50.69% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 109: EpISODE 109: Mission Accepted!

章 109: EpISODE 109: Mission Accepted!

Sweat fell off my face, I clenched my fist firmly with an exasperated face. I walked out of the cavern with carelessness and negligence. Vengeance still succumbed to my heart for all those who have betrayed and lied against me.

We have failed, the Chaos Regime left the cavern with Genesect under their control. The visions gave me hope, I thought my parents were still alive, where are they? What is my purpose in the cavern, why did the visions send me here? Who is Hoopa, and what does he have to do with me?

"Zoroark... Zoroark..." The voice called in Zoroark's head again.

Zorua ignored the voice, her heart was filled with regrets for all she had done to me. The voice kept calling Zoroark but she kept on neglecting.

"Great, no oxygen! We're stuck down here." I uttered with frustration while glaring at my scuba outfit. I forgot, I forgot that those two impotent girls wasted half an hour watching schools of fish.

"Kalem," Riolu rushed with a worried look on his face.

I released all my frustration and outrage at my oxygen can by kicking it roughly. Tears slowly flowed through my eyes while kicking the oxygen can.

"Kalem, why are you kicking that can?" Riolu queried with confusion and went near to me. I continued to neglect Riolu's confrontation and began to kick the can hardly.

"Are you frustrated because your parents aren't here?" Riolu tilted his head to the left and queried.

"I spent more than a month just to reach this place, I was so excited to meet my parents and now this place tells me that they're dead!" I uttered with outrage and kicked the oxygen can one more time. A large dent formed at the can due to my rough actions.

I leaned on one sturdy rock, weeping in distress and anguish while remembering the memories I had with my dearest parents. I cried loudly with my cap turned down.

Riolu went close to me and sat right beside me.

"If you're trying to comfort me, it won't work," I uttered while quavering.

"Cheer up!" Riolu smiled and uttered. He tried to do silly faces to turn my face upside down.

"Your silly faces won't work..." I uttered while quavering.

"They used to work when you were eight years old. Cheer up, it's almost new year!" Riolu smiled and squished my cheeks.

"New year is in two months time. I was expecting to celebrate the event with my parents." I uttered while quavering.

"At least you have me, Scyther, Zoroua I mean Zoroark, and our whole team! We can do that together right?" Riolu smiled while wiping my tears away.

"Stop Riolu, just leave me alone. I don't want to talk to anyone for now."

"But I want to talk to you! I can't let my trainer feel sad and lonely after what happened today." Riolu smiled and wiped my tears.

"Thanks, Riolu, I need a hug." I grabbed Riolu's body and hugged him tightly.

"There, there! Cheer up Kalem. We still have four badges to take!" Riolu hugged me back and tried to inspire me. He tried to boost my confidence.

"Kalem, it looks like you're having a bad time," Draco uttered and walked closer to me.

"Dr... Draco? Elite four? Zhery? Glade?" Everybody was there beside me.

"Come on, it's time to go back up. I have some spare oxygen tanks. They fit perfectly in my bag, don't ask me how." Draco smiled and teased.

"Well technically, you can put a bicycle in your bag." Zhery teased. Camellia and Zoroark were there as well, but they were too shy to talk to me.

All of us ascended back to the shore. It was already night time and the waters were cold.

"I guess the Scuba seller was right. A bunch of kids did go to the cavern." Groyle uttered.

"Thank, you elite four, for helping us in the cavern." Zhery smiled.

"Nah, no problem! You should thank the Scuba seller she was the one who told us about you and team chaos." Draco smiled at patted Zhery's head.

"Be safe, all of you, and Kalem, if a Pokemon confronts you later, please do not hesitate to talk." Melody smiled. I ignored all their last-minute communication and chattings.

"Alright Kalem, where are we headed next?" Zhery queried.

"We? What do you mean we? I'm going on my own journey." I uttered solemnly with my cap turned down. Zoroark, Riolu and Gardevoir followed my footsteps as I walked further.

"Why are you following me Zoroark?" I queried.

"Y... you said you were going. I'm your Pokemon, so I'll follow you." Zoroark uttered.

"I don't have liars in my team. Here's your Pokeball." I tossed and gave Zoroark her Pokeball, it had the dark type symbol on it. It was the special edition Pokeball which Ms. Beatrice gave me.

"Woah Kalem, aren't you being overdramatic and immature? You're going to release Zoroark!?" Zhery uttered and infuriated.

"Do you know how it's like to lose your parents!? To be lied upon especially by a Pokemon you trust the most? I never said I was going to release Zoroark cause I'll never do that. I'll come back for her once my mood is back to normal." I shouted and infuriated towards all of my friends.

"Kalem, I know how you feel but this shouldn't be the way." Glade uttered.

"Weren't you listening!? I said I won't release Zoroark! She can release herself if she wants. She has her Pokeball." I shouted and raged back.

Zoroark's eyes began to flow with sorrows, she squeezed her Pokeball tightly in her hand, threw it at me and ran away to the forest.

"Zoroark!" I shouted with worry as she ran away.

"Now look what you did!? Find Zoroark and heal her feelings!" Zhery instructed.

"She'll return to me, this is goodbye, from now on, I'll be traveling alone!" I uttered solemnly and grabbed her Pokeball at the floor.

"Kalem wait! I want to apologize for not telling you the truth." Camellia uttered solemnly.

I ignored the traitor and walked slowly towards the woods. Gardevoir and Riolu were looking worried as we walked further from my friends.

Camellia tried to chase me but Zhery grabbed her hand.

"No, let Kalem for now. He'll return soon." Zhery instructed. Camellia didn't listen to Zhery and ignored her instruction. She pulled her hand and went to the woods to find me.

"Kalem, I think we should go back." Gardevoir suggested.

"We're going to Fantasma city. I need my 5th gym badge."

"Kalem, Gardevoir is right. Maybe we can just forgive Camellia and Zoroark, after all, she's your best friend right?" Riolu added and suggested.

"Traitors aren't friends, they are enemies. Zoroark will find me once she's done with her crying business." I uttered solemnly.

"Well it's your decision, just don't regret doing so," Riolu warned.

"Kalem! Kalem wait!" Someone called from the background.

"What do you want traitor?" I queried solemnly.

"I'm sorry I lied, I'm sorry I've been hiding secrets." Camellia apologized with a heavy heart.

"I was traveling, with the daughter of the fallen king? You expect me to travel with you again?"

"Kalem, I..." Camellia turned speechless.

"I treated you because you were my best friend, you betrayed me! Did I ever betray you? You should've come with your parents."

"I left the Chaos regime because I didn't believe in their work, I betrayed them and not you! Kalem, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this. I know it's hard for you to accept that I'm the daughter of your parent's most hated person," Camellia knelt and apologized. Tears fell off her eyes as she begged for mercy.

"I'm no longer your best friend, Gardevoir and Riolu? Let's go!" I uttered solemnly and began to walk again. I left Camellia crying on the moist soil with the moon shining bright upon her.

Camellia began to cry deeply while regretting every single moment in the cavern.

"But... you're more than a friend to me," Camellia uttered softly. I wasn't able to hear Camellia's last statement, the tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down on her face.

The immortal flower in Camellia's hair decayed slowly and turned grey. Her heart was filled with sorrows, and once a heart is filled with sorrows? It turns black just like a heart filled with hatred.

On a steady log lies Zoroark, weeping and crying. Hoopa called to her again, and tried to convince her.

"Zoroark, I know you're full of questions." The voice uttered.

"Am I talking to Kalem's mind again?" Zoroark queried while weeping.

"Well technically I am talking to you through his mind."

"What are you doing in his mind anyway? Why did you lie? You said his parents were alive, look what happened to me and my trainer!" Zoroark infuriated.

"A Pokemon like me can stay in one's mind as long as the mind won't be corrupted. Once the mind is corrupted, unbound Hoopa takes over, I never lied Zoroark, his parents are alive, even Mewtwo himself declared it."

"Then where are they!? I don't see my trainer looking happy! You wanna know why? Cause his parents are dead!"

"His parents are alive... The first four rings were to show him the way to the cavern, and the way to the truth."

"You mean the prophecy? The judgment prophecy?"

"Yes, his parents were indeed in the cavern, but that's a secret for another time."

"Wait, if Kalem's parents are in the cavern, that means!"

"Yes, whatever you're thinking, it's correct, but now it's time for my last three rings." Hoopa uttered.

"Where do you want me to lead him Hoopa? Mount Alympus?"

"Yes, bring the boy to the last location which is four cities from here. Once history repeats itself only then will his parents come forth." The voice uttered and left Zoroark.

"I have to find Kalem!" Zoroark stood up from the log and uttered with determination. She tried to run back as fast as she can.

I sent Gardevoir back to her Pokeball and walked forwards to the city. The city was only six kilometers from where I was. My mind was floating while walking towards the city. Riolu looked at me with a worried and anxious face when all of a sudden...

"Ah!" I accidentally tripped on a piece of twig which led me to rolling down a cliff. I was able to cling on the edge of the cliff, but I wasn't strong enough to lift my body up.

"Kalem, I'm coming!" Riolu uttered with worry as he rushed as fast as he could.

Me and Kalem's hand almost touched each other but he was late by a few seconds.

"Kalem no!" Riolu shouted as my body fell off the steep and abrupt terrain.

Before my body reached the grown, something glew from above me. The glow sent out a veil which caused me to float, at first... I couldn't see the Pokemon but it was slowly getting clear. Mewtwo saved my life.

Riolu tried to find a way down after seeing my body fall off the edge of the cliff.

Mewtwo made me float with the help of its hands. He sent me high into the sky and leveled me with itself.

"M... Mewtwo!?" I uttered with shock.

"If it wasn't for I, you would've died," Mewtwo uttered with its majestic voice.

"Thank you, Mewtwo, me and my Pokemons are headed to the city."

"What about your friends? Aren't they coming with you?" Mewtwo queried.

"No, I'm no longer their friends. Especially that traitor!" I uttered with frustration.

"The way you reflect on the past will determine who you are in the future."

"I don't lean on the past-"

"But you learn from it. Right? Why don't you forgive your friend Camellia, and your Pokemon Zoroark? After all, Camellia cooked for you right? Zorua which is now Zoroark fought for you right?" Mewtwo recalled.

"Well, you have a point..."

"Maybe if you start looking on one's good side, rather than one's bad side... who knows?"

"You have a point Mewtwo, Camellia did cook for me, and Zorua cared for me a lot. They helped me in my journey, everybody makes a wrong turn once in a while."

"Now that's the true attitude of a son who belongs to parents who sacrificed themselves to save this world." Mewtwo uttered.

"I wish parents were here with me." I uttered solemnly.

"They are with you, Kalem. They will always be with you, your parents are alive." Mewtwo uttered.

"Alive? Where are they now, in mount Alympus?" I queried sarcastically.

"They're here." Mewtwo pointed and tapped my beating heart.

"As long as they're in your heart, they flow inside of you, in your veins and vessels, they'll always be with you," Mewtwo uttered.

"Thanks Mewtwo, thanks for everything." I smiled and wiped my tears away.

"Now, I need you to go to Mount Alympus, it is my sole purpose here." Mewtwo instructed.

"It must be because of that prophecy huh? You want me to fulfill right?"

"The prophecy has already begun. The flower which leads you to the light turned black and decayed, leading you to the darkness. Do you understand what those words mean?"

"Yeah, there's a flower somewhere there which is probably shiny and attractive right? Then when I go close to it, the flower turns black and stuff like that. It mostly happens in movies and stuff."

"Your predictions are wrong my boy, the flower you seek has been with you for a long time, has been traveling with you for a long time."

"The immortal flower?"

"The bearer of the immortal flower led you to the path of frivolity, she betrayed you and led you to darkness. Her heart decayed and turned black, just like the prophecy's statements."

"C... Camellia is the flower? Well, her name is a flower after all. You're saying that was supposed to happen!?"

"A lot of things are supposed to happen, some may be unexpected. The prophecy doesn't literally mean flower, there are those which you don't understand yet."

"The flower in the prophecy was referring to Camellia's betrayal. Meaning, what's next could be..."

"That's for you to find out, now? I need you to apologize to your friends. Travel four more cities and reach the top of mount Alympus, trust no one except your friends, even the traitor. Trust and train with your Pokemons, for what's about to come shall be fascinating. This is the start of the prophecy, the prophecy has begun. Why do you think your father and mother, the golden rings wanted to lead you to the cavern?"

"Because they knew about Camellia," I uttered with shock.

"Now, your mission... should you choose to accept?"

"Yes Mewtwo, lead it to me.." I beamed with excitement.

"I must warn you Kalem, on top of the mountain lies a grave battle and war to come. A war which would disrupt the prophecy as the two governing force clash against each other, one which is led by Arville, and one which is led by you. You belong to creation, the Pokemon of creation chose you to fulfill the prophecy and to restore balance to the governing force. Trust no one except for your friends and Pokemons, even the supernatural ones."

"Supernatural? What do you mean by that?"

"Who knows? Maybe someone is also leading you to the mountain for his or her own desire. We'll know soon, for now, win your Fantasma city gym badge!" Mewtwo uttered.

"About you Mewtwo, where will you be going?"

"I'll be waiting for you, on the peak of the mountain. Your Riolu's waiting for you, go now. I can't resist his cuteness!" Mewtwo descended me slowly from the skies.

"Kalem, your alive! I thought there was some kind of alien abduction or something." Riolu hugged and cried with joy. I hugged Riolu back as my raging heart was calmed again.

"Come on Riolu, we have many wounds to heal!" I beamed with excitement and determination...

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C109
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


