27.64% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 59: EPISODE 59: The Queen and her Guards!

章 59: EPISODE 59: The Queen and her Guards!

One day ago, I couldn't forget the day I teased my friends. I had to make them wait for more than four hours to solve the mystery behind Slowpoke's tail, when in fact I knew the answer to that from the very beginning! I was able to finally get my revenge against Zhery after teasing me.

I also met a new rival, and his name was Arc. Zhery and Glade are Arc's number one fan! If you still don't know who Arc is, he's the current world champion of the PWC or the Pokemon World Championships. People say that Arc defeated Leon, the champion of the Galar region, now that he's here to compete for the Pokemon League, this made me worried. If I succeed in collecting all eight gym badges, I'll be surely battling him in the Pokemon League.

Now we're on our way to Silvent City! We are currently on route fifteen, a route which is divided into two parts. The first part is the beach area where we solved the mystery of Slowpoke's tail, and the second part of the route, is also known as the Honey forest! It's famous for its huge amount of honey trees around the area. Those trees can produce honey which attracts multiple species of bug type Pokemon!

Camellia was planning to find a honey tree, she wanted to collect some honey for her recipes.

"Now... It says on the map, that the honey trees can be found near the stream." Camellia stated while she was walking and looking at the map.

"This forest isn't so bad, unlike Emerald forest." I compared.

"Yeah, Emerald Forest is too creepy for me to handle," Glade added.

"What a bunch of scaredy Meowths!" Zhery teased.

"Come on, you were scared too!" I teased back with my eyebrows waggling.

"Scared? I wasn't scared back then!" Zhery explained with confidence.

"Oh really? Then why did you ask me and Glade for help?" I tried to let her recall.

"Umm, because... team Chaos was there, but if team Chaos wasn't there, I could totally walk through the forest alone, even at night." Zhery boasted.

While walking through the forest, a Pokemon was spying at us. It's shape looked like three octagons stuck together.

"Um, Camellia? Do you know where we are headed too?" I queried with slight fear as I looked through the forest. It seems to me that we were heading the wrong way.

"Actually... The truth is, I think we're lost." Camellia uttered worriedly as she swallowed her saliva.

"Wait... but don't you have a map!?" Glade started to fear.

"I have a map, but I don't know how to use one. Sorry hehehe..." Camellia uttered with embarrassment.

"You've got to be kidding me." Zhery force palmed.

"I know how to read a map!" Glade volunteered.

Camellia entrusted her map to Glade. Since Glade knows how to use a map, we'll surely reach the honey trees before the afternoon! (At least that's what I thought)

"Huh!? Where are the trees!?" Glade wondered in disappointment.

"I thought you knew how to hold a map?" Zhery queried with a teasing voice.

"Impossible! I am a map expert, something or someone must be possessing me!" Glade exaggerated as he knelt in disappointment while Zhery grabbed the map.

"GLADE!!??" Zhery badgered.

"What happened, is the map really wrong or am I the one whose wrong?" Glade queried in disappointment.

"The map is upside down! That's why we were going the wrong way!" Zhery corrected.

We continued to look for the honey trees under the supervision of Zhery and Camellia's map.

While we were walking, we stumbled upon a group of Kakunas hanging high above a tree.

"Shhhh... You don't want to wake them up." Camellia warned as we tried to sneak across the group of Kakunas.

[Kakuna! The Cocoon Pokemon! A grass and Poison-type, and the evolved form of weedle. It remains virtually immobile while it clings to a tree. However, on the inside, it busily prepares for evolution. This is evident from how hot its shell becomes.]

I tried my best to sneak carefully but I accidentally stepped on a twig. The Kakunas started to wake up in anger.

:KAKUNNNNNAAAAA! The Pokemons raged in anger.

As they fell from the tree, they suddenly started to evolve into Beedrills."What a coincidence!" I shouted and began to run.

"You and your big mouth!" Zhery teased with anger and began to run as well. The Beedrills started to chase us as we tried to run away as fast as we could. [Beedrill! The Poison Bee Pokemon! A bug and poison type, and the evolved form of Kakuna. Beedrill is extremely territorial. No one should ever approach its nest—this is for their own safety. If angered, they will attack in a furious swarm.]

"Great! Now we're being chased by a swarm of Beedrills! Thanks Kalem!" Zhery uttered sarcastically.

"I didn't see the twig! Don't blame me!" I excused.

"Ohhh, trying to act all innocent huh?" Zhery badgered.

"It doesn't matter whose fault it is! The important thing is that we survive!" Glade stopped our quarrel.

"That's it, Braixen use Flame charge!" Camellia commanded as she sent out her newly evolved Pokemon.

Braixen quickly scratched her twig on the floor to produce fire and used Flame Charge on the Beedrills.

Braixen was able to chase off the Beedrills as they returned to their nest.

"Thanks Braixen! Return." Camellia smiled at her Pokemon.

"That was a close one!" Glade uttered as he gasped for air.

"Alright Zhery, now where are we?" Camellia queried as she looked through the unfamiliar surroundings.

"I don't know, I think we're officially lost!" Zhery uttered with stress.

"Well we can't give up now! It's time to move on and find those honey trees!" I beamed with determination.

The map served no purpose anymore since the map doesn't have an indicator of our current location.

As we looked through the forest, Camellia observed the beautiful surroundings filled with numerous Pokemons, until her Ivy found something.

: Eev? Eev? The Pokemon wondered as she observed a red berry with a violet top.

She quickly grabbed two berries and returned back to her owner. Ivy showed Camellia the unfamiliar berry, even Camellia was unfamiliar with the red berry.

"Huh? What berry could this be?" Camellia wondered with curiosity as she ate the berry as a whole. The berry had an astringent taste to it, but as Camellia chewed the berry it began to taste sweet. She decided to prank her Eevee first.

"Eevee! This berry is so delicious, I suggest that you try it." Camellia recommended. Eevee tried the berry and she felt the bitter taste, she felt angry towards Camellia but as she chewed, the berry started to taste sweet. Camellia started to laugh at Eevee's face when Eevee tasted the bitter part.

Eevee became moody and upset. "Eevee, it was just a prank." Camellia tried to apologize but Eevee swiftly moved her head sideways. Camellia knows how to treat her moody Ivy and started to tickle her. Eevee felt happy and forgave her trainer.

"It tastes bitter-sweet!"Camellia smiled at Eevee. She thought of pranking us with the bittersweet berry. While no one was looking, she gathered tons of bitter-sweet berries for her recipes and for her pranks.

"Hey guys, try this berry. It's super sweet, right Ivy?" Camellia pranked as Ivy nodded with a smile. Each of us took a bite of the bitter-sweet berry.

"IT"S BITTER!!!" The four of use badgered. Camellia was laughing so hard together with Ivy, but as we chewed the berry, it became sweeter.

"Huh? The berry tastes sweet now." Glade wondered.

"Yeah... but how?" I added.

"It's bitter-sweet!" Camellia laughed while uttering.

"That wasn't funny at all Camellia." I corrected it with a low tone.

"Hee hee, sorry everyone." Camellia smiled as she began to apologize.

We started to continue our adventure through the honey tree forest. I guess Camellia was bored that's why she pranked us.

"Hey Zhery, do you know where we are?" I queried sarcastically.

"Of course I know where we are! We're in the forest! Where else will we be!?" Zhery answered sarcastically. I guess a sarcastic question requires a sarcastic answer.

Thanks to Zhery's great instincts, we wondered off somewhere we shouldn't be! Zhery accidentally led us to a large red velvet bug with an orange grimace. Scollipede was the name of the specie. [Scollipede! The megapode Pokemon! A bug and poison type. It clasps its prey with the claws on its neck until it stops moving. Then it finishes it off with deadly poison.]

"Great Zhery! We're all gonna die now!" I uttered and whispered sarcastically.

"Shh... Follow my plan." Glade instructed.

"Great, what's your plan?" Camellia queried

"Simple.... ... ... RUN!!!!" Glade shouted and began to run as fast as he could.

"You know what, that's a great plan!" Zhery started to run again and I and Camellia were the ones left.

"That's it Riolu, use force palm on the Pokemon!" I ordered as Riolu smacked the head of the Megapede. Scollipede began to cry as its head swelled like a red balloon. I guess this means that Scollipede is harmless, maybe it just wants to play.

"I think you've overdone it this time Riolu." I scolded him with an intone voice.

"What!? Seconds ago you told me to smack Scollipede with force palm so I did!" Riolu complained.

"You'll be fine Scollipede! Here, I have some potions which could make you feel better right away." Camellia offered her a warm and gentle heart. She sprayed a potion unto the swelling part on Scollipede's head, then she placed a small bandage.

"See? I told you everything would be fine." Camellia smiled and tickled the Pokemon's long neck. Scollipede felt happy. In return, Scollipede gave us five Oran berries each.

"Hey Scollipede, do you know where we could find the honey trees?" I queried since I don't trust Zhery and her instinct.

:Scoll Scoll! The Pokemon nodded and asked us to ride on its back.

"Thanks Scollipede! You're the best!" Camellia complemented.

Meanwhile, my two scaredy Meowth friends ran off to a place they weren't familiar with.

"Where are we this time?" Glade queried as he gasped for air.

"The real question is... Where are Kalem and Camellia!?" Zhery queried with a slight panic feel.

"They didn't run!? They must've been eaten by the Scollipede!" Glade exaggerated until he and Zhery heard large footsteps crumbling the ground.

"Oh no what now!?" Glade and zhery queried.

"Hey there Scaredy Meowths!!!" I teased and waved from Scollipede's back.

"Kalem!? Camellia!? You tamed the megapede!?" Zhery queried in shock.

"Nope! Both of you panicked right away. It turns out, Scollipede is childish right Scollipede?" I tickled and played with Scollipede's neck.

"Hop in! It's time to find those honey trees!" Camellia smiled and extended her hand.

"Alright Scollipede! Onwards!" I commanded as Scollipede reared.

Scollipede's back was super fun to ride on! As Scollipede ran to our destination, you could feel the wind on your hair.

Scollipede stopped near the honey trees, me and my friends thanked Scollipede as it smiled back at us.

:SCOLL!!! The Pokemon shouted goodbye.

"Finally! We've made it to the honey tree!" Camellia beamed with excitement and got three jars from her bag. She was about to step into the area with the honey trees, when suddenly... The Pokemon that was trying to spy us blocked her path.

:Comb!!! Comb!! The Pokemon raged in anger. It seems like it was trying to protect the honey trees.

The Pokemon was also known as Combee. [Combee! The tiny bee Pokemon! A bug and flying type. The trio is together from birth. It constantly gathers honey from flowers to please Vespiquen. It collects and delivers honey to its colony. At night, they cluster to form a beehive and sleep. The members of the trio spend all their time together. Each one has a slightly different taste in nectar.]

Combee glared at Camellia's eye.

:Combbbbbbb!!!! The Pokemon shouted. The whole colony went out of the hive and protected the honey trees. Then, a tall Pokemon which looked like a Beedrill went out of the hive. The Combees began to circle the Pokemon.

[Vespiqueen! The beehive Pokemon! A bug and flying type. It skillfully commands its grubs in battles against its enemies. The grubs are willing to risk their lives for Vespiqueen!] Irys the Pokedex stated.

"So that's the queen of the Combee hive!" Glade realized.

"It seems to me that the Combee is trying to protect their queen but for what cost?" Zhery queried.

"The honey! The Combees are also protecting the honey!" Camellia observed.

:Vespi!! Vespiii!! The Pokemon raged.

"Kalem, Vespiqueen doesn't want anyone to steal their honey." Riolu translated.

"Please Vespiqueen! We promise not to take everything." I pleaded.


"Kalem, Vespiqueen still doesn't agree." Riolu translated.

"Please Vespiqueen, we won't take everything. We won't destroy your hive!" I promised as the Combees continued to circle their queen.

:Vespi... Vespiqueen Vespi!

"Ah! The queen allows us to have honey if we win against her in a Pokemon battle!" Riolu translated.

"Alright! We accept your challenge! If we win, you'll give us some honey but if we lose we'll leave your hive alone." I bargained.

"Kalem, make sure you win!" Glade cheered.

All the Combees stopped circling their queen. They watched their queen battle against me.

Riolu [150] HP

Vespiqueen[150] HP

"Riolu use Force palm!"

*Vespiqueen was unable to dodge!*

Riolu [150]


*Vespiqueen used X-Scissor and missed! Riolu was able to use Seismic toss!*



*Vespiqueen used X-Scissors! Riolu was unable to dodge*



*Riolu used Force Palm! Vespiqueen dodged!*

*Riolu used force palm once more! Vespiqueen was unable to dodge!*



The Combees started to cheer for her queen.

*Vespiqueen used Power gem! A gem appeared in front of Riolu and blasted Riolu off!*



*Riolu used Force palm! Critical hit!*


Vespiqueen (20)

"Riolu finish with metal claw!"

*Vespiqueen dodged and used Power gem! Critical hit!*



"Riolu use metal claw!"

*Vespiqueen was unable to dodge!*



Vespiqueen accepted her defeat and did our request. She took Camellia's jars and filled it with honey!

"Thanks Vespiqueen! Thanks Combee!" Camellia shouted before we left.

Vespiqueen smiled and waved at us. She even gave us two more jars of honey. This shows Vespiqueen is a queen of generosity... But overprotective when it comes to her hive and her soldiers.

At the end of the day! Camellia was able to make french toast for us. French toast with honey is an amazing combeenation! Get it? haha! Well, our stomachs were filled with delicious honey! Thanks Vespiqueen and Combee!

As the journey continues

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C59
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


