27.71% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 79: Kanto - Celadon City

章 79: Kanto - Celadon City

Ash looked Red over, "Okay then! You know, I get that, you can't tell me everything that happened, so I'll only ask for a summary about what happened."

Red smiled, "Caught on to that piece of unspoken rule, have you?"

Ash shrugged, "It was part of the confidential papers they had us sign, before we were allowed to leave Lavender town and come here. So yeah, I did although Misty was not happy about it."

Red, "Hmm! I can imagine, she has always been outspoken. Now, as for what I can tell you. Do you know what happened in Saffron exactly?"

Ash, "They caught Moltress and Moltress escaped causing an uncontrollable fire, my Pokemon were exhausted, they slept the whole evening till next day."

Red nodded, "Well Moltress is safe, she's with Blue, right now."

Ash looked up surprised, "With Blue? Really? That's really cool. Did she choose him?"

Red nodded, "She saw Articuno with me and the two ladies talked it out, at least that's what I think, while they were battling each other and she decided to choose Blue as her trainer."

Ash, "I wonder what they talked about."

Red shrugged, "Who knows, but Blue is against using Moltress in a gym battle, even though that's what the league wants, as he feels it would be unfair to most trainers. In fact he decided only those who are Champion level will be battling her, as letting her fight against weak trainers would be insulting to her as well. The older geezers shut up after that, heh!"

Ash sweatdropped, "They wanted to use Moltress as an advertisement? Are you serious?"

Red, "I'm Red, not Sirius Black."

Ash (¬_¬), "Really? Red? Really?"

Red laughed, "Sorry, sorry, I just can't tell you more than this."

Ash sighed before smiling, "Well I'm happy Blue was there to back you up. You worry me sometimes, it's like you attract trouble like a magnet."

Red smiled, "Occupational hazard, baby bro, I can't avoid it. I'm just happy to come out of it alive really."

Ash, "Since when did you get chummy with Jameson and Jessilina though?"

Red, "A few weeks ago and I suppose it helps they are with you as well, they can help you out if you are in trouble."

Ash sweatdropped remembering the poachers incident, 'Yeah.... More like they get into trouble all on their own and make me worry sick. I remember watching them getting beaten up trying to protect the Arboks and Wheezings.'

Lucario, -How have you been?-

Mewtwo, -i have been fine, although the recent events have me a little jumpy.-

Pikachu was talking to Red's Pikachu who was happily telling him about the battle against Moltress and the people who were trying to recapture Moltress. Red's Charizard fought the leader who had a Dragonite and that made Lucario frown greatly, Dragonites were Pokemon who were very upright and would never stoop so low to follow criminal humans. Mewtwo saw the understanding in Lucario's eyes and nodded, it was what had him worried, did someone manage to mind control the strongest Dragon type of Kanto? It was a worrying thought.

Lucario, -Meema!-

Ash, "What is it Luc?"

Lucario, -Pikachu says they had a Dragonite? I know I'm pushing it but Dragonites are proud creatures, they would never join people like those.-

Ash opened his mouth before closing it and getting a thoughtful look, "That's a big can of beedrills, I'm actually afraid of opening, if someone managed to mind control Dragonite of all Pokemon, we might have a bigger problem on our laps."

Red pinched Ash's cheeks, "No, promise me you'll not get involved."

Ash (。ŏ_ŏ), "I won't, I won't, stop pulling."

Red lets go, "Good, I really don't want to hear another call saying you were fighting against people like Team Rocket or Hunters."

Ash rubbed his cheek, "It's not like I wanted to get involved with them, it just happened."

Red sighed before changing the subject, "Oh by the way, congratulations on winning your sixth badge, Ash."

Ash smiled, "Thanks, Erika is really tough, I wonder how Misty will fare against her in two days. Even with a type advantage, Charmeleon was really pushed into giving it his all to win his match."

Red, "I won't be here for that I'm afraid I need to go back to the league come evening. The situation with the Safari zone is about to be settled, hopefully you will get the chance to catch a few Pokemon there."

Ash looked down, "I'm not sure I want more Pokemon currently, I already have sixteen Pokemon with me and rotating them equally is a bit difficult. They don't seem to mind especially Butterfree and Beedrill but I can't speak for the others."

Lucario, -They don't mind, in fact they train together while staying at the ranch and I believe Pidgeot and Fearrow are making a nest together.-

Ash, "So they are together, I knew it."

Mewtwo looked at the young boy amused, he was happy for another being finding happiness, most would be jealous. In fact most trainers don't like the idea of their strongest Pokemon getting ready to mate as it makes them vulnerable in more ways than one. Not only are they not fit for taking part in Pokemon battles anymore but also they become a target for poachers. As it is a widely believed fact that the Pokemon hatchlings belonging to trainer's Pokemon are naturally stronger than their wild counterpart.

Mewtwo, 'Foolish humans, how strong can a baby be anyway?'

Red smiled at how excited Ash was before asking, "How are you doing now?"

Ash, "Huh? Oh I'm doing okay, Ritchie is helping me out whenever I have nightmares or am unable to sleep. And I help him in return with his nightmares, we are two peas in a pod."

Red nodded getting up, "I'm happy you are not dealing with this alone, how about we go get your friends before going to get dinner. It's on me, and don't say no, you worked hard today, you all deserve a treat."

Ash who was about to speak shut his mouth before nodding, "Fine but no fancy stuff, I feel weird eating those food that are so pricey yet taste the same as what mom makes."

Red laughed as he went with Ash to invite the rest of the gang who agreed to eating together but at a restaurant they chose and agreed on. It was at a restaurant called Aurelius where they decided to have their dinner, the restaurant even catered to Pokemon. They relaxed and enjoyed the food together and talked about the battles from earlier and how tough Erika really was. Misty was excited and nervous about her upcoming battle in two days and two days after her battle would be Brock's competition.

Red pulled Ritchie to the side, "Ash told me you were helping him with his nightmares?"

Ritchie smiled tiredly, "He has been helping me out too actually, we are both such a mess."

Red, "Ash told me you have nightmares too, are you okay?"

Ritchie shook his head, "No but I'll be, Ash is helping me out. I'll never forget what I went through but I'll definitely learn to get over it and become stronger."

Red nodded before rejoining Ash and hugging him wishing him goodnight, the group also left the restaurant after another hour. It was a very fun filled walk to the centre as they joked and fooled around before heading to their respective rooms to get some sleep. The next two days were spent training for the gym or practicing for the contest which was in two weeks and four days. Bulbasaur took to learn sunny day and rain dance very seriously and Charmeleon joined him in his training and helped him master sunny day by the time Misty's match came.

Referee, "This is an official match between challenger Misty and gym leader Erika for the rainbow badge. Choose your Pokemon for the battle."

Erika, "Let's go Tangela!

Tangela, "Gela!"

Misty, "Misty chooses Poliwhirl!"

Poliwhirl, "Poli!"

Referee, "Begin!"

Erika, "Vine whip!"

Misty, "Dodge then use hypnosis!"

Tangela used vine whip which was dodged by the water type by jumping up before he used hypnosis on the grass type Pokemon. The water type then tried to use hypnosis but Tangela turned around and ran off to the side to avoid being hit.

Erika, "Use mega drain!"

Misty, "Icy wind!"

While Poliwhirl hit Tangela with icy wind, the grass type hit him with mega drain. The two Pokemon shivered one from the cold and the other from feeling his strength being taken.

Misty, "Poliwhirl mega punch!"

Erika, "Oh no! Tangela try to move!"

Unfortunately Tangela had been frozen to the ground by the icy wind which had hit him face first. Poliwhirl used that moment to hit a strong mega punch on the grass type making him fly across the field and falling unconscious.

Referee, "Tangela is unable to battle, Poliwhirl wins the first match. Choose your next Pokemon!"

Erika, "Not bad Misty, as expected from a future gym leader."

Misty grinned, "Thank you Erika, we worked really hard, didn't we Poliwhirl?"

Poliwhirl gave an eye smile, "Li poli!"

Erika, "Alright let's go Gloom!"

Gloom, "Oooom!"

Misty, "Do you want to watch?"

Poliwhirl nodded as he left Misty to sit beside Dewpider who was watching the match from the stands, "Poli!"

Misty, "Alright then Misty chooses Staryu!"

Staryu, "Ha!"

Referee, "Begin!"

Erika, "Gloom stunspore!"

Misty, "Rapid bubbles!"

Gloom's stunspore was answered with a lot of bubbles that absorbed the spores up making Gloom look around. Staryu used this chance to shoot bubble beam towards Gloom getting a surprised shout from the flower Pokemon.

Erika, "Clever Gloom, magical leaf!"

The razor sharp leaves popped the bubbles and the spore filled droplets fell to the ground harmlessly.

Misty, "Now Swift followed by rapid spin!"

Staryu used the opening to attack using swift followed by rapid spin which hit Gloom hard making him move back.

Erika, "Gloom retaliate with energy ball!"

Misty, "Hydro pump!"

The energy ball hit Staryu while the hydro pump hit Gloom knocking both Pokemon down and out.

Referee, "Gloom and Staryu both have a double knock out. This battle is a tie. Choose your third Pokemon."

Misty, "Return Staryu, thank you!"

Erika, "Gloom return, you did a good job."

Misty, "Let's go Cloyster!"

Erika, "Let's do this Bayleef!"

Referee, "Begin!"

Erika, "Bayleef magical leaf!"

Misty, "Withdraw!"

Cloyster withdrew as the razor sharp leaves bounced off his shell, he had learned to use iron defense everytime he got the order to withdraw. Opening up he laughed at the grass type Pokemon making her angry.

Misty, "Ice beam!"

Erika, "Dodge it use stomp!"

Bayleef ran around dodging the ice attack before launching into a stomp only for Cloyster to withdraw again.

Misty, "Now icicle spear!"

Cloyster used a spear to attack Bayleef in one place hard getting a shout of pain from her.

Erika, "Quick use sunny day!"

Misty, "Rain dance, Cloyster!"

Erika, "Leaf storm!"

Misty, "Hydro pump!"

From the safety of the iron defense shell Cloyster shot a powerful hydro pump just as Bayleef used leaf storm. The hydro pump hit Bayleef while Cloyster was hit by the many vines of the leaf storm. However Cloyster remained unscathed thanks to the iron defense while Bayleef took a powerful hit from the hydro pump.

Misty, "Now ice beam full power!"

Erika, "Sunny day!"

Cloyster hit Bayleef with a powerful ice beam despite the double sunny day which melted most of the ice, her feet was still stuck because of being frozen.

Misty, "Aurora beam!"

The aurora beam hit Bayleef straight on knocking her out and down for the count.

Referee, "Bayleef is unable to battle, Cloyster wins the match. Choose your last Pokemon."

Erika, "Return Bayleef, get some rest girl, let's go Ivysaur!"

Misty, "That was awesome Cloyster, do you want to join Poliwhirl? Or rest in your pokeball?"

Cloyster yawned in answer and Misty smiled, "Return Cloyster, get some rest, now Misty chooses Starmie!"

Referee, "Begin!"

Erika, "Grassy terrain!"

Misty, "Rain dance!"

The rain and the grassy terrain made a very interesting combination making Ash light up with an idea.

Misty, "Rapid hydro!"

Erika, "Vine whip!"

Starmie used rapid spin coupled by hydro pump and dodged the vine whip attack before hitting Ivysaur. The flower Pokemon was pushed back by the attack but stayed standing.

Misty, "Now thunder wave!"

The electric attack hit Ivysaur and coupled with the wet body from earlier shocked the grass type hard. The Ivysaur was steaming after the attack ended.

Erika, "Ivysaur heal pulse quick!"

Misty, "Don't give her an inch rapid tackle!"

Starmie did not waste time and used rapid spin to tackle the grass type and knock her out.

Referee, "Ivysaur is unable to battle, Starmie wins the match."

Misty grinned, "We did it Starmie, we did it."

Erika, "Return Ivysaur! Rest well sweet girl! I must say Misty, you did really well."

Misty blushed, "Thank you Erika, it was a team effort between my Pokemon and I."

Erika smiled at the young trainer, "I'm proud to present to you the rainbow badge. You have earned it, well done."

Misty grinned, "We did it guys! Our fifth badge, just three more to go!"

Ash and the others congratulated and cheered for her, as they came to give her a group hug. Jessilina and Jameson were present this time as they managed to get a break from their work the same time as her battle. Next, was Brock's turn to take part in the breeder's competition, which was in a few days and he was both nervous and excited for it.

next chapter
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  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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