1.74% Quick Transmigration: Occupation, Seductress. / Chapter 1: The Beginning

章 1: The Beginning

"Save my--.... please..."

These were the last words I heard before falling into unconsciousness.

⊙ ⊙






"System loading…"






⊙ ⊙

When I opened my eyes, the first scenery that greeted me was a pure white space.

"You have awoken, 069." A mechanical-sounding voice of a child then sounded from nowhere, startling me fully awake.

"Where am I?" All I could see is a sea of white... nothingness. "...Where are you?" I glanced up and around, searching for the source of the voice.

"I am right in front of you." The voice said.

I looked around and finally spotted a small furry white ball with cute eyes and lips right in front of me.

"This..." I rudely pointed at the weird ball. "...is you?"

"Yes." The ball whirled around me. "You have been sent here to complete missions for this system." It said.

I... I'm confused. I... don't understand.

"System?" I asked, not following the conversation.

"Yes. That's me." The ball replied.

"You're the system." I repeated.

"Yes." The furry ball revolved around me again.

I was silent for a moment, still not understanding completely.

The ball that calls itself a system didn't say anything more, as if waiting for me to ask questions again.

"You said I was sent here... to complete missions... for you?" I asked again. "B-by whom? Who sent me here? Why am I here? Moreover..." I drawled, just discovering something. "Who am I?"

I couldn't remember anything.

"You are 069. The codename sent to me, assigned to you." The ball said, and I'm unable to follow what it's saying again.

069? What does that mean?

But... I do know, somehow, that that's not my real name.

"That is not my name now, is it?" I asked in doubt. "But really... Who am I? Why am I here? What is this place?" I bombarded questions again.

"Host does not have memories of her identity." The ball then stopped right in front of my nose. "Do you wish to remember yourself?" It asked.

"I-I.... I do." I answered, full of doubt and hesitation.

"Okay." The system backed away and floated all over the place. "I can tell you some things that can be shared about your identity. But, if you wish to remember your whole self, you need to do tasks for the system."

I gulped.

"P-please, at least tell me my name. I-I may remember something from there."

"Very well." The ball then stopped right in front of me again. "Your name is Alina. I can't tell you the exact reason why you were sent here, but this system can grant your wish if you finish the tasks given to you and manage to collect enough points." It explained.

"My name is Alina." That sounded right... The name felt... familiar. "....Wish..." I said, repeating after the ball that calls itself a system.

"Yes. What is it that you wish for?" The system landed on top of my head.

I pondered for a moment, before deciding,

"I-I wish to remember myself."

"Very well. Host's wish configured. At the end of the tasks, Host 069 can remember herself."

"T-thank you. B-by tasks, what are they?"

"Collect male essence."

"Collect m-male essence?!" The system got off my head as I tilted my neck to look at it.

"Male essence... in simpler terms, sperm, or cum as common people call it." The system explained nonchalantly.

"?! What?! I need to?!" I was so surprised that I didn't know what to say.

"Yes. You need to collect male cum. By collect, I simply mean they release in you. That's all."

"That's all?! That's all, you say?! Isn't that, uh, dirty?! Won't I get pregnant?! I don't want to get pregnant! I only want to remember myself! And by release, how exactly do I do that?!" I could feel a surge of emotions as I shouted in disbelief.

What kind of system is this? The furry ball appearance looks cute, but its thoughts are just...

"Host does not need to worry. You won't get pregnant. This system had already configured your body to never get pregnant in the worlds you visit."

"That's not the point-" I said, but was cut off.

"You can get your wish once you gain enough points by completing tasks. And by release, of course, you do that through intercourse." The system continued its explanation.

"?! Intercourse?! You mean you want me to have sex?! A-and how much do I really need to collect? And, by worlds, what do you mean?"

The system was just spouting nonsense. I couldn't follow our conversation even more so right now.

"Yes, intercourse, sex. This system can't really say how much, but host will be informed when you have reached the threshold for each world. By worlds, I mean host will transmigrate or reincarnate again and again in different worlds with different themes. And oh, in one world, host may not only need to sleep with one man. Please be aware."

I... give up. Haa.

"I'm not even surprised at this point. I kind of understand now..." Though I'm not sure I really do. "Haa," I sighed. "Is there really no other way?" I accepted the nonsense rather easily, but I still asked just in case.

But... me accepting the absurdity of the situation this easily... is this perhaps a part of my old personality?

"I'm sorry to inform host, but you can't really get out of this space unless you complete the tasks given by the system. Moreover, tasks will be evaluated by points, and will depend on your performance."

"By performance, you mean..."

"I don't really mean sexual performance only, but that does make up most of the task's percentage and with better intercourse, definitely the better points."

"I see. But, what if I don't know how to perform well?"

"Host's body has already been configured to serve and collect male essence well. The only thing left is to serve them and make them release by your skills. Please also be informed that release collected by vagina, mouth, or anus, all differ in points evaluation. Mouth collection makes the least points. Vaginal collection makes the greatest, but it does not differ much from anal. This system heard that anal is something that hurts much and feels most uncomfortable when one is not used to it, but as I said before, since host's body has been configured, host does not need to worry. Still, vaginal intercourse is the most convenient, so this system recommends host to do that most."

"Okay?" I'm getting confused once more. And a little embarrassed, actually.

The child-like voice was just spouting lewd stuff like they were just ordinary matters.

"I'm also informing host that position also matters. Points collected by intercourse won't be reported one by one, but will be collated and shown at the end of the world task, when world completion reaches 100%. Progress also won't be reported every time, but host will be informed when you're only 10% away from the goal. Host can ask progress, though."

"I see. ..."

I was silent afterwards.

"Does host wish to loan points for sexual skills?" The system asked, seeing my silence.

"..... How do points really work? How much can I collect from each world?"

"Host can collect up to a million points or even more, actually. As said earlier, it depends on host's entertaining skills and the frequency you use them."

"Then, how much is that skills set you're talking about?" I asked, thinking perhaps it may be a good investment?

"Three million points only. They're cheap but highly valuable for host. Does host wish to purchase it by loan?"

Three million points is cheap?

Somehow, I think I'm being scammed.

Still, I asked another thing that's more significant to me. "....Speaking of wish, how many points do I need to grant mine?"

"I'm sorry, host. This system can not really say. It depends on the entertainment you do." The floating ball said.

".... Then, I'll purchase those skills." I decided.

"Purchase completed. Host has loaned three million points."

And the purchase was completed just like that. I'm not sure I could feel any changes in me, though.

The system then showed a holographic screen in front of me, and dictated its contents.

"Host status:

Host Code: 069

Name: Alina

Appearance: Max

Intercourse Skills: 70/100

Intelligence: ??/100

Points Earned: --

Points Total: -3,000,000

Host can use points to pay off debt. Intercourse skills will increase with experience, though, not all intercourse makes skills increase, so please be aware. Does host wish to know the first world's details?"

Before knowing another world, I wanted to know more about myself first.

"Why is my intelligence unknown? And, what's my role or standing in each world?"

"Host's intelligence is unknown because host lost her memory. This system could not really evaluate. Based on how host is adapting and responding, I say host's intelligence is already maxxed. However, just to be sure, this system needs to observe host in at least one world first to fully evaluate. Host's role differs in each world. In one world host may be the heroine or the protagonist, then she can be the villainess or the second female lead in the next. A mob character is also plausible. But, the end goal in each world is to reach the pinnacle of life. There are main quests and side quests in these worlds. Hidden quests may also be triggered randomly."

I'm becoming dizzy with information overload once more.

"A heroine, villainess, or a mob... also quests... Are these worlds novels or games or something?" I asked, since those were terms one could find in movies, books or games.

...Or so I think. Somehow, I think I know what those are. I may have done something involving those in my original life.

"Something like that, host. This system could not really say. Also, host's emotions are not shielded, so please be aware." The system floated around again. "Does host need more time to prepare, or does host want to hear the first world's details and be sent there right now?" It asked.

".... Then, I wish to hear the details." I think... I'm ready now. Besides, instead of uselessly waiting and thinking more here in this empty space, I think it would be better for me to get going and experience worlds myself.

"The details include the world's original plot and the original host's, a.k.a. the original owner of the body's, memories. Please brace yourself for a sudden influx of data." The system warned.

"I understand." I nodded my head as I readied myself.

"Initializing transfer sequence..."

LadyLipstick LadyLipstick

At the beginning of the chapters you may find symbols, namely, either a diamond or a heart, and they stand for:

diamond - "ok" chapters

heart - NSFW.

next chapter
Load failed, please RETRY


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


