57.6% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 124: EPISODE 124: Heads or Tails!?

章 124: EPISODE 124: Heads or Tails!?

<Magmortarrr!>The Pokemon raged with determination.

<Grovyle! Grovyle!>The Pokemon glared at its foe, as determination filled its spirit.

"Magmortar has the upper hand, since it's a fire type," Zhery uttered with a worried face.

"Speed can defeat type disadvantage, Grovyle is a fast-paced Pokemon," Glade explained.

"The battle, begins now!" Murdock proclaimed!

"Magmortar use sunny day!"

<Magmortar!>The Pokemon's fire attacks were boosted!

"Grovyle, use Leaf storm, and send it directly towards Magmortar!"

"Burn those leaves with flame thrower!"

*The leaves heading towards Magmortar were burned!*

"That's one strong flame thrower! Grovyle, use Iron Tail!"

"Magmortar, grab Grovyle's tail and throw him back to Kalem!"

<Mag! Mag! Magmortar!>The Pokemon grabbed the foe's leg! Grovyle was thrown back to me.

"Grovyle, get up quick!"

"Magmortar, use flame thrower on Grovyle!"

"Dodge it Grovyle!"

<Grov! Grov!>The Pokemon dodged the attack!

"Your Grovyle is fast Kalem, but is it fast enough?" Zedrick grinned.

"Of course it is, Grovyle use Leaf blade on the ground!"

<Grovyle! Grov!>Lare rocks were sliced down, forming numerous shards!

"Use Flame Burst now!"

"Grovyle, use the shards and reflect the Flame burst!"

<Grovyle! Grov!... Grovyle!?>The shards melted! Flame burst was super effective!

"Hehe..." Zedrick grinned.

"Father knew, that Kalem was going to use the battlefield... that's why he boosted Magmortar's fire attacks!" Kira uttered with shock and worry while watching the match.

"Now I get it, thanks to sunny day... Magmortar's flame burst attack doubled and melted the shards!" Glade uttered softly.

"Magmortar, use Fire punch!"

"Grovyle, hide behind the rocks!"

*Magmortar punched the rocks instead of Grovyle! Grovyle was safe and protected!*

"Grovyle, now use Leaf Blade!"

"Counter it with fire punch on the arm!"

<Magmortar! Mag!>The Pokemon damaged the foe's arm! Grovyle's arm sparkled with a yellow veil.

"Oh no Grovyle!" I panicked.

"Grovyle's arm is paralyzed due to Magmortar's strong fire punch, which means Leaf Blade is disabled!" Murdock uttered softly while observing the battle.

"What are you going to do now Kalem Ketsueki? Magmortar, use Flame thrower this time!"

"That's it! Grovyle, spin your tail and use it as a propeller!"

<Grov! Grov! Grov!>The Pokemon spun its tail! Wind began to circulate and blew away the flames!

"That was unexpected... Magmortar, use flamethrower again!"

"Then use the same tactic and blow the flames away!"

*Flame Thrower was canceled !*

"Now use Iron Tail Grovyle!"

"Wrong choice!"

"Wrong choice!?"

"Magmortar, grab Grovyle's leg and use dynamic punch on it!"

<Magmortar!>The Pokemon paralyzed the foe's leg.

"Kalem... focus, Grovyle's tail is the only hope to extinguish Magmortar's flames, yet you used an attack which could make its tails vulnerable. Now you have to deal with two problems, the tail and the legs." Zedrick uttered and explained.

"I haven't thought of that..." I uttered with shock and worry.

"Magmortar... finish Grovyle with Flame Thrower!"

<Magmortar!>The Pokemon unleashed its fire attack! It was super effective!

<Gro... Gro...>The Pokemon dropped and fainted!

"Grovyle is unable to battle... trainer Kalem! Please choose your next Pokemon!" Murdock instructed.

"Grovyle, return to your Pokeball!" Zedrick's explanations made me even more worried! He was able to think of counter-attacks against my Pokemons very quickly while me, on the other hand, made numerous mistake. One mistake is a wasted move!

"Buddy, you're up next!" I beamed with determination.

"Hehe, I'll show Magmortar what I got!" Riolu uttered with determination.

"Let the battle continue!"

"Magmortar, use Flame thrower!"

"Riolu, dodge the attack then use Vacuum Wave!"

*Riolu was able to dodge the attack! Vacuum wave dealt maximum damage*

"Magmortar use Fire Blast!"

"Riolu, dodge the attack then use force palm on Magmortar's pipe thingy!"

Magmortar, burn your pipes!"

<Mag! Magmortar!>The Pokemon burned its pipes!

Riolu touched Magmortar, and burned its palm!

"Well that was unexpected..." Glade uttered with shock.

"Magmortar can handle its own temperature. It's a fire type after all." Kira explained.

"Now use Dynamic punch on Riolu!"

<Rio!>The Pokemon was pushed back!

"Riolu use Vacuum wave instead!"

"Magmortar, quick! Use Flame thrower!"

"Now block it with metal claw!"

*Riolu is trying to withstand the flames while protecting itself with metal claw!*

"Riolu you can do this!" I cheered loudly.

Slowly by slowly, Riolu was able to push back the flame thrower!

"Great Riolu, now use Force palm again!"

<Magmortaaarrrr!>The Pokemon blasted backwards.

"Follow it up, with numerous metal claws!"

<Rio! Rio!>The Pokemon scratched Magmortar's body with metal claw!

"Magmortar, use Flame thrower now!"

<Rioooo!>The Pokemon blasted back!

"Follow it up with fire blast!"

"Dodge it Riolu!"

Riolu's eyes saw the attack coming, he tried to stand up but failed. His body lacked energy.

"Magmortar, finish Riolu with fire punch!"

"Riolu, intercept with force palm!"

*Despite having many wounds, Riolu stood up and intercepted the foe's attack!*

"Push Riolu, Magmortar!"

"Riolu, you can do this! Push Magmortar!"

<Riolu!><Magmortar!>The two Pokemon glared while pushing each other.

"That's it Riolu, let go then dunk! Use Seismic toss!"

*Magmortar's flame thrower missed when Riolu dunked! Seismic toss dealt maximum damage!*

The dust scattered around when Magmortar's body descended to the ground.

From the dust around, two red eyes glared at me and Riolu. The dust cleared sometime later, and Magmortar was still standing firm!?

"That Magmortar, it's overpowered!" Camellia uttered with worry.

"I've been training my Magmortar for years! It won't be defeated with a simple toss. Now use Fire Punch!"

"Riolu, hide behind the rock!"

*Magmortar's fire punch landed on the rock instead!*

"Now use Force palm!"

*Magmortar was sent back!*

"Magmortar use flame thrower again!"

<Rioooo!>The Pokemon wasn't able to react quickly.

"Riolu, you can do this stand firm!"

"Magmortar, use fire punch and finish Riolu!"

"Riolu dunk then use Seismic toss!"

"Kick Riolu!"

*The Pokemon was kicked back to the wall!*

"Riolu! Please don't faint now!" I begged.

Riolu's heart began to pump harder and beat louder. He wiped his sweat away and gasped for air. Riolu's flame was still burning inside of him... and that's when he started to glow again.

A white veil surrounded Riolu's body, as he slowly got taller. Everybody was in awe... Riolu's ears were getting longer but... all of sudden, the evolutionary process stopped!

"Riolu stopped evolving? Well what do you know." Zedrick uttered with relief.

"Even if Riolu doesn't evolve, it's fine by me! Riolu, now use Force palm!"

"Intercept with fire punch!"

"Use Seismic toss on Magmortar!"

"Kick Riolu!"

"Cling to Magmortar's leg then climb up!"

*Riolu was able to climb Magmortar's head!*

"Now use Force palm on its head!"

<Mag!>The Pokemon uttered with pain.

"Magmortar, burn your head!"

*Riolu burned with Magmortar's head!*

"Riolu, don't give up... keep using force palm!"

<Rio! Rio!>Riolu stayed firm under fire and tribulation, he continued to attack Magmortar's head with numerous force palms! Riolu hopped back to my side afterwards.

Me and Zedrick stared at our Pokemons as they wait to see who would drop first. It's only a matter of time and energy.

"Riolu, stay firm! I know you're tired, but we need to win!" I cheered Riolu to comfort his tired soul. Riolu was gasping hardly while glaring at Magmortar.

"Magmortar, don't give up now! This is no place to faint!"

<...>The Pokemon dropped and fainted!

"Riolu is unable to battle, trainer Kalem, please send out your last Pokemon!" Murdock instructed.

"Riolu, at least you tried your best. Take a long nap."

"Magmortar, have this oran berry! You deserve it!"

"Zoroark, it's all up to you now!"

<Zoroark!>The Pokemon raged loudly as it stepped out of her Pokeball.

"It's a one against three, Zedrick has the upper hand." Camellia uttered with worry.

"Battle continue!"

"Magmortar! Use Flame thrower!"

"Zoroark, use Flame Thrower as well!"

<Magmorrrtaarrr... Mag! Mag!>The Pokemon coughed! It was unable to use flame thrower! The foe's flame thrower dealt maximum damage!

"Magmortar is no longer able to battle. Zedrick, please choose your second Pokemon." Murdock instructed.

"Electivire, you're up next!"

<Electivire! Electivire!>

"Let the battle continue!"

"Electivire, use electro ball!"

"Dodge it then use throat chop!"

*Electivire's throat was held by Zoroark's hand, they ascended to the sky as she threw her foe back to the ground!

"Now use night slash on Electivire!"

<Zoroark!>The Pokemon descended on Electivire's belly and sliced it with night slash!

"Electivire, use thunder now!"

*Zoroark was thrown off the foe's belly*

"Electivire, use thunder punch!"

"Quick, use Night daze before Electivire hits you!"

<Zor! Zor!>The Pokemon unleshed its signature move!

"Looks like Kalem is handling Electivire with ease." Glade uttered with relief.

"Zoroark, now use night slash again!"

<Zor! Zor!>

"Again and again! Especially on its face!"

<Zor! Zoroark!>Electivire's face was filled with slashes.

"Electivire, use thunder punch now!"

"Hold Electivire's fist! Then, kick it's stomach!"

<Electivire!>The Pokemon blasted back!

"That Zoroark is strong, Electivire use thunder punch again!"

"Zoroark, rush to Electivire's leg then use night slash!"

*Zoroark ran like a wolf, her attack was able to paralyze the foe's leg!*

"What the!?" Zedrick uttered with shock.

"Now use night daze again!"

*Night daze dealt a critical hit!*

"Electivire is no longer able to battle. Zedrick, please send out your last Pokemon!" Murdock instructed.

"Electivire, thanks for everything. Now come on out Greninja!"

"It's father's favorite Pokemon..." Kira uttered with shock.

"Battle continue!"

"Greninja, use brutal swing!"

<Gren!>The Pokemon ran like a fast-paced ninja!


*Zoroark was tossed to the air brutally! She landed on the ground very harshly.*

<Zor... Zoroark!>The Pokemon pushed herself back!

"Zoroark, use night slash!"

"Intercept with night slash too!"

*Zoroark and Greninja intercepted each other's attack!*

"Zoroark, kick Greninja leg!"

"Use night slash on Zoroark's neck!"

*Both Pokemons blasted back!*

"My neck!>Zoroark uttered in pain. Tears fell from her eyes due to the pain.

"Father doesn't want to see if Kalem is strong!" Kira realized.

"What!? Then why did he challenge Kalem?" Zhery uttered with shock.

"You'll see... It's up to Kalem's decision." Kira uttered softly.

"Zoroark's neck is in pain... It's swelling gravely." I uttered in my mind with worry.

"Greninja, use water shuriken and send it to Zoroark's neck!"

"What the!? Why is Zedrick targetting the neck!"

<Zoroark!>The Pokemon cried in pain.

"Come on Kalem, command Zoroark!" Zhery shouted.

"Zoroark, dodge the attack!"

*The Pokemon was unable to dodge the attack! It was focused on her neck.*

The goal of battling is not to make the foe bleed, but why did Zedrick make Zoroark's neck bleed.

"Come on Kalem... whatever you're thinking, it's correct! Father's testing you." Kira uttered softly.

"I'm not a murderer, but the trial must go on." Zedrick uttered on his mind.

"Zoroark, can... can you still handle the pain?" I queried with worry.

"K... Kalem, command me a move." Zoroark instructed.

"Your neck is bleeding Zoroark, can you-"

"Just do it Kalem! I can handle it, command me a move!" Zoroark instructed while holding her painful neck.

"Zo... Zoroark, use night slash." I uttered with uncertainty. I started to worry on my mind.

"Greninja, grab Zoroark's neck and pinched it! Throw Zoroark afterward!" Zedrick instructed.

"What the!?" I uttered with surprise.

Zoroark was thrown to the sky, and landed back harshly. Zoroark pushed herself up, but her neck was bleeding heavily. Tears fell off her eyes, but she still wanted to fight.

"Zedrick's not battling anymore." Camellia utterd with worry.

"My father sacrificed Electivire on purpose so that Greninja could come out. A Ketsueki, does not live only to become a champion, but also to..." Kira uttered slowly.

"Kalem! A move please?" Zoroark begged.

I was speechless for a moment. How could I overcome this situation.

"Greninja, use Night slash on Zoroark's torso!"

<Gren! Gren!>The Pokemon pushed Zoroark to the wall!

Zoroark knew if she gave up, all those training we did yesterday would be wasted. She pulled herself together and handled the pain. No matter how many blood fell on the ground, she still trusts me that we could win together!

"Kalem! Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me." Zoroark uttered while crying in pain.

"Finish Zoroark, with water Shuriken on the neck!" Zedrick uttered with hesitation. It was like, he doesn't want to do it but has to.

"Zoroark!" I shouted and panicked. I had no choice but to protect Zoroark's neck, it was bleeding, even if it's a battle, it' a trainer's duty to protect his or her Pokemon.

"Kalem what!?" Zoroark uttered with shock, she saw me blocking and protecting her body.

"Wait what!?" Everybody was speechless and surprised!

I blasted back and protected Zoroark's weak and injured body.'

"Kalem no! I didn't mean to..." Zedrick uttered with worry and rushed towards me.

My friends alongside Kira stood up as well, even Murdock was concerned.

I pushed my body back up, and protected my Zoroark.

"Zedrick, I surrender!" I shouted loudly.

"I know, that if I surrender, I will be called a loser and a scapegoat. I don't care if people call me a quitter, I don't care if my reputation declines." I uttered loudly.

Zoroark was behind me, listening to what I was saying in front of my friends, my cousin, Murdock, and Zedrick.

"Let the people call me a quitter, I'll stand and protect my Pokemon! It is a trainer's duty to protect his or her Pokemon, Zoroark is no exception. Her neck is badly injured, and I can't let her condition worsen. I will take a rematch against Murdock. I'm fine with that, at least my Zoroark is safe and protected!"

Zedrick's face smiled greatly towards me. He clapped his hands slowly while walking towards me.

"Kalem Ketsueki, you remind me of your mother," Zedrick uttered softly.

"M... My mother?"

"Your mother said the exact same words when she battled against her father. Her father was using a Chesnaught against her Blaziken. Chesnaught was targetting Blaziken's neck, so your mother decided to stop and surrender." Zedrick uttered softly as tears flowed from her eyes.

"It is not about winning nor losing, it's how you fought. No matter what the situation is, no matter what's happening around you... A Ketsueki, is always compassionate towards not only his or her Pokemons but to every Pokemon he or she sees." Zedrick uttered softly.

"You have proven today, that you value your compassion towards your Pokemons rather than having many victories and trophies. Zoroark's eagerness to battle, even if she has a wound on her neck, and your compassion towards her has shown me how unbreakable your bond is." Zedrick added.

"I challenged you, so I could see how compassionate you are, in times like this. What makes you different from other trainers, is you... value other's life first before yours." Zedrick added.

Zedrick's words left me speechless. The whole match was a trial, to see and test my compassion towards others during times like this.

"Th... Thank you Zedrick. Murdock, I'll be taking my rematch tomorrow." I uttered with relief while helping Zoroark stand up.

"No need for a rematch. You deserve the gym badge, win or lose. As a gift for your compassion, I give you the Phantom badge!" Murdock smiled and handed me a violet ghost badge.

"Thank you Murdock... thank you Zedrick," I uttered with joy and relief.

"Have you opened the wooden box I gave you?" Zedrick queried.

"Umm... I forgot, hehe!" I uttered with embarrassment.

"That's ok, just open it when you need it. For now, didnt you say that you were going to catch a legendary bird?" Zedrick recalled.

"Oh right, I almost forgot! Thank you so much Zedrick. I'll be doing that, first thing in the morning!" I beamed with excitement.

"Alright, I suggest that you go to the Pokemon center first, before going back to the hotel." Murdock proposed.

"Don't worry, I'll be doing that right away!"

A trainer's duty is to strengthen his or her Pokemons, to train them, and to grow closer with them. In order to grow closer, one must show compassion to his or her Pokemons. When there is compassion, there is love. Love is what strengthens the bond between trainers and Pokemon! It's not about winning or losing, it's how you fought which counts! It's legendary hunting time!

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C124
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


