80.64% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 174: EPISODE 174: Day Care Under Trouble!

章 174: EPISODE 174: Day Care Under Trouble!

"Alright, the connoisseur is waiting for you. Please proceed with me." Alfonso instructed.

Alfonso guided us to a small hall with a long yellow bench on the side, with a white door in front. We were instructed to sit on the bench while each of us gets a chance to be interviewed. For almost an hour, I waited for Camellia and Kira to finish. It seems to me that the connoisseur has a list of long questions.

Alfonso called my name once Kira and Camellia finished. They waited for me at the back of the interview room while the connoisseur consulted and interviewed me. She wore a blue dress, with a violet array of curly hair. Her eyes were covered with eyeglasses, while she held a pen and paper on her hand. As I walk to the room and into my seat, the connoisseur gave me a pleasant smile.

"Good afternoon trainer Kalem. I am connoisseur Vergendy. I will be interviewing you today to see if you deserve to adopt a Pokemon." Vergendy explained while reading my profile on the piece of paper. I took a sit on the grey wooden chair with Riolu on my lap. Shaymin laid down beside the chair while the interview took place.

"Ok, let's start with the basics. Tell me, are you a Pokemon Trainer? Bug Catcher? Or an Ace Trainer? Perhaps just a lad or a Pokemon fan?" Vergendy questioned.

"I'm a Pokemon Trainer. I'll be competing on the Laurenburg Pokemon League." I answered with confidence.

"I see, so is your team registered already?"

"My active team is already registered but my bench team isn't yet. I still lack three more Pokemons."

"Hmm, if your active team is registered, then that means you're on the list of trainers competing for the title of 'league victor'. Hold up for one minute while I check your rank." Vergendy instructed while using her Rotom-phone to enter the PLC official website. Me and Riolu were worried to know our rank so far.

"Oh my! Not bad Kalem, out of 2,300 trainers, make that 2,301 trainers, your rank is top 543." Vergendy beamed with awe and amazement.

"Ms.Vergendy, I have a question. What is the purpose of the ranking system in the Pokemon League?"

"The ranking system is used to determine the trainers with the most possible chance of winning. Though, connoisseurs like us don't depend on the ranking system to determine if one trainer is strong or not. So far, the leading trainer is Arc."

"Of course he is. He's the world champion after all."

"Aside from being the world champion, Arc uses native Pokemons to this region. That's why he may often lose at times since the team he used to compete in the world championship is with his official professor which is professor Oak from the Kanto Region. Now, let us not waste anymore time so that you could pick a Pokemon right away."

"Here is my next question, since you said that you are a Pokemon Trainer, you probably know the type disadvantages and advantages don't you?"

"I know some of them, but not all. Fire is weak to water, water is weak to grass, and grass is weak to fire."

"Only some of them? Don't you study the type of disadvantages and advantages to become a better trainer?"

"No need! Me and my Pokemons don't rely on types. We rely on speed, attack, defense, and most importantly, bond!"

"I see. Now, let us move on to my third question. How many badges do you currently have? Four months remain before the Pokemon League begins, so I'm expecting you to have a lot of badges."

"I have 6 badges, and I'm currently on my way to Glacevelt city."

"Astounding, that leaves you two more badges to go. You are aware that the Pokemon League will take place on Mt. Alympus right? Tell me, do you have other businesses on the mountain, or are you really there just to compete?"

"Ah!?" I beamed with worry on my mind. Of course, I wouldn't tell someone I don't know my true purpose on the mountain since just like what Mewtwo said, 'trust no one'.

"Kalem? Do you have an answer?"

"Um... no, I'm just there to compete that's all."

"Strange, are you trying to lie to me? It's obvious to me that you're planning to use your Arceus pendant. Why else would you have it?" Vergendy giggled and pointed at the pendant I was wearing.

"Um... I am not planning to use it yet. Since I still don't know what to wish, I can't obviously wish to win since that is a want." I gave a cold smile while swallowing my saliva heavily.

"Hmm? Alright then, I believe you. I was asking because we interviewed 500 trainers today, and it turns out 390 of them belonged to team Chaos."

"Team Chaos trainers!?" I beamed with shock while remembering what Melody said. A lot of trainers are tempted to join team Chaos.

"They always looked shocked and worried whenever I ask them about the mountain. It was like they're planning something aside from taking part in the Pokemon League. We connoisseurs can sense if someone is telling the truth or just merely lying to us.

Anyways, let's move on to my fourth question. If you were given a chance to revive one, your Pokemon, or your parents, who will it be?"

"How did you know that my parents are dead!?" I began to surprise the connoisseur for knowing such information.

"It's obvious. You are the son of one of the most famous professors in the whole world. That hat you're wearing, it belongs to your dad doesn't it? I actually worked alongside Detective Looker about the case on Silver-Heart City."

"Yes, but how did you know that this was my father's hat?"

"I saw your dad wearing it once on one of his conventions.

Anyways, here is your last task. I want you to please show me your current team. I want to see their eyes, and from there I could say if you are a good and trustable trainer. Oh, your Riolu and Shaymin look very adorable by the way."

"Um... ok! Gardevoir, Banette, Scizor, Zoroark, Sceptile! Come out now." My Pokemons gave a pleasant look at the connoisseur while she observed them.

"Seven Pokemons huh? Shaymin probably stays out of her Pokeball doesn't she?"

"Yup, and also Riolu."

"Impressive. Just by their eyes I could see that you are treating them very well. You are one trustworthy trainer, your Pokemons follow your footsteps even inside their Pokeballs.

You treat your Pokemons as if they were humans and not merely slaves or pets. You are one talented trainer in raising up your Pokemons. Even on defeat you cheer them up by complimenting them. During victory, it is obvious that your Pokemons are roses, forever humble and sport, no matter what.

I sense that your Pokemons are willing to help and protect you, but I see some kind of fear inside Riolu's head."

"Fear? Riolu, are you hiding something from me?"

"Me!? Of course not Kalem." Riolu declined right away.

"I see the fear in his eyes. A fear not common among Pokemons, the fear to change." Vergendy uttered softly while looking at Riolu.

"Fear to change? What do you mean by that Vergendy?"

"Your question, you shall answer. During your journey, you will see, and once you see Riolu's fear, I urge you to correct it immediately. His fear could cause problems between you and his relationship."

"Um... ok then. Riolu, we need to talk later ok?"

"Sure Kalem, I'll prove to you that I'm not scared of anything." Riolu grinned.

"Kalem, I allow you to claim a Pokemon from the adoption dome. Please proceed to the-"

"Connoisseur Vergendy! We are being held hostage by the Masked Revelations, I almost got caught escaping." Alfonso rushed and locked the room.

"Masked Revelations!?" I beamed with shock and anger.

"Oh, that's not the bad news I only bear, their leader is also here. They are demanding 6 Million dollars from us. I can't call the police since they hacked into our mainframe." Alfonso explained with a trembling voice.

"Kalem, will you be willing to help me stop the Masked Revelations?"

"Ms.Vergendy, about my friends they might... worry about me, not to mention one of them is my cousin."

"Don't worry, they're waiting on the back of the room. It's sealed up completely by that metal door which purpose is to avoid escaping Pokemons to reach the main lobby. They won't know that the Masked Revelations attacked the daycare. Your Pokemons are strong Kalem, I see that they could break through their Mask Manipulation device. Please fight alongside me, we are risking the lives of both people and Pokemon if we don't do this."

"Shaymin, you stay here ok, the rest you come with me!"

"Kalem!? I don't want to stay here alone."

"Shaymin, it's for your own good, they'll be catching you since you are a mythical Pokemon worth billions of bucks. Stay here and as much as possible, hide!" I instructed.

"Ok... but promise me that you'll be safe Kalem."

"Of course Shaymin! Don't worry." I comforted while rubbing her chin. My friends have no idea that the Masked Revelations are attacking. All they know is that there is an interview taking place. The metal door which leads to the back of the room serves as somewhat a bridge to the dome and the lobby.

"Alfonso, open the door!" Connoisseur Vergendy instructed. Alfonso slowly opened the door and checked for men with tuxedos. It seems to us that the coast is clear.

"Good luck Vergendy and Kalem!" Alfonso greeted with a trembling voice and shut the doors quickly after we ran outside the room.


"I said stay on the ground!" One of the grunts commanded while his Arcanine's sharp fangs pointed towards the people.

"Hee, hee! Pleasant greetings everyone." Their boss walked slowly to the counter with her Persian beside her. She had a gradient hair of pink and violet. She wore a white tuxedo, with black gloves on her hand. Just by the sound of her voice, you could say that she's a madman or in this case, madwoman.

It looks to me that their boss is somewhat a Psychopath who holds bombs carelessly.

She tossed a small grenade up and down her hand while walking to the counter. She gave the people a scary and intimidating smile.

"We'll give you the money, just please don't bomb the daycare. Please pity the Pokemons." One of the cashiers begged with fear on her eyes.

"Hush... don't fear us, we came here for the money and not for the Pokemons. Although I love to play with bombs and guns, it sounds like a pretty fun thing to play with." Their boss leaned on the counter desk while speaking to the cashier.

"Please don't. Please don't do what you did to the Aulmurus bank. We'll give you anything except Pokemons."

"Sorry, but I don't care about any Pokemon at all except for our Pokemons of course. Everyone will die with a press of a button, and there is nothing you could do-"

"Gardevoir, quick! Use Psychic and grab the grenade!" I instructed while running across the hallways with Ms.Vergendy. Their boss tossed the grenade one more time and that's when Gardevoir was able to grab it with her Psychic attack.

"Now what? I'm going to be stopped by a kid!? Men, do what you must do and attack the kid and his Pokemons!"

"Arcanine use Fire Fang!"

"Use Thunderbolt Raichu!"

"Use Gust right now Pidgeotto!"

"Now it's time to use Shadow ball Liepard!"

"Reuniclus, use Gravity right now!" All the Pokemons belonging to the grunts were grounded by the move. Their body stuck to the ground due to a firm gravitational pull.

"Give up! You know you're nothing without your grunt's Pokemons!" Ms.Vergendy shouted.

"That's it, I'm going to blow up the whole place with my toys!" Their boss took out a small red remote controller with one large red button in front.

"Ah!? Gardevoir, use Psychic and drag that remote controller to me!" I instructed with panic. Their boss was planning to suicide bomb the whole place, unless she has a plan to escape during the explosion.

Their boss and my Gardevoir played a tug of war between the remote. Our faith depends on whoever claims the remote.

"Reuniclus, keep those Pokemons and grunts grounded with Gravity!" Ms.Vergendy instructed.

"Give the remote controller to me!" Their boss angered while pulling the remote will all her might.

"Gardevoir, you can do this! Pull harder!" I beamed with encouragement.

The remote controller went to Gardevoir. She broke it with the use of her feet, leaving the boss angry and frustrated.

"Remember me kid, we'll meet again! The name's Axis, boss of the Masked Revelations!"

"There is no escape Axis, you're trapped now! It's impossible to escape. Reuniclus, use gravity on their boss!" Ms.Vergendy commanded.

"Darling, you don't know what's possible." Axis giggled and her body suddenly disappeared alongside with the grunts and their Pokemons. Their vehicle also disappeared and vanished in front of my eyes.

"They were using holographic technology. A very high tech one." Ms.Vergendy explained with awe.

"Holographic technology? Then that means, they could make multiple clones of themselves right?"

"I'm afraid so Kalem. They can manipulate anyone's face, therefore-"

"We can't trust anyone anymore," I uttered softly while recalling Mewtwo's instructions.

"Finding them would be hard if they have holographic technology. It's like using a double team except a human uses it instead of a Pokemon." Ms.Vergendy uttered with worry and fear for the future appearances and sightings of the Masked Revelations.

Everybody's fear calmed down except for Ms.Vergendy. She fears that finding their leader would be harder than finding a diamond. With the use of holographic technology, they can clone anyone and everyone. They can make multiple copies of themselves, and fool everyone around them. Maybe that's why Mewtwo told me not to trust anyone anymore.

After calming the commotion, I and Vergendy walked back to the room. Alfonso and Shaymin were relieved to see us without any scars nor wounds.

"Kalem, thank you for helping me fight the Masked Revelations. Although, we must be alert nowadays due to their advanced holographic technology."

"It's fine Ms.Vergendy... but, what if they return here with another look? With that technology they could burn down a city in one night while pretending to be someone else." I warned.

"I'll be researching more about them, since I am a connoisseur after all. For now, I want you to enter the room and join your friends. Pick one Pokemon to adopt, you deserve it. Oh, and by the way, don't tell your friends about what happened today, got it?"

"Don't worry Ms.Vergendy, this incident will remain a secret!" I reassured.

Ms.Vergendy sat on her chair again while I on the other hand passed through the metal door. My friend and cousin were complaining why I took so long, in order to keep the incident a secret, all I replied was, "There were many questions, that's why."

Not only do the Masked Revelations have mask manipulation devices, but they also have advanced holographic technology. With their power to create clones, fake scenarios, and face manipulation, the region is no longer safe. No one can trust anyone anymore when the enemy is hiding behind our backs. Today, the Daycare center was lucky. How long could the region remain lucky from the Masked Revelations' technology? For now, it is time to choose a Pokemon to adopt, but until then? Trusting someone could be harder than stone.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C174
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


