63.5% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 181: Jhoto

章 181: Jhoto

Brock looked the Pokemon over and hissed seeing the damage done by weapons instead of Pokemon. He got to work and started to get the items out to do the operation required to take the bullets out. Nurse Joy put the Pokemon to sleep as Brock sterilized the surgical knives and his hands. The two then got to work and started to take the bullets out from the Pokemon as Max and Casey watched.

Max mumbled, "Please be okay Breloom."

Casey gave him a side hug, "Don't worry Max, our Pokemon are tough. They'll be okay."

Brock, 'I hope Gou and Ash are doing well.'

Gou stood up, "Ready?"

Cinderace, "Ace."

Gou, "Knock them out using agility and mega kick."

Cinderace nodded and rushed behind the humans and knocked three of them out before being noticed by the others. Gou started to shoot at them when he noticed Cinderace was in trouble he called for Scyther to attack using sword dance. Ash meanwhile was battling Gonzalez inside the cavern and Gonzalez turned out to have very powerful Pokemon with him. Ash was holding Pikachu and another one, that he recognized as Pikachu's clone close to him. The clone had recognized his Pikachu and had jumped in the way of an attack to protect him when Pikachu was being shot at. Ash pressed his fingers against the blood flow to try to stop it, luckily there was no bullet pieces inside.

Ash growled, "Fucking bastard! You will pay for this."

Pikachu was comforting his clone, the clones were not used to battling, "Pikapi."

Gonzalez observed him darkly, "You! You knew about the clones. Of course, that blasted backstabbing brother of mine would tell his brats."

Ash sweatdropped, 'He is a lunatic.'

Charizard snarled, -You won't touch him.-

Lucario growled, -We won't go down easily.-

Gengar was inside Ash's shadows feeling agitated, "Gengar."

Ash, -Stay calm, I know you are furious. I am too but we can't let these bastards get the upper hand.-

Lucario nodded his aura cloak becoming active again before he launched his attack on the enemies followed by Charizard. The two of them fought using their auras to boost their strength and speed as they fought against Gonzalez's Tyranitar and Gyarados. Gonzalez gave a huff at how stubborn the child and his Pokemon were being, but he was also very impressed by the strength and skill of the Pokemon.

Gonzalez, 'A perfect heir indeed.'

Gonzalez, "Alakazam return to base and tell Hypno's team robbery ready."

Alakazam nodded before teleporting, "Kazam."

Gou burst in at that moment, "Ash, are you okay?"

Ash, "I'm fine, but my Pokemon and this little one is not doing well."

Gou nodded, "Understood."

Gonzalez ran out of patience, "Kill them all except for the boy. He is my heir."

"Yes boss! Understood!"

Ash and Gou paled and got ready to battle instead, they both had a feeling it would be a long and dark fight. Gou muttered to himself he already killed once he can do it again to protect his friends. Ash jerked back at that before growling to himself and took off his neck piece that was suppressing his aura making it flow out. Gonzalez got a dark glint in his eyes on noticing that movement, he had a suspicion when he saw the Lucario and laughed cruelly.

Gonzalez laughed, "An aura user, you don't disappoint boy."

At that moment another voice interrupts him, -Leave them alone.-

Ash gave a sigh of relief before straightening up, 'Can't put my guard down yet, even though Mewtwo is here, there is no guarantee things will turn out well.'

Ash, "Gou, get ready for a raid battle."

Gou smirked, "I'm always ready."

Gonzalez laughed, "I will get both of you, don't worry. Men what are you waiting for? Attack!"

The men around the leader shouted and called their Pokemon that turned out to be an army of four Beedrill, four Houndour, six Raticate, seven Rattata, four Primeape and three Fearrow. Gou and Ash stood back to back surrounded by Scyther, Cinderace, Charizard, Lucario and Pikachu who's cheeks sparked. They started to battle them group in earnest taking out the Rattata and Raticate group first before fighting the Houndour and the Beedrill.

Ash, "Are you alright?"

Gou, "I don't know."

Ash pulled him away, "Move quickly!"

Gou ran after Ash while shooting back at the bastard who had shot at them first. Ash growled as one of the men stood infront of them stopping them. Ash took out his staff that he elongated and used it to attack the guy who took out an electric staff. Ash gritted his teeth as he felt the electricity run up his hands which made Pikachu see red. The pissed off electric type rushed towards him and used volt tackle to attack the man who hurt his trainer. Mewtwo on the other hand was battling against Gonzalez and his Pokemon.

Mewtwo growled, -Leave, you are not welcome here.-

Gonzalez, "Now now, that's not how you treat your old friends."

Mewtwo hissed, -You are no friend of mine, monster.-

Gengar meanwhile was fighting with Gonzalez's Cofagrigus that had been ordered to kidnap Ash no matter what. Gengar hissed and told Cofagrigus to back off and that she would not get his trainer. Cofagrigus nodded and asked for an all out battle, winner would get the dark haired trainer. That made Gengar and Charizard who was close to them bristled in anger and the fire type responded with a heat blast. Cofagrigus smirked at them and battled with both of them only to be overwhelmed when the two combined their attacks.

Lucario picked up the neck piece and grabbed Ash's hand wrapping it as a bracelet, -You should be more careful, Meema.-

Ash muttered, "Sorry but at the moment I think I'm very desperate for us to get out of this situation alive."

Gou grabbed Ash's shoulder, "We understand Ash, but not at the cost of your health and freedom okay?"

Ash nodded as he squeezed Gou's hand back, "Yeah, I'm sorry to worry. Pikachu, are you okay? That was one powerful volt tackle."

Pikachu who was panting from the attack gave a thumbs up, "Pika pika pikapi."

Ash smiled activating his aura a bit and ran it over Pikachu's fur using his free hand, "That should help with the low energy."

Pikachu cooed, "Chaaaa~"

Ash turned to the clone, "Hey little buddy, I'm gonna place you into the water. It helped Mewtwo, it should help you too."

The clone Pikachu nodded and hissed as he was slowly lowered into the water by Ash while Gou stood vigilant. Lucario sent a shadow ball followed by an aura ball towards the Houndour who were able to get around Charizard and tried to attack them. Lucario used bone rush and hit the nerves on their nape to knock them out, he had no interest in battling youngsters. The fire type nodded at him before roaring loudly and starting to glow brightly. When Ash had taken his neck piece off both Lucario and Charizard had received quite a boost in their strength powering them up. Lucario raised a shield around them while Charizard growled his plan to Mewtwo who shrugged and gave him the go ahead. Charizard then released a powerful Draco meteor on the enemy, although Gonzalez didn't bat an eye his men were running around trying to survive.

Ash felt sick, "He doesn't care his people are dying at all."

Gou rubbed his arm, "Yeah."

Ash turned to Gou, "Gou? What did they do to you?"

Gou shook his head, "Not here."

Ash nodded, "Later then... Oh, it's over."

When the dust cleared the Pokemon and the men were all down only Gonzalez and his Pokemon were still barely standing. Mewtwo then thanked the fire type and released his powers and teleported the group of men and Gonzalez away from the area. Ash was very impressed by the teleportation ability and complimented him on his strength and saying he was happy to see he was doing well. The last part however caught Gou's attention.

Gou, "You met him before?"

Ash nodded, "Yes, I did. How have you been?"

Mewtwo flew infront of Ash, -How? I erased your memory!-

Ash raised his palm creating an aura ball, "I'm an aura user. Psychic moves don't always work on me, unless you are using a super powered Pokemon move."

Gou nodded, "I agree. I guess you met him back in Kanto."

Ash nodded grinning, "Yes, it was a very interesting meeting."

Mewtwo observed the child, -You are interesting yourself. Are you alright? I over heard what that monster said about you.-

Ash winced, "I'm fine, it's nothing new. We have been at odds with his men and organization from the minute we stepped into this region."

Mewtwo looked back at the water, -Bring your Pokemon here. The water here is blessed by Ho oh and Suicune making it capable of healing most hurts.-

Ash and Gou nodded and took the hurt Pokemon to the water and helped them settle in without drowning. Ash took out a sponge and dipped it the water and started to clean Charizard up and Gou did the same with his Cinderace who purred. Mewtwo and Ash were sharing their adventures while they were helping the Pokemon heal and clean up. The genetic Pokemon told Ash that unlike Red's Mewtwo, yes he found out, he was Psychic and Steel type. Red's Mewtwo was Psychic and Flying type and they spent a whole month figuring out their moves.

Mewtwo, -Figuring out my abilities with another of my kind was very fascinating and enjoyable experience. One of my strongest abilities is erasing specific memories. You have however surprised me. I guess I have to train more.-

Ash rubbed his head embarrassed by the compliment, "I'm happy to hear that. I'll admit, I was a little worried about how you were doing."

Mewtwo gave a pause, -I see.-

Mewtwo leaned in and whispered, -Lady Mew has been kind and allowed half of the clone Pokemon to settle in at the Tree of Life. The clones here with me wanted to see the world.-

Ash smiled at him, "I'm glad."

Gou looked at them curiously but didn't butt in, "I wonder what they are talking about."

Cinderace shrugged, "Ace ace!"

At that moment Max, Casey and Brock rushed towards them shouting their names followed by the Pokemon Rangers. Ash and Gou waved at them before introducing Mewtwo and the clone Pokemon and giving a short summary about them. Long story short, they were Pokemon who were created artificially and escaped because they had no interest in battling and wanted to just live. The Head Ranger nodded and informed Mewtwo he and his group were welcome to the Mt Quena reserve as long as the natural ecosystem is not affected.

Mewtwo, -Acceptable, thank you.-

Max gasped, "You, I know you are a Mewtwo but I thought Champion Red was the only one who had a Mewtwo."

Mewtwo nodded, -Like Ash here mentioned I was created by Team Rocket to be used as a weapon.-

Casey scowled, "Team Rocket again?"

Gou, "That's not all. The guy we were battling was named Gonzalez, and he sounds like he knew Ash's relatives and wants to brain wash him to be his heir."

Brock, "WHAT? He what? No absolutely not."

Ash, "Calm down Brock. I'm alright."

Brock shook his head, "You don't get it. I have battled against Gonzalez before when I first started as a Gym Leader and... I lost my cousin to him."

Gou's eyes widened, "Oh!"

Max teared up, "Brock."

Casey gasped, "We are so sorry."

Ash hugged his friend, "I swear I'm okay. I promise Brock, I'm not going down that easily."

Mewtwo growled, -Perhaps but you should know, he has been hunting me ever since he learned about me and now that he is interested in you.... -

Ash sighed, "He is going to stalk me."

Axel frowned, "Will you kids be alright?"

Ash, "We usually travel through the less common route to avoid the heavy population so I think we'll be alright."

Axel nodded before barking at his Rangers to round up the crooks left behind. The Head Ranger made sure they were okay before telling them he still had to get back to work and report this. Ash nodded and told the Head Ranger he and Gou would submit their reports after making sure the clone Pokemon were alright and unhurt. Ash noticed that most of the clone Pokemon around them were young ones and not fully evolved. Ash noticed one of the clones, a Ralts, who had been introduced to every Pokemon was approaching Max out of curiosity. The young boy had stopped sniffling and was helping Brock gather berries and fruits to make lunch.

Max looked up, "Oh hello!"

Ralts smiled, -Hi!-

Max brightened up, "You can use psychic to talk that's amazing."

Ralts turned pink, -Thank you. Teacher Mewtwo taught us a few moves.-

Max, "That is so awesome. Mewtwo sure is cool."

Ash smiled, "Mewtwo what do you think?"

Mewtwo watched his oldest new born talk to the youngest human, -If they are truly willing to stay together I won't separate them.-

Ash, "Come with me I need to tell you something."

Mewtwo looked at him curiously but followed him to a cliff from which they could watch over everyone and talk in private. Ash turned to Mewtwo and introduced himself again only this time he told Mewtwo about his unique condition of rebirth. He told Mewtwo about what he knew of Team Rocket and how he was slowly loosing most of his past memories, as he had a suspicion his old memories were being replaced by new memories.

Ash then explained why he was telling Mewtwo about this, "You are not the only Mewtwo aside from Red's Mewtwo, in Unova there is another research lab that is creating a third Mewtwo. I have to admit I didn't know about the typing difference you would have though it's possible I am forgetting it too."

Mewtwo, -I think it is fascinating you even remember your previous life... Do you think Pokemon who die here get reborn in your old world?-

Ash, "I don't know, maybe they do. I never met any who were."

Mewtwo sighed, -So many mysteries. Do not worry I will keep an eye out for the third Mewtwo. Red's Mewtwo had told me about it a few months ago. One of their cases alluded to another of my kind existing.-

Ash, "Thank you. That makes me relieved."

[A. N.: I love Mewtwo.

Hope you all enjoyed this. I tried to stick to the movie storyline as much as I could with my own twist.

Till next time.]

next chapter
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  • 世界の背景

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