60.35% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 172: Jhoto

章 172: Jhoto

"Well well, look who the Charizard dragged in."

Ash perked up and rushed to hug him, "Silver!"

Gou, "You are here too?"

Silver smirked, "Gold was worried about you and requested me to watch over you."

Liza, "You know these kids?"

Silver nodded grinning at her, "Yup, see this one here. He is my baby brother."

Brock, "You know each other?"

Liza, "He is one of our best defenders."

Ash looked up at Silver, "That's really cool."

Silver smiled, "Thank you."

Pikachu nuzzled Silver, "Pikapi chaaaa."

Lucario, -It's good to see you again.-

Silver, "Good to see you too, I'm surprised you didn't bring Charizard here."

Ash, "He'll come by later, currently he is with Falkner."

Silver, "Ah! I see. Falkner is strong especially in the Sky. The Sky is his domain."

Casey nodded, "Yeah, he certainly showed us that."

Silver, "I see you are traveling together. Good thing. Your family was worried about you."

Casey looked away guiltily, "I'm fine. They worry over nothing."

Silver, "Maybe but it doesn't stop your family from worrying about you."

Max, "Don't worry, we'll stick together and watch each other's backs."

Casey nodded, "That's right. I have a strong team and awesome friends. I'll be fine."

Meganium, "Mega."

Silver laughed, "Well you certainly are pumped up. I'm glad you have a very good team and friends to watch your back."

Ash, "We'll be ok big brother. Trust us."

Brock, "Yeah, besides it's not like we go searching for trouble. Trouble just happens around us."

Silver, "I know."

Liza, "Sorry to interrupt but we have a problem."

Silver, "What's wrong?"

Liza, "There have been a few hunters spotted coming towards the temple."

Ash, Brock and Gou paled at that information and looked at each other. They still remembered what happened back at Lavender town. Phantump stirred in Ash's shadows feeling his emotional distress and came out inquiring what was going on. He was taken aside by Lucario who explained there were hunters around, the same ones who created trouble in Lavender town. The Ghost Pokemon frowned, he still remembers the day he was born, he was with Banette, his friend. They lived in fear because of the hunters who would brutally capture the wild Pokemon, never to be seen again.

Silver turned to them, "Are you alright?"

Brock, "We are fine. We dealt with hunters before. I wish we didn't have to deal with them so soon."

Gou, "They turned Lavender town into living hell for the inhabitants."

Liza, "The Phantump.... I see.

Ash, "Yes, he was not even a pre teen yet."

Liza, "That's too young."

Silver, "Unfortunately they don't care. Which is why everyone will be on guard."

Liza, "You heard the man. Everyone to your stations. Brock I heard you are training to be a Doctor, will you be part of the medic team?"

Brock, "Of course."

Liza, "Max stay close to Brock. I'm not comfortable having you out there. Gou join them please. Ash join me on the front line?"

Gou, "Sure. I understand."

Ash, "Got ya. I think I'll call my A team first though."

Ash called the Professor and asked for Togetic and Fearrow, then he called Falkner and the Pokemon centre calling Charizard and Venasaur. The four Pokemon joined Pikachu and Lucario, while Gengar, Phantump, Tyrunt, Chimchar, Lapras, Heracross, Eevee, Abra and Absol stayed with Brock. Absol whined at being separated again but Ash hushed him and promised to be back. Lucario nuzzled the pup promising to bring their Meema back safely, to which Absol barked softly in return.

Charizard rumbled, -Stay close to us.-

Ash, "Always. Let's hope things don't turn nasty."

Liza, "Boys and Girls! Time to get to work."

Liza climbed her Charizard and Ash's Charizard nudged him to climb as well, they were flanked by Fearrow and Togetic. On the ground Venasaur, Pikachu and Lucario stuck together and moved through the trees steady and silently. Liza motioned for them to separate and spread out to get a better view of the area. Ash and his Pokemon enjoyed the view and glided quietly through the sky keeping a look out for poachers.

Ash sighed quietly, 'At least the battle tank has been dealt with and we don't have to fight an armed machine.'

Ash winced, his hand going towards the standard weapon belt Silver had given him just two minutes ago. Champions as it turned out were actually armed with a standard gun and an army knife while on a mission. He has been given a basic lesson during Christmas by Professor Oak who took it upon himself to teach him how to shoot. Ash remembered the smell of gun powder and the powerful recoil of the old antique revolver called, Dessert Colt Walker. The Professor was adamant he learned to deal with the recoil at least even if he may not be a good shot.

His Pokemon apprehensive after the first try when the recoil nearly made him blind in one eye. In his defense, he was not expecting such a powerful recoil, it was only thanks to his aura being overactive he was able to avoid being blind. From the ground Lucario used his aura to tell him everything was clear around the area, which gave him both relief and worry. Relief because he didn't have to deal with the hunters yet and worry someone else might be dealing with the hunter. Ash suddenly got a dark feeling about the situation and called Liza.

Ash, "Liza something is wrong."

Liza, "I know, it's too quiet, it's unnatural. Pyrus head to the South, I can't contact Silver."

Ash, "What?"

Pyrus, "I'm on it."

Liza, "Ash, Karol and Jewel with me, we are setting up a trap."

Ash, "Okay, what do we do?"

Liza explained they were going to use their electric Pokemon and Charizards to create a paralysing met then a flame net. Ash went to get Pikachu and explained the plan Venasaur grunted he and Lucario would keep an eye out on the ground level and make sure no one escapes from the trap. As Pikachu joined Ash, Lucario covered himself with aura and Venasaur made a the ground a sleeping powder trap. Pikachu along with the other electric types created an electric net just in time as a helicopter flew in their direction.

Liza, "That is not one of ours, capture them."

Ash, "Electro web Pikachu."

Jewel, "Magnezone electro web."

Karol, "Plusle, Minun support them."

Pikachu, "PikaaaaaChuuuu!"

Magnezone, "Magnezone."

Plusle, "Plus."

Minun, "Min."

The helicopter got caught in the electro web and Ash winced as he heard the screaming coming from inside. The copter went down due to malfunction but one of Liza's Charizard caught it before it crashed. On the ground Lucario and Venasaur ran across another vehicle, this one an armoured jeep. Unlike the copter though the jeep didn't have any cover on top and the humans were very confidant they would get out easily. Venasaur and Lucario looked at each other before Lucario shook his head and gave Venasaur a boost with his aura.

Venasaur used the boost to shoot a powerful leech seed which overturned the vehicle when it started to run over it. When the humans managed to cut through Venasaur released the sleep powder he had kept inside in tight control. The effect was very instantaneous and the human group leader cursed when he realized what was happening and fell asleep. Lucario who was covered in his aura coat was unaffected as the aura made a filter mask over his nose and jaws.

Lucario, -Arrogance is the downfall of many humans.-

Venasaur, "Saur?"

Lucario nodded, -Meema told me that once and that we can always take advantage of another person's arrogance to defeat them.-

Venasaur tilted his head and nodded agreeing, he had seen many arrogant Pokemon get beaten down a peg or two by Chansey and Blissey. Those Pokemon thought since they were healers there was not much they could do about anything. It was hilarious working at the Pokemon centre sometimes, especially when watching a so called, 'weak' Pokemon, defeat a strong Pokemon. The two looked up as they heard screams and saw the flying team had caught their own trespassers. Liza gave the order to capture and restrain them and take them to the headquarters.

Silver was pissed, 'Dammit old man!'

Admin Fernandez, "So you are the boss's nephew? You have been creating a lot of problems for us, just like your father."

Silver's Milotic hissed, "Ticcccc."

Fernandez, "Grunts capture him. Delivering the boss's nephew will no doubt give us some extra money."

Silver smirked, "Very bold of you to assume you will walk away alive."

Silver's Charizard flew down and used heat wave on the grunt's Poliwrath and his Dragonite used dragon rush. The Machamp and Houndoom was pushed back by Dragonite, and Milotic battled with the Admin's Tangrowth. Silver personally attacked the admin using his baton, the admin retaliated by shooting. Silver took out his own gun and shot back at him making him curse at the young man.

Fernandez, "Damn that man! Get him!"

Silver, "You are not walking away alive."

Fernandez growled, "We'll see bitch."

Silver, "The fuck did you just say whore! That's it, Charizard, Dragonite, Milotic go full power. Do it Gengar."

Fernandez, "Alakazam! Shield!"

Alakazam, "Kazam."

Before Fernandez could order another attack he felt something cold pass through his chest and looked down. There was a branch with leaves coming out from his chest and it soon retracted back.

Fernandez fell on his knees, "Y... You... Just like your o... old man. Heh he he ha ha ha ha ha! H.... He would love to have a... merciless heir like y.... you."

Silver growled, "The only way he will be able to do that is over my dead body."

Charizard roared as he defeated his water type opponent and Dragonite took out the fighting and dark types. Milotic roared as he and Gengar took down the grass and psychic type Pokemon with double team. All of them heard what Silver said and was not pleased especially Trevenant who looked him over and found bruises.

Silver huffed, "You know I won't go down without a fight right?"

Trevenant, "Treva."

Ash, "Silver!"

Silver, "Ash? I see you caught them."

Ash looked around and saw the dead body before he paled realizing what happened and rushed to check on him, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Holy Mew! He was armed."

Silver laughed as he hugged Ash, "I'm alright, I'm alright. Are you alright?"

Ash, "I'm not the one who no doubt had a death match just now."

Lucario, -What happened?-

Trevenant, "Trevenant trev trev nant venant trev."

Lucario, -I see, perhaps it'll be prudent if we all get checked.-

Silver, "Where is Liza?"

Ash, "Rounding up the others and making sure none of the nests were disturbed by those hunters and I just realized is he?"

Silver sighed, "Team Rocket, yes. I'm more surprised you are not freaking out more over this."

Ash, "Oh I will! Right now I'm freaking out over the fact that could have been you but thank Arceus, it's not you."

Silver smiled and hugged him again, "I get it. I am going to be okay and so are you."

Ash sighed and pushed his face in Silver's chest, when he realized what happened he was terrified. He didn't realize he had such a powerful fear of loosing people he cared and loved. But he guessed the chances of loosing someone in this world was higher than his previous world. Ash sighed as he heard Liza order the other Rangers in the distance, is he spacing out? Bad idea! They were not out of the danger yet, it is highly possible there are still others out there.

Ash moved out of the hug, "We are getting you a check up. Well Venasaur is giving you one, he has been learning about human care and healing too."

Trevenant pushed Silver towards him, "Trev trev trevenant."

Venasaur, "Vena venasaur."

Pikachu sighed, "Pika pika pikapi."

Lucario, -I know, it can be frustrating but do you really expect them to sit back and watch when someone threatens us?-

Dragonite grumbled, "Dragoon."

Milotic hissed, "Ticcccc ticcc."

Lucario, -We grow stronger then. It's the only way to keep them safe.-

[A. N.: One last update. Also Pokemon manga has no chill.]

next chapter
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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