"Damn, Boss. I'm so jealous!" Ronan shouted upon seeing the display that welcomed him into my room. Even Iselda's eyes widened significantly.
Two girls with extremely generous curves and mounds were sitting on either of my thighs while turning towards me sideways and giving me kisses all over my face. Ayame stood beside me conservatively, with only putting a palm on my shoulder. We've decided to formally introduce ourselves to our four important servants. Well, as important as two extremely overeager ex-farmhand maids can get.
"Welcome, you four. Please take a seat somewhere in front of us. Grab a chair."
Despite my words Beatrice and Anna settled down onto the ground in the seiza position, with their legs folded beneath them elegantly. They're almost as good at being subservient as Blossom. It might be a real talent of them, as they are very natural at it.