

King Aerys II Targaryen sat on the Iron Throne as he looked down upon the two surviving members of the Brotherhood, at least to his knowledge. Also present in the throne room were those who had been tasked with capturing the Brotherhood as well as those who had been captured. Daemon stood off to the side with Ashara who stood as close to him as was proper, they both would rather be elsewhere but when the King demanded you to be present you listened no matter how much you'd prefer not to witness him burning someone alive.

"So... it seems that your little rebellion has been put down, and I didn't even need to do it myself" Aerys said with a dangerous smile on his face as he couldn't help but snicker.

Ulmer and Wenda were both positively shaking at being in the presence of such a powerful and sinister aura "Now... I wonder what I should do with you? You're pretty weak as things go, it seems your leader just kept you around to fuel his ability" Aerys said as he tapped his finger against the throne.

A sinister smile then makes its way onto his face "Perhaps I should have one or you serve as the Royal Privy, I often find myself needing to use it while sat upon the throne and it is so far away" he said smirking at the two rebels.

"What say you? there are two of you so you could both take the front and behind," he said with a chuckle.

Wenda who was still shaking found the strength to scowl at the king, she stood up and spat on the ground "You are nothing more than a Tyrant, you have a weak will and without your power, you'd be nothing but a craven!!!" She spat out, her voice echoing throughout the hall. Gasps and murmurs of shock could be heard as no one had ever heard a person speak to the King in such a way, Daemon was quite surprised as well though he had to commend her for her bravery as foolish as it may be.

The smile disappears off King Aerys face as he looks down at the woman who dared insult him, though he doesn't say anything and lets her continue "You are of ill-breeding! You Targaryens are a sickness that has plagued our lands for too long and one day the people will realise it and take back what is theirs! You are nothing but a MAD KING!!!" She finished as she finally took a deep breath, her companion Ulmer looked at her as if she were mad and promptly shuffled away from her.

The King stood up and walked down the steps of the Iron Throne, with each step Wenda felt her stomach sink deeper, while she didn't regret any of what she said she was scared, and she would be a fool not to be. As the King approached he let his full unrestrained aura loose, Daemon quickly reacted and covered Ashara with his own. The Kingsguard did the same and shielded the royal family, those who weren't shielded fell to the ground if they weren't strong enough and those without aura passed out.

Wenda struggled under the assault from malevolent aura, even with her aura released and flaring as much as she could make it "Those of you in the court who seem to be having thoughts of rebellion, allow me to show you the fate" he said as his aura suddenly compressed and disappeared. He lifted a finger and on the tip of it was a small sphere of aura that he'd transmuted into wildfire.

With his other hand faster than Wenda could see he swiped left and all of her clothing was ripped off and fell to the floor "You say people will rise and rebel... let them" he said with an emotionless expression.

He then pressed the orb of wildfire against her skin and she started to scream, from where the orb was placed her skin started to burn and peel off leaving only her muscles on display. Her control of aura was so masterful that he managed to burn her skin off without damaging anything else.

"AAHHHHHHHHH" Wenda screamed as she fell to the floor, blood squirted from her body as it was no longer restrained by her skin and her organs eventually fell out of her. The whole process took around 2 minutes and the whole time she screamed, though after the first minute, she seemed to have lost her voice. Eventually, she stilled and her suffering ended, though King Aerys just grumbled and waved his hand again bathing her in aura and turning her into dust.

"I find myself no longer amused by these weaklings, though let it not be said that I am not a generous king, I will give you the choice of your fate," he said as he pointed to Ulmer.

Ulmer was a coward through and through, he was one of the only members who hadn't created an aura ability as he lacked the power and creativity to do so "Your grace!!! It would be my honour to serve as your privy!!!" He shouted desperately as he crawled to the King's feet with his head down.

The King smirked "Take him away and give him clothing that is befitting of his station" He said to one of the Kingsguard who obeyed his command.

The King then sits back upon his throne looking out upon his subjects "Lord Silver come forth" he booms out. Daemon quietly breathes out as he walks forward 'I was hoping the King would ignore me' but he supposed that was asking for too much. Daemon stepped forward to the throne and kneeled before the King, his nostrils were filled with the burned flesh of the woman next to him, something he'd become used to all these years.

"Tell me, Lord Silver, was it you who I placed in charge of those going after the rebels?" He asked in an even tone as he drummed his fingers against the throne.

Daemon lifted his head "No your Grace, Ser Arthur was placed in charge of our group" he replied.

"Then tell me why you took it upon yourself to leave ahead of the group and fight these rebels alone, are you that arrogant in believing you could've taken them all by yourself" The King asked his tone becoming more severe as he spoke.

Daemon however remained calm "They were but mere rebels, I expected that me and Jaime would be enough to take them" Of course he wouldn't be telling the real reason was Ashara, the King was mad and even after all these years Daemon could not predict what he'd do.

The King stood up and walked down the stairs once more until he eventually stood in front of Daemon. He then used an Aura-infused kick and hit Daemon right in the chest, though Daemon was somewhat expecting this so he had already unleashed his aura and then used 'Hide' an advanced application on it.

Daemon was launched back in front of the crowd, he heard the gaps and screams of those in the crowd as they believed Daemon was about to be killed, he quickly looked to Ashara and signalled for her to not get involved "You disobeyed my commands, Lord Silver after I raised you from nothing this is how you repay me?" Aerys said as he approached Daemon who had gotten to his feet.

"As of late I'm not sure who you are anymore, you disobey orders, you no longer seek me out of your own accord, and you try to kill yourself by saving my bastard granddaughter," He said as he threw another punch.


Daemon caught his fist and the sound echoed throughout the Throne room "Your Grace, this conversation is not appropriate to have in front of so many people, may I suggest another venue" Daemon said respectfully as he held the King's fist back.

The King looked shocked for a moment as a majority of people would've lost their hand had they tried to block a hit from him, but eventually his shock settled into a scowl "Get out... ALL OF YOU GET OUT!" He shouted as he turned around and sat back on the throne.

Everyone quickly followed his command and left the room with Daemon leaving last, as he left the room he was immediately grabbed into a hug by Ashara "I was worried he would hurt you" She whispered into his neck.

Daemon smiled and rubbed her back "He's done a lot worse before, I can handle a few of his punches" he said trying to reassure her.

"Now come I'll escort you to Elia's Chambers, I'm sure she'll be glad to see you," Daemon said as he detached himself from the hug and linked his arm between hers.


Daemon returned to his chambers, it had been a tiring few days and he wished to bathe and get some rest. As he opened the door to his chambers he was greeted by an unexpected but most welcome sight "Rhaella, it's good to see you" he said with a smile to the beautiful woman who sat on his bed.

Rhaella smiled at him and stood up, she approached him and embraced him putting her head on his chest "I am glad you've returned, when you go out on these tasks for the King it makes me worry terribly" she said as she allowed Daemon to wrap his arms around her.

"I am strong, there is nothing in Westeros that could kill me," Daemon said trying to reassure her.

Rhaella lifted her head from his chest and looked at him "Not even the King or Ser Arthur?" She asked.

Daemon smirked at her "It would be a hard fight... but I would win" he said confidently.

Rhaella wasn't entirely convinced but he had never lied to her before, and when he did it was only an omission to stop her from worrying "You have grown a lot since coming here" she said as she cupped his face.

"It makes me glad that you took my words to heart all those years ago," Rhaella said with a smile.

"I'm the same person I always was, I'll never change," he said as he stared into her eyes. He looked at her luscious pink lips that she had just wet with her tongue, her beautiful smooth skin and he felt how her soft body pressed against his own. He felt he could no longer resist and he leaned down pressing his lips against Rhaella's, he felt her moan into his mouth as if she'd been waiting for this. She held herself tightly against him as she allowed his tongue to enter her mouth, she submitted herself completely to him and could only feel amazement at how pleasurable something as simple as a kiss could be.

However she wasn't too surprised as she knew that she had fallen for Daemon long ago, had he asked she would've run away with him, though she was glad he was more responsible than she was. His tongue assaulted her own and brushed across the roof of her mouth making her shiver, she could feel her core tighten and liquid start to soak her small clothes. Much to her disappointment Daemon removed himself from the kiss "I am going to bathe, get the muck from the road off" he said before walking passed her.

Rhaella nodded her head in slight disappointment as she went to leave the room and give him some privacy, though before she could leave he grabbed her arm "I could use some help cleaning my back..." he said softly. Rhaella felt her cheeks burn at his words but her heart was sent aflutter.

The bathtub that he used was still steaming as he had pulled a servant aside when he returned to the Red Keep to make his bath ready, he liked being clean and preferred not to wait. He removed his clothing and let it pool on the floor before stepping into the tub, he sighed in contentment when his back hit the edge of the tub. Rhaella stood in front of him as she slowly undressed, Daemon felt himself harden as he saw her clothing hit the floor. Even after having multiple children her body still put other women to shame, her skin was perfect and unblemished, it was the benefits of having your aura unlocked scarring like stretch marks and the like would disappear over time.

Her large breasts were like teardrops and her dark pink nipples stood hard at the ends. Daemon couldn't see her sex as her legs were closer but he could see the silver strands of hair above that covered it, he could also smell the rich scent that emanated from her. Rhaella found that she wanted to cover herself as Daemon looked at her intently, she slowly approached the bath and got in as well, she was going to sit at the other side of the tub but was unable to when Daemon grabbed her and pulled her towards himself.

She squeaked in surprise as she was forced to straddle him though that squeak quickly turned into a moan as she felt his hardened manhood rub against her sex. She had never enjoyed sex before, her entire life she had found it to be an unpleasant and painful experience. It made her feel disgusting and ugly, she never thought she would enjoy the act but with Daemon she felt herself coming undone as even small touches managed to send shivers down her spine.

She felt herself unconsciously rubbing herself against him as she chased the feelings of pleasure she was not used to. Daemon pulled her head down to him and pressed his lips against her own, he explored her mouth with his tongue not leaving a single part untouched, while he did this his hands roamed her body tracing lines down her back and eventually grabbing a handful of her plump behind. Rhaella let her hands settle on his chest as she hummed in contentment, she'd never expected that the boy she'd met those years ago would be someone she cherished nearly as much as her children.

Rhaella felt Daemon lift her arse, detaching from the kiss she looked at him in anticipation as she breathed heavily. Daemon aimed his cock towards her sex and slowly started to push her down on it, he groaned slightly as he felt the head of his prick almost be sucked in by the constant contractions of her sex "Ooooh Daemon... I've never felt like this before" she moaned as she let her head fall to his shoulder.

Rhaella felt herself being filled by Daemon and she wondered how she could've lived life without feeling this, at that moment she knew she would never want to go without this again "I love you, so much" she breathed out into his ear as he bottomed out inside of her. Daemon had issues holding himself back as he was not too experienced with women, having such a beautiful woman straddling his cock was pushing him closer and closer to the edge.

After composing himself Daemon slowly moved Rhaella up and then back down, her breathing got even heavier and to stifle her moan she bit his shoulder. Every single thrust inside of her was lighting up each of her sensitive spots, it was as if he was touching her everywhere, if she was not careful she knew she'd end up moaning too loudly. She couldn't help but curl her toes as she gently bounced on his cock, though it was too large for her to rise more than halfway from her kneeling position.

Grabbing her hips Damon moves her faster, making his cock impale her deeper. Rhaella couldn't help but moan as that single act pushed her over the edge and her sex squeezed his cock tightly as if it was trying to suck his seed out of him. Daemon gripped her skin tightly as he felt her tight sex squeeze him, he hadn't been intimate with a woman for a while and so this pushed him over the edge. He felt his cock burst with seed as he filled her, Rhaella mewed in contentment as she felt the warm liquid fill her insides.

For a while she lay on him as they basked in each other's presence, though Daemon was slightly concerned that he had spilt himself inside of her but at the moment he didn't care, he loved Rhaella deeply and he would tear the Red Keep down to its foundations if the King touched her.


(Two Months Later)

"You look nervous lad, I would've thought you'd be happy to see them," Barristan said as he rode a horse next to Daemon, as usual, they both rode next to the Wheelhouse that held the members of the Royal family. Though to everyone's relief, it was Rhaegar, his wife Elia and his child, the king scoffed and dismissed the tournament at Harrenhal preferring the stay in Kings Landing.

"It has been years Barristan, I wonder if they'll even still feel the same way for me, we were only together a short amount of time" Daemon replied with a sigh.

"The way those girls looked at you back then I'm sure you have nothing to worry about" Barristan said with a chuckle.

Daemon smiled at the older knight's attempt at reassurance "Will you be participating in the the competitions?" he asked with slight curiosity.

Barristan shrugged "I don't think I'll be participating in the joust this time, though perhaps I'll give the melee a try" he said with a smile.

Daemon raised an eyebrow "I heard it's Grand Melee rules, a massive free-for-all all in a large ring, I didn't think that would interest you"

Barristan chuckled once "You're right it does not, but I am interested in fighting you" he said with a smirk

Daemon smirked back at him "Oh? And why would you be interested in that, last time we sparred you handled me just as easy as you always do"

"I'm not a fool lad, I can tell you've been holding yourself back in each of our bouts, though to what extent I'm not sure" Barristan replied, Daemon shook his head while smiling, he should've known that he wouldn't be able to pull one over on such a veteran warrior.

"Perhaps... but even going all out I doubt I could beat you once your aura ability was active" Daemon stated, hoping Barristan would believe him.

"Well... we'll see once the melee starts, that's if you'll join too? I heard Arthur is also considering joining" Barristan said, Daemon knew his last words were said to tempt him and if he was honest with himself he did want to. When you're a warrior you constantly wish to put yourself against people who may be stronger than you to prove yourself, this is even more true for Aura users as they are granted power beyond that of the common man. Eventually, every aura user reaches out in an attempt to grasp the title of the strongest but most give up.

"Then I suppose I'll see you on the field" Daemon said with a smirk, he had not given up and while he knew he was stronger than Barristan the temptation to cross swords with him and perhaps even Arthur was too tempting 'I'll just have to be careful and not show off too much' he thought to himself.

"I'm glad, I was almost certain you'd not agree," Barristan said with a smile.

"Though I hope I am not taken out by Arthur too early" he continued with a chuckle.

"I'd be eager to see the fight between you, I'm sure it would be legendary" Daemon replied

Barristan snorts "I thought you'd be smart enough not to trust the rumours that place me on the same level as him"

Daemon looks to Barristan with a raised eyebrow "Oh? Is the legendary Ser Barristan admitting his junior has surpassed him"

Barristan shook his head in amusement "I'm not a fool lad, If it were limited to basic aura techniques then aye I reckon me and him would reach a stalemate though he'd probably do me in with that sword of his, But when it comes to Aura ability he far outclasses me" he explained.

"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, your ability is quite impressive" Daemon interrupted.

"It is a simple thing lad, I get a boost to my aura and power and while this gives me more aura than the king, that's all it does. But luckily for all of us, I don't think Arthur will risk using his ability in such a crowded place" he replied.

"A shame, after seeing it in the Kingswood I have been curious to witness it once again," Daemon said while looking up into the sky and the sun that shined down upon him.

'A technique like that would be invaluable if I can manage to copy it



Lyanna threw her hand mirror at the wall growling in frustration "This is stupid, I'll never be able to get it" she said frustration oozing from her voice. She sat back down on the chair letting her long thick brown hair fall over the back of the chair.

"You're right Lya, it is stupid, Daemon will think you're beautiful without the painted and powdered face," a voice said from behind her.

Lyanna tilted her head further back and was met with the upside-down image of Lysa. Lysa had grown to be beautiful, the perfect example of a lady, her beautiful auburn hair fell to her waist, and she still had a slender body but it suited her perfectly especially when combined with the light blue gown that framed her "He's been in Kings Landing for so long Lysa... Father said that the women there were all painted and dressed in the latest trends" she said as she sighed.

"What if that's what he likes... I'm just not like that, I don't think I'll ever be" Lyanna said sullenly as she looked at her hands, aura had prevented her from getting callouses but her nails were short from her biting them.

Lysa puts her arms around Lyanna from behind the chair "Then I suppose we'd have to both beat some sense into him" she said looking down at Lyanna with a smile.

"I'm more worried about how he'll react to the news" Lysa said with an uneasy smile.

Lyanna's face morphed into a scowl as she stood up with almost enough force to crack the chair, her aura exploded out of her "I don't want to hear about that pig-headed idiot!!!" She shouted.

"What my brother was thinking when he brought to proposal to Father I don't know!!!" She continued ranting as she paced back and forth.

"He's arrogant! Idiotic! Ugly! And did you know he already has a child in the vale!!!" She shouted incredulously at Lysa who stood there and let her rant.

Lyanna then punched the wall hard enough to make the whole surface shake "I don't know how that damn basted managed to beat me in a duel, he can barely read!" She huffed before finally calming down.

Lysa once again approached Lyanna and drew her into a hug "You needn't worry about anything like this, Daemon promised he'd get strong enough to take the both of us" she reassured her as she stroked her back.

"But he can't declare a formal duel since he's already betrothed to you" Lyanna cried out as she let herself sink into the hug of her friend.

"Maybe not, but if he's strong enough then stuff like that won't matter, I'm fully prepared to run away with the both of you," She said with a heartwarming smile that made Lyanna feel slightly better.



Before they could answer the door swung open to the cheeky grin of Lyanna's oldest brother "If you've finished your tantrum the royal party has arrived, wouldn't want to miss Lord Silver now would you" he said the last words mockingly making Lyanna throw her hair brush at him.

He caught it in his hand before laughing and leaving the room "Hey! You better give that back! She shouted down the corridor to the retreating form of her brother.


Daemon had finally arrived at Harrenhal, the pit in his stomach had reached an all-time low and he wanted nothing more than to disappear off with the servants who used a different entrance. Unfortunately, as he was no longer Daemon Rivers and instead Lord Silver he wasn't allowed to simply leave, he had to greet the Whents as well as the other families that had arrived.

Though as per tradition he allowed the Kingsguard and wheelhouse to go first into the courtyard and followed behind on his horse. Immediately he recognised the many different flags in the courtyard.







While there were a lot more families in attendance it was tradition to only fly the Great Houses when greeting a royal procession. Daemon thought it all a bit tedious but even when you can destroy a house with a single punch you must observe niceties. Daemon quickly scanned the courtyard and when he did he found his breath was taken away, standing together side by side Lyanna and Lysa both stood. They looked different from before having both grown incredibly beautiful, but Daemon would always recognise them.

When they both made eye contact with him he felt like his heart might stop. He had gotten a lot of attention from different women in Kings Landing over the years so he was quite comfortable with his attractiveness, but as they looked at him he felt himself becoming slightly insecure, he was hoping they'd find him as handsome as he found them beautiful.

"Welcome My Prince and Princess, I am positively filled with joy that you're able to attend this tourney in honour of my daughter's name day" Lord Walter Whent exclaimed with excitement. Daemon heard someone snort and looked to the side, Oswell the Lord's brother could be seen rolling his eyes though for what reason Daemon wasn't sure.

Rhaegar smiled brightly making a few ladies in the crowd squeak and murmur "I am happy to have been invited My Lord, this seems to be a rather grand event"

"Indeed Lord Whent, it seems you have spared no expense we feel honoured to be included" Elia chimes in as she holds Rhaenys in her arms.

"Think nothing of it, Princess, it is I who feels honoured that I will be able to see such legendary fighters in one place," he said with a chuckle.

"Now I believe there has been enough chatter, the journey must've been long so I shall show you to your rooms" Lord Whent said as he snapped his fingers.

While he sorted that out, The royal family greeted each other the houses present, Daemon had to admit he found it amusing watching Hoster Tully and Rickard Stark force a smile onto their face while greeting the Prince and Princess.

When the Royal family finally retired to their chambers Daemon was able to go and greet the people he was anxious to meet. Though as he walked across the courtyard towards them he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and he leaned his neck to the side to avoid a punch, he grabbed the fist that breezed past his neck and with aura-infused strength he flipped them over his body. The person responsible righted himself midair and landed on his feet "It seems you haven't let yourself get rusty"

Daemon smiled as he saw Brandon Stark's cheeky bearded face smiling back at him "Mayhaps you're just not as good as you think you are" he replied, Brandon laughed and pulled Daemon into a hug which he reciprocated.

"It's good to see you after so long, we'll need to have a fight soon and see if you've learned anything," Brandon said as he moved away from the hug.

Daemon nodded "We shall, if not now then in the melee" he assured him.

Brandon smirked "Now I'll let you go and see the people you really came here for, if I delay you any further they might set me ablaze with just their gaze" he said with a laugh before clapping Daemon on the back and leaving to find his father.

Daemon went to approach the girls but they had already run towards him and they immediately grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out of the courtyard and back out of the castle "Where are we going!?" Daemon asked though only Lysa turned back to answer him.

"Somewhere private..." she said before turning back around. Eventually, they left the Castle and the sea of tents that were outside and went into the surrounding forest. Daemon was immediately pushed into the tree by Lyanna as she pushed her mouth to his moaning into it. She closed her eyes as her tongue fought roughly with his own, Daemon grabbed Lyanna roughly which made her even more enthusiastic.

However it seems Lysa refused to be left out and pushed Lyanna off of him, she was a lot more gentle and instead just pressed her body against Daemon taking his lips upon her own. For Daemon it felt like no time had passed at all since they last saw each other, with how he felt now he knew how much of a struggle it would be to leave them again when the tournament was over 'Maybe I don't have to' he thought to himself.

He detached his lips from Lysa and felt his heart beat at her sweaty smile "I've missed you both more than I could ever say in words" Daemon said as he cupped both of their faces.

They both leaned into his hands "There is no need for words, we feel the same way" Lysa said as she leaned against him once more. Daemon felt the tension leave his shoulders for the first time in years, while he liked some people in Kings Landing it wasn't home, but being here with them was home.

However, Daemon had resolved himself to tell the girls the truth as soon as he arrived "Lysa, Lyanna, before we continue I need to tell you something" he said with a grim expression.

Both girls pushed themselves back and looked at Daemon with some concern "I was not faithful to you both, I fell in love with someone in Kings Landing, well more than one person" he admitted.

"For years I remained strong but at some point, I had to admit that these women had taken up a space in my heart just as you have" He continued.

For a while the girls looked at him and did not say anything, "I cannot say I did not expect this, all I wish to know is do you love us the same amount you did when you left" Lysa said as she broke the silence.

Daemon nodded his head "I do even more so than when I left, there hasn't been a day I've not thought of you" he said reassuringly. Lysa smiled and seemed satisfied with his answer prompting Daemon to turn and look at Lyanna who showed no emotion at all.

"You'll spar with me now," she said severely as she grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into a clearing a bit further up.

Daemon couldn't help but be confused 'Does she want to kill me?' He thought to himself slightly concerned.

"You said you'd become the strongest, even if I love you I refuse to be bound to a weak man, if I beat you then it means you're just a slave to your cock, but if you beat me I shall accept these women" she explained as she stretched her body before letting her aura explode out of her. Daemon felt the air get colder and the grass around her freeze over.

He smirked at her "It looks like I'm not the only one who got stronger" he said as he let his aura loose, though he restrained it to her level.

Lyanna smiled wildly at him as she charged, Daemon was surprised at how fast she was as she had cleared the distance between them in only a few seconds. She threw a punch at him that he deflected to the side, though she rolled with the momentum and lifted her leg kicking him in the side. While Daemon managed to block that it still managed to throw him a few metres away 'She's gotten good with 'Flow' I wonder what else she's improved in'

He landed softly on the ground and immediately dodged to the left avoiding a dropkick by Lyanna, she hit a tree and managed to exert enough power to knock it over. She flipped off the tree trunk and landed on her feet "You won't win if you don't fight back you know" she said with a snarl.

Daemon grinned at her "Perhaps I'm waiting for you to stop holding back, you're too weak otherwise" his words managed to echo throughout Lyanna's mind pissing her off.

Her aura flared even more and increased slightly and it started to turn an icy blue, Daemon saw her breath start to fog and the grass beneath her freeze over.

'Winter's Touch'

She rushed at Daemon swinging at him with a punch, he instinctively deflected it but he felt a sting of pain as he did, and when he looked at his hand he saw it was frostbitten. He looked up at Lyanna with a smile "I suppose I might need to try a bit harder" he said before flaring his aura a bit more and then compressing it.


An advanced application of aura that combines the explosiveness of 'Refine' with the control of 'Shroud' resulting in a thick layer of aura with good defence and offence if combined with 'Flow'. Lyanna threw multiple punches at him, he knew it would be stupid to try and deflect them but with his 'Fortify' on he would be able to touch her for a few seconds.

Smiling wildly Lyanna tried to kick Daemon once again but as she lifted her leg up she kicked out at her other leg making her buckle, he then reached out and grabbed her throat slamming her on the ground before quickly letting go "Is that enough?" Daemon asked as he looked down at Lyanna, her neck was bruised from where he'd grabbed her but her wolf-like grin was still present.

Lyanna pushed herself up from the ground her aura still surrounding her "A fine jest, but I'm not done yet" she said with a grin before launching herself at him even faster than before, she did this by using 'Flow' to push a majority of her aura into her legs. Daemon had let his guard down thinking it was over which was a mistake as Lyanna grabbed his arm transferred her aura into her arms and spun around throwing Daemon high into the air above the tree line.

"Oh shit!" Daemon shouted in surprise, though he wasn't in any danger the feeling of being thrown so high gave him flashbacks to Casterly Rock. He flipped himself in the air and as he descended the tree he prepared himself to land. However, he didn't get that chance as he saw Lyanna rush towards him and jump up trying to dropkick him again 'She thinks I won't be able to dodge midair' he thought to himself with a grin. He crossed his arms together and pooled his aura into his arms just before her feet impacted.

He was launched even further and crashed through multiple trees before finding himself submerged in water. Lifting himself he realised that he'd been kicked into the God's eye, he walked to the shore to see Lyanna waiting for him with a smirk on her face "If you had fought me seriously then you might have won, but this is my win now"

'Winter is Coming'

Her aura spread out due to her use of 'Scout' and the temperature dropped even further, the shore of the lake froze over and because Daemon was soaking wet he started to freeze too "Fine I suppose I should stop holding back a little" he whispered to himself.

'Aura Mimicry: Aerys Targaryen'

Daemon's aura exploded into orange flames, he had not mastered this technique yet so his mimicry wasn't perfect but these flames were still incredibly hot. Steam came off of Daemon's body as the ice melted off him, Lyanna widened her eyes and quickly deactivated her technique using 'Scout' would've left her defenceless so she quickly went back to using 'Winters touch'.

"I hope you're ready" Daemon said with a fierce smile as he rushed towards her, she barely saw him coming and could only block as he sent his fist towards her chest. Lyanna managed to block the punch only skidding back slightly, but what she didn't know was Daemon allowed a majority of his aura to lag behind the initial blow and so a second later it all came crashing into Lyanna launching her back into the Forrest and crashing into a thick tree.

She coughed and spluttered on the ground as she looked at her arms which were red and starting to scab, she'd had to think what would have happened had she not had 'Winters touch' active. Though her eyes widened as she saw a large ball of fire coming her way, she pushed herself off the ground and avoided the ball, however, it was all a distraction as Daemon appeared kicking her in the shoulder and sending her skidding across the ground.

Lyanna wasn't allowed any reprieve as Daemon followed after her and grabbed her arm spinning and throwing her back towards the God's eye. She landed in a similar spot to Daemon but she quickly pushed herself up, she looked up to see him approach her and she laughed "You made a mistake throwing me back here, with water I have the advantage" she told him.

Daemon shrugged "It doesn't matter, you'll still lose" he said before smirking.

"You had an interesting technique before, I think I'll borrow it," He said before using 'Scout' and surrounding the area in his aura. Focusing intently he breathed in and out.

'World of Flames'

Steam started coming off Lyanna and the water as the intense heat evaporated it, Lyanna who had managed to get herself from the slowly boiling water fell to her knees as the intense heat was making it hard to breathe "I give up" she whispered out and immediately Daemon withdrew his aura letting it sink back into his body. He quickly rushed towards Lyanna's side, she looked at him with a mixture of awe, love and lust at the display of power he'd shown, she weakly grabbed his head and pulled him into a kiss.

After kissing him she smiled "It seems that I'll have to live with getting a few more sisters" she said as she allowed herself to relax in Daemon's arms "Who are the women that managed to capture your heart" She asked out of curiosity.

"Rhaella Targaryen..." Daemon said with a sigh, he had an idea of how she'd react to this and it turned out he was right.

"HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHA" her laugh echoed through the forest Daemon sat there with an annoyed expression on his face.

'She really hasn't changed'

(AN: Okie dokie, a few changes I'm making, well one actually, I'm making chapters shorter because doing 10-13k chapters while I work is just not doable anymore as I have more fics and less time. Tbh kinda my fault but I can't help it ya know, I enjoy writing and when I get an idea for a fic I just want to do it. Anyway chapters will be like 5-8k and so the arc will be an extra 2 chapters. I'd like to know what you guys think about Harry Potter ? Got any fans?)

If you like my stuff consider supporting me


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


