17.51% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 37: EPISODE 37: Rambunctious Ranch!

章 37: EPISODE 37: Rambunctious Ranch!

The sun has awakened as so as the glamourous blue sky. The white feathery clouds came out to play as the rivers dwells with the forest and trees. Another bright and scintillating day has begun as the Pokemons all around came out to play with nature. The Pidgeys and Spearows chirps from the trees as the people rise from their sleepy slumber.

Me and my friends have also risen, as we prepare for another exciting day. It was Zorua's turn to stay on top of my hat while Riolu got jealous, he wanted to stay on my shoulder but I complained that it was Zorua's turn. "Kalem please! I don't want to walk." Riolu complained. "Sorry Riolu, but its Zorua's turn to stay with me," I responded as I smiled and pat Riolu gently at the back.

Riolu gave me minimal eye contact as he got disappointed as he walked. We were on our way to route seven, one of the largest routes in this region. It takes literally four days to pass this route. After route seven we can finally enter Macropolis City. While having our stroll in the arc of route seven, we saw a tall pole with a signage on it.

"Mareep ranch!" This was the name written at the tall signage. We began to wonder about this so-called Mareep ranch. "Mareep ranch?" The four of us wondered. "Hmmm, didn't the young girl with her Soody asked us to come and visit their family's ranch?" Camellia recalled. "Oh yeah, could the Mareep ranch belong to the young girl's family?" Glade wondered.

"Then! Why don't we all check out the ranch?" Zhery suggested. "What!? No detours! It's a long four days walk to Macropolis city!" I complained. "Please Kalem! We did promise to the little girl that we'll come and visit her family's ranch." Camellia pleaded. "Fine, a short detour wouldn't hurt at all anyways." I agreed with a Lopsided grimace. "Really!? Thank you Kalem!" Camellia giggled.

We followed the instructions on the signage to reach the Mareep ranch. "Are you sure the sign is correct?" Glade queried as we reached a dark and foggy area of the forest. "Well! I guess there's no ranch then! Let's go back!" I teased as I walked back but Zhery pulled my shirt. "Where do you think you're going Kalem? It's just a foggy forest oh wait... are you scared?" Zhery teased. "I'm not scared..."I answered confidently. "Oh really now eigh? Then come with us and prove it!" Zhery teased. "Ok... Ok... do you have to tease me?" I complained as we continued to walk.

"This place looks like something out of a horror film." Glade teased a we walked inwards to the deeper part of the silent and creepy forest. "Come on! There's nothing to be scared of!" Zhery teased. Camellia tapped the two shoulders of Zhery and surprised her. 'BOO!' Camellia teased as Zhery started to run all over the place. "Whose the little kid now?" I teased. "He who laughs last laughs loudest!" Zhery said with an annoyed expression. "Hey! That was my line." I teased.

As we walked deeper, the surroundings got foggier and scarier. The forest was so silent, we could only hear howls of wolf Pokemons. Moments later, we heard something running across the grass. All of us were shocked. "Keep your guard up!" Zhery suggested as we could hear a Pokemon trying to scare us.

Then, one patch of grass started to wiggle. We were all scared and frightened. Camellia held my two shoulders and hid behind my back as she shivered in fear. Zorua wasn't scared at all, it just kept staring at the grass like everything is normal. Then the Pokemon jumped out. The shadow of the Pokemon looked big but as it went closer, it finally was cleared. "Hey Camellia, there's nothing to be afraid of, its just a Spoink!" I comforted. "S... Spoink?" Camellia began to open her eyes and took a sneak peek at the Pokemon, she saw the cute Spoink which made her comfortable as she went closer to it.

"So Spoink? What kind of Pokemon is that?" Camellia wondered as she took a closer look. "Leave it to me Camellia!" Irys the Pokedex activated as it began to gather data. [Spoink! The bounce Pokemon! A Psychic-type. A Pokemon that manipulates Psychic power at will. It doesn't stop bouncing even when it is asleep. It loves eating mushrooms that grow underground. The shock of its bouncing keeps its heart beating]

"Phew! You almost gave us a heart attack Spoink!" Zhery teased as Spoink began to bounce and hop again. "Spoink come back here!" A woman shouted as she came out from a grass with A Sudowoodo. Spoink began to hop around us. "Sudowoodo use rock tomb!" The young woman ordered. Spoink got confused because of the rock tomb, and the woman called it back to its Pokeball.

"I'm sorry if Spoink has done anything wrong." The woman apologized. "Nah it's fine! Spoink didn't harm us anyway!"Camellia smiled. "Oh really? Thank you. I am Lilith and this is Sudowoodo, his name is Soody." The woman introduced. "Ohh, then you must be the mother of a young eight-year-old girl?" Zhery wondered. "Yeah, her name is Shelly and she's a little mischievous," Lilith explained.

"Why don't you come by our ranch to have a little snack?" Lilith offered. "Really? That would be great!" Glade beamed as we followed Lilith to their ranch.

"Is it necessary to hide behind Kalem?" Zhery teased. "Umm... he he he." Camellia smiled and blushed. "Alright! Welcome to the Mareep ranch!" Lilith introduced. Their ranch was so big, it had a ton of fences and fence gates. The ranch didn't seem spooky unlike the forest. Lilith asked us to wait in the table while she'll get some snacks. Then a young girl came rushing down in surprise. "Its Kalem and his friends!" Shelly beamed as she walked closer to us. "Oh hi Shelly, how's your day?" Zhery queried. "Its been a fun day! I love playing with the Mareeps!" Shelly exclaimed as her mother came. "Here, try some of our famous Moomoo milk!" Lilith offered. "Try it! Try it! The Moomoo milk here is the best!" Shelly forced.

I took a sip of their famous Moomoo milk! It was delicious! It was like living in heaven! "So how was it?" Lilith queried. "I'd give it a hundred percent!" I burst! "See I told you are Moomoo milks are the best!" Shelly exclaimed. "So, where are the four of you headed too?" Lilith asked. "I'm off to Macropolis city for my second gym battle." I exp;and.

"Ohhh, now I see, you remind me of my husband! He's a Pokemon master wherein until now is still traveling across regions!" Lilith exclaimed when suddenly we heard noises coming from the Mareep yaard. We stood up quickly to have a look at what happened to the yard.

"Oh no its that Mareep again!" Shelly exclaimed. "Mareep is trying to break out!" Glade warned. "That Mareep is always rambunctious! It always tries to escape!" Lilith explained. "Hey Irys, what's a Mareep?" I queried. "Here is some data about Mareep. [Mareep! The wool Pokemon! An Electric-type! Mareep's fluffy coat of wool rubs together and builds a static charge. The more static electricity is charged, the more brightly the lightbulb at the tip of its tail glows.]" "You see, that Mareep is too rambunctious that even the Herders are afraid of it!" Shelly explained. "Irys, information about Herdier please," Glade begged.

"No problem Glade! [Herdier! The loyal dog Pokemon! A normal type! Its dense black fur grows continuously. The high cost of keeping its hard fur properly groomed makes this a troublesome Pokémon to train]"

Mareep suddenly broke out of the ranch and ran towards the forest. "Ms. Lilith! I and my friends will go after Mareep!" We offered help. "Right, but be careful, I've heard that there were sightings of a super-powerful Pokemon in there!" Lilith warned. "We won't let our guard down! We promise!" Zhery stated as we rushed to follow Mareep.

"Mareep! Come back!" Camellia shouted as we tried to look for Mareep through the forest. We saw a strand of Mareep's fluffy wool in the floor, then an idea came rushing towards my head. "I got an idea! Zorua please sniff the wool and tell what direction it came from." I ordered as Zorua jumped from my hat and sniffed the wool.

"Kalem, it came from the north!" Zorua sniffed. "Alright! Zorua said that Mareep went to the north side of the forest!" I translated. "Then lets hurry before Mareep goes too far!" Zhery suggested as we began to rush the north side of the forest.

"Mareep! Come back please! Your owners are looking for you!" Zhery begged. Mareep still didn't show up. "Could it be that the strong Pokemon that Lilith warned about could be the reason why Mareep isn't responding?" Camellia hunched. "Your right, but we're never too sure without strong evidence," Glade uttered. We tried to look around the northern area of the forest be still, Mareep didn't show up.

"Hey, Zorua? Are you sure that Mareep's scent leads here?" I queried. "Yes I promise! Mareep is somewhere here." Zorua uttered. Then suddenly, we heard a sound coming from a northern pond. We decided to take a look at what's happening there. "Come on hurry! It might be Mareep!" Camellia hunched.

Camellia was right, it was a Mareep and it was drowning. MA! MA! MAREEP! REEP! The Pokemon called for help. "Don't worry Mareep! I'm coming!" Zhery shouted as she jumped into the pond and swam to save Mareep. "Wait, Zhery knows how to swim?" I queried. "Well, maybe she can swim," Glade uttered. Zhery hugged Mareep tightly and brought Mareep back to the shore. "Achoo! The water in the pond is freezing cold." Zhery described the lake. Mareep looked like she got ill because of the water.

Zhery made her special remedy for sick Pokemons by crushing three oran and two Aguav berries. Then she let Mareep rest beside a fire made by rubbing two logs. She placed a hot cloth over Mareep's head and then fed her the remedy. "You'll be fine Mareep! Achoo!" Zhery sneezed. "Are you alright Zhery?" Glade asked. "Yeah, yeah, just a little cold that's all," Zhery answered as Mareep slept.

Mareep woke up only to find us sleeping too, she licked Zhery's face and woke her up. "Huh? Oh Mareep! You're awake already! Great, now we can go back to the ranch." The both of them smiled at each other.

Zhery and Mareep woke the three of us and said; "Its time to head back now, Lilith and Shelly must be worried." Zhery uttered. "Oh, I guess we overslept." Glade sighed as we walked back to the ranch. While we were heading back to the ranch a wild Pokemon appeared, it was staring and glaring at Mareep, it seems like the Pokemon wants to eat Mareep!

"Irys, scan the Pokemon please," Zhery begged. "No problem Zhery, here are some informations and data collected about Donphan! [Donphan! the armor Pokemon! A ground type! Its dense black fur grows continuously. If DONPHAN were to tackle with its hard body, even a house could be destroyed. Using its massive strength, the POKéMON helps clear rock and mudslides that block mountain trails.] "Hey Donphan! If you want to get to Mareep, you have to get through me!" Zhery shouted as he blocked Mareep to protect her.

"Roselia! Use petal storm on Donphan!" Zhery ordered. "We'll help out too! Riolu use Force palm!" I shouted and ordered as both of our attacks hit Donphan. Donphan gave up on Mareep and left Mareep alone.

We were able to go back to ranch safe and sound without Mareep getting hurt. "Mommy! Kalem and his friends are back with Mareep!' Shelly beamed through the window as she and her mother went out. "There you are! Me and Shelly were so worried." Lilith uttered. "Mareep just wondered somewhere in the northern section of the forest," Zhery explained.

"Now, don't you run off again Mareep!" Shelly scolded. After that tiring day from chasing Mareep, Lilith gave us more Moomoo milk and some cheese. "Thank you for the food!" We exclaimed as all of us began to much and dine in!

By the end of the day, when the sun was about sleep and the moon was about to shine with her children, we waved goodbye at Lilith and Sherry. We were almost near the forest when suddenly Mareep came rushing to Zhery.


"Hey Mareep? Is there a problem?" Zhery asked.

:Ma... Mareep reep!

"Kalem, Mareep doesn't want Zhery to go." Zorua translated. I told Zhery what Zorua said, and Zhery smiled at Mareep. "Why don't you come with me then?" Zhery offered.

Mareep looked back at Lilith and Shelly, "Its ok Mareep, you can go with Zhery if you want." Lilith allowed Mareep as Mareep burst with joy. :MA! MAREEP! The Pokemon shouted. "Alright then, Mareep, here comes nothing!" Zhery shouted as she threw her Pokeball at Mareep. Mareep didn't hesitate and she got caught. "I just caught a Mareep!" Zhery jumped and boasted.

"Amazing Zhery! Now you have another member in your team!" Glade congratulated Zhery. "Thanks Glade! Me and Mareep will get stronger." Zhery uttered. Zhery sent out Mareep for her to see Lilith and Shelly one last time. Mareep went close to the both of them and cuddled them real tight! "Goodbye Mareep! We'll miss you! Don't you forget about us!" Shelly uttered. "Now, be a good girl and don't be mischievous!" Lilith added as Mareep smiled at them.

Mareep rushed back to Zhery and we waved goodbye as the sun was about to set. "Bye Kalem! Bye Zhery! By Mareep!" Shelly shouted. "Goodluck with your journey! Safe travels to all of you!" Lilith waved. "Goodbye Lilith! Goodbye Shelly!" The four of us waved goodbye as we went back to the spooky forest. From there on out, Mareep joined Zhery and her team as we get closer to Macropolis city as the journey continues!

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C37
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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