, under the headline.


But then Hermione changed the stage.


"It's all boring clichés." She switched a few more channels, but she didn't see a program that suits her liking, so she simply turned off the TV.


"What can I do?" She felt a little bored for a while, but her eyes suddenly lit up when she saw Tom, "Let's go fishing!" She suddenly made such a suggestion.


"I still remember when I first met you, you went fishing at that lake!"


When Hermione said this, Tom also recalled the scene when the two first met.


He showed a smile, "Winter is not very suitable for fishing, and it's a bit cold outside."


"It's okay!" Hermione jumped up from the sofa, ran quickly to the storage room on the third floor, and took a fishing rod down. Then, Hermione and Tom went outside together.


In this place in London, although it is rainy and rainy all year round, the temperature below zero is still very rare. The average daily minimum temperature in December is 3°C, and the daily average maximum temperature is 8°C. cozy.


On the way to the lake, Tom gave Hermione a little knowledge about winter fishing.


Generally speaking, winter is not very suitable for fishing, because the water temperature at this time is too low, and the fish will become inactive and have no appetite due to the lower water temperature. If you don't want to eat bait, you will naturally not be hooked. However, it's not that you can't fish in winter, you just need the right way. There are many fishermen who even go fishing in winter.


For example, if you open an opening in a frozen lake, fish will gather nearby for air. Or the weather is also a very important factor. On the day of cooling, the cold air will take away the heat of the water, making the upper water surface colder, the cold water sinks, and convection with the warm water in the lower layer. At this time, the fish in the water will eat quickly. Store energy.


Tom and Hermione came to the lake. At this time, it can be said that everything is withering, and the green shades by the lake have disappeared, and the water plants by the lake are also a little yellow. Tom was not in a hurry to stop to fish, he started walking around the lake.


In winter fishing, it is also important to choose a place with stable water temperature.


In the end, he chose a lake surface that could be found by the sun. There was a groove on the edge of the lake, and the lake water was almost still here.


Tom sat here and cast the bait down. Hermione sat beside him, the ends of her hair brushing against his nose, making him ticklish. He shook his head slightly, resisting the urge to sneeze. It was a little uncomfortable, but the shampoo Hermione was using smelled weird.


Blue sky and white clouds, peaceful holiday, peaceful lakeside, plus a lovely girl, time freezes at this moment...


Life at the Granger family was comfortable. Although Tom was a little nervous when he met the Grangers on the first day, he gradually let go. During the time he stayed at the Granger's house, Tom even became a "child of someone else's family", which was also a rare experience for Hermione:


"Hermione, you're in bed again—"

"Hermione, look at Tom, they're studying when they wake up in the morning..."


"Hermione Granger—!"


Hermione: (((;???;)))


Seeing Hermione's expression, Tom felt that there was a high probability that he would not be invited next year.


The days went by like this, and the Christmas holidays disappeared all of a sudden, as if the holidays never existed. After the Christmas break, the calendar jumped to 1993.


Four months have passed since the battle in the lounge, and life at Hogwarts is back on track. In March, the mandrakes that Professor Sprout had cultivated for nearly half a year held a lively, noisy and dangerous dance party in the third greenhouse.


These mandrakes are nearing maturity, and their cry is deadly.


By the time they want to move to other mandrakes' pots, they are fully mature. At that time, the petrified "Tom" in the ward will be rescued.


With April comes Easter.


There are two major holidays in the Hogwarts school year: Christmas and Easter. Easter is an important festival in the western world. It falls on the first Sunday after the full moon of the vernal equinox every year. Since the day of the vernal equinox is not fixed every year, the specific date of Easter is also uncertain every year.


Easter in 1993 was on April 11, which happened to be a Sunday.


During the Easter holiday, all the professors left homework, except Tom - he has to take the exam after the holiday, so he exempted all the homework, and only asked everyone to review. To be honest, most students would rather he leave a foot-long essay or something like an assignment than face a test.


Sophomores think about one more thing than their peers in other grades: course selection. UU reading www.uukanshu.com The curriculum at Hogwarts is somewhat similar to other British universities. The first and second grades only take seven compulsory courses: Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Herbs, History of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Astronomy. Of course, there are also two limited courses: flying and apparition. There are training sessions, which are only available at certain times. In the third year, students also choose to study at least two subjects from five elective subjects: divination, arithmetic divination, Muggle studies, ancient runic studies, and protection of magical creatures.


After entering the fifth grade and taking the o.w.l. exam, students can choose subjects from their favorite professors, and they can also study some special subjects, such as alchemy.


The little wizards, including Tom, should choose the third-year course. In Hermione's opinion, this matter needs to be treated with caution.


"Really, you might as well keep Lockhart's identity and keep teaching." While studying the new class, Hermione gave Tom an unreliable suggestion.


"Forget it, I'll resign when I send this year's students to the exam room." Tom firmly stated that he would never teach as Lockhart again, not to mention the curse and the imminent maturity of Mandrakes. It was the stress of work that kept Tom out of breath - a real 997, almost 7 days a week! If he became the dean, it would be a direct incarnation of 007—Professor Snape didn't even have time to wash his hair.


"I've studied it, and this course selection will affect our entire future!" Hermione said to Tom seriously, "So what do you think, which courses do you want to sign up for?"

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Home » The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts TDDH » Vol 2 Chapter 128: Elective courses equivalent to compulsory courses

The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts Vol 2 Chapter 128: Elective courses equivalent to compulsory courses

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Which classes do you want to take? This is a good question.


You know, a person's GPA depends on his hard work, but in many cases, if you want your GPA to be close to four, you need certain course selection skills. Some professors simply have problems with their brains. If 30% of the students do not fail, they feel uncomfortable. Giving students an A is like killing them. It is better to avoid classes for such people.


Tom believed that if the potions class was an elective, then Professor Snape must be the most leisurely professor in the school, and the second most leisurely was Professor Binns, who taught the history of magic. However, if Tom continues the test like this, it is estimated that he can be ranked third.


Hermione studied the list of new courses carefully, writing, drawing, and marking on it. She consulted many seniors and sisters before, and she also had a general understanding of the new curriculum.


Tom pondered for a while, "I will definitely study divination and arithmetic divination, and I should also learn about protecting magical creatures and ancient runes."


Tom feels that he currently lacks effective divination methods, so it is still necessary to learn some professional divination knowledge. And Tom thought that Professor Trelawney might have some notes left by her ancestor Cassandra Trelawney or something, and he thought he could borrow it.


The course of protecting magical creatures can help Tom understand the knowledge of various magical creatures. It is also necessary to take it and gain some knowledge. As for the ancient runes, that was out of interest. Tom felt that it wouldn't hurt to know some ancient wizard's writing, even if these words were only "words" these days.


"Then what do you think of Muggle Studies?" Hermione nodded, and found that Tom had chosen four of the five courses, only Muggle Studies had not been chosen.


Tom: ...


"I'm a Muggle! Why do I need to enroll in this class? Isn't this class for credits?" Tom was quite disdainful of this class. Mr. Arthur, as an employee of the Department of Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Articles, must have taken this course, and as a result he does not even know how Muggles make phone calls or take the subway!


This class taught a hammer! Got a hammer? It's a complete waste of time. The correct usage of this class should be to focus on a certain period of time every week, teach the little wizards what Muggles wear, and take them out for "spring outings" and "outings" after they learn, and truly walk into Muggles. the world, rather than speculating about the Muggle world from textbooks from more than a decade ago.


"However, I'm curious about what the Muggle world looks like from a wizard's point of view. Why don't I enroll in this class as well."




"Yes! Also." Hermione took her quill and signed all the subjects.


The advice given to her by senior and senior is to choose courses according to future plans. Muggle Studies is a good option for jobs with close Muggle ties, such as Occurrence Reversal Squad and Muggle Items Abuse, as it requires its n.e.w.t. certificate to apply for the position . If your dream career involves the outdoors, it's best to add protecting magical creatures. Careers involving archaeology require ancient runes and divination, arithmetic divination.


Although she got such advice, Hermione has her own ideas, and she wants to do it all over again! She's not the kind of guy who can't chew too much, but because she needs to make her own judgment.


She feels that every course involves the choice of a future career, so she must be cautious. It is not enough to just rely on the words of the senior and senior. She wants to make the choice in the next year.


"You..." Seeing Hermione ticking off five courses in one go, Tom was speechless: So Hermione would take 12 courses in one semester.


"It will be tiring."


"It's alright, I'll just sleep a little less, you really don't want to take the Muggle Studies class?" Hermione looked expectant, "So if there is a team assignment, we can also form a team, so that we don't have to I'm trying to find reliable teammates."


For group work, sometimes meeting a pig teammate is more desperate than doing it alone!


Of course, Hermione can do the homework assigned by the professors of each subject by herself, but well... If you can be with Tom, why not do it?


"Also, if I have your help, I should be able to relax a lot. Of course, it's okay if you don't want to report. I can team up with other people..."


Tom looked at Hermione's pair of black eyes that seemed to be able to speak, and felt that this was a request that was almost impossible to refuse, so he uncontrollably followed Hermione to tick five ticks on the application form.


"Actually..." He said with difficulty after signing, "It's not necessary for you to take divination. I don't think you and Professor Trelawney will deal too much - this class really requires talent."


"But you also reported it!"


"Because I really have a talent for divination." Tom said weakly, as if remembering some unpleasant memories.


Hermione: ?


"Then make a prophecy for me!" she said angrily.


"I predict you'll give up Muggle studies and divination after third year."


"Humph!" Hermione rolled her eyes at him, and at the same time made up her mind in her heart: never give up these two courses, and slap Tom hard in the face. Hermione believed that there was no class she couldn't take.


When she put away her course selection list, the corner of her eyes swept across Tom's office, and she was attracted by a few stacks of parchment.


"What is this?" Hermione walked to the stack of parchment, resisted the thought of picking it up, and turned to ask Tom.


"Exam papers after Easter~www.mtlnovel.com~ Hermione's eyes suddenly became complicated, she really wanted to read it! Tom noticed Hermione's desire and couldn't help but find it very interesting.


Hermione looked at the paper and was very confused: she didn't want to get the exam answers from Tom, she just wanted to do this set of questions in advance.


The exam paper was a fatal temptation for Hermione. Exams can test her learning achievements, like scratching a prize, making her obsessed, addicted, and unable to stop.


She looked at Tom with a hint of longing in her eyes. She hoped that Tom would invite her to take an "internal test" to see if the difficulty level met the requirements and whether there were any controversial topics. By the way, test herself to see if she had any loopholes. .


But Tom seemed to have suddenly become blind, completely unable to see what Hermione was thinking, ignoring her eyes. Hermione was a little anxious, hesitated for a while, and finally said in a voice not much louder than a mosquito: "That paper... Can I get it and make it?"


Tom raised his head: "What did you say? I didn't hear it."


Hermione's face turned red all of a sudden, as if she could squeeze water out of it, she raised her voice: "I, I want to... do that set of papers..."


"Oh—" Tom lengthened his tone, "is it this set of papers?"


Hermione nodded.


"Then, why should I give you this set of papers?"

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Home » The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts TDDH » Vol 2 Chapter 129: Pre-exam mock exam

The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts Vol 2 Chapter 129: Pre-exam mock exam

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"I... I can help you look at the topics in the paper..." She said timidly.


Tom gave a wicked smile, "Then say to me: I want your test paper. I'll give you the test paper after that."


"I... I want your... paper!"


After she finished speaking, she looked at Tom, but found that Tom was looking at her with a half-smile, Hermione was a little impatient: "You are playing tricks on me again! I—"


"Yes, it's really fun to make fun of Granger!" Tom admitted frankly.


The reason why Hermione was so cringe was essentially because using tricks to get exam papers from the teacher was definitely cheating. As a good student who works hard to abide by the school rules, such behavior is too "degenerate" in her own eyes.


But Tom gave Hermione the paper before she broke out, lest she pull out her wand and give him an English massage.


After such a "contest", Tom regained the lead in the competition between the two - before he asked Hermione to seize the weakness and was "moped" crazily, and now he took the opportunity to regain a victory.


Hermione, who had taken the paper, was like a full cat, ignoring Tom, and concentrated on writing the paper. The question was answered in no time. When the paper was finished, Hermione kicked Tom and handed it over.


"Let me see your grades," Tom took the still-ink paper from Hermione. He swept it over and was a little surprised to find that Hermione got a perfect score.


"Okay!" Tom exclaimed from the bottom of his heart. This set of papers is still 20 multiple-choice questions. It is not difficult to choose the correct answer, but it is difficult to choose all the correct answers.


"That's it!" Hermione also happily took the paper, as if she had accomplished something big.


The sun shines through the window and shines on her test paper, making the surface of the wet ink gleam brightly.




The classroom is full of salsa of quills swiping across the paper.


The ink on the test paper flashed a gleam of light. Percy put down the pen in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.


"Today's questions are really not small." He thought to himself. Sunlight shone through the classroom windows and onto his small desk—the same one used for the o.w.l. exams, and Tom copied the exam almost exactly in pursuit of its authenticity. From venue to time, from parchment to quill, it's all the same.


Percy glanced at his exam paper to make sure there were no low-level mistakes. He still had a few questions that he wasn't sure about in this exam, but he was very careful to leave it blank, and there was no option for Hu Meng to go up. Because Tom said that there may be changes in the format of the exam this year. It is said that the Wizarding Examination Board has changed the format of the questions and added multiple-choice questions that will deduct points. Faced with this kind of question, it is better to skip the question if you don't know it.


After reading his papers, Percy glanced at Wood, who was sitting near him. At this time, Wood, blushing, was writing hard, the only thing that could make him stop was to dip the quill in ink.


Clang! With a crisp sound, Wood's face instantly turned ashen.


"It's time for the exam, all candidates put down their pens and stop answering the questions." Tom tapped the hourglass on the table and made a clear sound.


The little wizards stopped their pens one after another, folded the scroll and placed it at the corner of the table.


With a wave of his wand, Tom skillfully used the Flying Spell to collect the exam papers of the little wizards in the classroom.


Tom took out his improved automatic marking machine, stuffed the test paper in, and the alchemy machine quickly marked the test paper. During the period of waiting for the results, the atmosphere in the classroom was even more tense than during the exam.

Cassandra narrowed her eyes in the audience. She noticed that the professor's alchemy creation seemed to be more advanced, and now she was able to correct short answer questions!


This is natural, not to mention Tom's gradually proficient alchemy, this machine was manipulated by Dumbledore. Not to mention, the effect is not bad... Although I occasionally make mistakes with artificial mental retardation, the scoring efficiency is still very amazing.


The principle is not difficult, just write some keywords for the short answer questions before the test, and then write the standard answer, the machine will refer to it when grading the paper, and finally give the score. Accuracy is close, but at least there is speed. Besides, for the mock test, the scores are just for reference. Adjusting your mentality and adapting to the exam is the most important thing.


Tom sent out the graded test papers, along with the reference answers.


"Proofread by yourself. If there is anything you don't understand, you can discuss it with each other."


The voice fell, and there was a humming sound in the classroom.


"Ah! I really shouldn't have been delaying this question for so long!" Wood shouted, holding his head, looking extremely annoyed, "I didn't have time to read the last big question!"


Percy glanced at it. The difficulty of the questions in this exam did not increase in steps, but the last question was rather easy.


"Ah! Even if you only give me five minutes!" Wood also discovered this.


"If you go through the paper in general after you get it, you won't make such a low-level mistake." Cassandra, who was sitting diagonally in front of Wood, said arrogantly. Wood's voice just now was so loud that the entire classroom could hear it, but Cassandra, who was diagonally opposite him, could hear it clearly.


"Of course, I can understand your behavior without the big picture."


As arrogant as always, but it makes sense, Wood can only bow his head and sullen.


After discussing for nearly half an hour, with the help of the reference answers, the little wizards solved the problems they encountered internally.


"Okay~www.mtlnovel.com~ This is the end of this mock test. It's not a few days until o.w.l., here, I wish everyone a good test." Tom bowed to the students, and the students also reported With applause.


"Everyone here, you may have different careers in the future. Some people want to go to the Ministry of Magic, some people may become a Quidditch player, and some students may inherit the family business," Tom paused. , glanced at Cassandra, "Of course, someone may open a magic shop..."


"No matter who you choose to be, I hope the knowledge I teach you this school year can help you, and I hope you can develop the ability to think independently and learn by yourself this year."


A student laughed, "Professor, why are you saying this like a farewell speech!"


The classroom is full of cheerful air. In the eyes of the students, Professor Lockhart taught very well, how could he not teach next year? As for the curse? Professor Lockhart is best at breaking curses!


"It is indeed the case. After this school year is over, I will resign from the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts."


The classroom was silent for a while.


"Professor, is it because of a curse?" The boy who just spoke said bitterly. To the little wizards at Hogwarts, their Defence Against the Dark Arts professor was like opening a blind box. This time, it's not easy to be more reliable, and it turns out that I still teach for a year and leave!


How did they accept this!

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The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts Vol 2 Chapter 130: MakeWizardGreatAg…

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After the Easter holiday, the Scottish Highlands entered the most comfortable stage of the year, with sunny, warm sun and floral breezes making people a little drunk, but the fifth and seventh grade little wizards were trapped. Studying in the house, weary in and out of the library. Harry pretended that his bad mood was all caused by the approaching exam. His Gryffindor classmates were already distracted by their homework

Hermione ran to Tom's office whenever she could. Together they chat in the office, study, eat snacks, practice spells, and play two games of improved wizard chess in their spare time.

The two often spend the whole afternoon in this way.

As the O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. exams approached, pamphlets, leaflets, and notices about various magical professions also appeared in the lounges of various colleges, and the school bulletin boards were filled with recruitment notices from major companies.

Hogwarts is recognized as the best wizarding school in the world, with an ancient and long history, excellent teachers, and a powerful Dumbledore are the strengths of Hogwarts. While Ilvermorny has been gaining momentum in recent years, and Beauxbatons has grown richer with Nick Lemay's backing, when it comes to the best wizarding school, it's Hogwarts.

With such a top-notch diploma, as Professor McGonagall said, a young wizard who graduated from Hogwarts can get a decent job - as long as it is not a huge disadvantage in status or ignorance. Businesses founded by witches and wizards who have graduated from Hogwarts for thousands of years naturally prefer to recruit students from the school. Various companies in the magical world, such as giants like Comet Trading Company, are also more inclined to recruit students from Hogwarts. Recruitment here.

Tom, who is a full professor of Hogwarts, was also sent a document, which included the requirements for N.E.W.T. grades for his respective positions and the general content of his work.

Naturally, Hermione saw these leaflets too.

"So Hermione, what do you want to do after graduation?"

Hermione shook her head. "It's way too early for me to talk about this. You see, this job in the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters looks kind of interesting," she readily recruited from Gringotts Wizarding Bank. The caster's flyer was put aside, "The caster requires arithmetic and divination. I won't be able to judge until the third grade, but I'm not very interested in the banking industry..."

"Wow! This Muggle liaison job looks really cool! It doesn't require a lot of qualifications, they just ask for an O.W.L Muggle Studies certificate, do you think I'll be sent to contact the Prime Minister?" Hermione It's like finding something baby. Wizards are doing their best to cut off contact with the Muggle world, so Muggles who want to be actively contacted by the magical world must have an extraordinary status.

"Actually, you can consider working in the Ministry of Magic. A large number of excellent wizards have joined the Ministry of Magic after graduation." Tom sorted out the brochures that Hermione had turned over, and took out the flyer for the spell-breaker.

"Ministry of Magic?" Hermione raised her head, "Then what do you think I am suitable for?"

"I can't say for sure, maybe you can become the Minister of Magic!"

Hermione covered her mouth to keep herself from laughing.

Tom said solemnly, "I even thought of a campaign slogan and a governing platform for you: MWGA and WU."


"Make Wizard Great Again and Wizards, unite!"

Hermione couldn't take it any longer, she burst out laughing, and she didn't care about her image at all.

"If I became Minister of Magic, what would you like to be?"

"Let me be the cabinet secretary," Tom thought for a while, "I will set up a stable civil service system for you, and you will not have to worry about it in the future. It's fine to leave things to us, the humble wizards of the magic world... …"

Hermione squinted her eyes and glanced at her, she could see through Tom's little abacus. Civil servants in Great Britain are incredible creatures. Even though they say they are lowly social officials, they are actually the manipulators of the country. As the so-called "iron-hit civil servants, flowing ministers".

"If I were Minister of Magic, I'd send you to clean the toilet! I want to be a cabinet secretary, but there's no door!" Hermione thought bitterly in her heart, she took out Tom's calendar and tapped his wand on his. The small squares in the timetable suddenly flashed colorful colors.

"I remember that there are only a little more than four weeks until the end of the term. You should start preparing for the review."

Tom: ?

The next moment he suddenly realized that although he pretended to be an identity, he did not need to take an exam, but when the mandrake matured, he would restore his identity, and at that time, he needed to face the final exam of the second grade!

If he doesn't take the exam or he doesn't pass the exam, he will have to repeat the grade!

Speaking of which, Tom is also unlucky. If the Chamber of Secrets incident lasts a little longer, the final exam at Hogwarts will be cancelled. At that time, even if you are absent for most of the school year, you don't have to worry about repeating classes. Professor McGonagall also considered Tom Yodel's situation. Originally, the professors wanted him to repeat the class, but after Dumbledore's persuasion, they changed their minds.

With the O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. exams approaching, there is also a wind of anxiety at Hogwarts - restricted to fifth and seventh year students. The lower grade students are still in the stage of watching dramas where they should eat and drink~www.mtlnovel.com~ The mood of the sixth grade students is a little more complicated. They are somewhat similar to the sophomores passing through the college entrance examination room. In some areas, the high school entrance examination is a few days later than the college entrance examination. The mood of the sixth-grade wizards now is roughly the same as the feeling of the junior high school students who are about to take the senior high school entrance examination on June 7th watching the senior high school students enter the examination room.

Professor McGonagall sensed the anxiety, but she had nothing else to do: she was giving career counseling to fifth-year students throughout Gryffindor House. This is a short talk that all 5th graders must attend during the first week of the summer term. They will discuss future employment issues with their college dean.

So during this period of time, a lot of absurd things happened at Hogwarts: some little wizards were overly anxious and committed hysteria in class - and they were called dissociative disorder or hysteria, and some little wizards because of taking Hospitalized with an unknown "brain-boosting" potion...

In the period leading up to the exam, all kinds of magic amulets, cheating props and strange potions appeared in an endless stream. Students from all walks of life seemed to be bound to the card drawing system overnight, and they took out more than a dozen Snapeganic Lemay from it. "Potions and props - memory-enhancing potions, self-answering quills, self-correcting inks.

However, most of these items can only have a placebo effect, and some even have negative effects.


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