58.59% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 167: Jhoto - Violet City

章 167: Jhoto - Violet City

Ash grinned as he put the ribbon inside the ribbon case, "That's our first ribbon. Next we get our first badge."

Phantump, "Phaaaa!"

Lapras cheered, "Laaaaap."

Gengar grinned, "Geng geng gengar."

Ash turned to the rest of his Pokemon, "Okay then, Tyrunt, Chimchar and Heracross. You three will be battling in the gym. Sorry Abra and Eevee you are still developing, no battles for nine months at least."

Abra grumbled, -Fine.-

Eevee pouted, "Vui."

Ash pat their heads in comfort, "I know! I know! But everyone had to wait till their body stabilized. Chikorita just like the contest I want you to observe the gym battles okay?"

Chikorita tilted her head, "Chiko?"

Ash, "Depending on what you want to do, I will make a more personalized training schedule and help you. As you can see, there are many ways to become strong. But each method require time and patience."

Chikorita nodded understanding, "Chikori."

Ash pat her scratched leaf gently, "You will become strong. I know it, also there is someone I want you to meet. So let's go to the Pokemon center first."

They left the contest area and met up with Brock, Gou, Max and Casey who congratulated him on the win. Brock then started to gush over Tameo and mentioned she is one of the Kimono sisters who performs during the festivals alongside her siblings. Ash had an ah ha moment and remembered the episode with the Eevee and it's evolved versions. He was not expecting to meet one of them this soon, although he knew they were pretty popular among the Jhoto mass. Max and Shroomish were listening attentively as Brock told them about the Kimono sisters. The eldest Satsuki is the head and run the household, second sibling is a teacher, third sibling is a contestant, fourth is a famous stylist and the youngest was a trainer.

Casey gave him a smirk, "Sounds like someone has a crush. Be careful not to piss them off Brock. No woman likes those who takes advantage of their sisters."

Ash nodded, "True true!"

Brock spluttered, "I'm not gonna do anything to hurt them. Besides we won't even meet them."

Gou hmmed, "I don't know, according to this contest list, Ecruteak City is also hosting a contest. So we might run into them."

Max grinned, "Be very careful Brock, I heard the youngest Sakura is very protective of her older sisters."

Brock whined, "Guys!"

Ash burst out laughing, "Sorry Brock, but seriously, after seeing you try to flirt with every woman. I feel we are in our right to warn you about the ones who have no problem beating up people. Even if we know you mean no harm, it doesn't mean they will see it that way."

Brock hung his head, "I know."

Max snickered, "It's a different matter if one of them approached you though. It means they are interested too."

Ash nodded, "That's true."

Brock grumbled, "Do I have to wait for them to approach me?"

Gou gave his older friend a pitying look, "You just come on too strong Brock. It sets people off the wrong way."

Casey nodded, "Especially women, who most of the time look insulted and irritated."

Ash, "So chill out okay. And it's not just human females, your Golbat gets annoyed with you too."

Lucario snickered and shook his head, 'If he could only control himself.'

Chikorita and Shroomish chattered among themselves about the contest while Phantump and Gengar flew around each other playfully. Banette would be proud of Phantump, Ash made a point to call the lab after introducing Chikorita to Venasaur in the Pokemon centre. It'll be good if she realizes there are a lot of choices for her, it certain helped Charizard, Blastoise, Venasaur, Pidgeot and Togetic. He hopes he can do the same for Chikorita too.

Meeting Venasaur was a good choice Ash decided, Chikorita was chattering away with the fully evolved Grass type. Ash smiled and nodded before turning to Nurse Jim who was in charge at the moment and gave him the Pokemon who were in the contest. Nurse Jim smiled taking the pokeballs and checking the Pokemon over before announcing they were alright just exhausted. Ash thanked him and he went to one of the open fields so his Pokemon could mingle together. Ash held his breath as the poke egg shook, the excitement from the contest and the friendly environment at the moment might just be enough.

Lucario, -So close.-

Pikachu cooed, "Pika pika."

Chikorita looked at the poke egg curiously, "Chiko."

Heracross was on Venasaur trying to get the sap, "Hera hera heracross."

Venasaur sighed as he used his vines to pick Heracross up and push him towards a sap tree, "Vena venasaur."

Abra, -I'll be a big brother.-

Eevee, "Vui."

Gengar, "Geng gengar."

Phantump, "Phaaaa."

Lapras, "Laaaaap."

Tyrunt, "Ty tyrunt."

Chimchar, "Chim chim chimchar."

The poke egg glowed brighter and shook more getting them all excited. The glow lengthened and started to take the shape of a Pokemon infront of them. The Pokemon and Ash encouraged the newborn to come out and join them. When the glow stopped, in front of them was an Absol who was sniffing around before finding the smell he was searching for and snuggling between Ash and Lucario. Ash bit back a squeal and pat the new born pup while Lucario checked him over. Just like he had suspected unlike most canine Pokemon Absol while born with an intrinsic sensitivity to danger were almost blind. It was one of the causes of the stigma against them, which Ash had bluntly said was BS, and that the people who think that way could put it where the sun doesn't shine. Ash was very adamant about that and fought with anyone who tried to tell him otherwise.


Ash, "Just because Absol are gifted with the ability to detect disaster, it doesn't mean they are bad luck. Frankly if Absol had not warned us we would not even know that something was wrong."

Gary, "Ash is right, leave Absol alone, you are the one being mean and a bad luck."

Riolu growled and Axew hissed at the crowd who had gathered around an Absol. It had been a good day till Absol appeared and barked at them pointing at a dam. Gary had said he had a bad feeling about the dam but was ignored and called a kid. But just like Gary predicted something did go wrong and the dam broke flooding the town. For the love of sanity they just wanted a vacation from school. Professor Oak came rushing at that moment.

Samuel, "Children are you alright?"

Gary, "We are fine grandpa, Absol kept us safe."

Ash nodded, "Yeah Professor, don't worry about us. Absol made sure we were safe."

The crowd however did not agree and protested calling them foolish children and Gary was quite pissed. Professor Oak on the other hand gave the group of young men a stern look but told Ash and Gary to take Absol away first. He then turned on the group and started to speak to them. Ash had not idea what the good old Professor told them but that group avoided them. Gary snorted and commented they probably got a tongue lashing and didn't deserve to be trainers with their attitudes. Ash agreed with Gary and ignored them as well. Riolu and Axew looked at each other and nodded to each other and distracted the two.

Flashback end!

Lucario, -You always loved Absols.-

Ash, "I like all Pokemon but I started to specifically love Absol after what happened during the vacation trip with Professor Oak."

Pikachu, "Pikapi?"

Ash fed Absol the puppy food smiling warmly, "He saved us. We went to a dam, to check out what was wrong with it after Absol warned us about it only for the overpass to give away below us. Absol jumped in after Riolu and I and saved our life. I wonder how he is now."

Lucario nodded, -Despite the hate he received he still helps others. He is strong.-

Chikorita got up and hissed, "Chiko."

Lucario growled, -Who is there?-

Ash, "Come out."

A boy with dark hair came out looking annoyed little sheepish, "Sorry I didn't mean to Bellsprout and I were just roaming around and saw you well I saw the glow actually."

Ash, "I see, do you want to sit with us? What's your name kiddo? Mine is Ash."

The dark haired teen perked up, "I'm Jackie and this is my partner Bellsprout."

Bellsprout, "Sprout."

Ash, "Hello to you too."

Jackie, "I never saw a Pokemon hatch before, that was awesome. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spy or anything. I was just so curious."

Ash gave an ah and explained what he knew about poke egg care and baby Pokemon while also making it known, that everything he knew came from his own experience. He warned Jackie, he was not an expert, despite everything he knew and to get professional advice if he wants to watch over his own poke egg one day. Jackie asked about Venasaur as well asking if the story about the powerful Grass type starter being abandoned by his trainer was true. Ash nodded saying it was very much true and not a lie.

Venasaur's trainer had abandoned him as a Bulbasaur because they thought Bulbasaur was weak. But as anyone could see Bulbasaur is not weak, but the trainer who abandoned him was just stupid. Trainers are called trainers because they train Pokemon, it's in the name and Bulbasaur's trainer is the failure for not realizing that. Jackie nodded noting down everything Ash told him before he had to leave because his school teacher called for him. Jackie waved him goodbye as he left and told his teacher everything he learned. The teacher who went by Miss Priscilla thanked Ash for keeping Jackie company before leaving.

Ash, "It takes one week for an Absol's eyes to fully open. They are completely dependent on their senses till then."

Lucario, -By the time we reach the next City, he will be running around like any other pup.-

Ash, "I'll text the others about the birth."

Three minutes after the text, Casey, Brock, Gou and Max joined them and congratulated Ash on getting a healthy pup. Absol sniffed the air before settling down again moving to Ash's lap completely and fell asleep. Casey and Max cooed at the pup while Gou took photos and Brock checked the pup over to make sure he was okay. Eevee and Abra were snuggling close to Ash to be closer to the youngest pup, they were both very excited to become older siblings.

Misty texted she had also gotten a new poke egg as well and was taking care of it and congratulated Ash on the new partner. There were more well wishes from those who were online at the moment and Ash thanked them all. Cassy was having her battle with Falkner the next day and she and her Pokemon were all very excited. The others encouraged her to challenge not just Falkner but also other Gym Leaders, as battling their Ace teams is a good way to see where a trainer actually is strength and experience wise. Casey had a determined look in her eyes, even if she did not win, she's not gonna make it that easy for Falkner either.

As they were talking an Azumarill poked their head out of the bushes getting the group's attention. The water type looked around and gave a delighted chirp on sewing Casey's Dewgong, Ash's Lapras, Brock's Corsula and Gou's Drizzile. The Azumarill looked quite friendly and played with the water Pokemon while Casey spied a ribbon. Ash commented that it probably belonged to someone but sneaker away from them. Azumarill took a stance and challenged Chikorita who smirked and took her own stance facing him.

Lucario, -I'll keep an eye on them.-

"Azumarill, there you are. What are you doing to my Azumarill?"

Azumarill squirted water on the Lady's face before she could go further and scolded her, "Azu zu zumarill zu."

The Lady protested, "But Azumarill, you will get hurt if you fight."

Ash and Brock shared a look, she was one of those types and sighed.

Brock, "Excuse me, is that Azumarill yours?"

The Lady looked at them, "Yes, and does that Chikorita belong to you. Please tell them to stop."

Ash sighed, "Young Lady, your Azumarill challenged Chikorita. If you want the battle to stop then get your Azumarill to retract the challenge."

The Lady looked at the battling Pokemon then back, "But."

Casey, "Hey Lady, come here, sit! Let's talk okay."

The woman joined them, "My name is Wilhomena. Just call me Mena."

Casey, "Nice to meet you Mena, I'm Casey and these are my friends, Ash, Brock, Gou and Max. So first question why is your Azumarill so insistent in fighting?"

Wilhomena sighed, "He became stubborn after evolving. He just wants to battle everyone he meets."

Ash, "Did you train him and battle with him before he evolved?"

Wilhomena, "What? Of course not. I don't ever want my Azumarill to be hurt."

Brock, "I see what the problem is. Wilhomena I'm a breeder and as a professional let me tell you. In order for Pokemon to develop healthy and happy you must battle with them at least once a week. It's a vital part of who they are and to deny it to them is unhealthy."

Wilhomena, "But Azumarill could get hurt."

Max, "You are already hurting him."

Wilhomena flinched, "I just don't want him to be hurt."

Gou, "You need to understand Pokemon are stronger than human and can take more than we can. Trust Azumarill to be okay."

Casey, "Just look at them, they are having fun."

Wilhomena looked at Azumarill, "You are right, he is laughing. He has not laughed even once after evolving. I think I understand. I'm still unsure about battling but I'll take part in some for Azumarill's sake."

[A. N.: I feel great so I uploaded a second chapter.

Hope you all enjoyed this.]

next chapter
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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