74.03% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 211: Jhoto

章 211: Jhoto

Todd was enjoying his time with the group quiet immensely. He watched their routine and took photos of the different stances and moves the Pokemon practiced. Ash was training with his Pokemon one on one, he was surprised to watch Lucario and Pikachu teach him how to manipulate aura. Ash was training his body to use aura and it was amazing, he had heard rumours about Aura Guardians, he didn't expect to meet one. According to Ash everyone had a chance to become an Aura Guardian but being one was not exactly a happy occasion.

Todd was told about how Ash had been forced to activate his aura when Team Rocket attacked them. It had made Todd go pale when he heard about that and Todd's partner, his Pidgeot had comforted him by pointing at Ash and reminding him he was fine. Pidgeot had been with Todd since he was a six year old and knew how quickly he could get attached to others. The flying type was a little worried that her trainer was getting too attached but seeing how happy he was couldn't bring herself to stop him.

Todd, "I was planning on getting a photo of Articuno."

Sorrel, "Are you sure? Because if Team Rocket catches a whiff of it then... "

Verity, "Yeah, they'll be after you."

Todd, "I'll be fine. You see, photographers actually publish our pictures under a pseudonym. So I'll be safe."

Brock, "As long as you are safe."

Ash, "Totodile!"

Totodile grinned as he glowed, "Toto!"

Croconaw, "Cro croco."

Ash laughed as the hyper water type jumped on him, "Congratulations, my sweet dancer. You evolved."

Croconaw purred as Ash scratched his scales, "Croco."

Tyrantrum, "Runnnnnt tyrant."

Croconaw grinned as he jumped on the dragon type and the two started to dance around excitedly. Cyndaquill was staring at his water type fellow starter and grass type who looked exasperated. Bayleef pulled Croconaw away and scolded him and started to check him over while Ash grinned watching them with a, soft look. Ash had picked Cyndaquill up and pat him before reminding him that it was up to him whether he wanted to evolve or not. If he was not ready, then he was not ready and he should not feel pressured into it.

Cyndaquill nodded and nuzzled him giving a happy chirp as he jumped off and joined his fellow starters who were in their second form now. Bayleef though was still scolding the water starter for forcing the evolution which brought Lucario over. Lucario had scolded Croconaw as well and informed Ash about it making him worry. Ash checked on Croconaw making sure he was not in any pain and talked to Brock about what happened.

Brock, "There's nothing we can do now. He already evolved. The best we can do is keep an eye on him."

Verity, "Did something go wrong with the evolving?"

Brock, "He forced his evolution. It's not healthy but it's happened."

Croconaw didn't look worried at all and Bayleef had a tick mark on her head as she hit him with a vine. Just because Ash would go over and beyond, it doesn't mean they should create trouble for him. Croconaw rubbed his back and grumbled about bossy females getting an angry growl from Bayleef. They started to move to the valley area where a small town and a Pokemon center were located. Nurse Joy checked Croconaw and according to her, aside from muscle stress, the water type was going to be alright.

Nurse Joy, "Make sure he doesn't do anything stressful. He needs to wait for his muscles to de stress first. Or he might end up suffering from a move lock."

Ash, "Understood. You hear that Croconaw. No training for a few days."

Croconaw grumped, "Cro croco."

Bayleef reprimanded him, "Bay bay."

Cyndaquill snickered, "Quill."

Abra, -Big sis Bayleef and big bro Cyndaquill are correct. You should take better care of yourself.-

Eevee pouted at him, "Vui."

Casey giggled, "They'll make sure Croconaw does not strain himself."

Max, "That's good."

Breloom, "Loom bre."

Verity, "I think he wanted to become strong to keep you safe Ash. He did watch you get kidnapped you know?"

Ash sighed, "I know."

Croconaw perked up, "Croc?"

Ash gave him a sad smile, "But that doesn't mean you should ignore your own health, okay buddy?"

Lucario, -Yes, you can't take care of others unless you are okay yourself.-

Croconaw purred and nuzzled them, "Croco."

Ash laughed feeling ticklish from the nuzzling he received from the water type. The group decided to stay at the Pokemon center before deciding to go in search of Articuno. There was a bit of a fuss with Croconaw refusing to return to the lab because he wanted to stay next to him. Bayleef sighed and decided to stay as well after talking to Venasaur about this through video. The older grass type chuckled and nodded in understanding, it looks like Croconaw took after Ash among the juniors while among them it was Charizard.

The next day they started to hike up the mountain where Articuno was rumoured to have been seen. They looked around the area they were in and they saw nothing but snow after snow in the area. It looked like heavy snowfall occurred the previous night, though it looks like other photographers and trainers were around the area as well. The later was probably were there either to try to catch Articuno or battle other trainers who went in search for Articuno. The photographers were with their Pokemon carrying their equipment around and taking a few pictures.

Todd, "So many photographers here."

Ash, "Well Articuno is a majestic Pokemon."

Verity sighed dreamily, "Yes, they are so awesome."

Casey, "Let's go a little further. I don't think we will see anything here."

Max pointed, "I see a Ranger station up there. Should we go there?"

Ash nodded, "I'm required to sign in. Just in case something happens that requires my help."

Brock, "Sorrel and I as well."

Sorrel, "Yeah."

The Rangers were happy to see Sorrel and Brock join them, Pokemon healers were a little hard to find in extreme places like the deep forests, mountains, etc. Brock and Sorrel decided it would be better if they went in two groups and search for Articuno. Ash, Todd and Casey would be with Sorrel while Casey, Verity and Max would be going with Brock according to the straws. Pikachu cooed at that while Lucario chuckled asking if he should be counted as well since he looked like a human in the warm jacket, boots and muffler.

Ash grinned, "You make a very handsome human Lucario."

Pikachu who was wearing paw gloves and muffler, "Pikapi ~"

Abra nodded from inside Ash's hood, -Yes, you do.-

Eevee cooed from another side, "Vui."

Noctowl had flown back with Todd's Pidgeot at that moment and the three of them pointed in the direction of the mountain top. Ash hummed and noticed their wing tips were cold and took them closer to the fire type Pokemon so they could warm up and be comfortable. Brock made sure they did not have any frost bite while Todd and Sorrel fixed some warm food for them. The flying type Pokemon cooed and ate the warm food before deciding to nap.

Ash, "Return buddy, thank you for the help."

Todd, "You too girl."

Sorrel, "Get some rest."

Todd, "This is getting exciting."

Ash chuckled, the excitement was contagious and they started to hike up the mountain that the flying types had pointed at. The hike went well but half way through they were hit by a powerful blizzard that had Lucario look at it in suspicioun. He used his aura sight and gave a growl on seeing a certain Ice Legendary in the middle of a battle. The aura Pokemon easily recognized the R on the people who were attacking Articuno.

Lucario, -Meema they are attacking Articuno.-

Ash, "What? Team Rocket?"

Lucario nodded, -Kids, stay behind. We are going to help the Legendary.-

Abra, -But... -

Ash, "Don't argue with us. Just stay here with Todd okay."

Todd, "Huh? Me?"

Sorrel, "You are staying here. Your Pidgeot is not equipped to fight in icy areas."

Todd nodded, "That's true. Okay. I will stay back but if anything happens I will be joining you."

Ash pulled up his snow protection mask and goggles followed by the others, "These should keep them from recognizing us."

Sorrel, "Yes, let's go."

They slowly walked up behind the group who were busy battling and trying to capture the Ice Legendary. Articuno was looking very pissed off by their presence. Ash looked at where Articuno was looking at and froze, there was a nest with poke eggs. Ash pulled Lucario back and whispered what he had seen to the aura Pokemon. Lucario frowned on hearing the situation and called for Sorrel to warn him about the situation.

Sorrel, "That makes things a bit complicated."

Todd, "Deal with the members. I'll make sure the two poke eggs will be okay."

Ash, "I thought I told you to stay back?"

Todd, "I would but it's just us here and we need to stay together."

Ash sighed, "I called the Rangers so it would not be just us. Either way if you want to be the back up it's fine. We have to move stealthily."

Sorrel, "We can take out the machines first."

Ash, "Good idea."

They called their Pokemon and told them to quitely get closer to the machines and destroy them while the rest distracted them. Pikachu led the group of smaller but faster Pokemon while Ash and Sorrel openly challenged the group trouble makers. There were three members who cursed at them and two of them started to battle with Sorrel and Ash. In the meantime Pikachu, Cyndaquill, Sorrel's Lucario and Bidoof rushed towards the machine as fast as possible.

Ash, "Use Dragon claw, Tyrantrum "

Tyrantrum roared, "Trummmmm!"

Sorrel, "Ursaring solar beam."

Ursaring roared as well, "RRRRRRRR!"

Pikachu and Sorrel's Lucario used iron tail on the wires cutting them all in half in one machine. Cyndaquill used flame wheel to burn and melt the insides of the machine. Bidoof meanwhile used crunch to break the machines. When the two members realized what happened they cursed as the shield holding Articuno fell. The Icy Legendary unleashed a hell of ice on them making Ash and Sorrel to cover the nest and Todd to step back. Sorrel's Lucario rushed to join Ash's Lucario and the two of them used their aura to create a dome to cover them all. By the time they came out everything was quiet and still, too still.


Sorrel, "BIDOOF! TODD!"

Todd came out of a snow pile, "W... We a.. are o... okay. A li... little c... c... cold."

Cyndaquill increased his flames, "Quill."

Todd smiled, "Thanks buddy. What happened though?"

Ash, "Articuno unleashed their strongest combo attack."

Sorrel, "Blizzard plus sheer cold."


"Sweet Arceus!"

"Are you okay?"

"What happened here?"

Ash, "Brock, Verity, Max, Casey, we are okay and Articuno froze Team Rocket."

Max, "We saw the weird blizzard that was only focussed on this area so we came as fast as possible."

Sorrel was helping Todd warm up, "That was Articuno. They were protecting that nest."

A Ranger approached them, "That are frozen."

Ash, "We'll have to melt them out. Articuno was very pissed off."

The Rangers winced on hearing that but after hearing what they were trying to do lost any pity they had. You don't go around pissing off Legendary Pokemon, they have the label Legendary tagged on them for a reason for sanity's sake. They took the frozen humans and Pokemon with them to the station and helped them all warm up. Todd took our his camera and gave a grin.

Todd, "I'm so happy I spent the extra money on getting a camera specialized for cold areas."

Sorrel, "No wonder your hands are frozen too. You little fool."

Ash, "You should put your health first."

Todd gave a sheepish laugh, "I suppose."

Max, "I'm just glad you are okay."

Casey nodded, "Yeah."

Brock, "Your Pokemon are fine."

Verity, "I look forward to seeing those photos."

[A. N.: Did anyone else have problem login into Webnovel?

I could not login for a week! One whole week!

Well I'm logged in now. So hopefully I can regularly update now.]

next chapter
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  • 世界の背景

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