92.3% Pokemon: The Beginning / Chapter 23: Chapter 23 Plan for a Lab and Abner Flag

章 23: Chapter 23 Plan for a Lab and Abner Flag

"So you're telling me that there are in fact Eight Evolutions of Eevee. And that you stumbled upon this one by chance?", said Professor Ross over the phone in a sceptical tone. Faust could picture her face right now, her eyes squinting and her lips pursed together.

Faust sighed and lied, "Yes…I believe it has something to do with a certain type of move it learnt. The type was exceptional effective against the dragon-type Appletun and Flapple we found in the-"

"Wait, wait, wait!…what you found a new dragon-type!? What did you say the names were!..Right..Flappy! And Appleton!…", Professor Ross excitedly interrupted him and he could hear a few mouse clicks in the background. 

"Flapple and Appletun…I don't know if they are a new species to be discov-"

"Okay! No Flapple and Appletun on the Dragon-Type index. Even the Dragon's Nest city archives mention no such names! This is big! Not Eeveelutions big! But big enough! You know I'm kinda jealous, at your age all I could do was write a paper on three elemental evolutions of Eevee, which had no scientific basis. More of a speculation. Oh and Pokemon fossil restoration. Not to mention that Fossil Research is my Grandfather's original research. So when you publish this, you're probably going to be an instant celebrity in the scientific…no all the Pokemon circles in general. Also follow it up with the Eeveelution-"

"I am not going public with this", Faust cut in abruptly.

"I'm sorry. What!?"

Faust sighed and then explained himself, "I will not be going public with this yet. They're dragon-types. Currently there is no powerful organisation or family in Applegrove Town. If I go public now, the fame and credit will come to me. But that's it. I mean look at it this way, the Dragoon family shows up and asks the administrative management to let them handle all the details of this discovery. The first thing they would do is probably cut me out of all financial and other benefits. That's why I'm going to have to temporarily give up on the whole plan to publish the discovery. Actually there's already a situation but I should be able to handle it. Oh and I might need to use Mr. Flag for a while."

Faust had actually thought it through. Applegrove Town would gladly welcome anyone with open arms that brought them financial benefits and security. The families in Dragon's Nest City would move immediately. Faust knew that, in fact, he had looked it up. A few years ago, a small town called Cave Town had stumbled upon Druddigon by chance. The mayor of that town had immediately publicised the discovery of the new Dragon-type. The outcome was an immediate monopolisation and take over of the town by the Dragoon Family. Technically the Alliance would not allow such monopolisation, but when the choice was between antagonising a major family that provided nearly a quarter of the fighting force of the Alliance and a small unknown town. It was a no-brainer. 

Faust actually didn't have a problem with anyone monopolising the discovery of the Applin line. But what concerned him more was the attention. The Dragoon family coming to Applegrove town would severely limit his own freedom. His unexplainable resources couldn't be masked from a group of greedy and power-hungry individuals. So what he had planned was to let RL establish itself first in Applegrove Town. A laboratory and series of financial investments by RL would prevent the other organisations from moving into the town. Moreover given his personal relationship with Professor Ross, he would have even more freedom in the town.

Professor Ross didn't reply immediately. After a long silence, she sighed and said, "You are right. I forgot that you absolutely love freedom and value your privacy more than the rest of us. I'm guessing you want RL to move in? Probably a lab and a few facilities?"

Faust smiled and replied, "Yes. That is correct. A laboratory and infrastructure for a ranch. Possible periodic grants. Don't worry this investment won't only be for Applin and it's evolutionary line. I have a few other ideas and believe the remoteness of Applegrove Town is conducive to my research."

"You're quite hardcore huh? Not even a single research credit under your name-"

"Weren't you just saying just how awesome and amazing researcher I am."

"And I still stand by my evaluation. It'll take sometime getting set up in Applegrove Town."

"How long?", asked Faust calculating something in his head.

"Six months", replied Professor Ross instantaneously.

Faust was surprised. A research lab and a ranch in six months was much faster than his estimate of at least an year.

"That's fine. I need you to speak to the mayor though. His impatience has already created a rather annoying situation here. I just need to ensure he doesn't do anything else for the time being."

Professor Ross snorted, "Why do I feel like I am a hardworking Numel and you are a lounging Persian."

Faust chuckled and replied, "You have all the resources."

"Yeah, yeah it's fine. I'll handle the mayor. What about the new evolution of Eevee?", asked Professor Ross in an expectant tone.

"It doesn't really matter whether it's included in your research or not. Seven different types of Evolution are enough to establish the scientific basis of the Eeveelutions. You can release the information about the eighth type later as yet another discovery of RL", replied Faust, he then paused for a moment before continuing.

"By the way, the type. It's kinda excessively effective against dragon-types. Also dragon-type moves don't affect it at all. I wanted to ask…has such a type been recorded yet?"

"Hmm…not affected by Dragon-type moves. I don't think so. As far as the typing goes, there are 15 types recorded. Flying, Dragon, Grass, Fire, Water, Psychic, Ghost, Steel, Ice, Normal, Earth, Water, Poison, Fighting, Electric and Bug…..", replied Professor Ross trailing off towards the end before suddenly exclaiming.

"Faust! Don't tell me you've discovered a new type!!! This…this…this, how do you do it!?"

"Calm down. It might not be a new type, could be an ability. I will need to conduct more research to be sure and for that I need a lab, resources…", said Faust smiling at the little trap that was about to successfully catch the prey.

"Fine! Four months!!! I can't get it done any quicker and you have full autonomy over the facilities in Applegrove Town!"

'And that's a wrap.' Thought Faust before replying, "Thank you Professor Ross. I accept your generous offer yet again. Oh and don't worry, I believe you'll be more than satisfied with my work."

Professor Ross just humphed before asking curiously, "Say you do discover such a type, you know with such anti-dragon capabilities. What'll you call it?"

Faust instinctively answered, "Fairy type."

"Huh? Fairy type? Why?", asked Professor Ross in a confused term. She was expecting something more…impactful.

"Because dragons always perish in the fairy tales", replied Faust.

Professor Ross suddenly fell silent and suddenly burst out laughing.

"I don't know how you even managed to come-up with this but I like it. It's good."

They spoke for a bit more before Faust heard Evia's voice in the background and Professor Ross apologised and disconnected.

Faust set down the phone and sighed. He was exhausted. He had been looking forward to a long due rest but had instead been forced to deal with the Dragoon family. He picked up his phone and looked up Scott Goodwin. Currently he was in the final year of the Grand Coast City academy. His Dratini had long since evolved into a Dragonair and he expanded his team to include two more Dragon-types, a Druddigon and a Noibat. Clearly, he had been deeply integrated into the Dragoon family forces. Faust had a plan and while it wasn't very fair, Faust wouldn't let just anyone mess his plans up so easily.

Scott Goodwin had a good battle record. But that had more to do with the sheer power of Dragon-types he used. There was something about dragon-type trainers that made most young trainers lose their confidence. Perhaps it could be attributed to the pre-conceived notion of invincibility of dragons or the power of the families of Dragon's Nest City. Nonetheless, dragon-type battles involved more brute force than actual strategy and tactics. This was not to say that all dragon-type trainers had muscles for brains, but looking through the public battles of Scott, Faust couldn't help but frown.

'Is this guy stupid? He tanks attacks before unleashing a devastating dragon-type move…why do all his opponents not dodge the attack? Is this a fucking pre-scripted battle?'

Faust watched a few more battles and saw a pattern in almost all of them. Tank hits and when the other Pokemon was exhausted, unleash a high damage move ro finish it. While this could be called a tactic in itself, it was primitive and highly inefficient. Either by luck or whatever, Scott hadn't faced any of the attacks such as Ice Beam or Moonblast. These moves were rare and Faust was not even sure if Moonblast had been discovered. Analysing a few more battles, Faust finally set down his phone and sat back rubbing his eyes.

After a while, he made something to eat and let his Pokemon out before giving them their food. The Aurorus had some trouble since they were almost unable to fit into the house and so Faust recalled them after their dinner. He then called Abner Flag to discuss the plan for tomorrow.

Faust had asked Professor Ross about Abner Flag. He had received quite a favorable and positive report. Abner Flag had initially been a sponsored trainer for the RL. However, he couldn't do very well and had finally ended up as a part of trainer forces of the RL. He had a mid-Elite Talonflame and early Elite Floatzel. Professor Ross had said that it was perhaps his upbringing in a strict military family that had inculcated a sense of responsibility and discipline in him. His moral values were strong and so was his intelligence. Professor Ross had also mentioned an incident where he had managed to evacuate all personnel of RL involved in a observation session inside a rift. He had stood against a group of seven Onix with only his Floatzel, who had at the time just evolved. Overall, Faust indeed did find the person in the description quite the model subordinate.


"Professor Faust. Glad to see you made it back safely", said Abner as soon as Faust opened the door.

Faust sighed and invited him in.

"Just sit down anywhere. Do you want something? Please don't ask for anything but water, I don't have anything else to offer", said Faust taking a seat on the couch.

Abner laughed and said he had just had dinner.

"So Professor Faust…you wanted to discuss something? Also Professor Ross informed me earlier about something you would need my help with."

"Yeah that's correct. I do indeed need your help and I also need you to not ask me questions. Don't worry it's nothing illegal."

Faust paused for a moment before correcting himself.

"Nothing too illegal."

Abner raised an eyebrow at that but Faust ignored it.

"Tell me Mr. Abner, have you ever held prisoners before?"

true_dmg true_dmg

Okay...maybe I'm just impatient or maybe I just have chapters to spare. I swear I'll only post the rest tomorrow as promised!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


