[Adrian's POV]
"Is there something you're hiding from me?"
Rhia's accusing tone had Adrian swallowing his own spit. Guilt and fear surged through him. But he can't let her know. Despite the small feeling of resentment for getting kicked out from Johan's apartment, he's not about to get them into trouble by admitting their relationship now, as much as he wanted to.
Adrian picked the pack of cigarettes on top of his desk for distraction and strode towards his window. He pulled one from the packet with his lips and lit up the stick. "You shouldn't be here."
"Why not?" Rhia asked.
"It's indecent for an unmarried lady to be in a man's room. Your words, not mine."
"You didn't answer my question."
Adrian puffed a cloud of smoke into the air, his hands propped against the window seal. "I have things I'm hiding from you."
If you were put in a situation similar to Adrian where you have to choose between the dream you see for yourself and the love that gives you the happiness you longed for, and you can only have one, which would you choose?
On the other hand, cheers to the break-up everyone has been waiting for? It took us a while, no? Haha :D