19.29% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 55: Kanto

章 55: Kanto

The group went together towards the large luxury ship, they had spent the last two days, after Ash's gym battle relaxing and enjoying their time together along side training for the contest and tournaments. At one point Surge's Elevtivire had joined Ash during his training session with an exasperated Surge behind him. The Gym leader explained his Pokemon were very impressed by Ash and wished to supervise his training. To say Ash was shocked would be an understatement, but he readily accepted the offer, it was very rare for Gym leaders who were Masters or Type specialist to train anyone. Let alone for their Pokemon, who have been through countless battle to take interest in a new trainer who was no better than a baby Pokemon in their eyes.

Misty was excited to prove herself in the type specialist tournament while Brock was preparing to take part in the Breeders tournament. Ash was training for the contest and Gary for the trainers tournament while Jessilina and Jameson just wanted to relax. Gou had even taken them to meet his parents who were very happy to meet them and invited them for a barbeque night. They had happily accepted the invite as it had been a while since they had a barbeque the last time being before they started their journey for Ash, Gary and Misty, while it was a few years for Brock, Jessilina and Jameson.

Misty looked up at the ship, "It's so big."

Jameson, "It is a quadruple deck ship meant to ferry trainers and Pokemon of all sizes."

Ash looked up and down, "I can only imagine how much they spent in building this ship."

Brock, "And we'll be boarding this beauty soon."

Gary, "I think they started boarding guys let's go."

Gou, "I can't wait to collect data on all sorts of Pokemon."

Chloe, "Calm down Gou and yeah! This is very exciting."

Jessilina led the way showing their tickets to the conductor, "I can't wait to relax."

The conductor looked at Jessie and James then at the excited group of kids before bowing in respect, "I hope you have a wonderful time with your children, Ma'am and Sir!"

Jameson gave an amused smile, "Of course we will."

They entered the luxury ship together and were impressed by the interior which was even more lavish than the exterior. They decided to check their rooms first, Gary, Gou and Chloe had rooms next to each other and five rooms down the line Jessilina, Jameson and Brock had rooms. Misty and her two sisters had rooms next to each other while Ash had his room next to his mother and aunt's room.

Ash, "I can't wait for the others to join us it'll be fun."

Misty nodded, "Yeah! I can't wait for the tournament tomorrow. The winner gets evolution stones as well as a written recommendation for a type specialist Master. I would need to get two recommendations, if I can get this one and become an official Water Pokemon Master. It's not going to be easy of course, so many people aim to be a Type Master."

Lily's voice came from behind, "I'm sure you can do it baby sis. Like you are training really hard and we saw a recording of your battle with Surge. Very impressive!"

Delia, "Looks like we are all together."

Misty hugged her sisters, "Lily, Violet, you made it. I'm guessing Daisy is with the Gym leaders."

Ash hugged the older women, "Mom! Aunt Rosie! You are here!"

Violet, "Like we would miss this!"

Rose, "Wouldn't miss it for the world sweetheart. Besides you invited us, how could we refuse?"

Brock, "Ash's mom and Aunt sure are very beautiful."

Gou, "Hi, Miss Ketchum, Miss Wood!"

Chloe, "It's been a while."

Gary, "Hey Aunt Lia and Aunt Rosie!"

Delia, "Chloe, Gou look at you dears all grown up."

Rose, "Gary, I see you are doing well, have you seen your brothers?"

Gary shook his head, "Not yet, we just checked our rooms out first. They are very basic."

Delia nodded, "They are meant for trainers who won't spend any time there except to sleep."

Brock chuckled, "True that! Hello I'm Brock."

Jessilina, "I'm Jessilina, pleasure to meet you."

Delia smiled delighted, "You two are the other really sweet adults who decided to watch over my kids. Thank you for watching out for them."

Brock blushed, "No problems at all. They are like my siblings anyway."

Jessilina, "It's not a problem, they are a delight to travel with."

Delia, "Still a mother can't help but worry about their child. Anyway let's go check this ship out, we just arrived here after all."

They cheered as one and went towards the hallway before looking at the map, the desk to register for the contest and tournaments were in one of the ballrooms so they went there first. Misty registered as a water type trainer, while Gary went for the trainer's tournament, Brock registered for the breeder's competition and Ash registered in the contest. Ash would have registered for the trainers tournament but unfortunately the contest and the trainer tournament time overlapped each other just like the type specialist and breeder tournament. He couldn't be in two places at once even though he wanted to take part, perhaps next time. His Pokemon had pouted hard when Ash had explained to them why they couldn't take part in both.

After checking the place out there was an announcement and they saw Steven Stone welcoming the contestants, breeders and battlers to the tournaments. The ex Champion of Hoenn gave a speech on the rules and regulations they had to follow which were very simple:

1) No battling outside of sanctioned battlefield.

2) If you have a score to settle use the battle field, which is available 24/7 no fighting anywhere on the ship.

3) Follow the rules of the contest, competition and tournaments.

4) No cheating or using unsanctioned drugs.

5) Make sure the Pokemon do not cause trouble for other Pokemon.

6) Do not approach a Pokemon without the trainer's permission and

7) There are cameras all over the ship except for their personal rooms so if anything happens they which is the security will find out the truth and deport the trouble maker without a second chance.

After the announcement was done Red stepped up, "Thank you Steven, now I won't take much of your time anymore. So I'll just say this, mind the rules, they are for your safety and enjoy the cruise. That's all. Have fun everyone!"

Ash watched as Red gave a business smile, "Huh! Who knew he could smile like that!"

Gary, "All business you mean?"

Misty nodded, "Yeah! I don't know if I like that smile."

Gou, "It's a bit weird but I guess it comes with the territory of being a Champion."

Chloe hummed, "And being infront of a crowd too, I guess."

Half way through they went off on the own to check the place out, Ash wandered around with Lucario on his side and Charmander on his back. He saw many coordinators, trainers and breeders preparing for the next two days when the contest, competition and tournaments would start, he was happy he already prepared his Pokemon and booked a training room for the evening for last minute prep. He left the lower floor where the ballroom was and went to the second floor where the training rooms were located come evening and trained there with his Pokemon till dinner. The next day he wished Gary luck and went to take part in the contest.

Announcer, "Hello everyone welcome to the second Pokemon coordinator contest being held on this ship. I'm Bianchi and I'll be your host for today."

Ash was surprised, 'Second? Huh! I didn't know that.'

Bianchi explained the rules of the contest and introduced the judges, who were Mr Contesta, Mr Sukizo, Nurse Joy and Pokemon coordinator Master Fantina, before calling the first coordinator on stage to perform. Ash watched the boy and his Rowlett's performance and half wondered how Gary was doing before he snapped out of it. Soon enough his name was called, he was the sixteenth contestant.

Ash, "Let's go Bulbasaur, aroma therapy."

Bulbasaur appeared in a colour array of sparkles thank to a mixture of harmless sleeping powder and stun spore before he released a very soothing aroma that spread throughout the field. It relaxed both Pokemon and humans getting a smile from the judges.

Ash grinned, "Now, sunny day and energy ball!"

The field shone brightly and Bulbasaur created an energy ball which surprised many as energy ball was a difficult move even with the help of a TM.

Ash, "Eat it, double team, leaf storm, solar beam."

Bulbasaur ate the ball and just like they had practiced used double team to cover the field and make it look like there were Shiny bulbasaurs everywhere. He then unleashed a powerful leaf storm that made the field look like it had grown grown a grass land before release a solar beam that broke and spread throughout the field in harmless shower of light. Bulbasaur and Ash stood in the middle of the grassland that still gave off the scent of aromatherapy and gave the illusion of shiny flowers blooming thanks to the sparkles of solar beam settling on it, before the move ended with the two of them bowing.

Fantina clapped, "That was beautiful! You have trained your Bulbasaur well, why he doesn't even look exhausted after pulling such powerful moves."

Nurse Joy, "Indeed and the aroma therapy, very powerful, it relaxed all the Pokemon in the audience."

Sukizo, "Extremely remarkable!"

Contesta, "The combinations were done flawlessly as well, without breaking a sweat, very impressive young man!"

Bianchi, "Oh my such a compliments. Before I could even ask and the crowds looks awed, I must say we have a fan favorite. Let's see how much you scored, Ash."

Ash pat Bulbasaur, "Hear that bud, you were amazing. You left everyone surprised and awed."

Bulbasaur looked at the crowd who was looking back at him with respect and desire, he didn't like the second one, "Bul."

Bianchi, "And Ash scores a total of 30 points, a perfect score. Ash is going to the next round."

Ash hugged Bulbasaur, "You see that buddy, that's all because of you."

Bulbasaur licked Ash's cheek as he carried the bulb Pokemon back to where the contestants were waiting. They were watching Ash with respect and envy, not only did he have a Charmander but also a Bulbasaur, two of the rare Kanto starters, which were only available to trainers who did exceptionally well in the tests, on top of that one was even a Shiny. Charmander hugged them as Ash laughed brightly and hugged both him and Bulbasaur, Lucario gave Bulbasaur a nod once Ash let go and Pikachu was chattering about how amazing he looked on stage. Charmander was honestly excited and couldn't wait for the next round, Surge had finally given him the green to train and Ash had asked if he wanted to take part in the contest battle after the appeal round. He had said yes without holding back, he wanted to show everyone he was okay and most importantly to show Ash and prove to himself he was strong.

Bianchi after the last performance in the appeal round, "Well then that was an amazing group of contestants that performed this year. Now let's find out who's going to the second round."

Everyone watched as Ash appeared first followed by two girls, Tremaine and Azalea and a teen boy, called Drew. Drew made Ash do a double take, he had not realized Drew travelled through Kanto but then again his past was not known. All he knew about him was he and May were a possible couple in the future, that is if the storyline stayed which he doubt it would. Ash was against Azalea and her Jigglypuff while Drew was against Tremaine. He half wondered how Gary was doing during the break and if he was in the finals too.

Bianchi after the lunch break, "Welcome back to the first match up of the second round. Ready? Begin!"

Ash, "Charmander ember swift."

Azalea, "Jigglypuff be ready to dodge!"

Charmander threw swift that was powered up with ember towards Jigglypuff as she dodged, however Charmander had been practicing dancing with their Jigglypuff and soon hit his opponent causing a point loss.

Azalea, "Attract!"

Ash, "Close your eyes! Use your ears and fire spin! Follow up fire punch!"

Charmander closed his eyes and used fire spin hitting the Jigglypuff by surprise. He followed it up by a very showy punch which knocked Jigglypuff out.

Azalea, "Wait how, your Charmander is male Jigglypuff's female."

Ash, "Attract works through sight and smell. By closing his eyes, Charmander did not see it and using fire spin burned off the pheromones."

Bianchi, "Jigglypuff is unable to battle, Charmander wins! Ash and Charmender are going to the finals round."

Charmander ran and jumped on Ash, "Char char charmander!"

Ash hugged him, "You did it buddy, your first official battle and you won."

Drew won his battle against Tremaine and her Braxien using his Roselia who looked really powerful. Ash had a strong feeling he would have to be careful, despite the type disadvantage Drew had defeated his opponent very easily. Ash hummed, Roselia was no doubt ready to evolve into Roserade if the the Shiny stone around his neck and look of anticipation on their faces were anything to go by. They would have to depend on style and dodging to do this instead of upfront confrontation.

Bianchi, "Now then folks we are at our final match up between Drew and Ash. Who will win the ribbon? Let's find out! Coordinators step up and prepare to battle."

Drew, "Time to shine Roselia!"

Roselia, "Li!"

Ash, "Show them who's boss Charmander."

Charmander, "Char!"

Bianchi, "Begin!"

Drew, "Petal blizzard!"

Ash, "Dance ember star!"

Charmander danced around to dodge the petal attack as he had observed the flower Pokemon battle and had noticed the spaces between the petals that he could use. No doubt they had trained to form a pattern using the petals which just showed the control his opponent had on his attacks, but it was okay he could use this. And just like he had guessed the fact he was able to dodge skillfully caused some point loss for his opponent. He returned his own attack right after Roselia had finished, as he had time to build up power his stars were larger and burning bright orange. Roselia dodged most of the attacks causing Charmander to loose points however the last three flame stars hit Roselia making him cry out in pain. Drew gritted his teeth, he had lost 10 out of his 30 points already while Ash lost only 5 out of 30.

Drew, "Roselia, rain dance!"

Ash, "Charmander don't let him finish! Use rock slide followed by belly drum."

Charmander nodded as he disrupted Roselia's dance with rocks, he had become better in using that attack. He started belly drum to increase his own stats but he could only do it for a bit as he didn't have much time before the flower Pokemon retaliated using magical leaf. The flower Pokemon was pissed Charmander interrupted his dance and cost him point loss, he only had 15 points left.

Drew, "Sunny day followed by venoshock."

Ash, "Charmender, dragon breath!"

The two attacks collided each other and they started to loose points and Roselia started to glow and evolve, however soon enough Drew's points became zero making Ash sigh in relief. Charmander panted as he stopped the move, he had worked hard with Milotic in learning it but had not mastered it yet.

Bianchi, "And that's it folks we have a winner! Congratulations to Drew on his Pokemon evolving from Roselia to Roserade."

The board showed Ash and Charmender are the winners getting loud cheers from the audience. Delia, Misty and Brock cheered the loudest and Lucario, Pikachu and Bulbasaur joined them. Ash hugged Charmander and told him he had won before they were hugged by the three Pokemon. The awards ceremony happened promptly after that with Ash winning the ribbon plus a set of six pokeballs which consisted of one ultra ball, one heavy ball, one moon ball, one lure ball, one friend ball and one fast ball. He looked at the six different pokeballs in awe, they were very and he meant very costly in the market, hence why he only had one cherish ball. Now except for great ball and master ball he had one of each type of pokeball available in Kanto. He noticed Drew got a prize of five different pokeballs for coming second from the corner of his eyes and Tremaine got a set of four pokeballs. Despite the loss Drew didn't look upset, he looked rather proud of Roserade. Looks like no one is going empty handed from this contest as he noticed the consolation prizes the other contestants had won.

next chapter
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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