50% Potter Anatomy / Chapter 1: 1
Potter Anatomy Potter Anatomy original

Potter Anatomy

作者: XikitoCoin

© WebNovel

章 1: 1

Harry Potter stared at the cold barrel of the gun in his shaking hands. His gaze was empty, reflecting the abyss of loneliness that had consumed him since the end of the war. Years had passed since that final battle at Hogwarts that lasted 3 years, where so many friends and loved ones had fallen. Hermione, Ron, Hagrid, even his godson Teddy hadn't escaped. The peace they had fought so hard to achieve now seemed like a cruel irony, leaving him alone in a world empty of magic and hope.

The last bit of courage left in Harry compelled him to pull the trigger and put an end to his endless pain. Then, as his fingers began to press, a figure appeared before him. She was tall and skeletal, dressed in black, with a cloak that seemed to absorb the light around her. Death, unmistakable in his shadowy presence, held Harry's hand with disturbing calm.

"Harry Potter," Death's voice whispered, echoing through his mind like an icy breeze. "I thought you had overcome your fear of death, but I see that despair has finally caught up with you."

Harry looked up to meet the icy emptiness of Death's gaze. Anger and confusion flooded his thoughts. How could Death, whom he had defied in obtaining the three Deathly Hallows, now mock his pain?

"You... you don't understand!" Harry shouted, his voice hoarse with emotion. "Everyone I loved... everyone is gone. There's no one left!"

Death tilted his head, his dark eyes shining with malicious understanding. "But you thought you could cheat fate, didn't you? You conquered the Deathly Hallows, became a master over them. Yet here you are, ready to give yourself to my final embrace."

With Death's every word, Harry's pain turned to fury. He raised the gun with renewed determination, his muscles tense. "You have no idea what I went through, the choices I made to protect those I loved!"

Death laughed, a sound that echoed like funeral bells. "And in the end, what did you gain, Harry Potter? Loneliness and despair. The Hallows did not bring you peace, they only prolonged your suffering."

"He arrives!" Harry shouted, eyes red with anger. "You're not going to tell me what to do!"

Death stopped laughing, his face becoming serious. "I have no intention of stopping you, Harry Potter. You have the right to choose your own end. But remember, even those who defy Death cannot escape it forever."

With a quick, decisive movement, Harry lowered the gun. His shoulders shook with the weight of the decision. Death watched silently as he let the gun fall to the ground, tears of frustration and relief mixing on his face.

Death tilted his head, an enigmatic gleam in his dark eyes. "Did you really believe you could escape fate, Harry Potter? You obtained the three Hallows, became a Master of Death, and now, here you are, broken and desperate."

Harry felt the fury boil inside him again, but he maintained control. "Why are you still here, Death? Have you come to laugh at me one last time?"

Death smiled, a smile that seemed to contain centuries of secrets. "Laugh at you? Maybe. But also, I still have an offer to make you before I leave."

Harry frowned, distrust clear in his gaze. "An offer? What kind of offer?"

"A change," replied Death, calmly. "I can give you a new life, a new start in another world. A world where there will be no Dark Wizards, where you won't have to deal with constant threat and loss."

"Why would you do that for me?" Harry asked, the disbelief in his voice evident. "What do you get with it?"

"It's not about you, Potter," Death said, his voice deep. "It's a favor I owe fate and I'm looking to repay it. You, the boy from the prophecy, have suffered beyond what anyone should. Your actions have shaped the lives of many, but in the end, you have been left with nothing.

Harry stared at the figure before him, trying to discern the truth behind the words. "And what would I have to do in return?"

Death stretched out his bony hand. "Just the Hallows. You will give them to me, and I will send you. No magic, no horrors of the past. Just a new chance."

Harry reflected on the proposal. The idea of ​​a new life, away from all the pain and suffering, was tempting. But there were still doubts. "And if I accept, what will happen to me there?"

"You will have a normal life," Death replied. "You will have your parents, a childhood you never experienced. You will just be an ordinary boy, without the burden of the prophecy. And I'm not here to take you, Potter. I'm here to offer you a choice."

Harry thought for a long moment, his thoughts returning to those he had lost, the battles he had fought and the scars he bore. "How will I know it's not just a trick, just to get the relics?"

"You have my word, Harry Potter," Death said seriously. "And my interest is not to deceive you. Only to fulfill the agreement with destiny."

With a deep sigh, Harry finally spoke. "If it means a chance for peace, then I'll take it."

Death smiled, a smile that seemed gentler this time. "Very well, Harry Potter. Give me the Hallows, and you will have your new life."

Harry felt the Hallows, as if they were part of him, leave his essence and be absorbed by the presence of Death. And then, everything went dark.

When he opened his eyes again, he was in a hospital, hearing the sounds of newborns and his mother's soft voice. He was a baby, with a new life ahead of him. Harry realized that this time, he could start again, with a promise of peace and happiness.

July 31, 1968 – London

When he wakes up, his eyes open to an unfamiliar environment: a busy hospital room, full of doctors and nurses who surround him with surprised expressions. Baby Harry, unable to articulate any coherent thoughts, feels helpless and completely dependent on those around him for his basic needs.

As the doctors examine him closely, the nurse tries to calm him with gentle words. "Everything's going to be okay, little one. We're here to take care of you."

Inside, Harry struggles to reconcile his adult mind with the fragile, newborn body he now inhabits. The memories of his former life - the war, the loss of loved ones, his achievements and sacrifices - are fresh in his mind, contrasting sharply with the peaceful and mundane environment around him.

As he begins to realize that he is in a completely new world, far from the magic and danger he once knew. He knows from the beginning that this is not just a second chance, but rather a new beginning, where he will have to learn everything again and discover his place in this world.

............................ ............................ ...............

Four-year-old Harry Potter, still aware of his past life, looked in the bathroom mirror, observing the curious reflection of a little boy with shaggy black hair and bright green eyes. Even at such a young age, he carried deep memories of Hogwarts and his adventures with his friends and battles against the forces of darkness.

"So here I am again," Harry muttered to himself, noticing the familiar features on his face that he had inherited from his parents, James and Lily Potter. His father, James Potter, British, now heir to a multinational, was involved in his gradual transition to take over the family business. His mother, Lily Potter nee Avery, American, before becoming a mother, was a young and talented doctor who came from a line of great doctors.

Harry remembered the stories his parents told about their lives before he was born. The challenges they faced, the dreams they pursued. His mother, passionate about Biology and Medicine, transmitted to him her love for the natural world from an early age, even if he could not yet fully understand it.

"Mum used to talk about cells and organs," Harry muttered, shaking his head as if trying to recall the lessons he had been given. "And daddy... he always makes me laugh with his jokes."

He looked back into the mirror, still looking at his young 4 year old face.

With a sad smile, Harry decided he would make the most of this new life. He still had a lot to learn, a lot of smiles and hugs to receive, even if the shadows of his past continued to whisper in his mind.

............................ ............................ ...............

Harry Potter, now a 12-year-old teenager with fierce determination, was facing a turning point in his life. His mother, Lily Potter, had become suddenly ill and died after a medical error during a seemingly simple surgery. The shock and pain he felt at that moment was devastating. He cried for hours, feeling as if a piece of his heart had been ripped out again.

Yet, in the midst of his grief, a promise bubbled within Harry. He swore to himself that no other child should suffer the death of their parents. He looked to the world of medicine as a way to help others and to bring healing where there was pain. The determination to become a doctor began to grow within him like a burning flame.

His father, James Potter, despite his own suffering, saw Harry's determination and silently agreed to support him. He offered his unconditional financial and emotional support, encouraging Harry to follow his path and become the doctor he wanted to be. James even gave Harry the medical books that were precious to Lily, with their meticulous markings and notes.

Harry dove headfirst into his studies, absorbing each page marked by his mother's touch. He spent nights studying for school and in his free time he would be learning about anatomy, physiology and treatments. Every time he flipped through those books, he felt his mother's comforting presence beside him, silently guiding him on his path.

Over time, Harry began to excel at school, demonstrating a natural aptitude for medicine. He volunteered at local hospitals, observed surgeries from afar, talked to doctors and nurses, absorbing everything he could. He was determined to honor his mother's memory not only as a competent doctor, but as someone who makes a difference in the lives of others.

As the years passed, Harry remained steadfast in his purpose. He faced challenges, moments of doubt and fatigue, but he always found the strength to continue. The memory of his mother and the promise he had made to her were his anchor and motivation for him.

............................ ............................ ...............

At age 15, he graduated from high school with honors, but faced the reality that he was still too young to begin his studies in medicine. Determined not to waste time, he signed up for the Biochemistry course at the University of Cambridge, taking the opportunity to deepen his scientific knowledge while waiting for the minimum age to enter the medical course.

During his four years at Cambridge, Harry excelled academically and completed his master's degree with honors. With his biochemistry degree in hand, he was finally admitted to medical school, but this time at Oxford, entering directly due to his master's degree and excellent prior training. Once again, Harry proved to be an exceptional student, standing out at the top of his class and being chosen as speaker at the graduation ceremony.

After completing his studies, Harry had a meaningful conversation with his father, James Potter. James, proud of his son's commitment and skill, supported his decision to seek additional experience at a renowned medical institution. So, Harry left for the Mayo Clinic in the United States, one of the most respected medical centers in the world.

There, he had the opportunity to work alongside Ellis Grey, a legendary figure in medicine, who saw Harry's unique potential from the beginning. Ellis Grey, impressed by Harry's dedication and technical skill, began teaching him personally, treating him as her protégé and imparting to him not only advanced medical knowledge but also the ethics and passion needed to become a doctor. exemplary.

Harry absorbed every teaching from Ellis Gray like a sponge, facing complex challenges and learning to deal with difficult medical cases. Her experience at the Mayo Clinic not only honed her clinical skills, but also reinforced her commitment to following in her mother's footsteps in the pursuit of medical excellence and continuous improvement in the practice of medicine.

Over time, Harry Potter, the boy who once faced the loss of his mother due to a medical error, was becoming a respected doctor, recognized for his skill, compassion, and dedication to the profession.

After five years as Ellis Grey's ward, Harry Potter became a fully-fledged general surgery doctor. With an insatiable thirst for learning and a desire to broaden his horizons, he decided to leave the Mayo Clinic and seek experiences with other renowned doctors.

First, Harry went to Seattle Grace Hospital, where he worked under the guidance of Richard Webber. For six months, he dedicated himself to learning from Webber, an experienced surgeon and respected leader. Harry absorbed knowledge about advanced surgical techniques and hospital administration. Richard Webber became an influential mentor, conveying to Harry the importance of leadership, ethics, and compassion in the field of medicine. Harry watched as Webber managed crises and conflict, learning to balance the pressure of work with the need to care for his staff and patients.

After his time at Seattle Grace, Harry spent another six months at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston under the tutelage of Margaret Goodwin. There, he was exposed to new surgical methods and a cutting-edge research environment. Goodwin, a brilliant and innovative surgeon, helped Harry refine his technical skills and deepen his understanding of the intersection between research and clinical practice. Harry was involved in research projects that sought to improve surgical results and patients' quality of life, expanding his knowledge and passion for medicine.

With these valuable experiences accumulated, Harry felt a different calling: to serve as a doctor in the British army. Wanting to use his skills in high-pressure situations and in places where the need was urgent, he signed up as a military doctor. For three years, Harry served in various conflict zones, facing intense challenges and honing his skills under extreme conditions.

The time in the army was transformative. Harry not only saved countless lives on battlefields, but also developed a resilience and adaptability that few doctors possessed. He learned to work with limited resources, make quick decisions, and remain calm under pressure. The camaraderie and spirit of service among his fellow soldiers reinforced his commitment to medicine and the promise he made after his mother's death.

During emergency missions in war zones, Harry dealt with severe trauma, amputations and life-saving procedures under combat conditions. He witnessed the pain and suffering of soldiers and civilians, which only increased his determination to make a difference. The friendships formed on the battlefield were deep and lasting, and Harry learned the true meaning of loyalty and sacrifice.

After three years in the army, Harry returned to civilian life now aged 32 with a wealth of experience and an even greater determination to make a difference. He was now prepared to face any challenge that medicine might throw his way, armed with a wealth of knowledge, practical skills, and a heart dedicated to the service of others.

Upon returning from the army, Harry Potter received an offer to teach at Harvard, while serving as Surgeon General at Massachusetts General Hospital. The combination of teaching and practicing medicine at one of the most prestigious institutions in the world was an opportunity he couldn't refuse. For three years, Harry dedicated himself to this new phase of his career, dividing his time between challenging surgeries, engaging classes and innovative research.

During this time, Harry happily talked to his father, James Potter, who had always believed in his son's potential. With James' support, Harry decided to found a community clinic in Boston, aimed at serving underserved and vulnerable populations. The clinic, named the "Lily Evans Clinic" after his mother, quickly became a beacon of hope for many.

In the meantime he dedicated himself to teaching the next generation of doctors, sharing his experiences and knowledge acquired over the years. He became a respected professor, inspiring medical students with his passion and commitment to excellence.

In time, Harry Potter not only fulfilled the promise he made to himself, but exceeded all expectations. He became an exemplary physician, an inspiring mentor, and a tireless advocate for justice and quality medical care for all. His journey, marked by losses and challenges, transformed him into a symbol of resilience and hope, making a difference in the lives of countless patients and colleagues.

During this period, Harry developed a revolutionary procedure that transformed surgical practice. He called it the "Potter Method," an innovative technique for reconstructing damaged tissues and organs in patients with severe trauma.

The Potter Method involves the use of a biocompatible matrix that, when implanted in the damaged area, promotes rapid and efficient tissue regeneration. This method has proven particularly effective in patients with extensive injuries due to accidents or war injuries. Harry discovered this technique while working in the army, where he faced complex trauma cases daily. He realized that many patients did not respond well to traditional reconstruction methods due to the severity and extent of their injuries.

The discovery came when Harry began observing the response of tissues to the biocompatible matrix he had previously studied for his Masters in Biochemistry. He combined his knowledge of biochemistry and surgery to create a method that not only repaired damaged tissues but also promoted the body's natural regeneration.

The success of the Potter Method has not gone unnoticed. In 2004, Harry received the prestigious Harper Avery Award for his innovative contribution to medicine. The award recognized the effectiveness and importance of his procedure, which not only saved countless lives but also significantly improved the quality of life of patients following severe trauma.

............................ ............................ ..............

In 2005, now aged 37 and after recognition of his work as a teacher for 5 years and his growing reputation in the medical field, Harry was contacted by Richard Webber. Webber recognized Harry's potential to lead and innovate further. He offered Harry the position of General Surgeon and Chief of Trauma at Seattle Grace.

"Harry," Webber said during the call, "your dedication and your discoveries have been inspiring. We need someone with your vision and skill here at Seattle Grace. Someone who can lead our trauma team and continue to make a difference."

Harry considered the offer, feeling a mixture of excitement and responsibility. He knew this would be an opportunity to apply his knowledge in a new and challenging environment, and to continue his legacy of medical innovation.

Accepting the proposal, Harry prepared to move to Seattle, eager to face the new challenges that awaited him. He was determined to bring his experience and passion to Seattle Grace, ready to save lives and train the next generation of talented surgeons.

And so, Harry Potter embarked on a new stage of his extraordinary journey.

............................ ............................ ...............

Harry Potter woke up due to the insistent sound of his alarm. With a soft groan, he reached out to silence him, moving deftly between the books scattered across the floor of his room. Politics, Psychology, Biology and Medicine competed for space on the crowded shelves, testament to Harry's tireless dedication to his study.

After completing his morning shower routine, where he let the hot water wash away the tensions of sleep, Harry returned to his room and looked at himself in the mirror. A sigh escaped his lips as he took in the tattoos that adorned his body. He made them throughout his medical career. Each one was a testament to his past life as Harry Potter, the "Boy Who Lived." The Hungarian Horntail, the basilisk, the black dog, the deer and the doe all carried deep stories and meanings. The White Owl represented Hedwig, his faithful companion. The Phoenix, Fawkes, sang on his forearm as a constant reminder of rebirth and hope. The Thestral and the Hippogriff, side by side on his back, symbolized the magical creatures that marked his journey. The Crow, with his wings spread, and the lion's head in his hands reflected his courage and determination. And, in the center of his left chest, the symbol of the Deathly Hallows remained as a testament to his achievements and losses.

He adjusted himself in his white doctor's shirt, meticulously adjusted his tie and headed towards the hospital with firm steps. The excitement of exploring new horizons mixed with the responsibility of caring for the lives of patients who would cross his path. For Harry, each day was an opportunity to apply his life-saving magic, honoring his past while embracing his future in medicine.

Harry Potter stood outside Seattle Grace Hospital, ready to assume his new position. The sun was shining, reflecting the hospital's imposing facade, and he felt a mixture of excitement and responsibility as he prepared for this new chapter in his life.

Richard Webber came to meet Harry with a warm smile, extending his hand in welcome. "Harry! Welcome to Seattle Grace. It's a pleasure to have you with us."

Harry firmly shook Webber's hand, expressing gratitude for the warm welcome. "Thank you, Dr. Webber. I'm really looking forward to getting started."

The veteran surgeon led Harry through the hospital's busy corridors, introducing the different wards and departments while explaining their structure and functioning. Harry watched intently, taking in every detail of his surroundings. It was a welcome and challenging change after years of experience in various healthcare institutions around the world.

As they walked, Harry noticed the curious and admiring looks of the nurses and other hospital staff. He was a well-known figure in the medical world, and his arrival did not go unnoticed.

A nurse named Olivia, with a shy smile, approached when she had the chance. "Dr. Potter, I've heard a lot about your work. It's an honor to have you here with us."

Harry returned the smile sincerely. "The pleasure is all mine, Olivia. I know that without competent nursing staff like you, we wouldn't be able to accomplish half of what we do."

Another nurse, Emma, ​​couldn't contain her excitement as she approached. "Dr. Potter, I can't wait to learn from you. Your techniques are legendary!"

Harry laughed modestly. "I've learned from some of the best. And I look forward to sharing what I know with all of you here."

As they continued their tour of the hospital, Harry took the opportunity to highlight what impressed him most about Seattle Grace. "The structure of this hospital is remarkable, Dr. Webber. It is organized in a way that is very reminiscent of the information that my master, Ellis Grey, shared about efficiency and excellence in patient care. I am truly impressed."

Webber nodded with satisfaction. "I'm glad you're enjoying it, Harry. We're very proud of our work here. And with you here, I'm sure we'll reach new heights."

Harry reflected for a moment, taking in the warm energy of his new surroundings. "I can't wait to get started. I think we're going to do great things together."

Webber continued the presentation, leading Harry through the hospital to the neurosurgery department. "And this is our new neurosurgeon, Dr. Derek Shepherd."

Derek extended his hand with a warm smile. "Nice to meet you, Dr.Potter. I've heard amazing things about you."

"Likewise, Derek. I look forward to us collaborating on many cases," Harry replied, shaking Derek's hand firmly.

As they walked the halls, Derek shared some of his notable achievements in complex brain surgery, mentioning his work with advanced neuroimaging techniques that have improved patient outcomes.

Harry, in turn, mentioned his recent research in molecular neuroscience, especially his work on the Peverell Project. "It's a project that aims to integrate biochemical discoveries with neurological interventions to develop more effective treatments for diseases such as Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis. With your experience in neurosurgery, Derek, we can really enhance the results," explained Harry enthusiastically.

Richard, who was closely observing the interaction, approached with an encouraging smile. "I think you two make a promising duo. The Peverell Project will certainly benefit from your combined skills. It's a new beginning for us here at the hospital."

Derek nodded, impressed by Harry's integrative approach and excited about the possibility of contributing his expertise. "I look forward to seeing what we can achieve together, Harry. Let's turn these ideas into reality."

With a renewed handshake, they both parted from their interesting conversation.

Webber determinedly led Harry to the conference room, where the chiefs of surgery were already gathered. Richard Webber made the formal introductions, highlighting the presence of Dr. Miranda Bailey alongside the four new interns: Meredith Grey, Izzie Stevens, Cristina Yang and George O'Malley.

"Dr. Potter, these are our chiefs of surgery," Webber began with a welcoming smile. "And here are our new interns, under the guidance of Dr. Bailey."

Miranda Bailey, known for her determination and precision, extended her hand to shake Harry with an analytical look. "Dr. Potter, it's a pleasure to have you with us. I look forward to seeing your skills in action."

"Thank you, Dr. Bailey. The honor is mine," Harry replied sincerely. "I'm excited to collaborate with all of you and contribute to the team's success."

As the conversation continued, Meredith Gray came forward to introduce herself. "Dr. Potter, I'm Meredith Grey. It's a pleasure to meet you," she said with a friendly smile.

Harry looked at Meredith with a gleam of recognition in his eyes. "Meredith Grey... daughter of my mentor, Ellis Grey. I remember one time when Ellis had to go to a big ceremony on your behalf and asked me to look after you that night. You tried to sneak out to a party, remember ? I caught you in the act and we ended up spending the night studying biology. And in the end, we had ice cream and played tricks", said Harry with an amused smile, remembering that memorable night.

Meredith was momentarily surprised, but soon a nostalgic smile formed on her face. "Ah yes, tonight! I was trying to be smart, but you caught me," she replied with a soft laugh, remembering Harry's help on that occasion.

Bailey watched the interaction with interest, realizing that Harry was not only a skilled surgeon, but also someone who already shared a significant history with the team. She turned her attention to the inmates, reassuring them with her determined gaze as she pondered how this new addition could strengthen the department.

With that, Harry began his first day at Seattle Grace, aware of the great expectations and challenges that awaited him. He was determined to make a difference and continue his legacy of excellence and compassion in medicine, now in a new environment filled with opportunities to grow and learn.


XikitoCoin XikitoCoin

Hello everybody!

I would like to begin this text by expressing my immense gratitude to each and every one of you who took a moment to read my story. It's truly exciting for me to share this work, which marks my first step into the world of publishing.

Writing this story was a journey full of discovery and passion, and being able to share it with you now is incredibly rewarding. I hope with all my heart that you enjoyed each page as much as I enjoyed writing them.

This is just the beginning, and I'm open and eager to hear your opinions and ideas. If anything in the story resonated with you, or if you have any suggestions for the future, please don't hesitate to comment. Your thoughts are a valuable guiding light for me on this literary path.

Thanks again for being part of this journey with me. Enjoy every moment of reading, and don't forget to like and share if you liked it. I can't wait to continue this adventure with you all!

With appreciation,

next chapter
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