0.41% Ravens of Eternity / Chapter 2: Barriers

章 2: Barriers

Eva’s heart thumped steadily as she ran into the busy emergency lifeboat chamber. Once there, she instinctively stepped to the side out of the way to catch her breath, but found that she really didn’t need to. Although her breathing was heavy and labored, she was actually far from tired.

Not only that, but she could physically see her stamina bar recharge through her DI’s internal display. Her breathing eased as it rose up, then went back to normal once it topped out. At which point, the stamina bar vanished.

“That’s ridiculously nice,” she breathed out. “Could I maybe improve that?”

Of course, her DI replied. All people are able to increase both their maximum stamina pool, as well as increase their regeneration rates.

“And how do I do that?”

Through the act of exerting effort. The more you do, the more you gain. Obviously.

“Well that makes sense, I guess.”

As she chatted quietly with her own DI, she watched the lifeboat chamber all around her.

The room itself was a semi-circular design that followed the curved, minimalist design as the rest of the station. Much like the room where she regenerated out of, it looked as though it was formed out of a single piece.

She came in through the apex of the curved wall, and looked towards the straight wall on the opposite side. There, five emergency portals were spaced out evenly all along it. Each one led straight into a multi-seat lifeboat beyond.

More importantly, there were dozens of people lined up or gathered around those portals, all of whom were waiting for their turn to get into the lifeboats. Most were wearing futuristic clothing, certainly nothing like the type she was familiar with. A few wore skin tight medical pressure suits just like she did, so it was easy for her to assume that they were freshly regenerated as well.

There were also station crew posted at each of the portals, and they helped usher in the panicked passengers one by one into the boats themselves.

One set of crewmembers filled up one of the lifeboats with a dozen people before they sealed up the portal. There was some kind of blast from the other side, the vibrations and force of which everyone could feel.

Although none of them could see it, the lifeboat blasted away from them with incredible velocity until those vibrations ebbed away. Then some great mechanism clicked and clacked behind the portal right afterwards. After a few moments, it opened up and revealed a fresh lifeboat on the other side.

The crew members stationed at its portal immediately began to usher people into it, even as another shell shook the station on impact.

Before Eva could get in line herself, a sudden uproar close to the middle lifeboat erupted. One of them desperately wanted to get into that specific lifeboat, but another, much larger man pushed him out of the way. The two launched into an argument which very nearly came to blows.

Thankfully a handful of crew de-escalated the situation and calmed them down. At least to some degree.

They led the disgruntled man away towards a different lifeboat, and left the gatekeeper to his own devices.

Eva was immediately irritated at seeing all that happen. As though people had a right to bully others like that. It was especially infuriating considering it was an emergency. People all around were literally panicking as they tried to flee for their lives, yet this jackass was in their way.

Not only that, but because he kept people out, the lifeboat itself wasn’t getting filled and cycled out. She peered into it and saw that there were a number of seats still open inside.

She felt a fire light up inside her, and found herself compelled to go get into that middle lifeboat. And as expected, just as she walked up towards it, the neanderthal-like bruiser got in her way. He was like a gorilla: barrel-chested with rippling muscles. One of his biceps appeared to be as big as her own head.

He held up a large, meaty palm right in front of her.

“Sorry sweetheart,” he said gruffly. “This boat’s spoken for. So get spaced.”

“I’m not your sweetheart,” she retorted. “And I go where I want.”

She quickly moved around him in an attempt to slip past, but he easily got back in her way. For a guy his size, he certainly moved fast.

He placed one of his large hands on her shoulder, and kept her from physically moving forward.

“Don’t think you get it, miss pissypants,” he said. “This behind me is Nightmare’s boat. And the only people who can get on it are who Nightmare says can get on it. And that definitely ain’t you. So you ain’t gettin’ on, no matter what you want.”

The bruiser then gave her a firm shove, which pushed her back a number of steps.

In her old life, Eva would have simply accepted the situation and moved on. Physical strength meant personal power there, and this mountain of a man seemed like the personification of it. After all, it was safer to avoid these kinds of situations rather than fighting back and getting seriously hurt.

But that flame in her wouldn’t go away. In fact, it flared up when she heard that this was one of Nightmare’s goons.

Nightmare was the callsign of one of the many griefers who played Bellum Aeterna. He and his wholly demented gang of griefers very often harassed and killed other players, wherever they went.

They never helped anyone, or even engaged in actual, proper PVP. They just went around and randomly ganged up on people just to get them angry. All because it brought them great enjoyment to do so.

Even Eva had been a victim of Nightmare and his goons. Although she was a very small-time streamer, they still stream-sniped her in the middle of a very long and involved solo mission. They harassed her and killed her over and over again, which ultimately caused her to fail said mission.

She remembered just how angry and deeply frustrated she was at the time, simply because of how much time it took to get to that point, to even get that mission in the first place. Losing it meant having to do all of it all over, from scratch.

As she stood there, it dawned on her that this was a grudge that she had never once let go.

“First things first,” she said. “No-one pushes me around.”

“You’re lucky all I did was push,” the bruiser retorted. “I coulda just pounded you flat if I wanted.”

“Yeah? Why don’t you give it a shot, then? I wanna see what happens to you if you do…”

Eva’s heart thumped wildly in her chest. A wild thrill coursed through her body as she faced off against this behemoth. Never in a million years would she have done anything like this in the past. But this was an all-new life, and that fire inside just wouldn’t go away.

The bruiser opposite her was a simple man who loved the simple things in life. Nothing gave him more pleasure than to indulge in violence, and shove his strength in other people’s faces. It was the whole reason why he joined up with Nightmare in the first place.

He grinned widely as he rushed towards Eva with one of his meaty fists reared back and ready to rock. He imagined driving it into her face and seeing her blood smeared all over his knuckles.

He wanted to throw her to the ground and gloat.

Doing things like that in the game was one thing. But here, in this new galaxy, he could actually feel bones break under his fists. And he was looking forward to finally doing so for the first time in his life.

The bruiser poured every ounce of strength he could into his entire body and thrust his fist forward. But to his absolute surprise, Eva stepped forward and to the side in the blink of an eye.

She ducked down ever so slightly, just under his barreling fist, and grabbed both his wrist and his lapel. And using his momentum, she spun in place and threw him over her shoulder with every ounce of strength that she could muster.

Before anyone could even blink, she threw him neck-first into the ground, which resulted in a loud and satisfying CRUNCH.

The rest of his body slumped into a heap on the floor, even as everyone around them gasped out of shock and awe. Many were still processing that a fight had just happened, much less that it was already over. They fully expected him to absolutely clobber her into the ground, but she had turned the tables instead.

Even Eva was completely shocked with what she had done. She had only taken a handful of judo lessons after all, and only really knew a few basic moves. Her performing one of those throws close to impeccably was already more than surprising.

More than that, she realized she had the strength to actually do the throw.

She was of course far weaker in her old life, and could hardly do a shoulder throw without using up all of energy to do so. She fully expected to throw him to the ground, then maybe pin his arm behind his back. But she didn’t expect him to simply crumple after a single move.

Eva looked down at her body and for the first time realized she was actually taut and athletic, more than she had ever been her entire life. Which made some sense - her own player avatar in the game was also similarly built.

She curled her hand into a fist, and felt a strength radiating from within her. It was something she had never felt before in her life. It was a sense of courage and confidence that previously eluded her.

And now, she actually had it for real.

“Looks like I’ve got a seat open,” said a male voice behind her. “I guess you can have it if you want. Sit right next to me, and we can get to know each other more.”

Eva spun around almost instantly, and saw a smug but relatively attractive young guy just outside the middle lifeboat.

He was wearing a medical pressure suit as well, except he somehow found a pair of futuristic sunglasses, and was sporting it boastfully. He was wearing a half-cocked grin that was filled with sheer arrogance, and she felt absolutely compelled to wipe it off.

“Why would I wanna sit next to you?” she asked. Though she already knew the answer.

“‘Coz I’m Nightmare,” the guy replied. “And this is my lifeboat. You are?”

“Not interested.”

“Don’t be like that. A babe like you could use a man like me to keep you nice and safe.”

The station rocked again from another shell impact, which shook everyone around them back into action. They absolutely needed to get the hell out of there. But those two continued to stare each other down.

He with unbridled lust, she with unending derision.

The moment he said the word ‘babe’, she felt as though numerous slugs were crawling across her skin all at the same time. She valiantly fought back the urge to vomit, and instead turned around and gave him a cold shoulder in response.

A predatory grin spread across his face as hers turned dark and filled with disgust.

Then, she walked away.

next chapter

章 3: Momentum

“Hey you, with the moves!” shouted a crewmember. “Get yourself in a boat already! We don’t have the time for any of this!”

Eva nodded before she dashed over to a different lifeboat and ducked inside. The lifeboat was long and thin, like a sausage. And also extremely cramped. There was a gangway down the middle that led straight to the pilot’s chair, which was currently empty.

There were seats on both the left and right of the gangway, in pairs and in three rows. So basically, six seats on each side. The seats themselves were bucket-like, and had six-point harnesses that kept the passengers strapped in tight.

She swiftly made her way past the anxious passengers and secured herself the only remaining seat up front.

Next to her was a teenaged Asian girl who was small and slender. She also had black hair like Eva, but hers was long and straight rather than shoulder-length and tousled. More importantly, she was also wearing the same pressure suit, which made Eva wonder if she was also a player.

“Hey, um, sorry to bother you,” she said. “But do you… did you play Bellum Aeterna?”

The girl’s eyes widened, then she gave a short nod. When she replied, there was a light accent to her voice.

“Nn, I did,” she said.

“Were you a pilot, too?” Eva asked.

But the girl shook her head.

“I chose the Engineer class,” she replied. “Although I can pilot too. I am simply not very good at it. No, that is wrong. I am competent enough.”

“Lemme ask you something,” Eva said in more hushed tones. “Do you think we’re in Bellum now? Like, in the game itself?”

The girl leaned back as she thought about it for a moment.

“Now that you mention it, this does feel familiar,” she replied. “It is all very similar, however nothing is identical.”

“Wait. What’cha mean, not identical?”

“For one thing, respawning was mostly a cutscene, neh? We would watch a video of us stepping out of the regeneration chamber, which looked very different, and then would go into the processing chamber. From there, we would claim our insured loadouts, pay insurance premiums, then re-equip ourselves.

“Here, we respawned directly inside of a regeneration capsule, which was never in Bellum Aeterna.”

Eva realized that the girl was right. There were many things that were the same as the game, such as the name of the galactic nation they were in - the Sol Federation. But most other things were completely different. The lifeboat, for example. Escape pods in Bellum were single-seaters. But the one they were in now was more like a bus.

A sausage-shaped space bus.

“Observe the crew members,” the girl continued. “Every single one has been different: age, size, skin color, hair, fitness level. Even their personalities are different and varied. Their uniforms and pressure suits are well-worn and even stained. They have loose threads or have badly fitted straps.

“Some even wear jewelry, or have other… um, what is the word? Accouterments? Accessories. In other words, no-one appears to be cut-and-paste NPCs.”

As the girl continued to lay out her observation, Eva realized that she had taken her new life for granted. Just because some things reminded her of Bellum Aeterna, she automatically assumed that she had woken up in that universe. But now she wasn’t quite so sure.

If this isn’t Bellum, then where the hell did we end up?

“Oh! By the way, I’m Eva,” she said.

“My name is Miko,” the girl replied. “It is good to meet you.”

Eva smiled widely - her first friend!

But before they could chat any further, another heavy shell struck the station. This time it was much louder, and they all felt the shockwave course through their bodies sharply. It was clear that the point of impact was closer than ever before.

People have always carried a massive fear of death, and having red-hot slabs of metal propelled at them had a tendency to magnify that fear.

“Let’s get this going!” yelled a frightened passenger. “Not trying to die out in the middle of space!”

“S-sorry!” yelled a crewmember. “We’re doing our best!”

The crewmember who replied dashed into the lifeboat and ran down to the pilot’s seat. He awkwardly strapped in and adjusted his posture and position a couple of times, unsure if he was doing it correctly. He then unstrapped himself, then reapplied his harnesses.

It was clear from his demeanor that he was incredibly inexperienced, and he even fumbled a little as he powered on the lifeboat.

A number of screens and multifunction displays immediately blinked into life in front of him - each one reported all manner of data as the ship’s systems booted up.

It dawned on Eva that unlike Bellum, or really most other sci-fi shows and movies she had watched, this lifeboat didn’t have a transparent canopy. Instead, it was completely enclosed, and those screens displayed live feeds of what was outside.

She leaned over to Miko with a questioning look on her face.

“Hey, did Bellum ever have ships like this?” she asked. “No windows, I mean. I remember every ship I flew had huge windows on ‘em.”

But Miko shook her head.

“None that I personally saw,” the girl replied. “This makes so much more sense from an engineering standpoint. Glass, or even transparent metal would be a weak point in any ship. It does not matter how much armor the body has - all anyone has to do is target the pilot and defeat the ship. This design mimics that of a submarine, which perhaps is what spaceships should be like.

“The ones from our fiction are designed to be flashy and interesting, not effective or practical.”

Eva glanced over at the would-be pilot, and sighed as he flailed at his numerous displays. He seemed utterly confused as to what to do next. As though her thoughts were being mirrored by the other passengers, one of them yelled out.

“What the hell are you doing? Why’re we still docked? Get us out of here already!”

The yelling freaked out the already panicked crewmember, who began to hyperventilate and began to hit all sorts of buttons and controls wantonly. As though that would help. Audible errors erupted from the displays, accompanied by the crewmember’s frenzied curses.

Eva unbuckled herself, leaned forward halfway into the pilot’s personal space, and slapped him. It was more than enough to bring him back to his senses, at least for a moment.

“Get out,” she said.

The crewmember nodded, unbuckled himself, then hopped out of the seat. He then got into Eva’s old seat even as Eva slipped into the pilot’s seat. His hands were shaking even as he fastened his harness together.

In fact, he was so nervous that Miko edged away from him, afraid to catch his anxiety.

Instead, she focused on Eva, and wowed at how much she contrasted the clearly green pilot. She fastened her harness as though she had done it a million times before. Then she went through the screens and MFDs, and configured them to exactly how she wanted it - a clean mix of pure sensor readouts alongside live feeds of their surroundings.

And with the flick of a few controls, powered up the lifeboat’s thrusters.

“This isn’t exactly difficult,” she said. “Dunno how you kept bungling this up.”

“I-I’m new, alright?!” said the crewmember. “Literally never flown anything like this before! And in an emergency! Way different from the training holos!”

Eva frowned and glanced down at her controls. Sure, they were a little bit different from what she was used to in the VR pod, but not that much more.

She grasped the yoke in front of her with both hands firmly and pushed it forward.

At the same time, one of the frightened passengers yelled, “Can we please get the hell outtaaaaaaaaahhhHHHH!”

Before he could finish his sentence, Eva engaged the lifeboat’s single-shot thrusters and pushed them to the absolute maximum. The lifeboat itself shot out of the ejection tube with blinding speed and increasing velocity.

Everyone inside was pressed into their seats by the sheer force of acceleration, more and more as the seconds ticked by.

Eva herself had only ever experienced these kinds of g-forces from those spinning rides at carnivals and fairs. They usually boasted up to 3 G’s - three times Earth’s gravitational force.

Old memories filled her, of when she was much younger. Back then, whenever a carnival ever came to her town, she made sure to go. Or at least, she made sure to plead with her grandparents to take her. And every time they went, she went on those spinning rides.

She absolutely loved getting in them. The sheer thrill as her body was pressed up against the wall was nothing else she had ever experienced in her life.

In fact, she rode in it so much that she eventually became used to those 3 G’s. At first, she could barely lift a hand. But by the hundredth time, she was able to sit up and grin. It was hard work getting to that point but it was well worth the effort.

She remembered the very first time she sat up and looked around. All the other kids had wide eyes as their faces were plastered back - they couldn’t believe that she could do something like that at all.

Those memories all wove through her, even as the acceleration pushed their bodies with 7.6 G’s. And although almost everyone behind her were almost literally pressed flat into the heavily cushioned seats, Eva found that she could more easily resist it.

Perhaps it was her body’s newfound resilience. Perhaps it was her ‘training’ from way back when. Perhaps it was a combination of both.

No matter what, she realized that she was having the absolute time of her life. Her heart beat heavily in her chest as she realized that it was one thing to fly a ship in the comfort of a VR pod, and a completely different thing to actually fly one in real life.

She could feel her blood pool to her back as it was pushed by gravitational forces.

While she enjoyed the thrill of their escape, the single-shot thrusters sputtered out, empty of their fuel. Without the constant energies increasing their acceleration, the lifeboat quickly hit terminal velocity, and the G-forces that wracked their bodies began to fade.

Eva then activated the boat’s retro thrusters and began their slow deceleration down to a more manageable speed.

Each of them then felt as g-forces pushed at them from behind, though their deceleration was slow enough that their bodies could easily cope.

Some passengers exhaled audibly, and relief was plastered on their faces.

Eva noted that numerous blips from the other lifeboats appeared on her displays, as picked up by the boat’s interconnected sensors. She began to maneuver their boat over towards them, even as they slowed further and further.

She wowed as she did so as she was completely taken by the sight of space all around them. She quickly flipped all her screens to display live feeds from the exterior, and enjoyed an expansive, wide-angle view of open space.

Out there, brilliant star clusters shone amidst luminous nebulae and violent pulsars, which kept her awed and humbled at the sight alone. Out there, she felt small in an otherwise infinite and beautiful galaxy. A part of her was certain that she might never get to see all of it in her lifetime.

Not that she wasn’t going to try.

There it is, she thought to herself. One vast wilderness like never before. Like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Everything I could ever want is out there, ripe for the taking. My old life is dead. Long live my new one.

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

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    Rank 200+ パワーランキング
    Stone 1 推薦チケット
    error ヒント




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