90.87% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 259: Jhoto

章 259: Jhoto

Elm, "Here are the poke eggs. I have made sure there is nothing wrong with them physically, at least."

Brock, "Thank you Professor."

Casey, "We appreciate it."

Max craddled his close, "I hope this little one will be alright."

Charmender pat his hand, "Char char charmender char."

Kirlia, -You are right little flame, we will help take care of the little one.-

Gou, "This happened because a bunch of asshole poachers decided to be idiots. I really do not understand other people sometimes."

Ash, "Me neither. It does not get easy, does it? Knowing we are the same species and they go and do those things."

Lokoko growled, -You are nothing like them.-

Meowth, "She's right kit."

Lucario, -Stop putting yourselves down.-

Abra, -Do not blame yourself Meema.-

Leaf, "Your Pokemon are correct. We cannot control what other people do or understand how they think. We can only make sure we are not as cruel as they are."

Brock nodded, "Agreed, for now lets focus on our training."

The group said farewell to the Professor and Leaf who had decided to pursue a career in researching. It had surprised Ash but he figured after spending months at a lab she was no doubt interested now. He was happy for her, she found something she wants to do with all her heart and wished her the best. They left for Mt Silver and walked towards the main junction that had a straight road to the sanctuary where they could drop off the eggs. As they got closer to the place Ash noticed a change in the Aura coming from the eggs, perhaps they instinctively recognized the place as their home? That would be a good thing for them and if they hatched then it would be even better.

Ash, "I can see the Ranger camp."

Brock, "Let's go talk."

Casey, "Hopefully we will not have to deal with poachers and Team Rocket."

Gou muttered something dark under his breath about poachers and Team Rocket but kept moving. As they entered the sanctuary Ash's Charizard joined them rumbling low and nuzzled Tyrantrum who rumbled back. The sight brought smiles to everyone and they decided to shelve the dark topic and changed the subject to the training schedules. Ash was planning on using his Jhoto Pokemon along with the ones that did not compete in the Orange Isle finals and Indigo League. Chimchar and Magmar were very excited and Omanyte who was now an Omastar wanted to join him to. Omastar had been training with the other Omanytes and a few of them had evolved to become guards of the Omanyte pools.

Ash, "Omastar is joining us this time. The training will be interesting."

Max, "He evolved to protect the Omanyte pools right?"

Ash nodded, "Yes and he wants to show the world he is strong. That he and his line are not pushovers."

Casey, "I have no doubt he will succeed in doing that. Your training is ridiculous sometimes."

Brock laughed, "I think that is the biggest understatement of the century."

Charizard, -Ash.-

Ash, "What's wrong?"

Charizard, -Nothing is wrong but we are close to one of Lord Entei's territories. We should be safe there.-

Ash, "Oh that's good news. Let's go camp nearby. We should not be bothered by the stringer wild Pokemon that way."

Max, "Did you just say Lord Entei's territory?"

Casey, "Is it really okay for us to camp there as well?"

Gou, "What they mean is, you are both Aura users and will be welcomed but we are not so, is it ok?"

Ash, "It will be fine. We are travelling together after all."

Brock, "If we cannot trust those who are around Aura users then who can we trust?"

Gou, Casey and Max beamed and the group soon enough reached the hot springs which were created by Entei. There they met a a teen who went by Nelson, his dream was to capture Entei and become a the Ultimate Fire type Master. Ash sweat dropped at his enthusiasm and lit an imaginary candle for the teen, he did not know what sort of responsibility he was trying to take on. That was not even the most difficult part of it all, considering the fact he would become a live target for many unscrupulous entities. Nelson noticed the worried and pity filled looks the group was directing at him and bristled thinking they were looking down on him.

Ash, "We are not looking down on you."

Nelson, "You obviously think I will not be able to capture Entei."

Max, "That's not it at all."

Casey, "We are more worried about what will happen to you after you have captured Entei."

Nelson, "What do you mean?"

Gou, "Team Rocket has been trying to capture Legendary Pokemon for a few months now. They almost captured Celebi and Suicune."

Brock was looking at Nelson seriously, "If they learn you have a Legendary Pokemon with you. I fear for your safety."

Ash, "They already killed one child, that we know of. Who knows how many more they might kill in the future?"

Nelson, "So, those rumours were true, then."

Max, "Yeah, they are true."

Nelson, "Well then there is only one thing left to do. I will have to become the strongest Fire type Master in the world. I will protect Entei as well as others from those bastards."

Ash looked up, "It looks like Entei has acknowledged your determination."

Nelson looked at where Ash was looking and his breath hitched, "Entei."

Casey, "What are you waiting for?"

Brock, "Go prove to him that you are able to become one of the strongest."

Nelson, "Yes, I will."

Ash and the others moved back as Entei looked at them with a contemplative eye but focused on the child, Nelson. He had been watching him for a while now, ever since he turned ten to be exact, Celebi had mentioned him in passing. The time pixie had showed him a scene from the future of the child becoming a powerful Fire type Master. Well, the pixie showed him various worlds where he chose different paths and yet became a powerful Fire Master. Entei was impressed by the dedication and had kept a close eye on the child as he met his fated Pokemon, no matter the world, a mischievous Misdreavus.

Nelson chose Misdreavus and challenged him to a battle which Entei accepted and the two started to battle. The two Aura users and the others watched as they cheered him to so the best, Entei had no doubts, the two Aura users probably knew he was stronger. Despite battling Entei observed that the three humans followed the two Aura users que. Entei defeated Nelson and his group of Pokemon very easily, it was very obvious the Legendary Pokemon was way out of Nelson's league in power. Nelson while upset at the loss did not stay down for long after Brock offered to heal his Pokemon.

Charizard, -Oi! Stop looking at my trainer like that.-

Entei was amused, -Protective aren't you?-

Charizard rumbled, -I have to be, there are so many humans out there who want to either force him to do things he did not want or to kill him. I will never allow anyone to do that.-

Entei hummed, -Lord Hooh is very interested in him. You know that correct?-

Charizard huffed, -I do not know who does not know at this point.-

Ash, "Charizard, is everything okay?"

Charizard turned to his partner who was holding two plates, -It is alright Ash. Do not worry.-

Ash nodded, "Okay, I brought you a plate of food too Lord Entei. I hope you enjoy it."

Entei nodded, 'Interesting child.'

Charizard watched as Ash placed the plates in front of them and then went back to the group enjoying lunch. The fire type saw Nelson was looking in their direction with starry eyes and huffed amused as he remembered his own innocence. That is before the cruelty of real life slapped him across the face and those horrid visions of a much crueler world. This world was cruel too, don't misunderstand him but, in Charizard's personal opinion a world where he watched Ash die was more cruel. He hopes he never has to watch anything like that in this life, he does not know how he would react.

Entei, -He is a very interesting child. You chose well.-

Charizard, -We just met through fate. I did not choose him the same way he did not choose me. But we found each other anyway.-

Entei, -I see, you have been through a lot.-

Charizard, -And I would not change anything about it. I found a wonderful partner and family.-

Lucario was watching Charizard and Entei speak quietly, well quietly for human hearing but not for Pokemon. The two fire types were now talking about the trouble making humans and what was happening across the region. Entei did not look happy to hear Suicune and Celebi were almost captured by those unworthy of their power and skill. After a few more minutes of speaking Entei got up ready to leave but not before giving out a loud roar. Everyone was surprised by the sudden roar but Tyrantrum got excited and roared in answer to Entei. The fire Legendary smirked amused and looked at the poke eggs intently before leaving.

Max, "That was intense."

Casey, "Something is happening to our eggs."

Nelson, "I think they are hatching."

Ash, "Okay, space, everyone, get space."

Gou, "Right."

Lokoko, -How exciting.-

Meowth was watching, 'A pity they cannot keep these little ones.'

The poke eggs turned out to be there Larvitar and two Teddiursa. They were very adorable and looked at them with wide eyes filled with wonder. That explained the tension in Mt Silver that Ranger Asra was talking about. The Ursarings and Tyranitars were being territorial and fighting a lot, it was because some of their babies were missing. They looked at each other and nodded determined to return the cubs to their home. Hopefully it will stop the fighting and the Rangers will get a break from all the chaos. They waved farewell to Nelson and started to move to Mt Silver again with their new baby Pokemon who were looking around curiously.

Brock, "Okay, remember we need to be very careful. According to the latest information there have been some trouble makers who have been trying to take advantage of the chaos to steal and loot things."

Max, "Like Team Rocket over there."

Brock, "Yes, like Team Rocket over there."

Ash, " ... "

Gou, " .... "

Casey, " .... "

Brock, "Mother fucking!!!?!!!"

Ash and Gou dragged them behind a few boulders to hide from the group who were busy battling a few Ursarings. They quietly watched the fight as one of the Ursarings entered outrage and stomped over the members and Pokemon. Team Rocket fled from the area cursing the dark type Pokemon to hell and back. The group looked at each other then Gou and Max stood up carrying their Teddiursa and placed them closed to the camp. Lucario had already explained a few things to them whether the baby Pokemon understood it or not was another matter. After placing the Teddiursa down Gou and Max pat them one last time and whispered it was time to return home.

Max was reluctant to let go but understood the little girl had a family searching for her and backed away. The Ursarings who were still trashing the site heard the cries from the baby bears and started to search for them finding them behind a few crates. This had it seems calmed the angry mama bears down as they started to sniff and growl the little ones. The Teddiursa cooed and yipped at the adults before being picked up by them and carried away by a calmer group which was a stark contrast to what happened previously. The group let out a sigh of relief as they recorded the happy ending and got good face shots of the Team Rocket members messing around the area.

Ash, "Two done, three to go."

Larvitar, "Larrrr."

Tyrantrum rumbled, "Nnnnnn."

Ash pat his scale, "We promised to return him home Tyrantrum. Do not worry though, I get the feeling we will be seeing the little one around a lot however."

Tyrantrum blinked then nodded pleased, "Rannnnn."

Ellora25 Ellora25

Halloween is near! How are your preparations going?

next chapter
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  • 世界の背景

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