66.56% Pokemon: Radical Redux / Chapter 214: Indigo League: Gary vs Green part 2

章 214: Indigo League: Gary vs Green part 2

The battle continued as Mega-Gengar was dancing around the field shooting [Thunderbolt] around in an attempt to catch Blastoise off guard, but Blastoise was still able to hide in his shell and spin.

Then after another [Thunderbolt] attack failed Gary spoke up and pointed at an area, "Do it now right there [Dark Pulse]!"

Blastoise aimed his cannon without hesitation as he shot at the empty area, much to most people's surprise, but what surprised them more was when Gengar appeared there and got hit with the attack.

Gengar was caught in his trap so Green decided to return Gengar for the moment, when he was back in his ball Green sent out another Pokemon, her Venusaur.

When Venusaur got onto the field both it and Blastoise started glaring at each other like they had unfinished business.

Gary and Green didn't pay attention to that part though, instead, they both pointed at the other and yelled out their command.

"Venusaur, let's start with a [Sludge Bomb]!"

"Blastoise use [Ice Beam]!"


Venusaur's flower glowed a sickly purple as he started shooting balls of gunk at Blastoise, Blastoise didn't bother to dodge getting hit by a few but then used a [Ice Beam] to freeze them in the air and hitting Venusaur at the end didn't hurt.

Green raised her arm into the air, "Now [Energy Ball]!"

As a response Gary commands, "Stop it with [Muddy Water]"

As Venusaur was charging up a green orb of energy, Blastoise shot a blast of dirty water that got into Venusaur's eyes that causing the big frog to get disoriented and miss the [Energy Ball].

"Now [Water Spout]!" Gary commanded

Blastoise stopped on the ground as his cannons started shooting water into the air aiming at Venusaur, although it resisted doing damage wasn't the point of the attack.

Green forward, "Get some health back with [Giga Drain]!"

Venusaur created green glowing vines that shot forward and grabbed onto Blastoise's arms, then it started sucking some of Blastoise's energy and giving it back to Venusaur.

But that was what Gary wanted as he raised his arm, "Now Blastoise grab the vines and use [Ice Beam] at the ground!"

Just like how he was told Blastoise wrapped the vines on his hands tightly and with his cannons he shot a light blue beam at the ground at Venusaur's feet.

The same ground that was wet from the [Water Spout] from earlier as the entire floor around Venusaur froze and his feet with it.

Green was taken aback for a moment before shaking her head, "Doesn't matter, Venusaur use [Power Whip]"

Venusaur tried to move the vines that he had out but Blastoise didn't let go, the turtle smiled at them as they tried.

"Now [Rapid Spin] and don't let go!" 

Blastoise retreated into his shell and he started spinning using Venusaur as an axis with the vines as he started spinning around quickly at the same time forcing the vines to tie around Venusaur more and more until it was so short that Blastoise came close to Venusaur.

"Now [Zen Headbutt]!" Gary commanded when they got close.

Blastoise exerted his shell and sent a headbutt directly to Venusaur's head. Venusaur of course the whole time couldn't move because his feet were frozen onto the ground and now he was wrapped in his own vines.

As Venusaur received that headbutt the ice below him cracked from the pressure of the headbutt, freeing his front right leg

So Green locked at the ground then at Venusaur, "Venusaur use [Earthquake]!"

Venusaur raised his one free foot and stomped on the ground causing the ice to instantly crack and break from the shockwaves and Blastoise fell over as well.

Seeing that Blastoise was on the ground, Green took the opportunity, "Now [Toxic]!"

Venusaur spit out a dark purple steaming orb that crashed into Blastoise's face and forced him to breathe in it, getting him badly Poisoned.

Gary clenched his teeth seeing he was on a time limit, "Blastoise, [Aqua Ring] then [Dark Pulse]!"

A circle of water surrounded Blastoise as he prepared his cannons and sent the wave of purple waves at Venusaur, hitting him in the chest but he looked unfazed.

"Venusaur use [Leaf Storm]" Green retaliated, 

As Venusaur stomped on the ground a tornado of leaves surrounded Blastoise causing him to get multiple cuts across his body then the poison took some of his heath.

"Let's finish this, [Solar Beam]" Green said as Venusaur started charging.

Gary saw this and retaliated, "You're right lets, [Flash Cannon]," Blastoise's cannons started glowing.

Then both of them shot their respective beam clashing near the center the resulting energy caused the stones and ice to start floating as they struggled to try and overpower the other.

After a full 10 seconds of a beam struggle, Blastoise clenched his teeth and pushed even harder, also shooting the [Flash Cannon] from his mouth, causing his beam to overpower the [Solar Beam] and hit Venusaur.

The light from the [Flash Cannon] completely enveloped Venusaur and sent him flying back, when everyone could see again they saw Venusaur flipped over unconscious, but it was a pyrrhic victory as Blastoise was coughing from the poison.

Green returned Venusaur and brought out her next Pokemon Clefable, who happily jumped onto the field.

Gary knew Blastoise wasn't going to be up much longer so he pointed at the pink ball "[Hydro Pump] with everything you have left!"

Blastoise raised his cannon and with a tired look shot a blast of water directly at Clefable sending her falling over and taking the damige, but it was cut short as Blastoise coughed.

Green pointed at Blastoise, "[Thunderbolt]!"

Clefable got up still completely soaked and pouted as she sent a bolt of electricity at Blastoise and that was enough as he fell over with spirals in his eyes.

Gary returned his turtle as he reevaluated the current threat and brought out his next Pokemon, Electabuzz

As soon as Electabuzz hit the field he rubbed his hands together with electricity already Coursing through him.

"Clefable use [Calm Mind] then [Moonblast]" Green commanded.

"Electabuzz get in close and use [Thunder Punch]!" Gary retaliated.

As Clefable closed her eyes Electabuzz got in close and sent an electrified punch into her jaw sending her a few feet back, to retaliate she shot a pink beam into Electabuzz's chest.

Gary raised his arm, "[Power-Up Punch]"

But Green yelled back, "[Mud-Slap] at his eyes!"

As Electabuzz came in running, Clefable shot a blast of mud into his eyes making him fall over trying to get the mud out.

"Now [Moonblast] again,"

As Electabuzz was struggling to get back up Clefable shot another pink beam at him, sending him flipping over and face-first into a puddle left behind by Blastoise.

As Clefable turned around getting cheers from the audience because she was cute, Electabuzz got up and looked angrily at her, then to Clefable's surprise Electabuzz grabbed her tightly.

Clefable tried to get out but Electabuzz wasn't letting go as his antennas started sparkling.

Gary smiled then snapped, "[Discharge],"

Thanks to the area that was still wet from Blastoise, as Electabuzz released his electricity it delt extra to Clefable due to it being wet.

When Electabuzz was finished Clefable was still up in his arms but he didn't let go as he just used [Discharge] again, and kept it going until eventually Clefable had spirals in her eyes.

Green returned Clefable and seeing that Electabuzz was tired she brought out her Nidoqueen.

Gary saw that and seeing that Electabuzz was almost completely done, he returned him since he hadn't done that yet and brought out Golem.

As soon as Golem hit the field Green yelled out, "[Ice Beam] now!"

Gary also made his command, "[Rollout] and get out of there!"

Nidoqueen shot out a bright blue beam out of her mouth, at the last moment Golem went into a ball and started rolling away but Nidoqueen still followed behind leaving a trail of ice.

It wasn't until Golem crashed into a rock and bounced up to hit Nidoqueen across the face did she stopped the beam.

Golem continued rolling around building up speed, so Green yelled out, "Use [Sludge Wave]!"

Nidoqueen stomped on the ground causing a wave of purple sludge to start covering the field, and Golem ended up rolling through it slightly slowing him down enough so that Nidoqueen could catch him before he built too much speed.

"Nidoqueen now, [Superpower], and throw him into the air!" Green swiped her hand completely stealing this from a certain someone.

Nidoqueen raised Golem over her head as her body glowed a light blue color as she threw him up and came down she delivered another punch to his armored body. 

Golem fell back and out of his shell as he got up looking up seeing Nidoqueen towering over him,

But he steadied himself when he heard Gary's voice, "[Gyro Ball]!"

Golem spun his body around as a small silver energy started circling then she shot himself at Nidoqueen hitting her and sending her back at the unexpected attack.

But Gary wasn't done as he swiped his arm around, "Now [Earthquake]!"

As Golem fell back on the ground he stomped his feet causing the shockwave to spread and hit Nidoqueen directly sending her to a knee.

Green clenched her teeth and swiped her arm, "[Ice Beam] quick!"

Nidoqueen shot another light blue beam, this time it did connect but it didn't stop Golem from revving up again.

When Golem was finished getting ready Gary called out, "[Iron Head],"

Then as Golem shot forward he reappeared and as his shell armor glowed sliver he crashed face-first into Nidoqueen sending her stumbling 3 steps back.

"[Dynamic Punch]"

"[Heavy Slam]"

They both commanded at the same time as Nidoqueen brought forth her fist and Golem his with his body weight behind him and glowing silver.

They both hit each other with the attacks at the same time sending the other flying back from the force of the other, Golem was the first to fall over, and then Nidoqueen, resulting in a double KO.

Green and Gary returned their Pokemon and brought out the next, for Green this was her last Pokemon, but it might as well be the last since Electabuzz was almost completely drained.

The Pokemon that hit the field were Green's Mega-Gengar and Gary's Kangaskhan, which did have Scrappy so she could hit Gengar.

Green was about to start when Gary quickly yelled out "[Fake Out]!"

Kangaskhan sent a slap at Gengar making him flinch for a moment as Gary continued, "Now [Mega Kick]"

Kangaskhan sent a kick at Gengar while he was down, she was about to do another when Gengar received and phased through the ground and reappeared behind.

Green raised her arm to finally give her command, "[Focus Blast]!"

From Gengar's yellow '3rd' eye a red orb appeared and shot into Kangaskhan's back making her stumble forward for a moment but she was fine.

"[Dizzy Punch] now!" Gary commanded.

Kangaskhan raised her arm and tried to send a punch at Gengar but he just phased out again, running away from the attack and appearing above her.

Green called out, "Sorry mama Kangaskhan, but [Sludge Wave]!"

Gengar spat out a small wave of dark purple sludge, and when Kangaskhan noticed it she covered her baby and took it directly.

Gary clenched his teeth seeing this, since Gengar went Mega he had the advantage here, he wasn't sure how he could pull this one out if only he got to Mega Evolve earlier.

Suddenly from his pocket as Kangaskhan was hugging her baby, Gary felt his pulse when he looked at what it was he saw the stone he got from Looker months ago, as he looked at the field he realized what he needed to do.

As the wave stopped coming Gary called out, "Kangaskhan use [Focus Punch] on the ground and retreat!"

Kangaskhan raised her fist just as Gengar was coming in for another attack he got caught in the shockwave as the hit caused the stadium to shake.

Kangaskhan jumped back to Gary's side and he whispered something that made Mama Kangaskhan finch but she still nodded.

As Gengar came out of the dust he suddenly saw Kangaskhan rush toward him using [Power-Up Punch] and hitting him to the ground.

Gengar floated back up and with a laugh he was about to send another [Sludge Bomb], but before he did unexpectedly Kangaskhan rushed forward and grabbed him, he couldn't phase through this due to how Scrappy worked.

But it was at this point that everyone noticed something, where was the baby Kangaskhan, it wasn't in Kangaskhan's pouch.

As everyone looked around wondering if it fell out anywhere then everyone locked at Gengar, including Green. And Gengar just looked offended.

"Jei jei [Hey don't look at me, I don't eat babies]"

But that was cut when everyone heard a cute cry, as everyone locked in its direction they saw the baby Kangaskhan waddle over holding a stone that was locked to be as big as its head, but not just any stone, the Mega stone.

Gary smiled and held his Keystone, "Let's do this, Mega Evolve!"

Suddenly the stone, the baby Kangaskhan, and the mama Kangaskhan all started glowing and shining, the power made Mama Kangaskhan gain minimal changes besides her growth but the most change came from the Baby Kangaskhan who immediately grew from up rapidly now just looking like a miniature version of its mother.

This was Mega Kangaskhan.

Gengar felt a sweat drop as he used [Psychic] to force Mama Kangaskhan's arms open and letting him get out and fly back around.

Gary smiled, "Now [Dizzy Punch]!"

The 2 Kangaskhans ran forward as Mama sent a punch that Gengar phased through but when he unphased he was greeted by the baby sending a punch of its own.

Gengar fell back and shook his head as Green called out, "[Focus Blast]!"

Gengar summoned up 3 red orbs and threw them out aiming for the Kangaskhans,

"[Fire Punch]," Gary said.

The 2 Kangaskhan ran forward, mama used her arms and used [Fire Punch] on the orbs letting baby Kangaskhan get close enough to Gengar getting to send a puch to the ghost type.

After that Gary quickly called out, "Let's finish this [Return]!"

Mama Kangaskhan rushed forward after the Baby punched Gengar, and when Gengar opened his eyes he was greeted by another punch to the face by Mama Kangaskhan, when Gengar was knocked back from that puch baby Kangaskhan used his mom's arm as leverage and jumped after Gengar.

Baby Kangaskhan managed to land on top of Gengar and sent a punch directly to his head sending him flying down as Kangaskhan held on by Gengar's ears.

Gengar was falling spiraling and when he was about to crash into the ground Baby Kangaskhan jumped off and his mother caught him, which is more than what could be said for Gengar who crashed and was knocked out.

Gengar went back to base as Mama Kangaskhan and Baby Kangaskhan celebrated with a hug as they went back to base, getting a lot of people cheering for the cute baby.

"And in an adorable turn of fate, Gengar is unable to battle, which means the winner is the mother-son duo Kangaskhan!"

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C214
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


