92.55% Pokemon: Trainer’s log in a Chaotic World / Chapter 85: The Pokemon Games: Speed Ranking

章 85: The Pokemon Games: Speed Ranking

Austin woke up early got dressed in a blue short sleeved shirt. He pared it with beige cargo shorts. Last but not least he wore a cap without a top, blue colored with a pokeball symbol.

Austin made breakfast and many snacks to take with him. Towards training ground 01, which was the biggest training ground and where the games was being held. It was made to hold over a hundred trainers to train. Now it had many stadium style seats and huge obstacle course in the center.

According to Muliere the tickets to the stadium were sold out. Many people were buying the the payperview channel to watch from home. So far the event before it even started made a hefty sum of money. It is expected the advertisement throughout the event will be an added bonus. The entertainment industry even plan to sell the video of the event to other city states.

Austin made it to his seat. He sat next to Muliere. "Hey Old man what going on? When does the event start."

Muliere: "Hey kid, everything is well. It's rare for me to get some time off to enjoy an event like this. The event will start soon. It's just that they are splitting the participants based on age and grade."

Austin: "Interesting! At least this way the new trainers have a shot. Anyway after this is all over I'm taking my B-rank promotion exam."

Muliere: "Yes it's exactly why we separated them in two major groups Rookies and veterans. This is one of the first event to be held live in Asadia. That good to hear your finally moving up. Your horizon will be expanded once you become a B-rank trainer.

Austin: "I hit a bottleneck and am not improving much. My Pokemon also have been improving slower than usual. The only thing left is becoming a B-class trainer."

As Austin and Muliere were conversing, the announcer suddenly spoke silencing everyone in the stands.

Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen! My name is Author Notes the presenter of the First Event for Trainers ever seen after the cataclysm. We will see the strength, speed, teamwork of our front line soldiers and will crown the best of them as king...."

The announcer spoke with enthusiasm hyping up all the audience. Even trainers themselves felt proud of their professions for the first time.

Author Notes: " The participants who joined the event reached a total of 6000 trainers. 2000 are d rank, 3000 are C rank, 900 are B rank, and 100 are A rank(there are only 100 A ranks in asadia and they were forced to join).

In order to filter out the best of these participants. A preliminary round was held and ten finalists from each rank were chosen...

Remember this event is for the trainers to prove their worth. Show the people the strength they use to protect them. Prove that they are different from the rest. PROVE TO THEMSELVES THAT THEY AREN'T SCUM OF SOCIETY BUT PROTECTORS OF ASADIA! THAT.. THEY ARE KINGS AMONGST TRAINERS! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!"

Once Author Notes's echoing voice vanished. Cheers from citizens and trainers erupted. The hype from these words and the cheers was amplified. Austin felt a surge of energy. This speaker was truly talented that even Muliere got goose bumps.

Muliere:" What a talent? I got to say it really doesn't matter the field with this guy. If we used him earlier then more people would have become trainers. "

Austin: "This guy Author is truly amazing. With only a few words, he was able to move a nation. The thing is it's not just what he spoke, but the tone and action that matched the words that moved the people."

Participants began walking out lining up into four rows. Each person stood a meter from the person in front of them. The trainers were standing proud, head held high, basking in the cheers of the audience.

Author notes: "Ladies and gentle men I will now introduce the finalist. From the D-rank trainers we have the veteran Raymond who was a trainer for 15 years. Raymond was Chosen to be a trainer at 12 years old. While other kids his age were playing with friends and spending time with family, Raymond was training to survive and protect Asadia.

Behind Raymond is another veteran trainer Her name is Whitney and she had the same background as Raymond..."

The Author began to introduce the participants one by one. He was able to make everyone one the audience to experience each persons story. It was as if they themselves were the participant.

In the D-rank group the participants were Raymond, Whitney, Shrek, Roger, Nathan, Omar, Drake (the only non veteran, he was part of Bobby's group), Cloud, Yelp, Fred, and Denise.

The C-Rank participants were Bobby, Phillip, Hugo, Ginnette, Jacob, Tobi(chatter box), Jennifer(who became an actor), Sky(a veteran close to B-rank), Rachel(where's Rachel), Doritos a five year Trainer( an orphan with no name, he named himself after his favorite bag of chips).

The B-rank had a few familiar participants. The participants were Maxwell( who taught the Chosen), Rain (a lucky Trainer who somehow made it to B-rank), Fred (who was the leader of the farm mission), Sara (a 10 year trainer who is pretty aggressive), Fred's Wife (her name was Leva and she is Fred's wife), Tom ( he is basically an old guy, everyone calls him Uncle Tom), Raven, Draco, Gryffindor, Pete (these four guys became trainers at the same time. They won't be mentions after this event.)

The A-rank participants include Brock, Cindy, Misty, Jack(some one in the audience yelled Jack-off. People these days), Steve, Flint, Osama, Paul, White, Black. Not much is known about this group except that they were trained as a trump card by the strongest S-rank in Asadia. The strongest S-rank is not Muliere.

Author Notes: "Now we will start with the C-rank and I will skim the rest of the groups. Please get into positions participants. After I state the rules, the contest will begin. The event is to put up the speed ranking. Who can clear the obstacle course the fastest. This event focus on the speed of the Pokemon, the ability of the trainer to command, the synergy between the trainer and Pokemon, and the BS the author is making.

The rules are each participants have there own lane. Any Pokemon who falls or enters another trainers lane is disqualified. This is to prevent anyone using there Pokemon to obstruct another trainer. The Trainers will try to clear the entire course the fastest. Flying Pokemon can't fly above this line (basicly not higher than 3 meters). The last rule make sure you have fun Hahahaha.

Now ladies and gentlemen let the Pokemon games begin."

One the Author finished stating the rules the gun shot noise was heard. The trainers started.

Author Notes: " WOW look at them go. In the lead is Jacob with his arcanine. This flaming beast is speeding through elegantly. Closing following behind surprisingly is bobbie's beedrill. Wow look at Tobi and his Graveler rolling at high speed. Seems to be using a move called rollout. Hopefully it doesn't roll out of its lane or it will be disqualified.

Amazing, Phillip was too nervous earlier and delayed in entering the race. I thought he was a goner. Yet this author was proven wrong by the wild charge of Persian. Like at it pass every obstacle and pass the other trainers. Amazing its neck to neck with Jacob's arcanine.

The trainers in C rank are truly something else such control, such competitiveness, this is giving me goose bumps. Look Dorito's vibrava beam through the course. Although it could do better dodging the obstacles instead of breaking through them. Then again it's nickname Not Lays isn't for show.

Oh my god there are actually trainer competing for tenth place. Or that's what it seems to me. Why else would Hugo use lairon, Ginnette use jumppluff, and Jennifer used wigglypuff. They are also just chatting and not even ordering their Pokemon. Oh look at that lairon tumbled and fell off his lane crashing into jumppluff who happen to hit wigglypuff. That settles that last three places. Hugo in 10th place, ginnette in ninth place, and Jennifer in 8th place.

To some this contest maybe for getting chicks, but to dorito, Jacob, and Phillip getting first place is the only thing that will satisfy them.

Sky and her swellow are trying to catch up but it appears her training wasn't enough. Wow I just realized where's Rachel everyone. Has anyone seen Rachel. (Someone walked up and said something to the author)

Well my dear audience the disappearance of Rachel has finally been solved. Yes it appears when reaching the wet part of the obstacle called Soaking lane. Delcatty was frighted and jumped to the next lane. Rachel is seventh place everyone.

Amazing I looked away for a moment and three participants reached last stretch of the course. Dorito's Vibrava, Phillip's Persian, and Jacobs Arcanine."

As the audience were enjoying the show, the amazing, talented, handsome Author was hyping everything up. Suddenly a black flashed past the other participant's Pokemon zooming towards the finish line. Philip and dorito were already giving it their all but could not catch up.

Jacob didn't falter he remained calm and then used his trump card.

Author Notes: what an upset ladies and gentle men. I don't know how to describe this rush of energy. Wow amazing! At the last segment of the obstacle Sky's Ninjask bolted full force almost guaranteeing the win. The other three participants had no way to catch up.

Out of nowhere! Arcanine shrouded itself in a ball of flame and charged to the finish beating ninjask by 5 centimeters. Amazing the entire run was filled with suspense. 5 centimeters that's really amazing!....

Ladies and gentle men let us welcome our first place winners up the stage. The winner of the D ranks was Drake the new blood of trainers in asadia is still strong. The winner of the C-ranks was Jacob one of the few rising talents in asadia. The winner of the B-ranks is surprisingly the old man Uncle Tom. The winner of the A-ranks was Osama who is ranked the second strongest among the A ranks.

Thank you for participating in this event, we hope the audience enjoyed the event. Please join us tomorrow for the power event."

The event ended the winners had their names recorded and were crowned the speed kings of their rank. The prize money was 10000 for d ranks, 50,000 for C-rank, 100000 for B-rank, and 200,000 for A-ranks.

Austin was going home, he was filled with excitement as the event was beyond his expectation. He was watching it live screw earths anime/cartoon show. Nothing is better than live.

Once he reached home, he got a call from the director of the event. It turns out the entirety of the City-State watched the event. The money made from buying the channel, ticket sales, ads, etc far exceeded the costs. This was only the first day. The recorded event is also being planned to be sold outside of asadia.

Austin didn't even participate and made 500k just from the profit. The world is truly unfair. Austin didn't admit though that the commentator was what pushed this event to new heights.


The next day came by quickly and people gathered in masses trying to get tickets. The stadium was expanded and more screens were added. Today was the Strength event. Which trainers have the strongest power...

harem4life harem4life

So during the event I will be a narcissist please support my antics thank you. No I won’t drop unless I really have a block. Anyway I’m busy with school and the funny thing is. Due to CV19 everyone was quarantined in there own homes. Yet I didn’t feel any part of my life affected. Maybe I should feel insulted that my way of life was called quarantine. Kidding but I want everyone to be able to smile through this crisis. Good luck and enjoy

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C85
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


