82.1% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 234: Jhoto

章 234: Jhoto

The group changed from their disguises and took their new born Pokemon to the Pokemon center in the next town. Phanphy and Houndour were very active little ones and would run around here and there making them and the Pokemon run after them. Ash and Max laughed as they chased their new born while their Pokemon played with them, Nurse Joy and Jim beamed at the group seeing such lively and healthy Pokemon. They had run into Silver and Green while leaving the forest and the two had told them to not say anything.

Ash, 'It was Akako and her group that faced Team Rocket so it's fine.'

Max, "Ash, they are done checking Phanphy and Houndour."

Brock, "They are both fine."

Ash, "That's good. Any news from Silver and Green?"

Casey pointed at a map, "Yeah, Green says she'll meet us in this little town here, in a few days. Silver will join us next town over, he is giving them the longest report."

Gou, "Welllll, Akako and team did dump their reports on him."

Ash, "We will make it up to him."

Brock, "Yes, good idea."

They went on with their journey towards Mahogany town and very across a large mansion in the middle of the forest. It started to rain and seeing there was no other places to take shelter they decided to stand under the veranda of the mansion. Ash looked around and a thick mist started to form over the place making it hard to see in front of them. They decided to wait for the fog and rain to stop before they started to travel again, it would be very embarrassing if they slipped and got hurt.

Max, "Hello?"

Kirlia, -Who's there?-

Casey, "Is that a Ninetales?"

Brock, "That's a big one."

Ash, "Yeah."

Lucario, -They are powerful.-

Gou, "I wonder if they live here."

The woman greeted them, "Hello, I am Lokoko the owner of this property. This is Ninetales and we live here."

Ash smiled, "Nice to meet you Miss Lokoko, Ninetales, hope you don't mind us staying here for a bit."

Brock, "It's really raining out there."

Lokoko smiled sweetly at him, "You can stay here as long as you want."

Annihilape was staring at Lokoko and punched through her making everyone jump in surprise at the action. Lokoko to everyone's shock except for Ash disappeared from existence and Annihilape turned to the Pokemon. Annihilape started to get into a very heated argument with the Ninetales and the group just watched feeling a little left out by the two of them. Ninetales gave an annoyed huff at Annihilape and moved into the house followed by the ghost fighting type.

Ash, "Wait for us."

Lucario, -Slow down, brother.-

Annihilape, "Ann anni ann."

Lucario, -I see.-

Kirlia, -That's a really strong illusion.-

Max, "Illusion?"

Lucario, -Ninetales over there has been waiting here for a long time for her trainer to return home.-

Abra, -The trainer looks like Brock.-

Brock, "Me? Really?"

Casey, "They aren't kidding, look at the picture."

Brock looked at the fire mantle, "Oh!"

Lokoko the Ninetales spoke, -Yes, I miss him, you look like him but there are many differences. My human was no healer nor was he an Aura user.-

Brock, "I am sorry for your loss. This picture says it's more than a hundred years old?"

Lokoko nodded, -Yes, I suppose it is.-

Casey, "So, your trainer might have already... "

Lokoko growled, -Don't, just don't.-

Ash was sympathetic, "I understand Lokoko, but you must understand that Pokemon live longer than humans."

Gou nodded, "Yeah, in fact a lot of high level Pokemon live a very long time. We can tell you are very strong as well."

Max, "Hey Lokoko, do you want to travel with us?"

Lokoko, -And why would I do that?-

Brock, "For one thing, it must be lonely hereby yourself, right. Come with us, you won't be alone."

Casey, "Second thing, we might be able to learn what happened to your trainer, if we travel together."

Ash, "Yes, third thing, knowing what happened will help you get closure and move on. I know I would not want any of my Pokemon to waste away due to loneliness."

Lokoko sighed, -I suppose you all have a point. Very well, I will travel with you, till I learn what happened to my Takeru.-

Brock smiled, "Of course, we understand."

The group welcomed the older Pokemon to their group and Lokoko went to one of the shelves to take out an old yet well cared for pokeball. Casey offered to tie it around her neck like a collar which Lokoko accepted and allowed her to do so. Casey then told them about Mt Mortar and she knew a short cut through the mountain. They followed her and walked through a large tunnel and as they were walking they saw a few fighting types meditating. Casey explained there was a shadow gym close to the area and they helped train the fighting types.

Ash, "Interested buddy?"

Annihilape nodded, "Ann."

Casey, "Come on, I know the guy."

Gou, "I think Machoke will enjoy it too."

Max, "What do you think Breloom?"

Breloom agreed and followed Casey who had been in the area to an off road area which looked well used. They soon came across an area which was built for battles and a large building in front of which a man was watching the trainers and Pokemon train. The man saw them and approached them introducing himself as Kiyo, the one in charge of the facility in front of him. Beside him was a Tyrogue, a Hitmontop, a Hitmonchan and a Hitmonlee who was eyeing Lucario, Annihilape, Machamp and Breloom.

Casey, "Been a while Kiyo, my friends were hoping to use your facility."

Ash approached, "Hello Sir, my name is Ash and my two Pokemon Annihilape and Lucario were hoping to train here for a while."

Kiyo's eyes were glinting, "Yes, the latest ghost and fighting type Pokemon. I have heard of them. I never thought I would see one all the way out here in Jhoto."

Lucario smirked, -My brother wanted to be the first Annihilape in Jhoto and Kanto region.-

Kiyo turned to him, "You are no pushover either, are you Lucario? You can use aura to speak human speech."

The other trainers had paused their training and eyeing the new arrivals. The shadow gym was different from other gyms simply because you had to grind and train your way up the various levels. It depended on more than power to do so, it was important to focus on technique, movement, skills and application of the moves. Annihilape took to the training like he was born for it and thanks to that the rest of the Pokemon followed including Phanphy. Ash had to run after him to keep him from challenging other Pokemon.

Max was holding his Houndour, "You too?"

Ash laughed, "Yeah, they weren't kidding when they said the Pokemon were bred for battle."

Brock laughed, "You are going to have your hands full."

Abra was exhausted by Eevee, -Were we this troublesome Meema?-

Absol was beside him, "Sol?"

Eevee, "Vui."

Ash chuckled, "A bit but that's how newborns should be."

Lucario nodded, -Agreed.-

Aside from the clinginess, Annihilape was enjoying the training. Kiyo was observing the new ghost fighter and made many notes on his behavior and attitude. Ash was curious and asked about it and Kiyo shared what he had observed so far. It was interesting to see things from an outsiders perspective, they could see problems those close to you could not. Ash thanked him for his input and started to make plan on how to tackle the weak points in Annihilape's moves and attacks.

As for the behavior, it is as new and exciting to observe, according to Kiyo at least. There was no one else with an Annihilape in Jhoto, Kanto or Hoenn for that matter. At one point Kiyo even suggested Ash do a dissertation paper on Annihilape's line. To which Ash responded saying he already submitted papers on Mankey, now he was polishing up his notes and paper on Primeape. It would be very interesting to become a Master of the Annihilape's line, not to forget Annihilape was looking at him expectantly.

Kiyo, "So you will have a Mastery on the Annihilape's line, then."

Ash nodded, "Yes, I mean, Annihilape worked really hard to surprise me with his evolution."

Annihilape, "Ann."

Ash, "I can't disappoint."

Abra, -You would not, Meema.-

Casey, "Wait you are already working on your dissertation paper?"

Ash nodded, "Some of it. I'll have to prepare my presentation too. So it's a step by step process."

Max, "Should I write mine too?"

Brock, "Don't worry Max, you have time till you become a trainer."

Gou, "Although starting early never hurt anyone."

Ash, "Yeah, besides you made notes on your Pokemon right? You can use that as a starting base for the dissertation."

"Excuse me."

Casey, "Yes?"

"Hi, I am Runea and I couldn't help but notice your Ninetales."

Ash, "Oh, you want a battle?"

Runea, "With my Ninetales yes. My Ninetales is actually from Alola and we have been training hard."

Max, "You'll have to ask Lokoko though."

Runea, "Who's Lokoko?"

Ash, "Lokoko, this trainer and her Pokemon wants to battle you. What do you say?"

Lokoko who was resting next to them opened her eyes, -Are they now?-

Runea gasped, "You can talk using psychic? I was right you are really strong."

Lokoko, -Hmmm... Perhaps I am. Shall we?-

Runea nodded, "Yes, battlefield four is empty. We can use it."

With that, they got back to training again, Casey happily took on the raid battles while Gou and Brock preferred the one on one battling. Max and Ash accepted the challenges as they came although at the moment Ash was watching over Lokoko's battle with another trainer. Lokoko seemed to be having fun battling so far though she also seemed very interested in his training for the last ribbon. They spent almost a week at the shadow gym, going through many challengers and levels till Ash and Casey reached Kiyo and battled him.

Kiyo's Hitmonlee was a menace on the battlefield and gave their Pokemon a hard time when it came to landing a hit. Kiyo was watching their Pokemon in return, Lucario seemed to be able to adjust and attack but Annihilape took some time. Ash guided them well through the battle but it was obvious the young Champion still had a long way to go when it came single type battles. Kiyo gave a nod and decided he would stay in contact with the young man who had potential to master fighting types and perhaps become a fighting type Master.

Ash, "I'll keep in touch. If any of us are unavailable then, contact Red."

Kiyo raised his eyebrow, "Red as is the Champion Red or ... "

Ash, "My cousin actually. He is a Ranger who works in the Jhoto Kanto border."

Kiyo nodded in understanding, he had met Ranger Red thrice now because of his work as a protector. Gym leaders and shadow gym leader were charged with the protection of their Cities and areas. Kiyo's area were the wild area which was populated by fighting type Pokemon both wild and sadly abandoned ones as well. Thankfully the trainers who come to his gym were not like those back stabbers. If they were, they would find out why and how he earned his title as the Fighting Master of Jhoto.

Ash bowed, "Thank you for taking care of us for a whole week."

Casey, "Yes, I know we were quiet a handful."

Brock nodded bowing as well, "It was an honor Master Kiyo."

Gou, "We appreciated the lessons you gave us."

Max, "Breloom and I learned a lot as well."

Kiyo laughed, "You are welcome and no apologies necessary, your young Pokemon kept everyone on their toes."

The group left and Ash was thinking hard about his Mastery. It would not be strange for him to become a Master of fighting types, though it was not odd to have mastery in more than one typing. After all many Pokemon were showing signs of being double types and maybe more especially among the normal types. Perhaps he should focus on Annihilape and Lucario's lines first, that would be three typing, fighting, steel and ghost. He would have his hands full studying them thoroughly to begin it, it's why he was delaying it. Now however, he has made up his mind.

[A. N. If I am unable to upload on a Sunday.

Just know that it's because Webnovel logged me out of my account again.]

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  • 世界の背景

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