I became amarille it means yell ow I'm the daughter of prince amarillo the gay villainous prince he is interested in man and many woman wants him cause he is a hot dad with eight pack abs pale skin yellow hair and my hair is grey
it's like yellow is gold
it's like grey is silver
other man disgust on him
and his reputation as a prince is.....
he get bullied by many man he is inlove at the emperor but he hate gays and emperor hurt him and make him cry
as me I'll gwive ywou justice my hwot dwaddy.....
he always cry because he get bullied he think it's his fault
amarille talk to the prince
AMARILLE: i lwove ywou dwaddy
amarillo blush and didn't expect what his daughter say it's his first time to her that his father and mother don't say that to him he is the only child
AMARILLE: I love you dwaddy even ywour a gay
amarillo becomes yellow becomes happy becomes gay even his a gay
AMARILLO: thank you amarille
amarillo is shy to hug amarille but amarille notice it and amarille hugs his father
they hug each other
AMARILLO: I love you too amarille
amarille kiss amarillo's forehead
AMARILLO: do you want to do anything or eat?
AMARILLE: yes mommy
amarillo blushes more amarille said it she called his daddy mommy cause amarillo is a gay amarille pamper amarillo love
it's lucky and a blessing that amarille goes to my life-amarillo
amarille name is from him e is o amarille means father real
amarillo's real is amarille
and the meaning of it is
am a rille
am arille
father and I went outside
my name is spwecial cause you creawte it dwaddy
I say it to my father
AMARILLO: thank you baby
AMARILLE: dwaddy I love you
AMARILLO: I super duper love you amarille *gay voice*
we sit in chair and daddy specialty is in the table
it's beef lijth chilli
AMARILLE: my fwavorite is spwicy thwank ywou dwaddy
AMARILLO: thank you to amarille and your welcome
AMARILLE: dwaddy's cooked is the best in all
AMARILLO: thank you my amarille
amarillo blushes at amarille's doings and he's touch
AUTHOR: cause I touch him
AUTHOR: hehe
AUTHOR: what will happened at the LIJTH family hmmmm...
will amarille the princess will be a queen does this otaku experience reverse harem?
will many daddy will become it's male lead?
I'm amarille and it's my realife