31.57% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 90: Kanto

章 90: Kanto

The group soon came across a very famous canyon called Grampa canyon where they could see people digging the ground. Tomo looked at them curiously as Brock explained the place was very famous for it's intact fossils of very old prehistoric Pokemon. Tomo wanted to check it out and the group agreed to try their luck, also Ash could get to know his new Pokemon.

Ash, "Come out Chimchar, you too Charmeleon and Togepi."

Chimchar looked up at Ash, "Char chim?"

Charmeleon, "Mel."

Togepi, "Gepi."

Ash talked to Chimchar softly, "We are about to search for fossils, want to join us? It'll be fun."

Chimchar looked hesitant before nodding, "Char."

Ash, "Great, we are gonna be a team and search for them together, okay."

Chimchar gave a tentative smile and Ash watched as Chimchar went with his two Pokemon. Diamond had told him the young fire monkey was a rescue from a bunch of poachers that had attacked his home. Ash had requested to increase his pokeball limit and Nurse Joy had allowed it after seeing his success with the other hurt Pokemon. She gave him a permission slip with both her and Professor Oak's signature on them that allowed him to carry both Phantump and Chimchar as non battlers. It would change if with Pokemon decided to battle though.

Misty, "How is he?"

Ash, "He is doing better, he doesn't flinch anymore."

Brock, "I'm happy to hear that, it's sad what happened to him."

Duplica grumbled under her breath, "Poachers are assholes."

Ash searched for a fossil and came across a dome shaped rock that the fossil expert examined and said was an Omanyte egg fossil. Ash was quite happy with his find and Chimchar was relaxed as they enjoyed themselves, which in Ash's book was a double win. Brock meanwhile found a Kabutops shell fossil while Jameson found the fossilized jaw of an Aerodactyle. The people got very excited at the thought of finding more fossils in the area they were digging in and started to gather there. Ash found an egg just like in the anime and decided to move as Chimchar was getting antsy. The others joined them soon and they left the Canyon together, Jameson was telling them about a fossil expert in Cinnabar and how he could help them revive the Pokemon.

Ash, "Hey Tomo, you know when I was your age I got Lucario here as an egg."

Tomo's eyes widened, "Really?"

Ash took out the egg he had found, "What do you say? Want to take care of this little guy?"

Tomo, "Yes, I will take good care of them."

Brock smiled and spoke up, "I heard there are is a famous Farfetch'd Cafe around here."

Tomo looked at the pokedex that Ash took out to show him, "Looks like a fun Pokemon."

Misty, "Is it close by here? I'm starting to get hungry a bit."

Jameson, "Correct, they are up ahead."

A young teen came out of a Farfetch'd style cafe, "Welcome to Farfetch'd Cafe, my name is Keith and what can I get you?"

Ash, "We were wondering about the Farfetch'd and I was craving for some Farfetch'd special lasagna, extra large please I got eight Pokemon on me."

Keith, "Ah! Of course."

Duplica, "Hot choco latte and some of your Farfetch'd cookies with extra serving of your cheese pasta, please. It'll be for me and five Pokemon."

Misty, "Chocolate drink and some of your Farfetch'd pie for me and my six Pokemon."

Keith, "Right."

Brock, "Farfetch'd lunch special for myself and my six Pokemon."

Tomo, "Strawberry milkshake and lasagna, I don't have a Pokemon yet."

Jessilina, "Coffee please and burgers for my six Pokemon and myself."

Jameson, "Coffee and the same as she said about burgers!"

Keith smiled, "Coming right up, buddy why don't you entertain these fine folks?"

Farfetch'd gave a salute and started to perform tricks getting a delighted laugh from Tomo, Chimchar, Phantump, Corsula and Dewpider. Farfetch'd grinned at the happy laughs he got from them and performed some more before the food came and they dug in for lunch. Ash and the others shared their food with the rest of the Pokemon who were quiet happy to try out the human food from time to time.

Chimchar had been shocked at first, the humans who had caught him barely gave him half a plate of food and now he always had more than enough. Chimchar started to sniffle, making Ash look at him worriedly but a shake of head from Charmeleon kept him from approaching Chimchar. He was eating and crying with the Pokemon around him giving him support quietly

Brock spoke quietly, "So the dam finally broke."

Ash nodded, "Yeah, it did, and we'll be here for him."

They finished their lunch quietly and thanked Keith for the delicious meal before leaving the Cafe. Keith bid them farewell after he made sure they were truly okay, Ash gave Keith the watered down version of what had happened to Chimchar and the teen understood. He made a few spice cookies that fire types enjoyed to the little one as they left. Ash was carrying the bag as Chimchar was riding on one shoulder and Phantump on the other shoulder. They were both cooing at the bag but Ash told them to save some for later.

Duplica, "You know I think you got a radar for eggs in the wild."

Ash, "Huh?"

Misty giggled, "She means it's not the first time you found an egg Ash."

Brock, "Oh yeah, you guys told us Ash found Lucario as an egg as well right?"

Lucario nodded, -Yes, Meema did.-

Meowth, "So Ash is an egg m'gnet."

Ash rolled his eyes, "Don't be ridiculous you guys. Anyways isn't there a poke centre up ahead?"

Jameson smiled, "Yes there is, actually."

Jessilina, "Want to get the Pokemon egg checked out?"

Ash, "That and change Jigglypuff for Ivysaur, the Professor says he had been antsy."

Tomo and Ash gave the egg and Chimchar to Nurse Joy for a check up before Ash called the Professor to exchange Ivysaur and Jigglypuff's pokeballs. Ivysaur glomped Ash the moment he came out snuggling him making Ash laugh at the ticklish feeling before he pat Ivysaur to let him stand. Ivysaur got off from Ash and turned to greet the newest member of the family who Nurse Joy had brought back after the check up.

Nurse Joy, "Chimchar is healing well and the rest of the Pokemon are just fine too, Ash, and your egg is an healthy as it can be Tomo."

Ash, "That's a relief. Chimchar meet Ivysaur, he is like you in a way."

Ivysaur nodded in greeting and Chimchar started to chatter with the grass type, Ash would have moved but Ivysaur had his vines around his waist. He wondered why he was being clingy all of a sudden and if something had spooked him out. Ivysaur let go of Ash after a while and sat down to have a chat with the other Pokemon Ash had, he looked very grave and serious.

Lucario, -What's the matter brother?-

Ivysaur, "Saur ivysaur?", 'What do you know about the mysterious garden?'

Milotic, -Nothing much except it increases the Venasaur line's perception of the world and beyond or it increases the lines power.-

Ivysaur nodded, "Saur saur ivy saur saur ivysaur.", 'You are right it does and the last time I went there was two nights ago.'

Charmeleon, "Char me leon.", 'The Elder said you were tense since two days ago.'

Ivysaur, "Saur ivy vy saur.", 'I had a vision of myself as a Bulbasaur watching Ash die.'

Lucario snarled, -It was a vision from that other version of this world, wasn't it? The one Meema told us about, where he died so many times.-

Ivysaur nodded with a dark expression, "Ivy saur ivy.", 'I never felt more helpless than I did in that world. I don't know how he handles it.'

Lucario, -One of those events will happen soon, Meema has been restless lately, although he hides it.-

Chimchar and Phantump started to get restless, they wanted to check on Ash, they didn't like what they were hearing. Lucario nodded and let them go and stay with Ash who was having dinner downstairs while the Pokemon relaxed upstairs. The two jumped on the unsuspecting Ash and checked him over getting a bewildered look from him and everyone. Meowth watched them frowning realising something was wrong and decided to talk with the Ivysaur tonight.

That night Meowth walked to Ash and Tomo's shared room and sneaked in to talk to the Pokemon, Ivysaur saw him and gestured him outside. Ivysaur and Lucario had already worked out on what to say if the other Pokemon asked to Meowth was shocked was an understatement. The cat Pokemon knew he was not being told the details but didn't push, to think Ivysaur saw the future like some foresight. It was not unheard of but it was definitely very rare especially for grass types, Meowth promised to inform only Jessilina and Jameson and no one else about it.

Jessilina was biting her lip, "This is problematic."

Jameson threw his hands up, "Problematic? Jess the kid might die. We'll have more than a problem in our hands if that happens."

Jessilina, "Did he say how it'll start?"

Meowth, "He doesn't remember the date exactly but it starts with an invitation letter."

Jameson, "So we watch out for suspicious invitations then."

Misty woke up excited the next, "Alright it's Princess Day."

Tomo, "What is Princess Day?"

Duplica explained, "Princess Day is when girls get to enjoy discounted shoppings, free food, special treatments and offers while boys mostly help girls carry around their stuff."

Tomo made a face, "Sounds boring, I want free food too."

Jessilina laughed, "I'll share with you but first."

Ash backed away seeing the three girls turn to him, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Misty, "It's Princess Day."

Ash, "I know it is."

Duplica, "Which means girls get to come out and enjoy themselves."

Ash was getting wary, "Of course they do."

The three spoke together, "We want you to bring out your feminine side and enjoy the day."

Ash, "Okay! Wait.... What?"

Misty grabbed Ash's hand, "Ash, you told me sometimes you feel like a female so let go for today at least."

Duplica pushed him towards a boutique, "Let your female side out."

Brock watched as the four of them disappeared, "Should we help him?"

Jameson, "You really want to get involved in that?"

After an hour of trying out the dresses the girls finally came out.

Misty, "Presenting to you."

Duplica, "The beautiful and kind."

Jessilina, "Miss Ashley."

Ash walked out wearing a sapphire blue and ivory black Lolita dress, black stockings with blue sequins and black shoes with his shoulder length dark hair open and styled in low curls to fall freely on his shoulders, plus a blue head band on his hair. Brock and Jameson couldn't help it but all of a sudden, their overprotective big brother mode had been activated. Tomo's eyes twinkled as he looked at Ash and happily complimented on how pretty he looked, Ash looked at himself in the glass quietly.

Misty, "Ash?"

Duplica, "Well you can change back if you are uncomfortable."

Ash smiled at them, "It's fine. This is not so bad really but..... If I get to wear a beautiful dress then so do you ladies."

Jessilina sighed relieved, "That's fair and I'm happy you like it. Now I'm gonna take Jameson and get some things done, we'll see you later. Tomo you want to come with us or stay with them?"

Tomo, "I'll stay with big brother."

Jameson, "Alright let's get our dresses and split up? We'll see you soon in the evening."

After Jessilina and Jameson had left, the five of them went from shop to shop looking through the things available. Ash was enjoying himself despite what he had thought previously, the dress was not uncomfortable to wear and the shoes did not have heels on them either. Misty who was wearing an aquamarine dress with white accents had said no to them calling them torture devices and Ash was inclined to agree with her on that. Duplica was wearing a pink and white dress that came with white socks and shoes plus a white hat with a pink flower. During their time at one of the Cafe some of the male staff asked for Ash's number but he had declined with the excuse of not having a phone yet and focusing on training instead.

Brock had played the over protective big brother card for some of the insistent ones and made them go away. Ash thanked Brock as he had to hold Lucario and Phantump back from attacking those guys. Lucario grumbled about unworthy humans wanting his Meema as a mate before Ash offered him a cake and he calmed down a little. At one point a very famous teen photographer called Todd, offered to take pictures of the three of them as they posed with the Pokemon. The rest of the day went by the same way, Ash, Duplica and Misty got a few guys and girls interested in them but they declined. It was a little comical to have to hold their Pokemon back from attacking them but they had fun before meeting up with Jameson and Jessilina and going to the next destination.

[A. N.: I'll be honest. Harry Styles kinda inspired me to write the ending of this chapter.

It had become a little dark in the middle so I put a light hearted fun ending to finish it up.]

next chapter
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  • 世界の背景

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