93.68% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 267: Jhoto - Altomare

章 267: Jhoto - Altomare

Lucario stood up, -Meema is in trouble.-

Brock, "Lucario? What do you mean? Wait, he was supposed to meet you here, wasn't he?"

Lucario nodded, -Can you keep an eye on the young ones? I have some of Ash's Pokemon with me to help me out.-

Brock nodded, "Very well but first a disguise, there's one in the back."

Lucario, -Thank you.-

Lokoko met him outside, -I have been keeping an eye on Ash's position. They are heading towards the museum.-

Lucario, -I have requested Brock to warn Lance and the others.-

Lokoko, -I am worried.-

Lucario, -We all are but my Meema is smart and strong. He will be fine. Besides he has Phantump in his shadow to keep his mind safe and heal him if needed. I hope he does not get hurt or I swear I will rip the ones who touched him to shreds.-

Lokoko, -I will help you hide the body. Ash is a kind soul. No need to worry him.-

Lucario smirked, -Agreed!-

Ash grunted as he was being pulled along by the grunt who was holding his arm in a tight hold as if Ash might escape. Harley was being intentionally loud and annoying them by proclaiming what he and his lawyers would do to them. How dare they man handle him and his rival! And most importantly how dare they threaten the two of them with bodily harm! Ash did not try to stop Harley knowing full well he was doing it intentionally and he was not wrong about the lawyer part. Ash on the other hand was using his aura to feel around him and realized they were being lead to the muse with the weapon.

Ash, 'Well we are in trouble.'

Harley was not happy with how things were turning out for him and his rival, "I will get you clowns for this."

Ash grunted as they were pushed inside the museum, 'Stay calm Phantump.'

Phantump was watching everything with fury, he did not like that his kind trainer was being treated so badly. Ash was sending him directions through his aura telling him to stay calm and to focus on staying invisible and prepare himself. Phantump knew his trainer had a plan but that did not mean he liked watching his trainer get hurt. Harley hissed at their captors then looked around the room they had been pushed into grumbling about Team Magma's poor look a likes. Ash raised an eyebrow at that tidbit of knowledge, he did not realize Harley had previous dealings with Team Magma.

Ash, "Harley, did they take all your Pokemon?"

Harley, "Of course not! Who do you think I am? I always have back up."

Ash nodded, "Good! We might get into a major battle. Phantump, follow them in hiding and get the rest of our pokeballs."

Phantump peaked out of his shadow and nodded, "Phan."

Harley, "Pumpkaboo, you as well. Go help Phantump get our friends back."

Pumpkaboo appeared, "Booooo."

Ash watched both ghost types leave, "You got a shiny ghost Pumpkaboo. That is pretty cool. Are they your Gourgeist?"

Harley, "No, I found that little guy lost in the forest. I would love to say they were separated from their group but they are not Hoenn native."

Ash, "Right!"

Droid walked in, "Your Uncle is waiting for you."

Ash, "For the hundredth time. He is not my Uncle. We are not related."

Droid rolled his eyes, "Yes, yes, we all know you lot cut ties with him. Now, move it!"

Ash was dragged by him to the weapon room, 'Latias? Latios? How did they capture both? Wait they look young, really young, which means Latias had children and they are trying to use the newborns.'

Gonzalez grinned, "My dear heir, I am so happy you made it. Now, behold the ultimate weapon that will help us rule over the world."

Ash deadpanned, "I want a family refund."

Gonzalez chuckled darkly as he approaches Ash, "I see your mouth is as sharp as ever, my little heir."

Ash growled, "I am not yours."

Gonzalez, "I am sure a few psychic types can fix that."

Ash glared at him but Gonzalez just grinned patting his head as if he was a pet and then walked to the machine. Ash noticed they had Lorenzo and Bianca as well, they were chained next to the machine and Ash just knew if he tried anything Gonzalez would hurt them instead. The crazy man was now monologing about his plans to take over the planet, which Ash found really ridiculous and foolish. As if other Legendaries would allow him to even step foot in their regions with the death machine behind him. Ash rolled his eyes to the ceiling and prayed for patience to not start running his mouth on how he was wasting time.

Gonzalez noticed his lack of attention and pulled his face roughly, "Do not pout my little heir. You will not be bored for long."

Ash sighed, "You know this will not work, right? That thing is old, rusted and most of the instructions have been lost to time."

Gonzalez, "We will see my little heir. We shall see about that."

Lucario meanwhile ran into Misty and Jessie, -Meema has been taken.-

Jessie blanched, "Already?"

Misty turned in the direction of the museum, "And I know where he is no doubt being held captive."

Meowth was on the rafters looking in, 'How did you get into this situational kit? I will not be able to free the two baby Pokemon and just leave.'

Phantump and Pumpkaboo meanwhile found the pokeballs of their trainers under lock and key. The hey was on the waist of one of Team Rocket's grunts and the two looked at each other wondering how to get those keys. Pumpkaboo wanted to scare them till they fainted but Phantump decided to try a new move he had been learning from Venasaur. Phantump focused his strength in the leaves and started to produce sleeping powder that he spread over the guard. The other ghost had pouted but Phantump pointed out he could still give then nightmares which made Pumpkaboo perk up a lot. Phantump snorted grabbing the keys and opening the lock to get the pokeballs.

Lucario, -I will climb up.-

Lokoko, -I will teleport inside one of the female stalls. Jessie, with me.-

Misty, "I will use the water way to get inside."

Jessie, "Be careful."

Misty, "Yeah!"

Ash was seething in silent fury as he watched the proceedings that was happening in front of him. Latias was being dragged to the area where her power was supposed to be used as a conduit for the weapon. Ash was pretty close to using his aura when he felt Phantump nudge him and place his pokeballs in his pockets. Ash then felt Phantump get rid of his shackled quietly and free him making Ash smirk. Ash looked at the window from where he could feel his first partner's angry aura. Lucario had seen him chained to the wall and he was not amused by it almost jumping in to attack Gonzalez.

Lucario, 'Meema, hang on.'

Misty, "Ash? Damn it! They got him already."

Jessie, "Stay calm! Getting angry will not help him much."

Misty nodded, "Right! Right! Focus on the situation."

Gonzalez, "Soon enough the weapon will activate and Jhoto will be at my mercy."

Ash, "It will not work."

Gonzalez, "Are you talking about the piece they tried to hide? I found it already, though it was a nice try."

Ash shook his head, "It will still not work. I really doubt the machine has been taken care of the last few decades. If you can use it, it will probably be once or twice not more than that."

Gonzalez, "Such lack of trust in me my little heir. Don't worry once my Alakazam is done with you, you will not question me again."

Lucario, 'My Meema is not yours.'

Misty, 'Oh hell no! Absolutely not!'

Ash, "Bold of you to assume you can touch my mind. Sabrina!"

Sabrina appeared and teleported Latias, Latios, Lorenzo and Bianca away from the building and the machine. Gonzalez cursed when he saw the Psychic Gym Leader and turned where Ash was only to find he had gotten free. Lucario has now joined Ash and stood in front of him with Annihilape joining him on Ash's other side. The two Pokemon were standing protectively in front of Ash and Gonzalez called for Silas and another woman Annie. Ash was not expecting to see her there, at least Bianca and Lorenzo are with the two Dragon Legendaries. He could now focus on the crazy man who looked crazier with fury in his eyes.

Misty, "Ash, I will deal with Annie was it?"

Annie, "Very bold of you little girl."

Jessie, "I can deal with Droid there."

Ash, "Guess, Gonzalez is mine."

Lucario, -Till help comes.-

Gonzalez attacked with his Pokemon, "Grab them! I don't care about the others but I want my nephew alive. Machamp, Houndoom, come out."

Annie, "Got it boss!"

Silas, "Sure! I need to pay the bitch back for what she did to Droid. The set back was really annoying though manageable."

Annie, "Let's go Tentacruel and Tangela."

Misty, "Come on Kingdra, Poliwrath!"

While Annie and Misty fought, Jessie dealt with Silas, the two members were very stubborn and skilled. Ash on the other hand, was directly attacking Gonzalez with his staff, of course the man was not the type to go down easily either. In fact, Gonzalez was very interested to learn Ash could fight hand to hand just fine, he only saw some footage before from the previous clashes. Now, he could see for himself how good he was and then plan ahead depending on what he saw in his heir. Ash was feeling very much on edge seeing the calculating look in the man's eyes and decided he did not want to know and focused on fighting.

Ash, "Watch out for his Machamp and Houndoom, you two."

Annihilape nodded, "Ape!"

Lucario, -You better be careful yourself, Meema. I would not be happy if you got hurt.-

Ash eyed his first Pokemon, he could feel the tightly controlled anger emanating from him and he was worried. Gonzalez however attacked him forcing him to defend himself with his staff creating an Aura shield to block off the bullets. Gonzalez's eyes now had a dark glint in seeing the aura shield which made Ash curse inside his head. Misty had noticed it and had called for her Starmie and Azumarill as well, she was hoping to end the fight and make sure Ash was okay. Annie and Silas though were laughing on seeing the Aura and taunted Jessie and Misty saying they would get rid of them and then take Ash with them.

Gonzalez, "My little heir you have been holding out on me."

Ash, "It is none of your business."

Gonzalez, "Yes, using psychic Pokemon will not work on you will it? I will no doubt have to use drugs too to break you."

Lucario thundered, -YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING HUMAN!-

Annihilape, "ANNIHILAPE!"

Ash glared, "Like hell, I would let you do anything like that to me. You are out of your mind, you psychopath."

Gonzalez, "We will see. Teleport!"

Ash became extra alert, "I forgot he has a Hypno."

Lucario snarled, -Stat close to me, Meema.-

Annihilape nodded, "Ape!"

Ash snapped feeling his hands held behind him, "Hey!"

Gonzalez, "Got you!"

Lucario, -Meema! Let him go!-

Gonzalez, "Nobody moves. You don't want him getting hurt."

Ash, "How dare you try to threaten my family!"

Ash manipulated his aura and made it stab the hands holding him making Gonzalez curse at the pain. Lucario and Annihilape nodded, then the monkey fighter picked up the cannons and threw him towards the human who dared to threaten Ash right in front of them. They were pissed, and even if they usually hold back their attacks, this was a special case as the bastard threatened their family. Sabrina appeared at that moment and with her Psychic Pokemon helped them turn the tides on their adversaries. Ash nodded in thanks and called Lance who said he would be there soon and to be careful.

Gonzalez, "Hypno! Now!"

Ash, "No! Dammit!"

Misty approached him, "We will get him next time Ash. We will get him next time."

Ash sighed, "Yeah, I was hoping to throw him behind bars already though."

Sabrina, "I understand but he obviously is more cunning and stronger than we thought."

Jessie, "We will have to outsmart him. We will not let him endanger you kiddo."

Ash, "Thank you."

Ellora25 Ellora25

Merry Christmas!

Take care of yourselves and enjoy your Christmas.

next chapter
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