64.91% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 185: Jhoto

章 185: Jhoto

Brock grinned looking around, "Looks like almost everyone got new Pokemon."

Casey nodded, "Yup, seems like it."

Ash pumped his hand up holding Totodile in his other hand and Cyndaquill on his head, "Let's get going guys. If we hurry we will make it to the circus next town."

Misty, "Circus?"

Melody, "Awesome! It has been a while since I attended a circus."

Gou checked his phone, "It's called Trixie's Circus. The main stars are an Azumarill and a Golduck."

Serena checked her own phone, "Is that a shiny Azumarill?"

Chloe nodded, "Looks like it."

Misty perked up, "Really? What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Misty ran off in the direction Casey had pointed in and the group laughed as they ran after the orangette. The Circus was in full swing and the group got tickets to watch the show and enjoy themselves. The Ring Master who went by the name Trixie appeared and introduced herself, welcoming them, before starting the show. Brock gushed saying how amazing she was only for Misty to tell him to shut up so she could enjoy the show which starred an Azumarill and Golduck. Misty had hearts in her eyes as well as Totodile which made Chikorita sweat drop. The grass type had a sinking feeling that she would become to Totodile what Golbat is to Brock. The Circus was fun to attend and after the show ended they left for the forest when Gou noticed a few curious people looking in their direction.

Ash stretched his hands, "It's good to be in a forest. So peaceful."

Lucario looked around, -I agree. I hear a stream nearby.-

Misty walked in the direction Lucario pointed, "Nice, we can camp there."

Brock breath the air in, "It's very peaceful here, isn't it?"

Melody nodded, "Yeah, I like it."

Gou looked around, "I'll go find some fire wood."

Serena took out a few buckets handing some to her Pokemon, "My Pokemon and I will get the water."

Chloe took out the portable table, "I'll set the table."

Max grabbed the plates and spoons, "I'll get the plates."

The group settled down and got ready for dinner after Gou returned with the fire wood and Serena got the water. The dinner was a very simple one, consisting of bread and soup made from vegetables and shrimp, as for dessert Melody had made them her island special coconut based sweet. She had noticed a few fruit stands selling coconut and brought it to make the delicious little treat that both humans and Pokemon could consume without any problems. Ash looked up as some of Noctowl, Hoot, Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Misdreavous and Mismagius hooted and chirped at them. Abra, Phantump and Gengar cooed at them and encouraged them to join the dinner, Ash always kept a plate with extra food for wild Pokemon.

Serena cooed, "Awww! Who is an adorable Misdreavous!"

Misdreavous giggled, "Mis mis."

Gou pointed at Ash, "Hey don't look now, but is that a shiny Noctowl?"

Brock nodded, "Yup."

Max fixed his glasses, "It definitely is one."

Casey coughed into her hand, "Shiny magnet!"

Ash turned red, "M not!"

Chloe snickered at Ash's expression, "That just proves you are."

Melody nodded agreeing, "That little guy is even eating from your plate, Ash."

Pikachu sweat dropped, "Pika pika pikapi."

Ash looked at his plate and the Shiny, "Ah.... That means nothing!"

Gou snorted, "Sure!"

Serena giggled, "I think it's cute."

Noctowl hooted at the dark haired teen and pulled his sleeve for attention and hooted at him again. The group snorted and giggled at that and Ash just huffed before taking another berry and giving it to Noctowl. The owl Pokemon hooted before taking the berry and gulping it down in one go. As they were cleaning up a man tumbled out of the bushes sending the Pokemon on high alert. The man waved his hands saying he was not going to hurt anyone and introducing himself as Dr Wiseman, and he was researching Noctowl.

Wiseman pointed at the Noctowl nudging Ash, "I have been observing that Shiny for quite some time now. You are the first human he approached out of his own free will."

Melody laughed, "Shiny magnet."

Ash turned his nose up at her snootily, "Or he was just curious."

Brock's shoulder shook in amusement, "I don't know Ash, none of the wild Noctowl or Pokemon have come closer to us. They all kept a distance."

Max, "Yeah, he must really like you."

Misty, "It's also possible he saw your Shiny Eevee and approached you because of that."

Chloe shook her head, "But if that was the case he would have approached Gou too."

Gou nodded, "Are you going to catch him?"

Ash looked at his group before looking at Noctowl, "I don't know..... Do you want to come with me?"

Noctowl nodded, "Hoo."

Ash scratched his nape, "I'll have to send one of my Pokemon back. I'm already pushing the limit."

Pikachu pulled his sleeve and hit his chest, "Pika pika pikapi."

Ash, "Are you sure buddy?"

Pikachu nodded, "Pikachu."

Ash pat the electric mouse's head, "Thank you bud! You are really cool and sweet, I'll make it up to you, promise. Do you want me to send you now or tomorrow after breakfast."

Pikachu nuzzled him, "Chaaaaaa ~"

Lucario, -Tomorrow.-

Ash grinned, "Fine by me."

Noctowl flew up and hooted a challenge at Ash only for Phantump, to come out and accept the challenge. Noctowl had quite a set of attacks under his wing and Ash could name a few, quick attack, agility, gust, confusion and disable. Of course Phantump did not back down easily either and countered the moves using astonish, wood hammer, magical leaf, willow o wisp and leech seed. The leech seed absorbed Noctowl's strength making it easy for Ash to capture the owl Pokemon.

Ash, "Come out Noctowl. Here buddy eat this you'll be able to regain your strength."

Noctowl hooted tiredly and gulped the revitalizing pill only to be shocked, "Hoooo?"

Pikachu chuckled and welcomed him into the family followed by the other Pokemon who were happy to have him. They invited Dr Wiseman to join their camp as it would be dangerous to move around in the dark and the next day waved farewell. Noctowl flew around with Phantump and Gengar the night before and was now sleeping in his pokeball. Casey was explaining how the part of the forest they were in was home to Ursaring and Teddiursa.

Serena gushed, "Teddiursa is so adorable."

Melody sweat dropped, "But the Ursaring is terrifying."

Max looked around the forest, "They have to be to keep their cubs safe."

Ash nodded letting holding Abra who decided to get a nap in his arms, "That's true."

They walked through the forest talking quietly about the bear Pokemon and comparing it to the other bear Pokemon that were in different regions. As they traveled they would come across an Ursaring pair group with a couple of Teddiursa playing around them. The girls cooed over how adorable they looked but didn't approach the pack not wanting to deal with a pissed off mama bear. They instead took photos of the pack and moved on from the area not wanting to push their luck and entered the area that had a warning about ghost Pokemon.

Brock's Corsula tilted their head, "Cor."

Ash chuckled, "I'm sure the sign is not talking about you or the other two."

Brock nodded, "Yes, it is talking about ghost Pokemon who like pranking others."

A voice called out, "You got that right."

Serena, "Who are you? Is that a Girafarig?"

The girl smiled, "The name is Cherry and yes she is my sweetheart Girafarig. I live in a town on the outskirts of the forest."

Melody grinned, "Nice to meet you Cherry."

Gou, "Did you say town?"

Max, "Could you guide us there?"

Ash, "We need to shop for ingredients, we are almost out."

Brock nodded, "Yes."

Cherry, "Sure! Oh, my town is holding a Pokemon contest. If you are interested in taking part."

Ash perked up, "I am interested."

Cherry looked at him surprised, "You are a coordinator? Well you do have good looking and cute Pokemon with you."

Ash laughed, "They are, aren't they?"

Serena, "I want to take part too. It would be fun."

Cherry grinned, "Awesome the three of us are rivals then."

Chloe, "This will be fun."

Gou, "We can help you train."

Misty, "Yeah."

Melody, "Count me in."

Max, "Me too!"

The group soon reached the town Cherry was from and saw the towns folk were preparing for the contest in full swing. The three participants had went different ways after Cherry had helped them register for the contest. Gou and Chloe decided to help Serena prepare her piece while Misty and Brock decided to help Ash with the battle part. Ash had already prepared a piece and instructed Lapras to practice it while Tyrunt would be participating in the battle. The dark haired teen noticed Tyrunt's scales were growing bigger almost as if he was ready to evolve.

Misty, "You are hoping, if he wins the next battle, it'll help him evolve."

Ash nodded, "Yes, look at his scales they are longer then before."

Brock, "You are right about that. A Tyrunt's scales are a big sign."

Max, "I can't wait. Pokemon evolution is so cool."

Tyrunt was waving his tail feeling very excited about his upcoming battle and the contest debut. He could feel his evolution on the horizon ever since he took off his Everstone and returned it to Ash. Chimchar had requested to have it instead, as he did not want to evolve so soon. Chimchar wanted to go to Sinnoh, Ash promised him they would go to Sinnoh. Ash did not mind and gave the stone to Chimchar, who wore it around his waist like a belt.

They trained together the whole day and went shopping in the evening for the items the required. The next day dawned bright and early and the announcer, who went by Lamaria welcomed everyone. She introduced the three judges before calling the first contestant to take the stage. There were ten contestants before the three of them who performed their acts before one of them were called. Serena went with her newly evolved Butterfree from the Orange Island, the unique colouring already gaining her some points.

Serena, "Butterfree stun spore, sleep powder and poison powder, followed confusion."

Butterfree cooed as she used the three moves before using confusion to manipulate the three different coloured powders. The three powders had made three rings around Butterfree and Serena called out sunny day as Butterfree used confusion to make the rings move around him. Ash was honestly impressed by the control Butterfree had and sunny day made the unique looking Butterfree look like a star.

Serena, "Now end it with whirlwind!"

Butterfree unleashed a powerful whirlwind that dispersed the three rings to the sky before the powder fell harmlessly, sparkling like glitter. The crowd cheered and Lamaria turned to the judges who were very impressed by the easy control Butterfree had and how well taken care of she was. Serena walked away with full on thirty points from the stage and a proud grin on her face as she praised her Butterfree. There were five more contestants before it was Cherry's turn to perform with her Lunatone.

Max, "A Lunatone!"

Brock, "I didn't expect to see one in Jhoto."

Cherry, "Use moonlight followed by rock polish."

The moonlight shone on Lunatone making their body shine by reflecting it due to the rock polish they used. Cherry then called for cosmic power, stone edge and confusion which Lunatone used to manipulate the rocks and create light balls. The gender neutral Pokemon then manipulated the items and made it move around them making it look like outer space.

Cherry, "Now, Lunatone, finish it with using Moonblast!"

Lunatone who was slowly moving the rocks gave a shout and used moonblast to enhance themselves and gave out the illusion of the rocks disappearing. In reality the cosmic power and stone edge collided cancelling each other out allowing moon blast to take full stage. Ash gave an impressed whistled, realizing it was done so masterfully and how impressive the control Lunatone had on their rock and psychic powers.

Lamaria, "What a fabulous finish and we have another contestant with full points. Well done! Now let's welcome our next contestant."

Ash got up when it was finally his turn, "Our turn now."

Lamaria, "Give it up for last year's Grand Festival winner, Ash Ketchum!"

Ash grinned as he ran into the stage wearing an icy dark blue coat and pants with dark brown shirt and shoes, "Lapras show them what you got. Ice beam and water gun."

Lapras appeared in a mist before using ice beam to create a large pool and filling it up with water, -Hello everyone ~"

The audience gasped while Ash grinned when the impromptu ice pool didn't break and everyone could see Lapras swimming around in it, no problem. Ash then called out for a whirlpool followed by waterfall, bubbles and finally sing. Lapras started to sing the song after he used whirlpool, waterfall and bubbles to add background effect. Ash had taught him for a few days now and prepared him for this, he won't let his Meema down, not after the hard work he put in. Ash got this idea when he was writing the summary for the pirate book and remembered the mermaid song, 'Jolly Sailor Bold'. The dark haired teen had first checked on the internet to see if the song existed or not only to realize it did not and he shared it with Lapras who was very fascinated with it.

Misty had hearts in her eyes as Lapras performed on stage using his moves to compliment the song, "Wao! Lapras sounds like a dangerous, powerful and beautiful siren."

Melody nodded, "Ash went all out in training him, didn't he?"

Max, "So cool."

Lucario, -The song is very haunting.-

Abra cooed, -I think, I want to do just that, be powerful and graceful.-

Gengar pat the young psychic in support, "Gengar."

Lamaria blinked, "Ah? It's already over."

Lapras smirked, -Yep!-

Lamaria coughed, "Ahem! That was some water and psychic power combo use there. And would you look at that Ash and Lapras got a full score from the judges without hesitation."

Mr Contesta, "What can I say? That was a very powerful and beautiful display."

Mr Sukizo, "Very remarkable."

Nurse Joy, "Indeed. Such a magnificent Pokemon and the act did a beautiful job of show casing it."

[A. N.: Another update because I feel great today.

Drink water, eat healthy, stay safe and love yourself.

BTW, by healthy, I don't mean, eat only greens, I mean eat a well rounded diet that consists of greens, egg, meat, pulses, etc. Watch out for any allergies though. :D

Treat yourself well.]

next chapter
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  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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