Donovan peeked into Class-C, trying to find George, but he was nowhere to be found, 'He can't be this late…' he thought while looking at one of the instructors already giving the lessons.
"Donovan." Mason walked towards him from the other classes, "Why are you waiting here?"
"I was just trying to find one of the kids in the list, you know, George Sterlinguard?" He read the name out of the list and handed it to Mason.
Mason looked at the image and shook his head, "Haven't you heard? This guy had gone up in class. He is in Class-B now, and next time, make sure to know what's going on around here."
Both of them walked away from the class and headed towards Class B, but on their way, they were passed the windows where Donovan caught a look of someone outside of the academy gates waiting, "Mason…" He called.
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