41.75% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 119: Orange Islands

章 119: Orange Islands

Delia looked at the dark sky listlessly as she waited for news. Professor Oak had gone to try and get in contact with the young trainers especially Gold. But because of the weather they could not get a clear signal. Delia noticed a pavilion at the end of the island and walked up to there only to be greeted by Venasaur and Slowking.

Delia, "You are... Ivysaur, you evolved. Oh my! Don't you look handsome."

Venasaur wrapped his vines around Delia and gave her a comforting squeeze, "Saur vena saur."

Delia sighed, "I'm worried about him, he is my only baby, you know?"

Venasaur nodded as he looked over at the stormy weather, "Saur!"

Delia, "He is a lot like his father, you know?"

Venasaur looked up, "Ve?"

Delia nodded, "Always trying to help others, even if it means putting his life in danger."

Tyrunt, Magby and Omanyte joined them as Delia told them stories about Ash when he was younger. Especially how he would try to help Professor Oak take care of the Pokemon in the lab. The starters were always his favorite to care for and the trio loved the attention they would get from Ash.

Delia, "Maybe, it's just in his blood."

Rose, "It definitely was, although the Pokemon adored my son, they were not as clingy with him like they were with Ash."

Delia, "I hope he returns unhurt for all our sakes."

Rose, "He will, my nephew is strong and stubborn like his mother."

Delia gave a laugh at that and turned to look at the horizon where the storm seemed to have become wilder. Gold, Maren and Carol headed to the last island as according to Carol that was where strange activities occurred the most. Gold's Togekiss was frowning as she approached the island, she was getting a bad feeling from it. Gold pat her wing and motioned her to glide down and land at the end of the island. Carol got off Maren's Kingdra and looked around the Ice island, just like it's name it was covered in ice.

Gold, "Alright then, let's go see where the Fire Legendary is being held and free him."

Carol, "Him? It could be female too, you know."

Gold, "I have met the female one, and she's on Mt Silver spring this one is definitely male."

Tracey, "This way, I found some strange tracks."

Maren, "They look like tire tracks. Let's follow them."

Gold led the group through the forest and up the hill, with Togekiss flying above them, she insisted on staying outside. Togekiss quickly flew down and stopped them from moving forward and just in time too. From behind the hill cane out one of the most ridiculous looking air ship Gold has seen. He thanked Togekiss for his quick thinking before asking if he could lift them there. Togekiss gave him a look before sighing and taking them to the flying fortress.

Carol, "So we are here, I can't see anyone."

Maren, "This way, I hear fighting."

Gold, "Let's go!"

Tracey, "Things are going to get messy, aren't they?"

Gold, "Welcome to the world of a Champion."

Jessie was battling, "Seviper poison tail."

James beside her, "Cacturne poison dust."

The two poison types used the most lethal version of their poison, the ones who were clever enough to prepare anti poison survived, while the rest died. The two tried their best to keep the kills as painless as possible knowing full well that if their partners could they would have avoided killing. Unfortunately, however you cannot make decisions for others, and if you don't do what needs to be done, it'll be someone else who ends up paying the price for the blunder. Seviper hissed as he swiped his tail across the human's throat killing him in an instant before following his trainer.

Jessie, "How did they figure out we were not one of them?"

James, "I don't know Jess, although I'm guessing it is the hair you are wearing. You know you pissed off Arianna while sporting that look."

Meowth, "No shit, luk it dos nt mater. Let's do 'ur jobs witout hiding."

James grinned feral, "Right, let's go Marriane, help Cacturne."

Jessie, "You too, Bewear."

The two Alolan Pokemon charged with gusto getting surprised yells from the grunts before they moved to the main control center. It had been a set back the sudden ambush on them but at the same time a good chance to take them out. Jessie had to agree using the get up they had worn back in Mt Moon was probably not their brightest ideas, considering who they had pissed off. But the three of them were known for compromising, adapting and adjusting to the situation as required. There was a reason why Giovanni trusted them despite their young age compared to other agents.

Gold, "Did you see that?"

Coral, "Yes, I did, come Starmie my friend. It looks like we will be battling side by side after all."

Maren, "Poliwrath, lend me your strength."

Gold, "Let's do this Typholsion old friend, Ambipom, join Togekiss and support."

Tracey, "Scyther help us, Venonat you as well."

The Pokemon nodded and got ready to fight the grunts who were already attacking them using, Hitmonchan, Crobat and Raticate. The group battled and Gold and the others came out as winners before heading towards where they assuned control center is located. On the way Gold came across Jessie, James and Meowth who were surprised to see him.

Jessie, "Red sent you?"

Gold, "You know.... Wait you three are the ones he told me to meet up with."

Carol, "Great more hands to help. Do you know where they are keeping the big bird?"

Meowth, "It's nowere bel'w so it's pro'ably upstairs in the main c'ntrol."

Maren, "You talk.... Huh, I thought the Meowth worshippers were just pulling my leg again."

Meowth shivered, "Dun rem'nd me."

Tracey, "It was you they were talking about?"

Jessie, "Enough talk, more battling. Lawrence has seen the other two legendaries and is moving in their direction."

Carol, "What are we waiting for? Let's go."

The rag tag group fought their way to the main control room where they came across two stronger than normal Houndoom guarding the door. Tracey and Maren stayed to deal with it and it's trainer while the others went ahead.

Tracey, "Scyther use agility and slash."

Grunt, "Houndoom flamethrower both of you!"

Maren, "Poliwrath use hydro pump."

Scyther dodged using agility and hydro pump clashed with the two flamethrowers. The corridor was covered in mist because of the two attacks and Scyther moved through the mist to attack. The Houndooms sensed the attack and dodged while the Scyther attacked again nicking one on it's left paw. One Houndoom hissed with a limping paw being held up.

Tracey smirked, "Looks like they have not been trained properly despite the terrifying looks, they are still green."

Maren, "We can win this Carol."

Grunt, "Try us, bitch! We will not fail."

While Maren and Tracey battled the grunt and Gold, Carol, Jessie, James and Meowth teamed up, Ash and the others were on lightning island. Gou looked around curiously as Ash and Melody searched for the temple on the island.

Gou, 'Will have to return later to video the writings here.'

Ash, "I think I found it but we have to solve a puzzle."

Melody, "What goes up but never comes down?"

Gou, "Goes up but never comes down? Is it talking about a Pokemon?"

Ash, "I don't think so."

Melody, "What could go up but not come down? Sky? No! Clouds? No, it comes down as rain..... Mountains? No!"

Ash, "It could be age or time."

Gou, "Oh yeah! Age goes up but it never comes back down, does it?"

Melody, "Age? That is probably true... Want me to write the answer?"

Ash, "Yeah, go ahead."

The first door opened and they were looking at steps going downwards towards the middle of the island. They looked at each other before shrugging and going down the stairs to wherever it led them. Ash felt his hair rise at the feeling of being watched as he followed Melody who was stiffly walking in front of them. They came across a Magnezone standing infront of another door and he pointed at them and attacked. Pikachu jumped and used Iron tail while Phantump used wood hammer to take the attack.

Ash, "Pikachu, Phantump are you okay?"

Pikachu chirped, "Pika!"

Phantump flew infront of Ash protectively, "Pha phaaa phaaaa.", he seemed to be scolding Magnezone who looked amused.

Melody approached the gaurdian of Lightning island, "We are not here to fight, we came to collect the stone to summon Lugia and restore the balance. Please let us through."

Magnezone, -Child, if you cannot win against me, do you think you can win against those who caught one of our Lords?-

Ash froze before lowering his cap, "I see, very well. I will battle you and I will win."

Gou, "Are you sure Ash?"

Ash, "He has a point, if we can't handle him, we won't be able to handle Team Rocket, who by the way captured Moltress."

Melody opened her mouth to protest before closing it again, "Fine, be careful though. He is this island's, no this temple's Gaurdian for a reason."

Ash, "Let's do this Pika..."

Banette interrupted, "Nette!"

Ash blinked, "You want to battle? Are you sure?"

Banette nodded, "Net!"

Ash, "Alright then, get ready for battle Banette."

Magnezone got up and shot a thunder wave which Banette dodged by disappearing to the ground. He reappeared closer to the electric type laughing it's creepy laugh.

Ash, "Dark pulse!"

Banette shot a dark pulse that Magnezone dodged by floating upwards. Banette looked at him disgruntled before dodging the discharge attack coming towards him.

Ash, "Shadow sneak followed by Phantom Force."

Banette hid in the shadow away from the sight of others before using phantom force to attack the electric type and hit him. Banette gave a tch or the equivalent of it before disappearing again. He knew he was perhaps biting off more than he could chew but he was itching for a battle.

Lucario, -He has become stronger than before.-

Melody who was still trying to get used to Lucario talking, "Really?"

Gou nodded, "Bannete has so far taken part in normal battles against opponents who are similar in level as he is. Magnezone is probably the first opponent who is stronger than him."

Phantump, "Phaaaa."

Lucario, -They'll have to use wits to win this battle.-

Ash, "Now curse!"

Banette opened his mouth and cursed Magnezone who's curses made the three humans blush. Banette grinned at getting a second hit before disappearing again into the shadows.

Ash, "Now use sucker punch."

Banette appeared before Magnezone and sucker punched him. Magnezone took the punch before getting up laughing making them look at him incredulously.

Magnezone, -You pass!-

Gou, "Eh?"

Melody, "When?"

Ash, "Are we missing something?"

Magnezone pointed at a plaque on the right, -It says you have to survive against me for ten minutes. Most challengers just try to attack me directly getting knocked out instantly.-

Ash, "Oh! I get it."

Gou, "I almost didn't notice that."

Melody, "Huh! Tests sure are weird."

Ash, "Thank you, Magnezone."

Banette nodded, "Nette banette."

Phantump nuzzled his friend's cheek congratulation him on winning, "Phaaan."

Ash moved to the door which was open now and looked inside the underground main temple. Magnezone explained the temple outside was only meant to accept offerings of the Pokemon and humans who pay homage to the Lord of thunder.

Gou, "These depictions are beautiful."

Cinderace, "Ace!"

Melody, "I think this is the story of my ancestor, when she first came here."

Ash nodded, "She went through a different set of tests though, as she didn't have Pokemon with her."

Pikachu, "Pika pikachu."

Lucario, -Well they were in the middle of a war, not exactly the best time to bother with others who are not direct family. Although I can never imagine not meeting you, Meema.-

Ash, "Same here Luc, same here. It seems she went through mental tests more than physical ones like us."

Melody, "Yeah, she did. I can't imagine being without a Pokemon partner when you are out there. Even my sister got a partner to stay by her side when she took up responsibility for my father's business."

Magnezone, -Things were different back then, however things will be bad soon now, if you do not hurry. Go children, take what must be taken and do what must be done.-

Ash nodded, "We will."

They moved to the alter where the jewel representing the electric energy was sitting glowing in the dim light. Ash put it inside the capsule next to the flame jewel and Magnezone used magnetic rise to take them out of the temple.

Melody, "Last stop is ice island..... What is that?"

Ash, "R? Quick hide!"

Gou pulled Melody behind him, "That's Team Rocket, a criminal organization, who steals and poach Pokemon."

Melody glared, "So they are the ones who created this mess."

Lucario, -Afraid so, yes, they are coming from Ice island, you don't think?-

Ash, "We are gonna go there, and check it out, just in case the island has a temple Guardian guarding the temple. They might be hurt or might have moved the temple."

Gou, "I hope the others are okay."

Melody, "My sisters is up there doing her best, we better do our best too."

[A. N.: Okay! Network is being a headache here. And I don't know if I'll be able to upload the next chapter.

At least I got one chapter uploaded tho.]

next chapter
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