Adventurers levels are measured using a membership card or through the amount of Aura they emit.
Mortal/Adventurer's Level grading process
Level 2251 - 2500. [Platinum]. (Rank 1)
Level 2001 - 2250 [Obsidian]. (Rank 2)
Level 1751 - 2000. [ Gold]. (Rank 3)
Level 1501 - 1750. [Silver] (Rank 4)
Level 1251 - 1500. [Bronze]. (Rank 5)
Level 1001 - 1250. [Cyan] (Rank 6)
Level 751 - 1000 [Scarlet]. (Rank 7)
Level 501- 750 [Emerald]. (Rank 8)
Level 251 - 500 [Sapphire]. (Rank 9)
Level 1 - 250. [Magenta]. (Rank 10)
[More information coming in a few hours]