53.41% Pokémon Breeder In One Piece! / Chapter 86: Chapter 86

章 86: Chapter 86

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The shop had become quiet.

Due to the emergence of Pokémon Island, the Pokémon from the nursery had a larger, freer, and safer living space, so they were all sent there.

Another reason was that Giratina was too big and often bumped into things in the shop, so it could only stay on Pokémon Island.

Dak worried that Giratina might feel lonely, so he sent the other Pokémon there as well, letting the group entertain Giratina together.

Now, only Smoochum and Miltank were left in the shop.

They definitely wanted to stay close to their Trainer.

"Once things settle down in Water 7, I'll buy some Pokémon groups to send to Pokémon Island."

Dak looked at his system balance, which truly wasn't much.

But such a vast Pokémon Island with only a few Pokémon probably felt too desolate for them.

"Dak, the pre-order registration in Water 7 is almost done; it nearly killed me."

Bon came back holding a roll of paper.

From morning till the night of the third day, the continuous work had almost exhausted him.

"Let me see."

Dak took the roll from Bon.

It recorded the pre-orderer's names, addresses, specific requirements for Pokémon, and the amount they were willing to pay.

These were merely to help Dak determine which quality of Pokémon egg to purchase from the Magic Shop.

For example, a shipwright needed a partner and assistant to help in the shipbuilding process, ready to pay 2 million Belly.

For cases like this, where there is no need for the Pokémon to be strong in battle, there's no need to consider quality. Any Pokémon, regardless of quality, can be helpful, though it requires specific species.

Certainly, Pokémon like Caterpie, Goldeen, and Magikarp wouldn't be helpful at all.

To avoid accusations of defrauding consumers later, Dak would purchase Pokémon eggs based on the amount and requirements specified by the customers.

For the shipwright, Dak would buy a green-quality Fighting-type Pokémon egg for 1.5 million Belly.

Fighting-type Pokémon, regardless of the species, could assist the shipwright.

The extra 500,000 Belly serves as a 'customization fee' for requiring specific species, something Dak had instructed Bon to inform the customers about, so this amount was entirely at the customer's discretion.

"If the shipwright had requested just a companion Pokémon without specific requirements."

Then Dak would only provide a green-quality egg costing 1 million Belly, with the type and species of the Pokémon being completely random.

"Unbelievable, according to my survey, there are about 30,000 households in Water 7, and over 10,000 households came to pre-order from us, exceeding one-third of the population!"

"Didn't people from outside the city come too?"

Dak asked Bon.

He expected quite a few from outside Water 7 would come to register, though such numbers wouldn't be large since, although Dak had established and opened the branch, he hadn't informed the entire sea.

Currently, only the locals of Water 7 would be aware of the branch opening.

Dak feared announcing it widely would lead to an influx of various people into Water 7 in a short time, possibly keeping Bon busy just registering pre-orders for a month, so he decided to let the news spread slowly.

"Some did, but those guys looked a bit sneaky, not sure what they were up to, so I didn't even register them."

"Alright, although there's Navy around, there will inevitably be some people mixed in. Try your best to discern."

Dak nodded.

These were issues he had anticipated; undesirable incidents were bound to occur in the future. Inevitably, innocent Pokémon would suffer.

Dak could only try to minimize these occurrences as much as possible and get his inspection team up to speed quickly.

He also planned to implement other protective measures.

"Robin, contact Morgans for me, tell him I want to post a bounty."

"A bounty?"

Robin was surprised and then asked, "For what?"

"For information on any Trainer mistreating their Pokémon worldwide, we will send someone to investigate personally; if true, the informer gets 50,000 Belly. This bounty is open to anyone: Navy, Revolutionaries, pirates, merchants, information brokers, anyone."

This was one of the protective measures Dak thought of on the spot.

It would certainly be somewhat useful as this bounty covered virtually every corner and sector of the world; wherever people were, there would likely be eyes on this bounty.

Once their Pokémon League forces grew stronger and the times changed, such incidents would become increasingly rare, and such bounties could then be withdrawn.

"Okay, I'll contact him now."

Robin nodded.

"Monet, Bon, categorize the information on this list, then summarize a detailed price range chart based on what I taught you, and have it to me by tonight."


"Bellamy, come with me to the Whitebeard Pirates."

"No problem."

Afterward, Dak handed the paper to Bon and left the shop with Bellamy.

On the Moby Dick.

Dak and Bellamy emerged from the kitchen door, casually grabbed a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, and asked him to inform Newgate of their arrival.

Soon, Marco, transformed into a phoenix, flew down from the sky and landed in front of Dak and Bellamy.

"Good thing we're not enemies with the Pokémon Nursery, your ability to strike directly at someone's home base is truly terrifying."

Marco shook his head.

If one day they were all asleep and Dak came over with his Pokémon and wiped them out, it's doubtful many of them would react in time.

"You said it yourself, we're not enemies."

Dak waved his hand.

As long as it wasn't the World Government or the Celestial Dragons, Dak generally wouldn't take the initiative to strike at any force or organization.

"Why did you suddenly come over? You must be incredibly busy right now."

As Marco led Dak to find Newgate, he didn't forget to inquire about Dak's purpose for visiting.

"My new staff member, Bellamy, has great potential. I'm looking for a teacher for him in physical skills and Haki."

Dak pointed to Bellamy beside him, who respectfully nodded at Marco.

"Ah? From us? With your and the Navy's relationship, you could directly find Zephyr or Garp, no problem."

Marco looked at Bellamy in surprise.

He didn't expect Dak to be so generous to his staff, running to the Whitebeard Pirates to find a teacher for him.

"That's right, besides you guys, I plan to take him to the Navy later to learn Haki and the Six Powers."

"Hey, hey, you're too greedy, thinking of eating both the Navy and pirates."

Marco slapped Dak's shoulder, this kind of thing probably only Dak could do in the entire sea.

Dak shook his head without explaining in detail.

Every physical powerhouse focuses on different things; for example, Marco specializes in using legs, Joz specializes in using arms, Zephyr specializes in using wrists, Garp specializes in using fists.

Dak planned to train Bellamy to be a versatile physical powerhouse, a hexagonal warrior.

"Old man, they're here."

Marco led them to the deck at the bow of the ship.

Dak looked up, Newgate seemed to always be sitting there, gulping down his drink, with a pink egg hanging from his white beard.

He really wondered how Newgate didn't find such a life boring.

"Yo, Dak, long time no see."

"Yeah, it's been a while. This time I came over..."

Dak explained his purpose, introduced Bellamy by his side, and also stated his terms, "You've always wanted to buy ten more Pokémon eggs, right? Consider that money as Bellamy's tuition fee."

"Oh? No problem, let Marco and Joz teach him."

Newgate nodded; actually, even if Dak hadn't offered anything, he wouldn't have refused.

In his view, Dak and the Pokémon Nursery were already friends of the Whitebeard Pirates, so a little help like this was nothing; his sons were always idle anyway.

"You don't have any requests for the Pokémon, do you?"


Newgate shook his head unconcernedly.

What's there to request? They, the Whitebeard Pirates, lacked nothing.


Dak didn't waste words and immediately opened the Magic Shop.

"Random Pokémon Egg": 500 Magic Coins

Buying ten eggs for 5000 Magic Coins amounted to purchasing ten blue-quality Pokémon eggs.

"1 White, 5 Green, 3 Blue, 1 Purple"

Gambled on a purple-quality egg, just this one purple-quality egg was worth 5000 Magic Coins.

This ten-draw truly valued 6755 Magic Coins.

If Dak were to sell these eggs, that would be 135.1 million Belly, which was the tuition he paid for Bellamy at the pirate side.

Definitely worth it in Dak's view.

If Bellamy proves worthy, using this money to train a top-tier human warrior on the sea would indeed be a huge gain.

Later, Dak took Bellamy to the Navy and did the same.

Zephyr originally didn't want to train a newcomer without a foundation, but when Sengoku heard there were eggs to be had, he agreed on his behalf.

"3 Green, 7 Blue"

Real value 3650 Magic Coins, a loss in gambling, seems the Navy side isn't very lucky.

But Sengoku clearly didn't think so.

In his view, whether Zephyr teaches one person or a group, it's all the same; essentially, they netted ten Pokémon eggs for a bit of effort, which meant ten living combat forces for the Navy in the future!

Zephyr had some complaints, saying it wasn't Sengoku who had to spend the effort to teach.

Sengoku retorted angrily, saying Zephyr doesn't know the cost of housekeeping.

The two old men from a past era almost came to blows, with Garp fanning the flames on the side.

Fortunately, they were eventually calmed by Tsuru.

(End of Chapter)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C86
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


